In a dream, a drivingbelt means begetting a son or going on a journey.

…Dreaming of driving a vehicle, such as a car, and hitting something with it, indicates uncontrolled aggression which can be very dangerous. It’s the constant obsession with something that always leads to unnecessary problems. Dreaming of crashing into something and almost hitting someone or almost being hit by another vehicle indicates that due to the dreamer’s misconduct, the dreamer’s activities are getting complicated and failing. Dreaming of being injured due to a crash or by being run over, indicates that soon the dreamer will face multiple failures and problems if the dreamer doesn’t correct his or her behavior. Dreaming of being saved from the crash or from being run over by one’s own merits indicates that through the dreamer’s skills and behavior any affairs that the dreamer might have will have a good outcome. Dreaming of witnessing a car crash and even worse being part of the car crash,…

When you see yourself playing the game of dominoes, then such dream indicates the bad pleasures you will get yourself into, especially if you won the game. The dream could also indicate your dominant personality and smartness you are using while playing the game of life. When you lose the game of dominoes, then it shows the disappointments you will suffer unexpectedly.

…To see your driver’s license in your dream represents your authority and rightfulness. If you lose your driver’s license, it symbolizes your inability to cope with changed status of yours. Possibly you have lost the sovereignty to move forward towards finishing your goals. If you find your driver’s license, it means that you become stronger by overcoming obstacles. Additionally, it shows that fortunate changes in your influence to others. Also finding of lost driver’s license shows increased self-confidence. You will have more weight in any given situation, related to work or relationship. You are the one with the lawful right to move everyone forward. Alternatively, driving permit means that you are facing catastrophe in your individuality. To lose your driver’s license in dream indicates that you have lost your true self. Maybe you became vulnerable to opinion of others. As internal stimuli, the dream about driver’s permit shows your…

If you were dreaming of watching a baseball game, it indicates your calm and balanced peace of mind. The game is a symbol of smooth and carrying on place. Usually when the dreamer sees himself playing a game it shows that you do not see a purpose of your life. Sometimes it is difficult to know what do you want and set your aims knowing that they will fulfill your desires and wishes. In reality, very often people compare baseball to sex, as someone is setting a goal to achieve the target.

…(Challenges | Game) Playing chess in a dream means mixing with all kinds of people. Playing chess in a dream also means deception, fights or a ploy. Seeing a chessboard, and if no one is playing it in a dream represents a strike, or people who are dismissed from their job. If one sees people playing it, then such people represent the leaders or the statesmen. The winner in a chess game in a dream is the winner of a political or a military maneuver. Whatever steps one takes in playing chess in a dream will be reflected in the political arena. Playing chess in a dream also could mean intending a fight, but not knowing whether he will win or lose. It also could mean facing dangerous people, so one is warned in the dream to be on guard against their tricks or ploys. Playing chess in a…

If you were dreaming of watching a baseball game, it indicates your calm and balanced peace of mind. The game is a symbol of smooth and carrying on place. Usually when the dreamer sees himself playing a game it shows that you do not see a purpose of your life. Sometimes it is difficult to know what do you want and set your aims knowing that they will fulfill your desires and wishes. In reality, people often compare baseball to sex, as the meaning of someone setting a goal to achieve the target. Consider, that your dream might indicate sexual desires you have and are not be able to express them.

The bus driver dream may have several meaning depending on the circumstances of the dream. The bus driver who is driving the bus with confident and you feel happy while being driven, shows that you have someone in your life who is very important to you. The bus driver could also mean that this person has a very big influence in your life. If you are the bus driver and driving many people in the bus, it shows that you feel appreciated and respected by those you are surrounded by. The crash of the bus shows that you who was driving the bus or another person who was the driver is unable to control the situation.

