To see the floodlights in a dream symbolizes your wish for knowledge. Perhaps you are trying to be more open with the surrounding and wish to get more information about the world. If you see the floodlight that has been burnt out, then such dream shows the dark surroundings. You are unable to get the information you need.

Dream of being an officer indicates an issue you are trying to avoid. Dreaming about that someone else is an officer means conflicts, worries about money, debts, opposition.

…(Imploring | Invocations) In a dream, supplications represent worship, a special prayer, or asking for a specific need. Invocations in a dream mean that one’s needs are satisfied. If one’s supplications are done under dire need, or if they involve strong emotions, sobbing or grief in the dream, then they represent trying moments in one’s life, or they could mean temptations. Loud or solemn supplications in a dream may indicate a special prayer for rain. If the suppli- cations do not call for God’s favors, or if they are not directed toward Him in the dream, then they represent falsehood. If the supplications are silent in the dream, they could mean that one will beget a blessed son. If one sees a group of people gathering in a circle of prayers, or doing Zikr and invoking the divine attributes in a dream, then they represent a gathering of children,…

To encounter or to read a document, when you are dreaming, communicates as sign of some important information. Do you have something to announce in public? Document in the dream may foretell that you are trying to uncover things that are known only to you. Alternative, dreaming about documents have meaning of some discovery and realization.

Dreaming of being annoyed due to the intrusion of some people indicates that the dreamer is aware of someone who is creating problems for him or her. In some cases, it indicates that someone is trying to harm the dreamer through telepathy or magic. Usually, the verification of this dream and actual meaning will be found in waking life in a very short period of time.

To dream of being a tattoo artists means that you are trying to make things better for someone, but actually making it worse. If someone is giving you a tattoo, you will have to sacrifice at some point of your life and this will leave a huge mark on you, you will have to return to yourself very hardly. The tattoo could also mean that you wish to get one in your waking life.

…To dream that some people have shipwrecked, but the dreamer can help, hints that the dreamer will soon have to help someone who is in disgrace, and that these people are losing faith in one’s ability to correct errors. Dreaming of leaving a sinking ship and trying to reach land by swimming, suggests a serious confusion in the dreamer’s concerning matters, which involves risks, but if in the dream you fail to reach solid ground, it indicates that even if there are difficulties in your business, romantic life, or relationships, you will soon solve them satisfactorily. Dreaming that other people talk about two boats crashing or a shipwreck, suggests that your issues are bad because you neglected them, and perhaps because of the intervention of women (when the dreamer is a man) or men (in the case of women). Dreaming of dying in a boat that is anchored in the…

When you are walking on the minefield, then such dream represents various severities that you have in your everyday life. While you are sleeping you are trying to figure out the way of solving those problems. Make sure you seek for help in order to get through the difficult time of your life.

When you dream of seeing ashes in your dream it signifies unpleasant variations and failures. Dreaming of ashes shows possibility of unsuccessful professional activities or personal life. Make sure you are avoiding negativity and trying to escape the disruption. This dream is a sign of hard work ahead of you, but do not worry, as nothing is lost yet. Make sure you do not think too much of your past, try to forget the past and move on.

If you dream of something being very heavy, then such dream represents the duties, commitments and obligations the one have. Perhaps the dream suggests taking fewer responsibilities, trying to divide them into important and not so important ones and relax for a while.

If you heard the voices in a dream, then such dream suggest you to look deep deeper into yourself and what it has to say to you. Probably the unconscious mind of yours is trying to send you an important message that must be read immediately.

…Dreaming of seeing a safe, denotes security from discouraging affairs of business and love. To be trying to unlock a safe, you will be worried over the failure of your plans not reaching quick maturity. To find a safe empty, denotes trouble….

To dream that you became a volunteer denotes to your desire to help others. Perhaps you are trying to find the real answers to the questions of the life, therefore you become a volunteer to help those that have worse conditions of the life, than you have.

…When you dream of attacking someone, it means that your behaviour will have consequences to others. This dream about producing an aggressive and violent action against a person or a place is the sign that you are trying to let go your bad emotions. Also, dream of attacking or assaulting is better and easier way to feel that your behaviour disappointed you. If you see yourself being attacked by someone, it signifies the protection you have on yourself. At this moment of your life, you are feeling like no one cares about you and you want to be understood and looking out for help. If you dream of being attacked by the animal it symbolizes that you have to be careful with people you are surrounded by. Make sure you pay attention to someone in your life that have the same features just like the animal you dreamed of…

Dreaming about taking pharmaceutical tablets is a warning that whatever the dreamer is trying to do, like to solve problems in his or her daily lives, are temporary solutions and not definitive solutions. Dreaming of giving pills to others is a warning that there is disgust towards the dreamer.

