…If one sees himself entering someone else’s house in a dream, it means that he will defeat him, gain the upper hand in business over him or control his interests. To enter the house of the governor and to feel comfortable and at ease therein in a dream means that he is soliciting the governor’s assistance in a personal business. The coming of a just person to a house in a dream means blessings. If an unjust person enters a place in a dream, it means that evil and calamities will befall such a house. If it is customary for such a person to enter that place, then no harm will incur from his coming or going. If one sees himself entering a house of unfamiliar substance, ground or structure, and if he meets departed souls whom he recognizes in the dream, it means that he has entered the…

To be triumphant in anything is a good dream, capable of being realized in real life, but you have to be aware that, for this to happen, you will have to make big efforts and go through many difficulties, because success is not free or easy to get. To dream about achievements in any aspects is a sign of real achievements in real life. When dreaming about success or triumph, failure is implied, according to the good or evil previously applied in real life. All actions have its reactions, that’s why negativity and positivity emerge in human being’s double nature. To dream about triumph after applying negative methods as violence or deception to gain material benefits, is a sign of temporary success that will lead to consequent problems.

In a dream, a jackal represents a man who deprives people from their rights, or one who causes evil. Ajackal in a dream also could mean friendliness, or a light and fun companionship.

…(Pencil | Tongue) In a dream, a pen represents knowledge, learning, a child, a tradesman, or commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil. If a tradesman or a craftsman sees a pen in his dream, it means that he will be successful in his trade, or that he will preside over people of the same trade. If a tradesman earns something with a pen, or writes an invoice with it in a dream, it means that he will be protected from poverty through his trade. If a writer sees himself carrying a pen, or holding a paper, or an inkwell in a dream, it also means having a source of income, protection against poverty, earning one’s livelihood from writing, or from working under someone in authority. A pen in a dream also represents one’s manager, his controller, a cosigner, a witness in an agreement, entering into a…

…(Relish) Pickled fruits in a dream means apostasy, corruption, emulating evil people, wasting one’s money foolishly or breaking one’s promise. Pickling fruits in mustard in a dream means speaking the truth at an inappro- priate time, or speaking the truth then meeting with rejection. (Also see Pickles | Preserves)…

…restored later on, or he could through cheating, marry a rich woman. If the one who sees God’s prophet Solomon in a dream practices sorcery, witchcraft, black magic, or invoking jinn or evil spirits, it means that he will profit from his trade and become wealthy after having lost hope in attaining such benefits, or he could triumph over his enemy. Whoever sees God’s prophet Solomon (uwbp) in his dream will receive God’s favors, including clear visions, clarity of religious interpretations, the ability to learn many languages, or he could become a translator, or perhaps could master the Arabic language. Seeing Solomon in a dream also means that one will recover from an illness. If one gets hold of Solomon’s staff in a dream, it means that he will engage in slander or calumny, and if he is sick, it means his death. Seeing or finding Solomon’s ring in a…

A man compassing the streets in a dream represents a guide or an adviser who admonishes people, strives for conciliation and peace and who endeavors what is good and eschew evil.

…(Holy Book | Qur’anic recital) Reciting the Holy Qur’an in a dream means admonition to do good and to forbid evil. (Also see Qur’anic recital)…

…be in love with another woman’s husband in your dreams, denotes that you are not happily married, or that you are not happy unmarried, but the chances for happiness are doubtful. For an unmarried woman Dreaming that she has a husband, denotes that she is wanting in the graces which men most admire. To see your husband depart from you, and as he recedes from you he grows larger, inharmonious surroundings will prevent immediate congeniality. If disagreeable conclusions are avoided, harmony will be reinstated. For a woman Dreaming she sees her husband in a compromising position with an unsuspected party, denotes she will have trouble through the indiscretion of friends. If she dreams that he is killed while with another woman, and a scandal ensues, she will be in danger of separating from her husband or losing property. Unfavorable conditions follow this dream, though the evil is often exaggerated….

…(Dog | Lust | Passion | Wantonness) To feel a yearning or desire to see one’s homeland in a dream means a divorce between a husband and wife or separation between friends, or it could mean that one will become rich after being poor, though in general, desire in a dream connotes evil if accompanied with crying or lamentation. Satisfying one’s desire with no restraint in a dream mostly denotes the actions of the dwellers of hell-fire. (Also see Dog | Dryness)…

(Bankruptcy | Deceptive | Feigned | Misleading) Fraudu- lent bankruptcy in a dream represents income or suffering from an actual bankruptcy. If one is called fraudulent in a dream and there is a legitimate witness to such allegation, it means increase in his earnings. If the circumstances in the dream denote evil, it means that he will go into bankruptcy or become ill mannered, or that he will use vile language, or become filthy, or lose his integrity. (Also see Bankruptcy)

…Solving a complicated problem, or dissolving a solid element into liquid in a dream represents profits and easing of one’s problems, abating one’s concerns, neutralizing a sorcerer’s act, or nullifying the intent of an evil spell….

