…Dreaming of pirates, denotes that you will be exposed to the evil designs of false friends. Dreaming that you are a pirate, denotes that you will fall beneath the society of friends and former equals. For a young woman Dreaming that her lover is a pirate, is a sign of his unworthiness and deceitfulness. If she is captured by pirates, she will be induced to leave her home under false pretenses….

Dreaming of yourself talking to a deaf-mute individual announces new and surprising situations that will lead to an improvement in your social and business relationships. Dreaming of being a deaf-mute announces bad times, misfortune and possible hostility because of intrigues and slander.

If you see a terrarium, then such dream indicates the advantages within you and desire to get creative. On the other hand the terrarium could symbolize the protection you have made for yourself. Maybe you feel insecure while being around other people, therefore you made your little world to shelter yourself from others.

If a man dream that he hath gathered the fruit of a pomegranate tree, he will be enriched by some wealthy person; but if the pomegranate be not ripe, it denotes sickness and affliction by some person wickedly dispose.

…Dreaming of a quartette, and you are playing or singing, denotes favorable affairs, jolly companions, and good times. To see or hear a quartette, foretells that you will aspire to something beyond you….

The dream in which you see yourself running late shows that you have too much things going on in your life. You should remove the extra work or responsibilities, otherwise you will get even more stressful. The dream shows that you are unable to relax even during your sleep. Sometimes running late may indicate your fear of someone in your waking life.

The telephone is the form of communicating with others, therefore such dream could indicate your will to be heard. The telephone call could also mean that you will get an important message. If you call for help on your phone, there is some reason why you did it. Perhaps you need help.

…A snake bite your right foot charmer in a dream represents mixing with evil people, participating in a competition, or racing against one’s enemy. If a sick person sees snakes biting your right foot in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness and live a long and a happy life. The presence of a snake bite right foot in a dream also represents the presence of a deceiver, any taunting profession, or it could mean an illness or suffocation….

Illuminate with brightly colors means vain joys. Illuminate of dark colors means love misfortune.

If it is spreadable paste, then it announces that a successful company will increase your assets. If it is paste of pasta, then it warns you to sacrifice and not to rush at any time.

(Unfinished business) An incomplete job in a dream signifies joblessness, inactivity, indolence, or it could mean an unattainable desire for leadership. An incomplete job in a dream also means despair. (Also see Finished business)

If you dream of saying an anecdote it represents the funny side of yours and that you better spend time with those funny people than the ones who take things more seriously. If you hear someone telling you an anecdote it is a sign that you will meet happy and good people in near future. This dream also indicates that you have good and honest friends, you can trust them in whatever you do in your life.

Teeth falling out is good, to break them, vexation. To put them in is bud luck, you’ll resign your breath. Hollow teeth are good friends, to swallow them is death….

…Dreaming of any kind of a sweet taste in your mouth, denotes you will be praised for your pleasing conversation and calm demeanor in a time of commotion and distress. Dreaming that you are trying to get rid of a sweet taste, foretells that you will oppress and deride your friends, and will incur their displeasure….

When you are dreaming about concrete, then such dream signifies the situation in your life you are unable to apprehend. The dream could also show that you are finding it hard to adapt in various situations. Alternatively, the concrete in dreams shows the strong views and opinions you have about some situations.

(Jam | Paste | Spread) In a dream, date paste represents a lawful and pleasant wealth which is collected from different sources. Eating date paste in a dream means taking a cure for an illness. (Also see Dates)

Dreaming of yourself on a terrace looking around suggests vanity, pride and a desire for greatness. Maybe it’s a superiority complex. This same dream tends to announce bad news. If someone who’s in love dreams that he/she says goodbye to a loved one in the middle of a storm, it implies that soon there’ll be trouble, fights, and reproaches that will only lead to a final separation. Dreaming of an old and destructed terrace is a sign that the time of good luck is passing through, and that you only have hard work ahead of you in order to avoid complications.

To have interaction with to see a satellite, when you are dreaming, has meaning of community and relationships. Satellite shows how important global communication is for you. And it indicates how you are dependent on your surroundings.

If color white is untainted in our dreams, it signifies the trust which hasn’t been betrayed. If white objects appear filthy, we will be subject of betrayals. If it is about a dartboard, it portends success in your projects.

…Dreaming that you’re using a parachute means that you have a protection and security in a time of high risks. Alternatively, it also means that it is a good time to consolidate a situation, or to give up on an old idea. Dreaming that you’re having difficulties with a parachute denotes that you will be deceived by a friend….