…(Pin | Pole | Stake | Tent peg) In a dream, a peg represents a high ranking person, a master, or a scholar. If a young man hits someone over his back with a wooden stick in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will grow to be a hypocrite and an enemy to his father. Unplugging a peg or the pole of a tent in a dream means death. Driving a peg into the wall in a dream means liking to associate oneself with a great person. Driving a peg into a house in a dream means being in love with a woman from that family. Driving a wooden peg or a pin into wood in a dream means liking to befriend a teenager who is also a hypocrite. A metal peg in a dream represents money, strength, pain, distress, sorrow, or rising to…

…(Champing | Chomp | Love | Rancor) In a dream, a bite signifies perfidy, rancor or extreme love for the one who is bitten in a dream. If one bites himself then spits a piece of his own flesh on the ground in a dream, it means backbiting and belittling others. Biting one’s own fingers in a dream means regret or fury, rage and anger. If one’s fingers bleed from such bite in a dream, it means tribulations caused by one’s own shortcomings. A bite in a dream also signifies extreme anger. If one is bitten by another person in a dream, it means that he will enjoy happiness and success at the beginning of his professional life, then he will suffer from an illness, eye inflammation, ophthalmia, or from heart problems. Biting on an apple in a dream means satisfying one’s desires. (Also see Pinch | Tongue)…

…Dreaming of a cat, denotes ill luck, if you do not succeed in killing it or driving it from your sight. If the cat attacks you, you will have enemies who will go to any extreme to blacken your reputation and to cause you loss of property. But if you succeed in banishing it, you will overcome great obstacles and rise in fortune and fame. If you meet a thin, mean and dirty-looking cat, you will have bad news from the absent. Some friend lies at death’s door | but if you chase it out of sight, your friend will recover after a long and lingering sickness. To hear the scream or the mewing of a cat, some false friend is using all the words and work at his command to do you harm. Dreaming that a cat scratches you, an enemy will succeed in wrenching from you the…

…Dreaming of traveling, signifies profit and pleasure combined. Dreaming of traveling through rough unknown places, portends dangerous enemies, and perhaps sickness. Over bare or rocky steeps, signifies apparent gain, but loss and disappointment will swiftly follow. If the hills or mountains are fertile and green, you will be eminently prosperous and happy. Dreaming you travel alone in a car, denotes you may possibly make an eventful journey, and affairs will be worrying. To travel in a crowded car, foretells fortunate adventures, and new and entertaining companions. See Journey….

The dream in which you see the automobile indicates the movement of your life. The automobile that is technically good shaped, indicates the peace of your mind. You are going through life perfectly without any distractions. If your car is damaged or broken in any other way, it foretells about the difficulties you will have to deal with. The car that has been stolen means that you are feeling betrayed by those you trusted. Somebody wants to use you for their goodness.

…The dream about the car crash denotes to your attitude, life and targets that clashed with another’s. The dream might also indicate the staggering proficiency you will have. On the other hand, the car crash could also indicate your tendency to drive without any care. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours is telling you to slow it down. If you saw the plane crash, then such dream shows the unreal expectations you have from yourself. Perhaps you made very high goals for yourself which is impossible to achieve. On the other hand, the dream shows the lack of confidence you are suffering from. Perhaps you do not believe in yourself and think you are unable to get what you want. Try to believe more in yourself and do whatever you want to do, otherwise you will get nothing from life. To get more information about the crash dream meaning,…

To dream that you are working in your garage may have several meanings depending on circumstances of the dream and your waking life. The garage could shows that you like to work on your own and organize your life on your own. The car that is seen in the garage indicates your achievements, so the better the car, the better goals you have achieved.

…will be foiled in an attempt to forward your prospects. To get off of one, denotes that you will succeed with some interesting schemes which will fill you with self congratulations. Dreaming of sleeping-cars, indicates that your struggles to amass wealth is animated by the desire of gratifying selfish and lewd principles which should be mastered and controlled. To see street-cars in your dreams, denotes that some person is actively interested in causing you malicious trouble and disquiet. To ride on a car, foretells that rivalry and jealousy will enthrall your happiness. To stand on the platform of a street-car while it is running, denotes you will attempt to carry on an affair which will be extremely dangerous, but if you ride without accident you will be successful. If the platform is up high, your danger will be more apparent, but if low, you will barely accomplish your purpose….

…memory of so valuable a friend.) The other extraordinary story to which I have alluded, I heard from what I consider unimpeachable authority. Mrs. Brooke, whom I have already mentioned, told me that she was drinking tea one evening in Fleet Street, when a medical gentleman was expected but did not arrive till late. Apologising for his delay, he said he had attended a lady who suffered from a contracted throat, which occasioned her great difficulty in swallowing. He said she traced the cause to the following circumstance. When she was a young woman, and in bed with her mother, she dreamed that she was on the roof of a church struggling with a man, who attempted to throw her over. He appeared in a car man’s frock and had red hair.Her mother ridiculed her terror, and bade her compose herself to sleep again; but the impression of her dream…

