This dream warns us to watch over our freedom and independency. If in our dreams we recognize the person who give us the Rosario will be that person who will bring the danger. If we don´t recognize the person who give us the Rosario, the danger will come from ourselves, from our vanity or sensuality. If we are the one who give the Rosario, then it indicates that we want that person as a couple or just because of sensuality. To this we can add the meaning of the material the Rosario was made of.

To see or hold a rosary, when you are dreaming, has meaning of happiness and joy. Rosary also stands as an omen for comfort, solace, or satisfaction. It also represents the action of giving and asking.

To dream of any religious symbol, means that you are looking for deeper connection with divine aspects of your life. You are trying to make the connection with your spiritual world. Sometimes the dream suggests to become more religious at some point, because you got stuck in material stuff too much. Sometimes very religious people dream of rosary or any other kind of religious symbols because their waking life is very much connected with the beliefs he has. Maybe the dream offers you to become more relaxed and enjoy the life it is.

Seeing a rosary in a dream symbolizes comfort, solace and satisfaction. It’s also connected with act of giving and asking.

You are trying to seek a supernatural protection, but like any other form of prayer, this perhaps reflects your desire for others to bear your problems.

Recite it: comfort and joy.