Dreaming of being bitten by a rabid animal, suggests that dangerous enemies are trying to harm the dreamer. Dreaming that others are suffering from rabies or hydrophobicity, it indicates that peace and prosperity at home will be affected by strange interests.

The interstate indicates your ability to go from one phase of your life to another. It could also indicate the different steps you are taking and how you are managing to make it go smoothly. The dream could either indicate the situations that already happened, the current situation or unknowingness in the future. If you are stuck in the interstate, it means that you are trying to figure out which way to go. If accidently you went of the interstate, you have to become more cautious if you wish to achieve your target. If someone went on your way, you should reconsider the people you are communicating with or the situations you’ve got yourself into, otherwise you won’t be able to get what you want.

The dream in which you see or eat butter, shows that you are trying to find indulge at some point of your waking life. Try to get more satisfaction in the life you live.

…Dreaming that you are skiing, can be interpreted as the examination of your qualities. Skiing in the dream also means that you testing your mental and physical abilities. Maybe you are pushing yourself to much and that is represented by skiing in the dream. Maybe your subconscious is trying to relax you by putting you on skis. Are you fiercest adversary for yourself? Maybe you shouldn’t put all of your energy in competition with yourself….

Asylum in dream can be as secure shelter, as some kind of protection from danger or as an institution for the care of orphans or even insane asylum. It is matter what kind of asylum you have dreamed about. But most common interpretation explains asylum as symbol of hardships. When you dream of being at an asylum (madhouse or badlam) or orphanage, it signifies the stress you are suffering from. You are looking for help and trying to find support from someone. This dream symbolizes your weakness and deficiency. Try to admit your problems and find the help you need.

You are trying to overcome difficulties in your home environment, but also feel overwhelmed by household chores.

…or stand in the way of completing his project. Writing with the left hand in a dream means indulging in loathsome actions, going astray, or perhaps having a son who is born from adultery, or it could mean that one may become a poet. Signing a deed, a check or a legal contract in a dream means failing to fulfill an agreement. If one sees someone he knows drafting a contract between them in a dream, it means that the other person will defraud him, mislead him in a business deal and drive him astray. If one finds himself illiterate and incapable of writing in a dream, it means that he is depressed, though God Almighty will show him a way out of his difficulties. If an illiterate person sees himself trying to learn how to write and read in a dream, it means that he will benefit from something…

To dream that you are looking at the crossroads and making the decision which way you should go, means that you are trying to make some important decision in your waking life as well. You do not know which way you should chose.

The cross is very spiritual symbol which shows your views towards the life. Perhaps you are trying to find the connection with the world that you are in. If you are very religious person, pray a lot, go to church often, it is very normal to dream about the cross. The cross is also a symbol of the end of something. In many cultures the cross is not only religious symbol, it also indicates the fact that something has come to an end.

…Silk in any form, is a symbol of erotic and physical pleasures. Overall, this dream usually predicts physical or emotional satisfaction, and it also indicates that it is a good time for love. Dreaming of resting on a silk cushion or pillow means that you’re trying to solve the issues you have in your own affairs and poverty at the expense or sacrifice of others. Dreaming of silk cushions without touching them announces prosperity or success in the affairs you’re handling. A young woman who dreams of sewing or making a silk cushion, indicates that she wants to get married with someone good. Dreaming of wearing silk clothes suggests that you have too many ambitions for money, power, and business. It also reveals vanity and pride. If the silk clothing is dirty or stained, it means disappointment, sadness and failures. Dreaming with silkworms may mean that you’ll get a…

If you were brutalized, then it means there is a necessity to encounter your apprehension and fright. Perhaps you are trying to get ready for the acceptance of your fears. The dream about brutality could also denote to spicy sexual desires you have.

If you are enclosing a person, it indicates that you try to hide your human side, and if it’s a child, you’re trying to hide your innocent looks. If it is animals or people of the opposite sex, you are preventing that your most hidden desires are known.

When you dream about the giraffe, then such dream signifies the things you are unable to see, but wish to do so. The giraffe could also mean that you are trying too hard to be noticed by others, therefore you dream about it.

Dreaming of killing someone means that you will soon experience anxieties and concerns for various causes, but most of them are your fault. Dreaming about someone, that you know is killed or commits suicide, insinuates problems due to hesitations and doubts. Dreaming that someone commits a murder suggests that, as a result of your own behavior, people will be suspicions about you, and will have doubts concerning the affairs, business and social relationships that you’re managing or having. It also tends to announce the death of someone you know. Dreaming of murdering a victim implies that your opponents are trying to hurt you. Seeing murderers indicates that it’s quite possible to have a reunion with your most loved relatives soon.