…To dream that you are in an accident, symbolizes the guilt you are carrying with yourself. This guilt might come from something you did in the past and can not forgive yourself. This might be the meaning of you concerning and punishing yourself. If you dream of a car accident, it represents how spiritual you are. The sign of dream could also want you to take things slower and move forward without pushing yourself too hard, because as a result of it, you will not achieve anything you have been expecting. Do not worry, just make sure you know what you are doing at the moment, think twice before you say anything to anyone. If you lose someone you love in an accident, it represents part of you, that is not part of you anymore. It also could symbolize your relation to that person, how important he is to…

It can be a warning against possible car accidents in the future. Perhaps your mind is telling you to be careful. It might be a good time to slow down a bit, and face your fears and doubts. Do you have control over your life? Do you feel guilty about something? It also indicates that your opinions, lifestyle or ambitions collide with those of another person. When one of your acquaintances dies in a car accident, it means that you need to check or retrieve your relationship with that acquaintance in real life. If you dream of a plane crash, it may mean that the objectives you set for yourself are too high. Or it may be, that you yourself, do not really believe that you are capable of achieving them.

If it is a freight car, it means that the financial situation will evolve favorably and in accordance with the aspirations and needs. If, on the other hand, it is the car of the passenger, then it is an indicator of upcoming, unfavorable changes.

…(Car racing | Competition | Contest | Horse race | Pigeon racing) Racing on foot in a dream means activities, actions, accomplishments, workout, amuse- ment, playfulness, idling, a vacation, or travelling without a purpose. If a sick person sees himself racing in a dream, it means his death. If a poor person sees himself racing in a dream, it means financial gains. If a traveller sees himself racing in a dream, it means returning to his home. Horse racing in a dream means indulging in what is forbidden, arrogance, self-deceit, or guaranteeing the success of what has no prospect of succeeding. Horse racing in a dream also could mean engaging in a dangerous adventure that could lead to one’s death, corruption and divisiveness. Pigeon racing in a dream means sodomy. Car racing in a dream means exceeding the boundaries of safety, or crossing into the boundaries of danger….

If you dream of your car, van motorcycle or any other vehicle that you are driving has broken down, than such dream shows the pressure you have made for yourself. Perhaps you should slow down, otherwise you will get exhausted. Try to look after yourself much more and change the attitude to the prosperous things, because it is not the most important thing in the world.

(Transportation) In a dream, a driver signifies travels, a marketplace, a carrier, or driving toward good or evil for one who is intending that. (Also see Car | Carrier)

When you dream of playing the backgammon game, it signifies new people in you life which you did not expect to see and you will not be satisfied and comfortable seeing them. If you dream that you are being defeated in backgammon game it might be the sign of a failure in your love life. Maybe you start making a new relationships with inappropriate people. Make sure you think twice before making new friends or lovers.

…To dream that you’re plotting a scam suggests that you have adopted this habit just for your personal gain. To dream that you’ve been caught while performing a scam is a warning that your competitors will win those negotiations in which you’re participating, and that will cause you losses. To dream that you’ve been caught cheating while playing a card game or any other wagering game, announces a serious failure. If someone else is the one who cheats, then it announces success for the dreamer. Dreaming about an empty animal trap, no matter for what specie it’s for, it announces upcoming failures….

(zool. Game | Graveyard) A vermin or any bird that kills game or dwells near the graveyards in a dream represents a procurer or a prostitute.

When you are watching the baseball game in a dream, then such dream signifies things you will pass easily. If you are the team member of the baseball game, then it shows how hard you are working in order to achieve goodness.

Dream of a football game means you will feel very satisfied in your work and will gradually realize your objectives, goals. The game of football may refer to your behavior and your ability to achieve your goals, integration, strengths and weaknesses.

To rolling the dice in a dream means that you are feeling in unreality in your waking life. There is a feeling that you are like in a game of this life and taking some part of this game.

Playing on a board, either chess or checkers can be interpreted as the feeling of being immersed in a situation where, as in the game, in addition to our decisions, chance and the actions of others intervened. It indicates uncertainty, insecurity, but nonetheless for the correct interpretation of this dream it will be very interesting to observe the sensations we have while we dream, and the person we face in the game.