…Dreaming of seeing or passing through a gate, foretells that alarming tidings will reach you soon of the absent. Business affairs will not be encouraging. To see a closed gate, inability to overcome present difficulties is predicted. To lock one, denotes successful enterprises and well chosen friends. A broken one, signifies failure and discordant surroundings. To be troubled to get through one, or open it, denotes your most engrossing labors will fail to be remunerative or satisfactory. To swing on one, foretells you will engage in idle and dissolute pleasures….

…Dreaming that you are in the company of a prostitute, denotes that you will incur the righteous scorn of friends for some ill-mannered conduct. For a young woman Dreaming of a prostitute, foretells that she will deceive her lover as to her purity or candor. This dream to a married woman brings suspicion of her husband and consequent quarrels. See Harlot….

…If you dream of casting a vote on any measure, you will be engulfed in a commotion which will affect your community. To vote fraudulently, foretells that your dishonesty will overcome your better inclinations….

If you dream of a black agate it symbolizes health, power and strength. If you dream of a red agate it signifies healthy lifestyle, peace and freedom. This dream shows how blissful, auspicious and wealthy life you are going to have. It also could be a sign of happy marriage, good relationships or new start of your better life.

…To converse with a mute in your dreams, foretells that unusual crosses in your life will fit you for higher positions, which will be tendered you. Dreaming that you are a mute, portends calamities and unjust persecution….

It will be very important to consider the subject of debate and the people with whom you keep the dialectic, but in any case, a debate shows your need to express yourself and make you understand. Your unconscious can be showing the need for greater communication to achieve projects you have in mind.

…To have interaction with a satellite dish in the dream, is interpreted as knowledge or the ability for perception of a situation or fact. Dreaming about a satellite dish, has also the symbolic significance of universal awareness in the understanding about an important topic or problem for debate or discussion….

If you dream of the teddy bear, then such dream indicates the special bond you have with the person you are in relationship at the moment. Alternatively, the dream may indicate the frivolous attitude towards that particular person. The teddy bear could also represent your past. Perhaps you do not feel secure enough, therefore you are looking for some comfort somebody could give you.

If you dreamed of the television, then such dream indicates the time you spend watching television, especially while relaxing. The dream could also show that the media has a huge influence to you and your thoughts. The news, entertainment and other different programs would give much more of a clue about the meaning of your dream, therefore pay attention of what you were watching.

If you were in tears while dreaming, then such dream denotes to the recovering process that is happening in your life. The tears in a dream signify the spiritual growing, clearness and passion to life. On the other hand, the dream could foretell about the pain one is suffering. If other people were crying in a dream, then it shows your affection towards other people. Probably you caused the pain for them or simply feel sorry for them.

…Dreaming that you feel terror at any object or happening, denotes that disappointments and loss will envelope you. To see others in terror, means that unhappiness of friends will seriously affect you….

…(College | School) In a dream, one’s college or school represents his commitment, an agreement, a covenant, an oath, reminiscence or memories. To visit one’s institute in a dream means remembering a place which is fraught with memories, plans, emotions, anxieties, hopes, or it could denote one’s old home. Visiting one’s college, institute, or school in a dream also may mean that one will revisit them again. (Also see School)…

To dream that you see yourself being in the temple, means that you are trying to find the spiritual aspects of your personality. You try to find the connection between yourself and other world that is unknown to us. The temple could also indicate the new phases of your life that you are trying to understand and pass.

The cigarette butt is the indicator of the fact that there is something in your life that is very old and no longer useful. The dream shows that there is some situation or person in your waking life that makes you feel this way. The cigarette butt could also signify that you finished something unpleasant in your life.

To dream that you attend the television show means that you really like the people you see in that show or simply spend too much time watching the TV. Sometimes the dream about television show signifies your desire to be heard and seen and the dream doesn’t mean anything else.

To dream that you are reading the text means that you have the urge for knowing new things. The text could also represent the problem you are trying to figure out.

…Dreaming you see a teakettle, implies sudden news which will be likely to distress you. For a woman to pour sparkling, cold water from a teakettle, she will have unexpected favor shown her….

…Dreaming that you are in tears, denotes that some affliction will soon envelope you. To see others shedding tears, foretells that your sorrows will affect the happiness of others,…

…Dreaming that you receive a telegram, denotes that you will soon receive tidings of an unpleasant character. Some friend is likely to misrepresent matters which are of much concern to you. To send a telegram is a sign that you will be estranged from some one holding a place near you, or business will disappoint you. If you are the operator sending these messages, you will be affected by them only through the interest of others. To see or be in a telegraph office, foretells unfortunate engagements….

The telephone is a very important tool in these days, therefore it is very normal tod ream of one, because we use it for fun to communicate and so on. The telephone is part of our everyday life, therefore it is very common to dream about it.