…(Large cucumber | Snake-cucumber | Squirting cucumber) In a dream, cucumbers represent distress and sadness. If one eats a cucumber in his dream, it means that he will strive for something but with great strain on him and particularly if he sees yellow cucumbers. If one’s wife is pregnant and he sees cucumbers in his dream, it means that she will beget a daughter. If one is offered cucumbers as a gift in his dream, it means benefits in the long run. (Also see Pickles | Snake-cucumber)…
Dream dictionary: ernesto ismael coc cuc dream meanings
…(Cucumber | Large cucumber | Squirting cucumber) Seeing or eating the large variety of cucumber known as snake-cucumber in a dream means blessed money, a good business, or buying a new property. On the other hand, a snake-cucumber in a dream may represent money that does not remain long in one’s hand. If a woman sees a snake-cucumber in a dream, it means that she is pregnant. (Also see Cucumber)…
Dreaming about cockroaches is not only unpleasant, but implies various risks and nervous diseases. Dreaming about a few cockroaches, hints that the dreamer will soon go through moments of shame and sadness. When there are many cockroaches it indicates that something serious is about to happen and the dreamer must be prepared, and must exercise self-control. Dreaming of crushing and killing one or more cockroaches and having them leave water instead of blood announces a prolonged illness. Dreaming of roaches climbing on a white wall and having hot water thrown at them, hints that the dreamer feels powerless against the disease that afflicts him. If the water thrown kills the roaches, there are many possibilities of relief, however, if the roaches are still alive and climbing the wall, the disease will follow its normal course.
To see a cocoon in your dream, stands as a symbol of nurturance. It is sign of safety, emotional and physical sustenance and care given to someone. Also it symbolizes the state of being alone. It may also indicate improvements in your life. Cocoon act as a symbol of change, transformation, alteration or healing. Dreaming that you are in a cocoon, has the symbolic significance of restoration, physical and emotional. Do you need to rejuvenate and restore your body, mind and spirit? Maybe you are recreating new paths of expression. Or perhaps you are in progress of a rebirth of your spiritual side. On the other hand, cocoon has meaning of hidden potential and undiscovered possibilities. You are going to explore something new, that will lead you to realisation of your potential and new possibilities.
To hear a cock crow in sleep, is a good sign; it brings good news. To dream you see a cock in the house, is a good sign to those who would marry; to hear a cock crow, denotes great prosperity.
…Dreaming of hearing a cock crowing in the morning, is significant of good. If you be single, it denotes an early marriage and a luxurious home. To hear one at night is despair, and cause for tears you will have. Dreaming of seeing cocks fight, you will leave your family because of quarrels and infidelity. This dream usually announces some unexpected and sorrowful events. The cock warned the Apostle Peter when he was about to perjure himself. It may also warn you in a dream when the meshes of the world are swaying you from {the straight line} of spiritual wisdom….
The cuckoo means that you are very much into some situation. The cuckoo could also indicate about some new changes.
…Dreaming of a cuckoo, prognosticates a sudden ending of a happy life caused by the downfall of a dear friend. Dreaming that you hear a cuckoo, denotes the painful illness of the death of some absent loved one, or accident to some one in your family….
The cucumber, according to Freud denotes to the sexual desires and needs of your waking life. The cucumber in a dream could also denote to healing of some process. Perhaps you need to retake your power and vigor.
…Cocoanuts in dreams, warns you of fatalities in your expectations, as sly enemies are encroaching upon your rights in the guise of ardent friends. Dead cocoanut trees are a sign of loss and sorrow. The death of some one near you may follow….
The rooster or the cock is the animal of arrogance and silliness. Many men have this kind of the dream, especially if they are feeling the lack of sex. Sometimes the rooster can stand for particular person who you see as being someone very cocky, therefore he or she reflects in your dreams.
The cocoon in dreams indicate the short period of your life where the changes will be made. The cocoon also represents the fact that you are feeling cozy and secure at this time of your life.
…(See Rooster.) To dream you see a cock in the house, is a good sign to those who would marry; to hear a cock crow denotes great prosperity. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 10….
To dream that you are drinking some kind of the cocktail, means that you are trying to relax and have the good time. If the cocktail is enjoyable to drink, you will succeed in your life. If it is too strong, you should be careful while having too much fun. The dream could also indicate the fact that you try to forget the bad things in your life and concentrate on good ones.
In the dream to drink a cocktail, represents that you will deceive your friends as to your inclinations and enjoy the companionship of fast men and women while posing as a serious student and staid home lover. For a woman the dream about cocktail is a waning of fast living and an ignoring of moral and set rules.
Eating a coconut in a dream means that one may have the potential to become a fortuneteller or he may befriend one. Coconut in a dream also indicates the possibility of contracting intestinal inflammations.
This is a dream of plenty, denoting health and prosperity. For the sick Dreaming of serving cucumbers, denotes their speedy recovery. For the married, a pleasant change.
Dreaming of eating cucumbers, denotes vain hopes, but to the sick it is a prognostic of recovery.
To dream you hear the cuckoo, your sweetheart will prove a coquette.
If you dream you hear the cuckoo, your sweetheart will prove coquette.
(See Snake-cucumber)
…Seeing or eating a cucumber in a dream symbolizes recovery and growth. You must recover your energy and health….
When you dream of seeing the cuckoo, then such dream indicates destiny of your life. Perhaps the dream suggests you to start changes the circumstances of the life. On the other hand, the dream could represent someone in your life you wish to avoid.
To dream of eating cucumbers denotes sick- ness and vain hopes, but to the sick it is a prognostic of recovery.
If you see the coconut in a dream, then such dream promises the surprises you are going to receive from your friends or relatives.
For a woman Dreaming that she is drinking coca-cola signifies that she will lose health and a chance for marrying a wealthy man by her abandonment to material delights.
(Gamecock) Cock fight in a dream means prodding and instigating a dispute between close friends or colleagues, or it could mean provoking enmity between scholars or a dispute between two muezzins who call to prayers in a mosque.
Dreaming of cocoa, denotes you will cultivate distasteful friends for your own advancement and pleasure.
To dream that you see a cockroach means that you are feeling afraid of something.
A worms cocoon indicates our desire for security.
To see cocks is good news, if they crow, better still. And hens laying eggs will with gold your pockets fill.
The dream, in which you took the cocaine, shows your state of mind, where you feel useless and exhausted. Perhaps you are trying to get out of your duties and dedications. You have no arrogance or pride and would do anything to get out of the life you are living at the moment. Alternatively, the dream may suggest you to have more fun and try to relax a bit in order to get satisfaction.
To see a cockerel, when you are dreaming, has meaning of aggressive habits. It also stands as an omen for damaging aggression and masculinity. The dream may server you as an alert to be prepared for the danger of unknown kind.
The dream, in which you see the cockroach, represents the necessity for cleansing. Perhaps the dream suggests you to start things all over again instead of staying on old ones. The dream could also show the emotional turmoil you are suffering from, therefore you should consider to keep growing and getting rid of the negative thoughts from time to time.
See or hear one singing means pleasure, good health.
Frustrated hopes.
To dream of these vegetables, signifies that your business will not be very prosperous; for a sick person to dream of them, foretells a speedy recovery. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 16, 8….
Joy, good health. 3.
Convalescence, late marriage, hindrance in business. 184.
To eat them, false hopes, prompt cure of disease, the dreamer could be sick.