…Jealousy means losses for the one experiencing it in the dream. A jealous person has an evil quality, and jealousy is evil. If one who suffers from people’s jealousy sees his condition improving in a dream, it means poverty, rancor, spite, black magic, or malice for the jealous person and benefits for the victim of jealousy. In a dream, jealousy also represents covetousness, grudges, avarice and love for the world. To devastate someone by looking at him with despise in a dream means that the assailant will suffer from the jealous eye of his victim. (Also see Jaundice)…

If one adamantly refuses to obey and resists the coercion of evil people or refuses to be intimidated by evil companions in a dream it represents his faith in God Almighty, fear of wrongdoing and making offerings that are pleasing to God. (Also see Horn | Recalcitrant child)

…(Hog-like wolf) A hyena in a dream represents a fierce, an unjust and a perfidious enemy whose actions stem from the directives of an evil and an ugly old witch. If one sees himself eating the meat of a hyena in a dream, it means that he is bewitched and does not know it, though subconsciously, he will desire and seek to be free from such an evil spell. Riding a hyena in a dream means marriage. A lame hyena in a dream represents a witch, or the wife of an unknown person, a jobless person, a loafer, or a cheater. Riding a hyena in a dream also means gaining authority. A hyena in a dream also may denote exposing one’s secrets, interfering in people’s business, effeminacy, a her- maphroditic person, a wretched wife, or an ugly, treacherous and a disloyal woman. Thus, when interpreted to means a woman,…

…(Money | Penny) Seeing one cent in a dream means an argument, falsehood, ostentation or pride. Swallowing a quarter and excreting it as a penny in a dream signifies that the person is a zendik or an atheist. Pennies in a dream signify evil, fights and speaking despicable words. If God’s name is encrusted on the penny in the dream, it means that such a person who carries it has licensed himself to do evil in the name of God Almighty. Seeing a cent in a dream also could signify cheating, toiling, fights, boredom, atheism, sorrow, sadness, tight circumstances, an argument, meager earnings, dispelling poverty, going to work, wages, insolvency or the spread of mutual defamation among scholars. (Also see Money | Penny)…

…(Candor | Eagle | Enemy | Evil | Imbecile | Thieves) A vulture in a dream represents a stupid, abominable and a lewd person. When seen during a daylight dream, it means a grievous illness. If one sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means sending help to assist someone in difficulty. Capturing a vulture in a dream means a fight or war. A flock of vultures descending upon a town in a dream represent an occupying army with merciless soldiers who will plunder such town. If a sick person sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means the approach of his death. As for a tanner and a potter, or the like craftsmen, seeing a vulture in a dream means profits or benefits. As for physicians or sick people, a vulture in their dream purports evil. In general, vultures in a dream…

Dreaming about Satan is unfortunate omen. To see Satan, the Devil, Lucifer in your dream, denotes that there are some wrongdoings or evil workings in some situation or relationship of your life. Maybe you are in environment, where are a lot of lies, deceitful activities or other evil things.

…whereby one can see the skies, sun or moon in a dream, it represents the marriage of a woman from that household. If one sees a big house within his own house in a dream, it means that a righteous woman will live their or move into that family to become a blessing for such a house. If there is a tunnel under such a house in the dream, it denotes deception or that a perfidious person is having access to that household. A house without lights in a dream represents a woman of evil character, and if a woman sees that house in her dream, then it represents a man of evil character. Demolishing one’s house in a dream means a fight within that family. If one sees grass growing inside his house in a dream, it means a wedding. (Also see Cage | Dwellings | Glass house)…

…(Contract | Homage) Making a pledge of allegiance to the blessed family of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, or to their descendents, or true gnostics and leaders among his followers in a dream means following true guidance, walking on the straight path and truly observing the divine laws and abiding by them. Making a pledge of allegiance to the governor of a seaport city in a dream means winning victory over one’s enemy, glad tidings, honoring piety, being grateful to one’s Lord and oft-praying for salvation and forgiveness. Making a pledge of allegiance to an impious person or to an evil companion in a dream means helping evil people. Making a pledge to someone under a tree in a dream means receiving blessings from God Almighty….

