Dreaming about an evacuation is the reflection of suppressed reactions to some situation. To dream that you are in an evacuation, symbolizes that you are isolating yourself from expression. You’re holding back your emotions. Are you able to deal with and understand your feelings? To dream that you are in your city or town that is empty because of evacuation represents that you are afraid of being forbidden by your community. Alternatively, you are feeling right now in your waking life that you’re rejected by those around you. Are you feeling unaccepted or departed?

Dreaming about water fading away represents the release of feelings. Additionally, to dream that water is evaporating, indicates that you have skilful ability to understanding yourself. You are able to deal with powerful feelings and understand the reasons of your emotions. Alternatively, the change of water from liquid into a vapour symbolizes that you are experiencing a positive and encouraging transformation. You are elevating your consciousness to a new standards.

From a house indicates sad news. From a local of professional use is a sign of change in your situation. From a ship announces financial debt.

Unpleasant surprises.

(Annihilation | Disappearing | Non-existence) To vanish or be non- existent in a dream means depression, nullifying all banknotes during a war, cancelling all interests and credits, a bad harvest, a plague, or it could mean a disaster. To be non-existent for the people of the path in a dream signifies an everlasting existence. (Also see Disappearing)

Symbolizes protection and evasion. Dream ourselves inside the tent is a way to feel protected and sheltered from the harsh outside world. If we see us in front of it without being able to enter it, then it indicates the fear of events or disappointment at an unexpected failure. To dream that we are on the beach, in the countryside or in the mountains and we are resting inside the tent, can also reveal the need to relax, appease and evade our minds or spirit. It could also show that we simply wish to escape the anger of everyday life.

To dream about beads signifies your inclination firstly to look after the others, make sure everyone is take care of and pleased. You always seek to love the others and often forget about your own needs. Otherwise, the dream tells that you pursue for completion. To dream that you are stringing the beads symbolizes the achievements you already made. You will be congratulated and positively evaluated for the work you did.If you dream that you are counting beads it represents satisfaction, fulfillment, quitness and hapiness.

In the dream you are in the zoo and in the cage, this indicates that you can not express yourself freely, you are placed in some king of frames this does not allow you to show your talents and unique skills. Also the zoo may represent confusion and uncertainty in your life, you feel like an animal without any possibility to escape from this position. You have to evaluate the danger and try to deal with this situation.

…getting married to a woman from a different religion, or it could mean marrying a woman without her parents’ consent. Seeing the Torah in a dream also may mean extensive travels. If one’s wife is pregnant, it means that she will bear a child who resembles his father. If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he sees himself holding the Torah in a dream, it means that she will beget a daughter, for the gender of the word Torah is feminine. It also means that he will mix with evil companions. Similar interpretations are given to carrying other scriptures. To see the Torah, or the Evangel, or the Gospel in a dream is as though one has seen God’s Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, because his name (uwbp) is mentioned in all three of them. It could also mean betrayal, negating a covenant, or desiring what is shoddy….

If you see the city in a dream, then such dream represents the necessity for contact and communication. If you dream of seeing yourself in the city where you don’t belong, then such dream indicates your feelings such as avoidance and evasion. If you see the city that has been destroyed, then such dream indicates the surroundings in your life that have been destroyed.

To see a troll in your dream indicates that you have a lower self-perception about yourself. Are you feeling worthless sometimes? It may also point out that you are depreciating yourself or others. Alternatively, dreaming about the troll may represent someone in your waking life who you need to evade. Maybe you are surrounded by devious friends. For more information, please, read the meanings of dwarf.

…Dreaming that you are a genius, has the symbolic importance of your latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness. Alternatively, dreaming about genius, may show thinking of not being evaluated enough. Do you feel that you’re not good enough? It is not true. You must change your mind, because you are very bright and talented person….

…but you’re already thinking how it may be in the future. To dream that you’re dancing at a party suggests that you expect good results for your activities. When a woman dreams about a party implies that she awaits the return of a friend who left with one of her rivals, but she is not confident that this can really happen. To dream that you’re at a party usually announces joys and benefits, but it also indicates that you’re indifferent to life’s reality, i.e., that you lean towards fleeting pleasures, which results in a negative situation. To dream that you’re at a party where disturbances, discussions and fights take place suggests that soon you or your family may sicken. To dream that you arrive late at a party suggests that you’ll experience humiliations. This also indicates that the dreamer evades his/her responsibilities, preferring to rely it on others wills….

