…If full, then indicates material security. Empty one shows insecurity. Full of flowers announces amorous. Basket with fruits brings varied pleasures. If it is with delicacies, then material security. If it’s nice, good news. Ugly, it warns us to be careful with our actions….

…Symbolizes the material and biological evolution. It also symbolizes the perpetual birth and the incessant flow of vital energy. If we see them being withered in the dream, then it means that our feelings are withering because of lack of true love. If we see them green, blooming and full of life, then it means that our love life is or will be full and healthy….

…Dreaming about a closed cash register and no one around to operate it indicates that nothing can be foreseen in the immediate future which means that everything is on hold around the dreamer. Dreaming about a functioning cash register full of money indicates that soon there will be good business and profits. On the other hand, if the cash register appears without money, then the opposite will occur. If during the dream there’s a person operating the cash register, it indicates that soon the dreamer will receive help. Dreaming about opening regular boxes indicates that the dreamer has a lot of interest in his work. If valuable objects appear in these boxes it indicates success in the immediate future. But if the box is empty, it indicates failures and difficulties. If the box appears with feces or manure or litter, it means that certain businesses might not be very…

(English ivy | Ginseng | Herbal medicine) Ivy in a dream represents a physician. Seeing it in a dream means that one will use homemade medicine to cure his illness. Ivy in a dream also signifies a bad character, or it could represent an ill will.

…(Tongue | Speaking | Speech) Speaking the language of another people in a dream may represent their country or culture. Speaking Arabic in a dream means honor and dignity. Speaking Persian in a dream means associating with a higher class of people and benefiting from them in business. Speaking Hebrew in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Speaking Turkish in a dream means hearing pleasing words. Speaking Italian in a dram means eagerness to amass money. Speaking French in a dream means drawing benefits from one’s profession. Speaking English in a dream means love for the world. If one can speak in all tongues in a dream, it means that he will acquire wealth, strength and fame. (Also see Reading | Speaking)…

…This is an English word for a lump of gold: to dream of digging a big nugget of pure gold, is a sign of wealth and honours. Dreams relative to gold or silver promise good fortune always. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 11, 44….

This is not a letter that is very commonly used in the English language, but it is considered as a symbol and when it appears in a dream, it means the desire of reaching the unknown.

When we arrive at the beach from a boat, then it represents that we are saved from danger. If we come to the beach from the land and we see the sea being calm, then such dream indicates the nostalgia or need for a time of serenity and relaxation. If the beach is very crowded, then it means that we wish for a brilliant life in which we can shine. If the beach is full of pebbles, then it shows that if there is something we want to do, we have to overcome many difficulties.

…Dreaming of gathering cowslips, portends unhappy ending of seemingly close and warm friendships | but seeing them growing, denotes a limited competency for lovers. This is a sinister dream. To see them in full bloom, denotes a crisis in your affairs. The breaking up of happy homes may follow this dream….

If the plate is full, then it indicates an economic relief. To fill it, means that your situation will evolve according to your aspirations. Empty or broken plate symbolizes financial difficulties.

Full and rosy ones means healthy life. Thin, sunken or blemished ones represents sudden adversity.

…For a man to dream his flesh is full of corns, shows he will grow rich proportionally to his corns. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70, 12….

…If they are mournful tunes, but merry ones are good, a full orchard tells you’ll have houses land and wood….

Like all fruits full of seeds, it symbolizes fertility and may be referred to the ideas and projects that we will have to develop.

Symbolize our knowledge, both acquired by study and those from our own experience. So we have to consider whether that if the library that appears in our dreams is full or empty. If we are working in an investigation this will indicate us the sufficiency of our capacity at this stage.

If the library is empty, it warns us that we still lack sufficient knowledge to undertake what we want. If it is full of books, it guarantees us success in our work.

If you dream of seeing a bag, it symbolizes the duties you are facing in your life. If you see that the bag is broken, it is the sign that you are carrying too much stuff. If you see a bag full of rubbish, this is a sign that it is the time for you to get rid of all the negativity and move forward. In this dream you faced all the problems and questions you had which needs to be solved.

To dream of seeing or tasting a bagel represents something that is not completely fulfilled in your life. You do not feel full-fledged. The other meaning of this dream could also symbolize your sexual needs, maybe something you have not tried yet, but you wish you did or afraid to take a risk and try different things in your sexual life.

Dreaming that you are a farmer, symbolizes work that is in full speed progress. To be farmer in your dream is a symbol of your superior potential. Also, it shows growing productivity. Do you feel your completest potential? Alternatively, it may suggest that you need to work like a farmer. You need to put more efforts, to work harder in order to gain all benefits.

A future full of care. 116.

…When the water well is well constructed, uncovered and full of water, then it becomes a symbol of sincerity, honesty and happiness. If the well is poorly constructed, sealed or the water dries up, or the rope breaks, or the bucket is holed and the water cannot be retained the meaning is totally contrary. If in our dream we fall out the well it is one of the worst omens, unless someone get us out of the well. It symbolizes that we are immerse in the depths of the unconscious, unable to return to the conscious, which is equivalent to desperation, neurosis and madness….

If you dream about the labyrinth, then it foretells how difficult it is for you to find the way out of some situation. The labyrinth that is full of green plants and flowers, you will enjoy unknown places and unexperienced joys.