…(The Glorious Throne of God Almighty.) Seeingthe Divine Throne of God Almighty in its perfect form means blessings, glad tidings and correct- ness of one’s faith. If one sees the Divine Throne missing one of its attributes in a dream, it means heedlessness and innovation. Seeing the Glorious Throne of God Almighty in a dream may entail whatever good or evil destiny one may go through. Seeing the Divine Throne in a dream also means receiving a high ranking position or assuming a noble function, if one qualifies, or it could represent one’s wife, house, vehicle, victory over his enemy, writing poems, or doing good deeds for the one who sees it in its perfect, radiant and glorious manifestation. If one sees the Divine Throne, and if he sees God Almighty sitting on it in a dream, it denotes his faith, certitude, determination and correct religious adherence. If one…

…his death. If he is not sick and then during that procession he weeps or prays for the deceased person in the dream, it means that he will repent of his sins, join spiritual study circles and serves the people of knowledge. Such a person also may attain a blessed spiritual station and benefit from what he hears and sees. If one sees himself walking in a funeral procession and neglecting respect and contemplation, and instead laughs and jokes, it means that he will befriend evildoers and accept their evil conduct as a standard norm of behavior. If one sees himself visiting a graveyard for seclusion, self-awakening and self-re- straint, then if he reflects about words of truth, wisdom and repentance in his dream, it means that he will be asked to judge between two people, and that he will rule with justice. If one does not contemplate thus in…

…(God’s prophet Noah, upon whom be peace.) In a dream, God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) represents longevity, adversities, sufferings, triumph, children from a disgraceful wife, though one will remain content and grateful to God Almighty for His gift. It is said that one who sees the prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream will become a scholar, an assiduous worshipper and an obedient servant who exercises patience and forbearance. He will also triumph over his enemies and receive a magnificent endowment from his Lord. His companions will disobey him and by God’s leave, he will win over them too. Seeing God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also means rain and floods. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means suffering from many enemies, and from the jealousy and envy of one’s neighbors. At the end, they will all suffer from God’s punishment, and he will be saved from their evil….

To place things in the proper position, or to move them to a better place, or to give them a better environment in a dream means commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil. To downgrade things by placing them in an unfitting environment in a dream means the opposite, or it could mean barter- ing good for evil, or unjustly depreciating and devaluating an object.

(Jeweler) In a dream, a goldsmith represents celebrations, joy, happiness or perhaps mixing truth with falsehood. A goldsmith in a dream also could represent falsehood, lies, cheating, forging, defrauding, or he could represent a poet, knowledge, guidance or children. A goldsmith in a dream also represents an evil person, for he molds words from fire and in smoke. If one is seen heating gold or silver in a dream, it means lies and deception. If one is seen placing gems on a ring in a dream, it means that he will bring unity between people and deal with a subject matter that begins with evil and ends in goodness, (Also see Gold | Jeweler)

…a dream, it means that he maybe dismissed from his job, or he maybe reprimanded or disciplined for his misconduct. The sound produced by the ringing of coins in a dream represents temptation, allurement, or a fight between stockbrokers or money exchangers. The clank of money in a dream also means either good or bad news, or it could mean hearing good words, a wise speech, or words one likes to hear more about, if they are given as a sign of friendship or as a dower. If the clanking of money is made in jest in the dream, then it represents a fight one does not wish to end. The sound of a hornet represents a person who defames or discredits others, or whose evil cannot be removed without acquiring the help of a like person. The bleating of a ewe in a dream means kindness shown by one’s…

…To dream that any plant cometh out of one’s body, is death. To dream of plants quick in growth, as the vine and the peach tree, implies that the good or evil portended us shall quickly happen; but to dream of trees and plants that are slow in growing, as the oak, olive, cypress, shows that the good or evil that shall happen to us shall be long in coming. See Trees….

…To see a jailer, denotes that treachery will embarrass your interests and evil women will enthrall you. To see a mob attempting to break open a jail, is a forerunner of evil, and desperate measures will be used to extort money and bounties from you….

…(City | Suburban area | Town) A village in a dream represents injustice that will be followed by destruction as a consequence of people’s sins. Entering a well fortified village in a dream means fighting with someone. Crossing a village into a city in a dream means changing a menial job into a more respectable one, or perhaps it could mean downgrading a good deed one has performed, thinking of it as unimportant, or regretting it, or it could mean doing something good and thinking of it as evil, or perhaps it could mean showing indecisiveness and doubt. Entering a village in a dream also means governing it, or presiding over its people, or it could mean commencing a new job. Walking out of a village in a dream means escaping from evil. Seeing a destroyed village in a dream means heedlessness or a calamity caused by the sins…

(Fringes) In a dream, tassels represent money, power, evil, falsehood, or a following. A tassel maker in a dream represents evil and doubt, or he could represent a school teacher, or perhaps having a large progeny.