To have interaction or to encounter or to see the swastika, when you are dreaming, has meaning of destruction and failure. Swastika stands as an omen for evil and cruelty. Such bad dream is because swastika often is associated with the Nazis. Alternatively, swastika as a sun symbol can mean spiritual rebirth and new start in your physical conditions.

…In a dream, a saw represents a forgiving person, or a mediator who negotiates back and forth. A saw in a dream also may represent a judge, an arbitrator, or marriage. A saw in a dream also means division of assets, a scale, or a perfidious person who loves to create division between a husband and a wife, and to separates between them. A saw in a dream also represents a cunning person, unfair dealings between people, hypocrisy, evil, an informant, or sexual in- tercourse. A saw in a dream also represents a helper, strength, profits, a public ordinance, a proclamation, a learned person, or a judge. A lumberman’s saw in a dream represents an astringent and an austere headman. A marble saw in a dream signifies running out of tricks, or presenting an unsatisfactory proof. A handsaw in a dream represents a layman, a miller, or sieve merchant,…

…In a dream, a rabbit represents a coward man, a wife, an evil woman, or someone who talks continuously about unimportant matters. Eating rabbit meat in a dream means getting little money, or profiting from a woman. A rabbit’s foot in a dream represents superstition or a talisman….

…Seeing or manufacturing aloe perfume in a dream means religious innovation, dirty money, evil reputation, placing things in the wrong place, or it could mean doing good deeds for profit. (Also see Civet | ‘Ud)…

…In a dream, it means commanding good and for- bidding evil, protecting one’s family and giving a good advice to the assailant….

…Reading the holy Qur’an or part of it in a dream means rising in station, gaining power, repenting from sins, prosperity, paying one’s debts, witnessing the truth, or delivering a trust to its rightful owner. Reciting the holy Qur’an with a beautiful voice in a dream means honor, dignity and good fame. Reading the holy Qur’an and adding one’s own words to it in a dream means wavering from the truth, or betraying one’s promise or covenant. If in the latter case one does not understand the meaning of what he is saying in the dream, it means that he will give a false testimony in a court of justice, or that he will be involved in something evil the consequences of which cannot be foreseen. If one sees people listening to his recital of the Qur’an in a dream, it means that he will command a job, and…

(Mammal) In a dream, a bear represents someone with a physical infirmity, who is evil, deceitful, perfidious and betraying. A bear in a dream also repre- sents a dull and a heavy looking woman who takes pleasure in partying, uninhibitedness and enjoying all types of entertainment. Seeing a bear in a dream also means capture or imprisonment, or he could represent a stupid enemy, a thief, an effeminate person, or a trickster. If one sees himself riding over a bear in a dream, should he qualify, it means that he will manage a loathsome business. Otherwise, it means that he will be struck with fear and distress, then he will escape from his trials. A bear in a dream also means travels, returning from a journey or he could represent a prostitute. If one has access to such a woman, he must beware not to commit adultery.

…(Boy | Contemptible person | Enemy | Hidden treasure | Idolatry | Innovators | Power | Unjust ruler | Woman) A snake in dream represents a person who lives in a valley. A snake in a dream also means enmity from one’s in-laws or children, or it could represent the evil and jealousy of one’s neighbor. A sleeping snake in a dream means a sleeping enemy. As for an unjust person, a water snake in a dream means receiving help, or it could represent a verdict. Owning a snake in a dream means gaining power and authority. Its flesh represents enemy money, or it could mean joy. If one sees himself wearing the skin of a snake in a dream, it means that he will unmask his enmity toward others. Killing a snake in a dream and staining one’s hands with its blood means destroying one’s enemy. A snake…

…If one acts irrationally in a dream, it means that he will act with disgrace, stupidity or shamelessness in real life. Being irrational in a dream and intentionally using violent or insulting words, and acting deliberately in an evil way means despair of God’s mercy. It also means refuting or opposing some- thing. It is also interpreted to mean attending to one’s prayers without the ritual ablution. Irrationality in a dream also may mean insolent behavior, or ill speaking of peoples’ honor or chastity. (Also see Insanity | Mental derangement)…

You will become a victim to the evil intentions from someone in your circle.