To see your brothers full of energy in the dream, you will have cause to rejoice at your own, or their good fortune | but if they are poor and in distress, or begging for assistance, you will be called to a deathbed soon, or some dire loss will overwhelm you or them.

An empty box means that someone will mess with your private life; a closed box means that you are very distrustful and don’t allow people to get to fully know you; a full box represents frankness and openness.

If empty, loss of time or of credit. Full one, hope of success. To gather them, merrymaking sport.

To open a box in a dream represents an important information you will receive. Find a full box indicates conformity and modesty. See an empty box means money worries.

…To dream that you fall into the mire, and you are covered with filth, if a servant, you will lose your character, through pilfering: if the dirt gets into your eyes, you will experience confinement, most likely be imprisoned, if you see clouds rapidly moving, beware of transportation. To run and fall, then rise, and run again, is a sign that you have a litigious temper that will ruin you. But, to dream you run without interruption, is a sign of diligence, and that you will accomplish your design. To dream that you fall from your horse when the hounds are in full cry, and that you see the game killed, denotes the death of a friend, and the funeral of a near relative. To fall from a hill, or any high place, and fancy you drop upon another, is a happy omen: it denotes that your merit will…

If we see them full of milk, then it indicates prosperity, wealth, abundance and fertility.

…is full with water, means struggles and overwhelming emotions. Hearing the water run denotes meditation and reflection on your thoughts and emotions. Dreaming rough seas or rough waters means misfortune, anger and many afflictions. Dreaming of calm and crystal clear waters is a sign that you enjoy great peace of mind and your health is in very good condition. If a place where water is scarce appears in the dream means you are going through a difficult and uncertain time. Dreaming of stagnant, muddy and swampy water is a sign of upcoming illness or death. If in the dream you are spilling water, then it is a sign of loss or theft. Dreaming of walking on water is a sign of success in companies you intend to start. It also suggests that you have supreme and ultimate control over your emotions. It may also suggest that you must control your…

…It betokens, if full of fruit and green leaves, wealth, many delightful hours with friends. If they are dried, sorrowful news of the absent….

The water in a dream symbolizes the abundance of life and the world of feelings. Also, the water means creativity, sensitivity and intuition. If in our dream the water is clear and clean that plays an important role and it can be interpreted as an announcement of a peaceful period in life, full of spiritual purity. If instead the water is dirty or stagnant it can be an omen of moral difficulties. Also, seeing a large extension of stirred water by strong waves, that announces suffering. Some authors suggest that the interpretation of dreams in which we are taking water, indicates a sign of improved health after convalescence, and if we are receiving holy water, it is always a sign of spiritual health.

The jars that are empty are the reflection of your condition, you feel empty, numb and dull. The ones that are full, signifies the joy and fulfilment of your dreams. The cans of food shows your tendency to prepare for the best.

…Counting specks of dust or gathering them in a dream means trials, injustice, aggression, or temptations. Specks of dust in a dream also represent one’s progeny, money, longevity, or they could represent soldiers, weak people, or God’s soldiers. Seeing a room full of dust in an unusual place, or a closed place where they usually do not gather means knowledge, or they could mean immeasurable wealth….

…Dreaming of your flesh being full of pimples, denotes worry over trifles. To see others with pimples on them, signifies that you will be troubled with illness and complaints from others. For a woman Dreaming that her beauty is marred by pimples, her conduct in home or social circles will be criticised by friends and acquaintances. You may have small annoyances to follow this dream….

If the tree is blooming, it is a good augur for our hopes. If it is full of apricots, we will have new opportunities in our lives. If it is dry, we will pay more attention to our financial affairs to avoid deception.

…If we see it full of animals it’s a happy omen of success. If it’s empty that indicates pain, sorrows and worries….

…nasty “turns” by enemies, failures in work.I have often dreamed about fish. I remember once having a very vivid dream about a shark.I fancied I was bathing in a fresh-water pool close to the house where I was staying, when, to my surprise and horror, I suddenly saw the fin of a shark bearing straight down on me. I shouted for help, and the next moment found myself falling down a well with the shark, an enormous white shark, in full pursuit of me. On arriving at the bottom, I was abruptly transferred to the drawing-room of a house I had not visited or thought of for at least twenty years, when the first thing I saw on the tea-table, its baleful eyes fixed on mine with a malicious grin, was the head of the shark.I awoke in fear and trembling — as indeed I might after such a startling…

Dreaming of eating apricot fruit usually indicates happiness, joy, pleasure, as long as the fruit is ripe. When it’s eaten green or dry, it usually portends disappointments and failures. Dreaming that an apricot tree is full of fruit indicates wellbeing; on the other hand, if it only has leaves, it may indicate suffering.

If you dream of seeing the winds of zephyr, then such dream shows that you are longing for love and affection in your waking life, but only if you feel sad during your dream. If you see the children who are playing in zephyr winds and feel calm and serenity, then it means that your children will have a wonderful life full of joy, love and good friends.

…Dreaming of seeing a tub full of water, denotes domestic contentment. An empty tub proclaims unhappiness and waning of fortune. A broken tub, foretells family disagreements and quarrels….