…a thin garment in a dream represents her integrity, while if she is wearing a thick garment, it represents her labor and hardships. If one sees himself putting on a new garment after taking a ritual bath in a dream, it means prosperity or repayment of his debts. If one’s new garment is torn and cannot be repaired in the dream, it means inability to bear children. If the garment can be repaired in the dream, it means that there is an evil spell over the person wearing it. Wearing two torn garments in a dream means death. A torn garment in a dream also means a shattered religious or spiritual life, or it could mean that one is pursued by an evil person, or it could mean poverty or striving to satisfy one’s basic material needs. If one is stripped of his clothing in a dream, it means loss…

…dream also means guidance, repentance, true monotheism and contemplating the Maker and His creation. If one moves but does not see his shadow moving in a dream, it means abrogating the laws, discarding what is permissible, adopting what is unlawful, death, becoming motionless, or losing one’s senses. The same interpretation applies if one’s shadow disappears under the sunlight, or under the moonlight, or in the night lights, or if his reflection disappears from the water surface, or from any shiny surface. If one sees his shadow dancing in a dream, it means falsehood, lies, stealing people’s money, shifting one’s faith according to one’s personal interests, or that he criticize the conduct of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace. Dancing one’s shadow over a carpet in a dream means invoking evil spirits, speaking their words after being possessed by them, and it means trials, temptations and evil. (Also see Shade)…

…(arb. Dajjal | Imposter) In a dream, the Antichrist represents a con- temptuous, deceitful and a tyrant ruler. He does not fulfill his promises and he has a following of wicked people. His appearance in a dream also indicates the supremacy of one’s enemy over him or over his land. This will involve massacres, evil, deception, trials and bloodshed. If a traveller sees the Antichrist in his dream, it means that a band of robbers may attack him. His appearance in a dream also denotes the conquest of a land which is saturated with evil. If one becomes the Antichrist or accompanies him in a dream, it means that he will suffer from black magic, sorcery, falsehood, decrepitude or it could denote that a global disease will appear on earth and cause mass physical defects, destruc- tion and death. The landmarks that the Antichrist passes by in a dream…

…(Ass | Obstinate person | Steadfastness) In a dream, a donkey means a boy, a child, a wife, livelihood, a man of knowledge without work, or it could mean travels. Riding a donkey in a dream also may mean easing of one’s difficulties. Riding any animal without the required saddling in a dream means imposition upon oneself or others or unnecessary and inadequate going out of one’s way. Riding a donkey or a mule in a dream also represents one’s ornaments, children, a rich wife, wealth or a profitable business. The braying of a donkey, a mule or a mare in a dream may mean evil, excruciating trouble, an illegitimate child born from adultery or evil spirits. Riding a big donkey in a dream connotes a respectable rank. An upright walking donkey represents worldly benefits. A beautiful looking donkey or a white donkey in a dream means adornment. An…

…(Meat) In a dream, a steak represents an unavoidable evil happening, or it could represent a passing danger. Sliced meat in a dream also could mean happiness, quick earnings, fertility, or exposure of what man should keep personal and private. Seeing a butcher slicing meat in a dream could mean fights, evil, war, divisions in the society, or mixing the lawful with the unlawful, or usury, or fulfilling one’s needs….

(Sharing a table | Table companion) To share a table with a deceased person in a dream means that one will be paying a pecuniary penalty that will be exacted by the authorities. Sharing a table with someone who is away on a trip in a dream means receiving news from him. Sharing a table with evil companions, evil spirits, satans, or jinn in a dream means fighting against a crime ring.

…(arb. £alat) Performing one’s required daily prayers in a dream means fulfillment of one’s promise, attainment of one’s goals, or relief and comfort after distress. Praying at a door, or in front of a bed in a dream denotes a funeral. If one sees himself alone making the call to prayers (Azan) then establishing it (Jqamah) in the dream, it means that he will strive to do good and to eliminate evil in his life. If one completes his prayers with the traditional greetings to the right and then to the left in a dream, it means that his worries and concerns will be eliminated, and that he will pursue the path of love and unity. If one pays the greeting only to the right in his dream, it means that he will seek to correct only some of his religious concerns. If he pays the greeting to the…

If one recognizes a wicked act in a dream, it represents his evil end, or that he may become an apostate. If one speaks of something evil in his dream, it denotes a wicked act he will commit toward someone in wakefulness.

