It symbolizes envy, laziness and parasitism. Hearing it sing announces wealth. If we see it, it portends marital problems because of laziness and jealousy.

(See Intoxicants)

Hear one crow, joy and felicity. Dreaming one who lay eggs, means profit without glory.

Quarrels, assaults and batteries.

To gain the affection of an aristocrat.

You risk being cheated by your friends.

This dream denotes that foes will bring disastrous suits against you. Beware of titles.

Bad business, dangerous relationships, unconscionable risk.

If they have bad intentions towards us, then it indicates slander, intrigue and suspicion. Catching them or killing them, you will dominate over your opponents.

Creating suspicion.

…(See Cock.) If a girl dreams of hearing a cock crow it foretells that she will soon have a new lover; if a lover dreams this, it is a sign that he has a formidable rival: if a married man or woman dreams of roosters, it shows that some outsider is enamoured of the wife. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 10, 19….

The rooster or the cock is the animal of arrogance and silliness. Many men have this kind of the dream, especially if they are feeling the lack of sex. Sometimes the rooster can stand for particular person who you see as being someone very cocky, therefore he or she reflects in your dreams.

To dream of eggs, is honourable, because whatever you are then about will succeed. To dream of broken eggs, if married, you will have no children. But to dream of eating them, you will have many. To dream the cock and one hen remain on the roost after the others leave it, if married you will lead an easy comfortable life; if unmarried and a cock and a hen gain the roost, and the others do not, is a sign you will marry a constant companion.

…Bird-dreams are very common. With them alone I might fill a volume. However, as my space is not unlimited, I can only deal briefly with a few of them.To dream of canary birds signifies good fortune in the shape of money— either a legacy, a rise in salary, or a present. Whereas to dream about doves implies good fortune of any other than a pecuniary nature, such, for example, as recovery from illness, success in work or success in love affairs.To dream of a cuckoo means an unexpected find, as, for instance, the picking up of coins or other valuables in the street, or the finding of something that has long been lost.Crows in dreams are harbingers of bad luck, and import losses, pecuniary and otherwise, quarrels and disappointments.Ducks, on the other hand, portend good fortune, presents, and kisses.Fowls imply quarrels; geese new dresses. To dream about eagles implies…

(Colocynth | Bitter apples | Bitter cucumber) Its tree represents sadness and stress, a coward, or an uneasy, worried and a restless person.

Same meaning as Cucumbers.

…Planting seeds in a dream represent the element of progeny and procreation. Scattered seeds on the ground in a dream mean bearing a child for each seed. As for the grains that are germinated for medicinal purpose, when seen in a dream, they mean acquiring knowledge that helps the person in question to increase his or her piety and ascetic detachment from worldly matters. Pumpkin, cucumber, eggplant, sweet basil, chard, onion, cabbage, Indian corn and melon seeds in a dream mean abating or ceasing of difficulties and disturbances, or they could mean recovering from a terminal illness. If one sees himself trying to plant something which is not a plant, or to place a seed in an unsuitable ground in a dream, it means that he is wasting his money and squandering his property. To plant seeds in a dream also could mean knowledge, wealth or recognizing a noble…

…To dream of any cruelty denotes good news, and strange. A cuckoo’s cry shows evil tongues will you derange….

(Cucumber | Small pickle) Gherkins in a dream represent a son who looks like his father and mother and acts like them. (Also see Pickles | Preserves)

…Wearisome toil; to gather them, quarrels; to eat them, losses in business. Cabbage. Health, long life. Cauliflower: Sickness, infidelity; Beans: Criticism; green beans: considerable loss; Peas: Good fortune; Asparagus: Profit, success; Artichokes: Pain, embarrassment; Turnips: Annoyance, disappointment; Cucumber: Serious indisposition; Onions: Dispute with inferiors; Leeks: Labour; Lettuce: Poverty; Garlic: A woman’s deception; Rue: Family annoyances; Herbs: Prosperity; to eat, grief. Corn, Riches and happiness; Walnuts: To dream that one sees and eats walnuts, or hazelnuts, signifies difficulty and trouble….

…To dream about a rooster that crowing at dawn bodes well; it symbolizes the joy of life, regardless of the obstacles that may arise. When a single person, whether male or female, dreams that he or she hears the crowing of a rooster, it suggests an upcoming marriage with very good economic prospect. To dream that you hear the crowing of a rooster at night is not good, as it announces sadness, grief or problems. To dream about a cockfight suggests difficulties in the family caused by selfishness, misunderstandings or disputes because of economic or material interests, or infidelities. To dream about a beautiful crowing rooster announces a soon to come success, promotion and the increase of your responsibilities. To dream about fighting roosters is a bad dream because it suggests that the dreamer can experience such fight in his/her real life; it means that he/she may be involved…

Instances in which people owe their “conversions” to dreams are not confined to the Scriptures, but are as common to-day as at any other period of the world’s history.I have frequently questioned men as to the causes that led to their “conversion” and have occasionally elicited very curious replies. A Salvationist, for example, related the following dream, assuring me that he owed his conversion entirely to it. “I was a terrible drunkard, “he said” I drained oceans — beer, gin, brandy, methylated spirits were all the same to me; and I more often fell asleep in a dustbin than in a bed. Well, one night I dreamed I was a chimney-pot amid a veritable sea of chimney-pots of all sorts and descriptions. At first, the air, blowing up through me, was cool and pleasant, but it gradually grew hotter and hotter, and more and more smoky, until I…

If you dream of admiring someone, this is a sign that you have to take magnificent characteristics the admired person has and incorporate it into yourself. If you see that you are admiring yourself, this is a sign that you need an acceptance from people around you. Keep in mind that this could be a sign of you trusting yourself too much and being too cocky, so make sure you are not over confident. This dream could also symbolize how selfish and ignorant you are.