To dream that you are ignoring some person or situation, means that you have unsolved issues with this particular person. Perhaps you do not want to know what other people are trying to tell you or you don’t like what they are telling you.

…To dream of seeing sleek and healthy cattle yoked-together and acting in harmony, is a sign of a happy marriage: if a girl dreams this, she will be apt to put her own neck in Hymen’s yoke before a great while. To imagine you see yoked cattle wrangling, and trying to get their necks out of the yoke, foretells matrimonial troubles, though it still denotes wedlock to the unmarried. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6, 11….

To dream of being on crutches or seeing someone using the crutches denotes to support you are looking for. The dream shows that you desperately trying to find the assistance from those around you.

…positive. If they appear torn, it suggests there may be sadness. If the pieces of clothes are stained, it suggests that you’re getting involved with people that are not good for your life. Dreaming that you have abundance of clothes suggests just the opposite, meaning that you want to have good clothes and to live a more comfortable life. Generally, it means intimate dissatisfaction with the life you have, since you aspire to have something better. Dreaming of old, dirty, torn and washed down clothes laying on the floor, suggests that you will soon be filled with concerns and various problems, perhaps more or less temporary diseases. Dreaming of trying on any piece of clothing belonging to someone else suggests intimacy issues, insecurity, and that you hope someone helps you to solve your problems. Dreaming that you are wearing your clothes inside out announces the loss of friends and people…

…Dreaming that you are walking in a narrow and rough path, stumbling over rocks and other obstructions, denotes that you will have a rough encounter with adversity, and feverish excitement will weigh heavily upon you. Dreaming that you are trying to find your path, foretells that you will fail to accomplish some work that you have striven to push to desired ends. To walk through a pathway bordered with green grass and flowers, denotes your freedom from oppressing loves….

…If you have a crush on someone in a dream, then such dream indicates the particular problem you are trying to solve or get rid of it. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours is sending the signal to you, which shows how much you are worrying. The dream, in which you have a crush on someone, could also indicate the special feelings you have towards someone in your waking life. Such dreams could also indicate the present status of your feelings towards someone in your life. If you are spending lots of time with this person in your daily life or thinking about him/her either, then dreaming about the crush is very normal, because your feelings are the same while you are sleeping. The dream, in which someone has rejected you and you had a crush on this person, shows your fear of being neglected. If there is someone…

The garbage usually shows the things we are trying to get rid of such as unnecessary people or situations you are sick of. The garbage could also indicate the things that happened before and are no longer important to you. If you see lots of the garbage it may be a suggestion to change your views about something, maybe because you think better about yourself then the others. When you dispose the garbage of the others, then it means you will help those people to clear their minds or even solve some situation.

Dreaming of walking or trying to walk in a quagmire, mud or swamp, is a warning which tells you that you’ll suffer humiliations and insults. But if you walk on clean and clear dirt that is very wet, soft, and gummy, then it indicates that soon you will be free of the acknowledged attacks.

…use strategy to keep up honorable appearances. Dreaming that you kill him, foretells that you will desert wicked or immoral companions to live upon a higher plane. If he comes to you under the guise of literature, it should be heeded as a warning against promiscuous friendships, and especially flatterers. If he comes in the shape of wealth or power, you will fail to use your influence for harmony, or the elevation of others. If he takes the form of music, you are likely to go down before his wiles. If in the form of a fair woman, you will probably crush every kindly feeling you may have for the caresses of this moral monstrosity. To feel that you are trying to shield yourself from satan, denotes that you will endeavor to throw off the bondage of selfish pleasure, and seek to give others their best deserts. See Devil….

To dream about tunnel means that you are trying to hide from something or are afraid.

…the dream, the greater your chances of success will be. To dream that you fall down while you’re trying to climb suggests setbacks and failures, the higher you fall, the more severe will those setbacks and failures be. To dream that you’re going down a slope suggests that if you don’t pay much attention to your business, it will worsen each day. To dream that you’re fleeing from danger through a slope suggests that the risks that you’re facing may be postponed and perhaps they’ll even disappear. To dream that you’re exhausted and feel like you’re choking because of the effort that you’ve done to climb a slope suggests that you’re accepting more work and responsibilities than the necessary or appropriate. Dreaming about a broken non-mechanical ladder indicates that you have no chance to succeed in what you are planning. To dream that you’re walking under a ladder indicates that…