…down, swirled round and round her face, though never near enough to touch her, and whilst they were still swirling, she awoke. A day or two afterwards, her favourite sister was drowned in Lake Lucerne. A Major Roper: writing to me some time ago from India, said: Here is an experience that may be useful to you in compiling your work on dreams. I have twice dreamed of bats, and on each occasion the dream has been followed by a calamity. In the first instance, I thought I was sitting in my bedroom in my old home in Bedford (I am an old B.G.S. boy), when six bats, one after the other, flew in at the window, and, after whizzing round the room, vanished in the marvellous fashion that seems so natural in a dream. The next day I had a cablegram from England to say my brother was drowned…

To dream of the globe, foretells much good. If you turn it round, you will be a great traveller. If you endeavour to turn it, and cannot you will not remove. To dream you see England and Scotland on its surface, is a sure sign of happiness. If you see other spots, you will be blessed with children.

To dream of this island, denotes marriage. To see it is quite sufficient, but, to dream you are in it, you will be united to one of its natives. To dream you return with a fair wind and calm sea, you and yours will live comfortably in your own country. This dream will be equally the same to a native of the islands adjoining England.

…dear wife pass twice by me through this room, with her hair hanging about her shoulders and a dead child in her arms.” A messenger was immediately despatched to England to inquire after Mrs. Donne; and it appeared that, at the very time Dr. Donne affirmed he had seen her, their child had died, and she had been completely prostrated with grief.”In this case I am inclined to believe the vision was due to projection on the part of Mrs. Donne — which projection had taken place during the delirium characteristic of her illness — and that the figures seen by Dr. Donne were actually those of her astral body and the spirit of the dead child.Of course, I do not assert that all vivid dreams are due to projection; many, I know, are merely caused by an over -tired or excited brain going through a recapitulation of the events…