…For a Christian person, seeing a church in a dream signifies a house of worship, religion, knowledge, devotion, work, ascetic detachment, fear of wrongdoing, penance, lamentation and it could mean crying. A church in a dream also could mean distress, trouble, slander, innovation, injustice, a business club, a meeting house, bingo, wine, alcoholic consumption, commun- ion, weddings or a wife. In a dream, a church also can represent its parish, diocese, ministry, clergyman or a chaplain. If one sees a church turned into a synagogue, or a synagogue turned into a church in a dream, it means mistrust, an argument, or a scheme for tax evasion. Seeing oneself in a synagogue in a dream means that one may become a Jew. If one’s house turns into a church in a dream, it means that he will bring its business to his house, or it may mean a fight with…

…In a dream, seeing a mountain or an edifice or a mausoleum breaking into pieces or being destroyed without an outside interference or blasting, it means fading of one’s name or evanescence of one’s remembrance after his death or disappearance of one’s traces or references. Crumbling in a dream also means fulfilling one’s promise….

(See Evanescence)

Dreaming that you are looking through a pair of binoculars is a sign of danger. It can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to take a long and close look at the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea. You need to carefully evaluate all available information in order to make right selections and decisions.

This is a sign of sophistication and vanity. It’s time to check that and evaluate the way you treat the people around you.

Dreaming of distant monkeys usually refers to distant relatives or friends who are in a difficult moral situation and that will soon ask for advice or help. Dreaming of small monkeys, who are fidgeting nervously and climbing trees, suggests that there are hypocrites near the dreamer that are trying to hurt him or her, or to at least annoy the dreamer. Dreaming of monkeys that are nearby and that are shouting, moving and jumping, implies upcoming disappointments because of gossip and intrigue by fake friends. Dreaming of quiet and indifferent monkeys indicates that the dreamer suffers from a growing depression. Dreaming of monkeys, who are grabbing something and then running with it and eating it, is a warning that the dreamer could be a victim of robbery. Dreaming of monkeys that are looking directly at the dreamer, is like looking in a mirror that suggests that the dreamer…

Dreaming of touching something or someone indicates communication about your sensation and needs to others. This dream also indicates that you intend to evaluate a situation or collect information about your environment. Dreaming about people touching you represents your emotional relations with a person.

…Dreaming of an eel is good if you can maintain your grip on him. Otherwise fortune will be fleeting. To see an eel in clear water, denotes, for a woman, new but evanescent pleasures. To see a dead eel, signifies that you will overcome your most maliciously inclined enemies. To lovers, the dream denotes an end to long and hazardous courtship by marriage….

To dream of the otter means that you will keep enjoying your domestic happiness. The dream shows that if you will be in favorable surroundings you will stay happy and will achieve happiness in your life. The dream suggests to stay on your track, appreciate your qualities and evaluate your personal assets.

…If you wade in clear water in the dream, then it means that you will partake of evanescent, but exquisite joys. If the water is muddy, you are in danger of illness, or some sorrowful experiences. To see children wading in clear water is a happy prognostication, as you will be favored in your enterprises. For a young woman Dreaming of wading in clear foaming water, she will soon gain the desire nearest her heart. See Bathing….

…Dreaming that you are in affluence, foretells that you will make fortunate ventures, and will be pleasantly associated with people of wealth. To young women, a vision of weird and fairy affluence is ominous of illusive and evanescent pleasure. They should study more closely their duty to friends and parents. After dreams of this nature they are warned to cultivate a love for home life. See Wealth….

To wear a wedding dress in a dream indicates that you evaluate and determine your personal relationships. To see someone who wears a wedding dress suggests that you feel closed.

…Dreaming of seeing phosphorus, is indicative of evanescent joys. For a young woman, it foretells a brilliant but brief success with admirers….

If you heard some kind of the verdict in a dream, then it means you are not ready to confront the true. The dream may also show the apprehension you have of being evaluated by others, because the opinions of others are very important to you.

If we are eaten by a big fish it indicates that we are in a process of perfection and purification. In other occasions being devoured by a fish indicates a real danger that can cause us moral and material losses. The small fish that we try to catch with our hands and slips away reflect the memory or fear of sentimental disappointments. Dead or solitary fish indicate bitterness, despair and loneliness. Solitary fish hiding among the rocks reveals the desire to hide where we can evade responsibilities and sorrows.