…If you’ve dreamed of seeing bites it foretells about the evil you are surrounded by. You should stay wide awake and pay more attention to people you are in contact. Be careful as the enemy manages to destroy many things. Evil is not point of view, because it is something that people chose to do or not to do and mostly all of the bad things happen instantly. This is an example that you never know what to expect from the others and especially at this time of your life you’ve got t stay focused and careful. If you were dreaming that someone bit you, then it signifies to your inability to deal with severities. Maybe you have the barriers which should be removed, otherwise you will stay at the same point you are now. If the vampire has bitten you, you’ve got to get rid of the person…

…(Chanting | Song) Singing in a dream means falsehood and trouble. Having a beautiful voice in a dream may represent a profitable business. Otherwise, if one sings off key in his dream, it means that he is venturing into a losing business. A singer in a dream also represents a wise person, a preacher, or a physician. The location where the singing has taken place in the dream will experience lies, falsehood and separation between beloveds because of jealousy, envy and perfidy. Singing in a dream also connotes evil, disputes and fights. If a professional singer, a musician, or a music writer sees himself singing his repertoire in a dream, it means benefits and profits. If the singing is bad, or off key in the dream, then it could mean lack of work, meekness, or it could mean having little opinion about oneself. If one sees himself singing while…

…An apple tree in a dream represents a good man who serves and cares about his community. A crack in a tree in a dream represents members of one’s family who will brace against him. A palmyra tree in a dream represents a wise man, a poet, or an astronomer. Seeing one, or sitting under it in a dream means meeting such a person. An oak tree in a dream means profits, prosperity, honor, associating with heedless people who live in the mountains, or perhaps it could mean visiting righteous people or a renunciate who lives in the wilderness or in uninhabited ruins. A mimosa tree in a dream represents stinginess, evil, or pursuing the actions of the dwellers of hell-fire. A buckthorn tree that grows datelike fruit in a dream represents a noble and a generous woman, or it could represent a noble and a generous man. The…

…Dreaming of dying, foretells that you are threatened with evil from a source that has contributed to your former advancement and enjoyment. To see others dying, forebodes general ill luck to you and to your friends. Dreaming that you are going to die, denotes that unfortunate inattention to your affairs will depreciate their value. Illness threatens to damage you also. To see animals in the throes of death, denotes escape from evil influences if the animal be wild or savage. It is an unlucky dream to see domestic animals dying or in agony. [As these events of good or ill approach you they naturally assume these forms of agonizing death, to impress you more fully with the joyfulness or the gravity of the situation you are about to enter on awakening to material responsibilities, to aid you in the mastery of self which is essential to meeting all conditions…

…(Alcoholic | Beer | Drunkard | Enmity | Evil | Hatred | Inebriate | Temptation | Tippler) Wine in a dream represents unlawful earnings, illegal tender, or easy money. Drinking wine in a dream means committing a major sin, or it could mean becoming wealthy. It also could imply verbal abuse, temptation, or enmity. A river of wine in a dream means adversities. Wine in a dream also represents marriage consent, or dismissal from one’s job. Mixing wine with water in a dream means mixing legal and illegal money, or it could represent earnings from a business partnership with a woman. Pressing grapes to make wine in a dream means serving someone in authority whose employment allows one to achieve noticeable successes in life. If one is invited to a drinking party where he finds platters of fruit and pitchers of wine in the dream, it represents his martyrdom….

…A wooden ladder in a dream means distress and toiling one may endure during a journey. A ladder in a dream also represents peace and safety. Climbing a ladder in a dream means receiving a warning or an admonition to do good and eschew evil for someone who does not oblige. If one’s ladder turns into concrete stairs in a dream, it means assiduity and veiling or protecting of one’s privacy. A ladder laid on the floor in a dream means authority, while a raised ladder means recovering from an illness. A ladder also represents travels, comfort to a person who is struck by sorrows, or it could represent a great person. Climbing a new ladder in a dream means reaching new spiritual attainments, or it could represent his business success. Even climbing an old ladder in a dream means success in one’s bushiness, exaltation and profits. Falling from…

…(Detergent | Discards | Filth | Loan | Tithe) Charity in a dream means repelling calamities, recovering from illness, profits or truthfulness. This is also true when it comes to earning one’s money lawfully, but if one gives a dead animal or alcohol or a stolen or mismanaged money in charity, then his charity is not acceptable and it means that he will pursue evil and indulge in sin. If a farmer who is having a bad harvest sees himself giving some of what he plants in charity in a dream, it means that his crop will increase and his produce will be blessed. If one donates his charities to a rich person in a dream, it means that he may suffer from tight financial circumstances, or that he may come to be in need of such a person. If one gives a charitable donation to a prostitute in…