To dream you see an angel or angels is good, to dream you are one is better; but to speak with, or call upon them, is of evil signification.

…(Garden | Holy Book | The Last Revelation) In a dream, the holy Qur’an represents a garden because when one looks at it, it looks like a beautiful garden and its verses are the fruit of knowledge and wisdom the reader can pluck. Learning a Qur’anic verse, a saying of God’s Prophet (uwbp), a prophetic tradition, or a craft in a dream means richness after poverty, or guidance after heedlessness. If one sees himself in a dream reading from the pages the holy Qur’an, it signifies honor, command, happiness and victory. Reciting the Qur’an by heart and without reading the pages of the holy Book in a dream means proving to be true, or having a true claim, being pious, commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil. If one is told averse from the holy Qur’an in a dream, he should understand it, memorize it and comply…

…(Fryer) In a dream, deep frying signifies evil, adversities, arguments, problems, failing to do one’s prayers, following one’s mind, passion and desires, or backbiting and slandering people. (Also see Frying)…

If you dream of crossing the border, then such dream shows the changes that are happening in your life. Perhaps you are trying to go into new phase of your life. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the two different opinions between the people.

When you dream that you see an archbishop, it means that you will face lots of difficulties and discomfort while trying to achieve the proper results. Make sure you work hard and do not give up, because if you keep fighting for something you really want, you will be able to get anything you want and none of the barriers you will have will stop you.

When you see a hallway in a dream, then such dream indicates the beginning of some journey you took while trying to find out who you are. The hallway is the symbol of the transition from one stage of your life to another one. Perhaps you are going to have magnificent changes in your waking life which will make you totally different person then you are now. The hallway is also the symbol of life and death and the way we have to get through while moving from one phase to another one.

The footprints symbolize pride, arrogance and victory. The dream about footprints could also represent the message you are trying to leave for others. Perhaps the things you are doing in your waking life, makes you wish to leave something for others either. Alternatively, the footprints could show the dreamer the things he has missed. There is a possibility that you wish to be someone close to you when it’s needed.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see boxing gloves when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of obstacles in your life. Boxing gloves also suggests your ability to overcome anything that blocks your way or prevents your from progress. Are you in a difficult or even violent situation? Maybe you are trying to do your best to overcome and achieve success.

Represents a sincere friend that we must keep, trying to never hurt him or her.

Dreaming of grime or dirt of any kind, and worse if it’s surrounded by green and flowering plants in a garden, indicates that the environment in which the dreamer lives is bad and inappropriate, which is why the dreamer is distressed. The advice that this dream gives is that the dreamer should make the changes. Dreaming of having dirty, stained, and filthy clothes is a warning to stay away from bad influences, contagious patients or people that due to the illegal activities that they participate in might involve the dreamer in dangerous situations. Dreaming that someone throws something dirty at you, for example, mud or manure, it suggests that hypocrites or adversaries are trying to harm you.

The dream, in which you are happy, denotes to the opposite feelings in your waking life. Perhaps the subliminal mind of yours is trying to compensate the pressure, strain and sorrow you are having in your waking life.

The fungus in dreams is the symbol of negative aspects in your waking life. Perhaps the dream is trying to show that there are certain thing you are doing in the wrong way. Make sure you find the solution for the problems you have, otherwise the negative emotions will get unmanageable.

If you wore a veil in a dream, probably you have a desire to get married. The dream of the veil could also show things you are trying to hide from others. Perhaps the situation is not the way you are pretending it is.

…If during the dream it’s the dreamer who is working, then it is a sign that he is going through hardships and trying to overcome a crippling situation. If the job carried out is rough or very heavy, it is an announcement that the situation will soon change and you will eventually come out triumphant over pains and fatigue….

To dream that you are hiding from someone means that you are actually trying to hide some secret or part of your personality. You need more space for yourself.

If you see a flashlight in a dream, then such dream indicates your will to get to know yourself better. Perhaps you are trying to look deeper within your personality and find out the new features or negativities within yourself. The dream also represents apprehension and consciousness. On the other hand, the flashlight could be interpreted as the symbol of sexual desires and needs that must be fulfilled.

The bow and the arrow in a dream, are the components of man and women roles that are played during the sexual intercourse. Perhaps one of these components is out of control and there is no harmony when they are making love. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the aggression, frustration and stress. Perhaps you are trying to make the closure.

To dream that you are reading the text means that you have the urge for knowing new things. The text could also represent the problem you are trying to figure out.