To see roaches in your dream represents an unwanted quality of yourself in which you need to confront. Maybe this quality is created by undesirable situation of your life. Alternatively, it may be a clever remark of your subconscious mind for smoking marijuana. On a positive note, roaches may also represent quality of being able to grip something firmly. Additionally, it also means longevity. Please also see cockroach.

If you dream of the chrysalis, then it means you are looking for some privacy and protection. To get the better explanation of the dream please see the meaning of Cocoon.

…If you dream of a silkworm, you will engage in a very profitable work, which will also place you in a prominent position. To see them dead, or cutting through their cocoons, is a sign of reverses and trying times….

…Dreaming that you find yourself in a dense forest, denotes loss in trade, unhappy home influences and quarrels among families. If you are cold and feel hungry, you will be forced to make a long journey to settle some unpleasant affair. To see a forest of stately trees in foliage, denotes prosperity and pleasures. To literary people, this dream foretells fame and much appreciation from the public. A young lady relates the following dream and its fulfilment: {I was in a strange forest of what appeared to be cocoanut trees, with red and yellow berries growing on them. The ground was covered with blasted leaves, and I could hear them crackle under my feet as I wandered about lost. The next afternoon I received a telegram announcing the death of a dear cousin.}…

…Dreaming you see a comedy, farce, or some other recreation, indicates good success in business. To dream you see a tragedy acted, implies labour, loss of estate, with grief and affliction. To dream one plays, or sees another play upon a flute, violin, or other musical instrument, betokens good news, concord, and a good correspondence between man and wife, master and servant, prince and subject. To dream one plays tunes on small bells denotes discord and disunion be- tween subjects and servants. To dream you play, or hear playing on wind instruments, as flutes, flageolets or small bag- pipes, or other such instruments, shows trouble, contention, and being overthrown at law. If anyone dreams he plays at any of those plays which company use to divert themselves as, at questions and commands, cross-purposes, blind-man’s buff, hot cockles, barley-break, and such like — it implies prosperity, joy, pleasure, health, and…

Grasshoppers, cockchafers, crickets, locusts represent unknown babblers, bad musicians. Loss of harvest by thieves or otherwise, bad omen for invalids.

…sprightly in a dream means pride, arrogance, being cynical, profanity or defiling what is sacred in one’s religion and lacking reverence for it. Playing backgam- mon in a dream means exaltation, gaining power, honor and rank, or it could denote one’s pride, arrogance and cynicism. Playing with a wedding ring in a dream means concealing secrets, except if someone else appears in one’s dream, then it could mean looking for a missing person. Sitting and playing with one’s heels in a dream means governing. Playing football in a dream means recon- ciliation or making peace with one’s enemy. If a sick person sees himself playing a game in a dream, it means recovering from his illness and returning to a normal healthy life. Playing cricket ball in a dream means a fight followed by reconciliation and peace. (Also see Backgammon | Cock fighting | Gambling | Ball | Bullfight)…

(See Cock fighting)

…the messenger of the king, or his door attendant. If a muezzin recites the entire call to prayers in a dream, it may denote the pilgrimage season. The call to prayers in a dream also may represent a siren announcing a burglary or a fire. If a woman calls to prayers on top of a minaret in a dream, it means innovation and that a major trial will emerge in that locality. If a child calls to prayers from the top of a minaret and at a time other than the hour of prayers in a dream, it means that ignorant people will rise to govern and lead his community. The call to prayers in a dream also represents an official announcement. An unknown muezzin in a dream represents the governor, or the ruler of that land. (Also see Cock fighting | Minaret | Masjid | Mosque | Ram)…

Dreaming about silk is a good omen. Silk in the dream represents past achievements, current success or bright future. To see or feel silk when you are dreaming, has also the symbolic significance of luxury in your life, your business without difficulties, and friendly personality. Dreaming that you are wearing silk, can be interpreted as symbolism of widespread respect and admiration felt for you on the basis of your achievements or your qualities. Alternatively, a silk, the strong and soft fiber produced by silkworms in making cocoons, in the dream announces that you will never be in huge poverty. The lack of daily necessities in life is unknown condition for you.

…(Alcohol | Beer | Brewery | Cocaine | Drugs | Hashish | Injection | Inebriant | Marijuana | Opium | Sedatives | Spirits | Wine) In a dream, all intoxicants signify suspicions, apprehension and doubt about one’s resources, or the lawfulness of his earnings, the legitimacy of his children, or the religious legality of his marriage. Drinking alcohol in a dream means losing a fight. Using drugs or intoxicants in a contemptible way in a dream signifies apostasy, loss of honor, negation of the truth, corruption of one’s wife, or it could mean profanity. This is because the raw material and herbs used in the preparation of such drugs and herbs are sacred in their intrinsic state. Once mixed and taken to induce inebriety in a dream, they will produce the reverse effects. (Also see Drunk- enness | Marijuana)…

…To dream of black beetles signifies impending illness, sometimes serious, sometimes slight. Before being laid up with bronchial colds, I very often have very harrowing dreams of being visited by shoals of black beetles and cockroaches….