…In a dream, sparks represent ugly words. If one sees sparks hitting him in a dream, it means that he will hear harsh words pronounced against him by someone in authority. If one’s clothing ignites and burns from sparks in the dream, it means aggravation of his condition. If smoke engulfs the sparks in one’s dream, then they represent an awesome adversity. Whenever smoke appears in one’s dream, it represents an appalling and a horrifying calamity. If the sparks cause secondary burns in the dream, then they represent a weak enemy who slanders him and one may bear the consequences of such slander with patience, and its evil and fire will eventually diminish. If one sees a major eruption of sparks in his dream, they represent a major calamity. If a spark falls in the midst of a gathering in the dream, it means a fight and harm. Sparks…

…gathering in a dream represents a chaste woman or a noble man. The blowing of the Trumpet of Resurrection in a dream represents the salvation of the righteous ones. Seeing any of the great ex- traordinary events or signs that shall precede the Day of resurrection in a dream means glad tidings for a believer who does good, and a warning for a disbeliever to correct himself and repent for his sins before its coming. Seeing the Day of Resurrection in a dream also denotes that some of the major signs are actually taking place, such as blood shedding, spread of evil, belligerence of atheism, pride about wealth, ruling of the working class, building high rises, the end of the era of kings on earth, or it could remind the person of the prophesied signs, such as the rising of the sun from the West, the emergence of a beast…

…Bears have always been associated with the unpleasant side of the occult. Those, however, that made such short work of Elisha’s tormentors, although undoubtedly psychic (since to appear and cause to disappear with such startling suddenness is only characteristic of the super physical), were to my mind far more opportune than they were unpleasant. Indeed, I might go further and confess that I should not be extremely sorry were such a demonstration of the occult bear, as that recorded in the Scriptures, to take place periodically amongst the ill-mannered and superfluous children of to-day. Many places are said to be haunted by evil spirits in ursine guise. I have myself visited a house in Chelsea where the apparition of a shaggy bear is seen, and it is a well-known fact that the Tower of London was once (and perhaps still is) haunted by the phantasm of a bear. A…

…sun after it sets in a dream, it means that whatever is destined for him whether it be good or bad has passed. If one sees the sun rising at times different than its usual sun rising time in a dream, it means that an uprising against the government will take place in different parts of the country. If one sees himself with the sun in a dream and should he be working in the government, or the army, it means that he will betray his superior, or the ruler of that land. Otherwise, it means that his condition will deteriorate and life will turn against him. If the sun has no rays in the dream, it means that the governor or the general of the army will lose respect. If he is an administrator, it means that he will be dismissed from his function. If he is a subject…

…Dreaming of seeing your own feet, is omnious{sic} of despair. You will be overcome by the will and temper of another. To see others’ feet, denotes that you will maintain your rights in a pleasant, but determined way, and win for yourself a place above the common walks of life. Dreaming that you wash your feet, denotes that you will let others take advantage of you. Dreaming that your feet are hurting you, portends troubles of a humiliating character, as they usually are family quarrels. To see your feet swollen and red, you will make a sudden change in your business by separating from your family. This is an evil dream, as it usually foretells scandal and sensation….

…that will take place during it. If the angel appears in the form of an old man in the dream, he represents the past. If one sees the angels praying and asking for God’s forgiveness on his behalf in a dream, it means that one’s spiritual and religious life will grow for the better, and that he will become wealthy. If one sees angels descending upon a cemetery in a dream, it signifies the presence of blessed and righteous souls in that place. If one sees angels walking in the markets in a dream, it means that the merchants are trifling with prices and playing with the measures. If the angels who are in charge of punishing the sinner in hell walk before a dying person and he does not fear them in the dream, it means peace and tranquility. If one sees the angels teaching a dying person how…

…dream signifies earnings from a local business. A bowl in a dream also repre- sents one’s condition, state, or the management of his affairs. Licking a bowl, or licking one’s fingers after cleaning the bowl with one’s hand in a dream means consuming one’s share in this world and the nearing of one’s death. A wooden bowl in a dream also represents a woman, a housekeeper, the workplace, or one’s shop. If one sees a gathering of people or scholars partaking in a sweet meal from a large wooden bowl in a dream, it represents a community project that unites people’s hearts and allows them to share their knowledge. If one sees a group of people gathering to eat a fish or a piece of rotten meat in a dream, it means that a group of evil people are gathered to take advantage of a prostitute. (Also see Bowl)…