If we dream that fishes are escaping from our hands when we try to get them out of the sea, then this reflects our emotional frustrations. Seeing fishes swimming between rocks or hiding underwater tells us about the desire of evading responsibilities that are a burden to us.

…If you have no skin in a dream, then such dream denotes to the fear of losing the protection you already have. The skinless could also symbolize the lost of your senses where you evaluate with the outer world. Perhaps there is a fear of losing respect from others, because of getting older or other aspects which have much in common with how you look….

…Dreaming of ice, betokens much distress, and evil-minded persons will seek to injure you in your best work. To see ice floating in a stream of clear water, denotes that your happiness will be interrupted by ill-tempered and jealous friends. Dreaming that you walk on ice, you risk much solid comfort and respect for evanescent joys. For a young woman to walk on ice, is a warning that only a thin veil hides her from shame. To see icicles on the eaves of houses, denotes misery and want of comfort. Ill health is foreboded. To see icicles on the fence, denotes suffering bodily and mentally. To see them on trees, despondent hopes will grow gloomier. To see them on evergreens, a bright future will be overcast with the shadow of doubtful honors. Dreaming that you make ice, you will make a failure of your life through egotism and selfishness….

(Oils) In a dream, perfume means acknowledgment, commendation, or hearing pleasing words. If one sees his bottle of perfume evaporating in the dream, it means regards accompanied with apprehension and danger. If a sick person smells perfumed oils in his dream, it means his death. If a woman perfumes herself in a dream, it means engaging in good deeds. If she is unmarried, it means that she will get married and the same goes for men. If a thief or an impostor anoint himself with perfume in a dream, it means that he will repent for stealing. (Also see Amber | Galia moschata | Musk)

Seeing an engineer in the dream means that you are responsible person. You are in control of your life. Additionally, it means that you are in charge of others’ lives. It also indicates that you are evaluating a condition of important situation and how to fix various pieces of the puzzle.

…To dream about math indicates that you’ll evaluate a situation of your life where you must think more rationally. It is better not to act according to your emotions. To dream that you can’t solve a problem or a mathematical equation denotes a problem that keeps you feeling confused. The dream can also provide an indirect solution or a new approach to this problem….

…(Brand | Burn | Castigate | Punishment | Seal | Sear) Cauterization in a dream denotes a ruler, or it could mean painful words. If one’s forehead or sides are seared or cauterized in a dream, it means that he is obviating or hindering the distribution of charities or the due alms tax on one’s assets, or it could mean a crack down by the authorities on people who are evading to pay their taxes, or it could mean separation between dear ones. If one is cauterized with gold or silver in the dream, it means stinginess or hindering the payment or distribu- tion of God’s rights upon one’s earnings to poor and needy people. If one is cauterized with iron in a dream, it means punishment for his sins. Discovering old marks from cauterization in a dream means discovering a treasurer. Cauterizing someone in a dream also means…

(See Evanescence)

…or from the country, and if his tracks could not be located in the dream, it means taking a long journey, turning out to be where he is suspected to be, getting married in that place, falling in love with an unknown person, falling sick in a foreign land, or it could mean death if the person is sick. However the disappearance of God’s loving people in a dream perhaps means thinking about one’s beloved, or being exposed to uncommon mysteries of the universe. If one disappears within the earth without going through a hole in his dream, and if he remains a long time therein until people think that he will never come out again in the dream, it means self-deception, arrogance and love for the world, and such a person will die in that pursuit as a consequence of adventuring with his own life. (Also see Evanescence)…

In the dream you weigh something, this means that you try to evaluate and discover its worth. You have to consider what kind of importance this thing has to you which you saw and weighed in the dream.

…Plums, if they are green, unless seen on trees, are signs of personal and relative discomfort. To see them ripe, denotes joyous occasions, which, however, will be of short duration. To eat them, denotes that you will engage in flirtations and other evanescent pleasures. To gather them, you will obtain your desires, but they will not prove so solid as you had imagined. If you find yourself gathering them up from the ground, and find rotten ones among the good, you will be forced to admit that your expectations are unrealized, and that there is no life filled with pleasure alone….

It’s important to evaluate whether the jewels that appear in the dream are real or fake, because if they are fake it means that you are trying to keep a situation, whether it’s economic, social or emotional that doesn’t have a solid base. If the jewels in the dream are real, it is a harbinger of luck and that your situation will improve either in a social or professional aspect. As well as personal relationships.