…the nature of the dream He sent me. I dreamed I was playing cards in a large, brilliantly illuminated nursery, my adversary being a child of about six years of age, who was seated directly opposite me. In his face and features I had little difficulty in recognising myself — that is to say, myself of long ago, when I was young and pure, without any knowledge save of what was innocent. We played some curious game that was quite new to me and which, strive how I would, I have never been able to recollect since. It was a game of speculation, and the stakes ran high, my opponent winning everything — everything, till at length I had nothing left to risk but my soul, which I staked and lost.I was then so maddened that I sprang from my seat and, seizing a knife, rushed on him and, despite…

Dreaming of betting, wagering, gambling money is a warning which means that you must be cautious when you make deals or business with strangers. It also announces that your opponents seek for an opportunity to harm you. It’s the same if you dream of playing with money in casinos or any board game or table game; it means that you must be careful of not wasting money. Dreaming of betting money in any way, suggests that you proceed without reasoning in your everyday life, which will make you to have problems. Dreaming of losing bets announces that you’ll experience setbacks in the affairs you’re handling, but if your play with money gives you profits, if it looks like you are winning, then this dream indicates that you’ll triumph.

To dream you are shooting is very favourable, if you kill much game. To the love it shows a good mistress, kind and good-humoured who will make an excellent and notable wife. To the tradesman and farmer, success and riches. To the sailor, wealth acquired in a distant country, but if you dream you kill little, or no game, then it presages bad luck, and disappointments in love. To dream you are shooting with a bow and arrow is a very favourable dream, particularly to lovers and tradesmen.

…(Boat | Human being | Might | Mother | Prison | Star | Salvation | Stress) Seeing a ship in a dream means escape from danger, overcoming adversities, recovering from an illness, or it could represent rain after a severe drought. If one who is experiencing adversities sees a ship or a boat anchored in a harbor in his dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted shortly. If one sees himself pulling it, or driving it on dry land in a dream, it means that he is a hypocrite or a pimp. If he rides a ship along with righteous people in a dream, it means that he is guided on the straight path and that his sins will be forgiven. If one reaches the shore and leaves the boat in a dream, it means that he will live in safety and happiness, and he will escape…

Dreaming of yourself traveling in a taxi insinuates that you have good health, good businesses and satisfactions. Dreaming of yourself traveling in a taxi by night, and being accompanied by other people, insinuates that dangerous secrets will come to light, and they require discretion. When a man dreams of himself in a taxi with a woman, it announces discredit. If the woman in the dream is accompanied by another man, the discredit will be even greater. Dreaming of yourself driving a taxi announces that you’ll have to work hard to cover your needs. Dreaming of yourself driving a taxi, and that not being your usual job, also insinuates that you long for a more productive job position.

Mustard in a dream is an omen of a series of small problems or obstacles that will make us sink into a state of extreme irritability.

Dreaming of incoherency, usually denotes extreme nervousness and excitement through the oppression of changing events.

To be crippled in a dream means difficulties to fulfill what is planned. Dreaming about crippled, handicapped people means you don’t have enough faith or confidence in the ones who surround you, for example, partners or employees. It is a very ominous dream, which negatively affects all aspects of life. It is not advisable to start a new business and extreme care must be taken in the ones you already have. However, it won’t be possible to prevent damages. It as on omen that the professional capacity will be significantly reduced and very difficult to repair mistakes that will made. It is quite possible that in family and love live, emotional confrontations and serious discussions may emerge. Regarding your health, it will probably be affected and serious disease may be suffered.

…from Southsea says: I am sure that canaries in dreams are significant of extreme good fortune. Two years ago, I dreamed a canary dashed against my window-pane, and the very next morning I received a handsome cheque from an uncle, with whom I had held no sort of communication for years. The night before last, I dreamed a couple of canaries flew round my bed singing, and, coming down to breakfast in the morning, I found a letter awaiting me from a solicitor to say that my godfather had died suddenly and had left me a substantial legacy.”A girl whose age I dare not state, lest some at least of my readers should deem her precocious, informs me that she likes to dream of ducks! “They mean so much! ” ”I dreamed of ducks week ago/’ she boldly confided to me, *’ and the following evening my cousin, George —…

Dream of falling symbolizes disrespect. Fall and rise again at different turns means honors. Fall into the water or the sea, some new affairs with a married woman, loss of health, of honor, of wealth, extreme trouble in extricating yourself from the traps of enemies, and of those who envious you. If the dream is prolonged then you will face persecution.