To dream that you are driving along an embankment represents the chances of difficulties and unhappiness. To dream that you are riding a horse along an embankment denotes that you will fearlessly meet and overcome all obstacles in your destiny to abundance of wealth and happiness. To dream that you are walking along an embankment represents your weary fight for elevation and higher status.

It is our own life that is represented and everything depends on us. The fuel represents our energy’s capacity. The bodywork indicates our appearance. The steering wheel foretells about our self-control capability. The breaks show our will. The electrical circuit portends about the intelligence. The headlights foretells about our capability to view the facts. If the automobile is in good condition, then it means that we have confidence in ourselves. If it is in bad condition, then it represents our fears. If we see ourselves driving the automobile alone, then it indicates desire for independency. If we are traveling accompanied by the actions of the passengers, including ours, then it will reveal our attitude with those around. If the automobile is being driven by someone else, then it means that we don´t feel owners of our own destiny.

(See Driving force)

…Railway indicates a desire for change, driving to another place of residence, work. Maybe it’s time to ask why you feel this desire for change….

(See Driving force)

To dream of the tacks, denotes to irritation you are suffering at the moment. Perhaps there is someone in your life that annoys you a lot. If you were driving the tack, then it shows your obtainments through hard work you have done.

Seeing or driving a station wagon in a dream refers to your family and issues that are surrounding them.

(See Driving force)

…(Francolin | Genus | Mountain quail | Woman) In a dream, a partridge represents a beautiful but a non-amicable woman. Catching a partridge in a dream means marrying such a woman. Catching many partridges in a dream means prosperity. A flock of partridges in a dream represents women. A partridge in a dream also represents smiling people. Eating the flesh of a partridge in a dream means buying new clothing, or storing food for one’s family. If a married person sees himself catching a male partridge in a dream, it means that he will beget a blessed son. If a pregnant woman catches a partridge in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a daughter. Slaughtering a partridge in a dream means committing adultery. Driving or pushing a partridge in a dream means rebuking a woman. Owning a partridge in a dream means marrying an Asiatic…

To see many small tacks indicates minor problems that will be very easy to solve. If you drive the tack, it also means that you will overcome obstacles. If you hurt your hand while driving the tack, then it means you will not have an ability to control the mess that is going on around you.

If you were driving any kind of the vehicle in a dream, then it foretells about your ability to control your life without anyone’s help. Perhaps you are the person who is able to make things to the fullest on his own.

…Dreaming of riding in a coach, denotes continued losses and depressions in business. Driving one implies removal or business changes….

(Breed | Farm | Raise) If one sees himself driving a male animal to copulate with a female animal in a dream, it means a good harvest for that year. (Also see Driver)

…(Bridge | Stone bridge | Viaduct) An arched bridge or a viaduct in a dream represents suspicious matters or mundane questions or worldly vs. ungodly concerns. An arched bridge or a viaduct in a dream also could represents one’s wife, or it could mean dispelling of one’s worries or trouble. Driving over an arched bridge or through a viaduct in a dream means riding a vehicle. An arched bridge or a stone bridge in a dream also signifies richness, luxury, longevity, a sickness, renouncing one’s allegiance, or it could mean breaking a promise. An arched bridge in a dream also could represent a middle man, a wise man, or a ruler, except if the bridge leads to a loathsome place, or to a dead end. Crossing an arched bridge that leads to the palace of a ruler in a dream means receiving money, or it could mean getting married…

…To ride in a cab in dreams, is significant of pleasant avocations, and average prosperity you will enjoy. To ride in a cab at night, with others, indicates that you will have a secret that you will endeavor to keep from your friends. To ride in a cab with a woman, scandal will couple your name with others of bad repute. Dreaming of driving a public cab, denotes manual labor, with little chance of advancement….

It is our own life that is represented and everything depends on us. It represents our energy’s capacity. It shows our appearance and our external appearance. Handlebars represents the ability to be in control. Brakes indicates your will. Gearshift denotes to intelligence. Lights of the bike foretells about our ability view the facts. If the bicycle is in good condition, it means we are confident. If it is in bad condition, it represents our fears. If we are driving the bike alone, it indicates desire for independence. If we travel accompanied, the actions of the passengers, including us, will reveal our attitude to those around us. If it is ridden by another person, it means that we are not masters of our destiny.

The dream shows that it is our own life that is represented and everything depends on us. Gasoline represents our energy capacity. The construction of the tractor indicates our appearance. The steering wheel foretells about the controllability. Brakes show our will. The electrical circuit represents intelligence. Headlamps, our ability view at the facts. If the tractor is in good condition, then it shows we have a confidence in ourselves. If the tractor is in bad condition, then it represents our fears. If we are driving the tractor alone, then it indicates the desire for independence. If it is being driven by another person, then it means that we are not masters of our destiny.

…Dreaming of a lion, signifies that a great force is driving you. If you subdue the lion, you will be victorious in any engagement. If it overpowers you, then you will be open to the successful attacks of enemies. To see caged lions, denotes that your success depends upon your ability to cope with opposition. To see a man controlling a lion in its cage, or out denotes success in business and great mental power. You will be favorably regarded by women. To see young lions, denotes new enterprises, which will bring success if properly attended. For a young woman Dreaming of young lions, denotes new and fascinating lovers. For a woman Dreaming that she sees Daniel in the lions’ den, signifies that by her intellectual qualifications and personal magnetism she will win fortune and lovers to her highest desire. To hear the roar of a lion, signifies unexpected…

…The dream, in which you are driving the van, denotes to comfort and functionality. Beware of how much there are that you are carrying in your van. Maybe there are too much of the load, therefore you feel stressed and overtired. Consider the load that you are carrying and what you can handle. Don’t stress yourself out….

…Dreaming of tacks, means to you many vacations and quarrels. For a woman to drive one, foretells she will master unpleasant rivalry. If she mashes her finger while driving it, she will be distressed over unpleasant tasks…

…If one sees himself being buried after his death in a dream, it means that he will undertake a long journey during which he will be short of money. If one sees himself being buried alive and if he recognizes the one burying him in the dream, it means that the latter will assault him, oppress him, imprison him or cause him injustice. If he dies in his grave after his burial in the dream, it means that he may die from such sufferings. Should he survive such adversities in the dream, it means that he will escape from such fear, prison or injustice. If he sees the other person driving him to the edge of his grave in a dream, it means that he will lead him to his death, though his name will be praised after his death. If the other person places him inside a coffin…

…(Awareness | Deafness | Hearing | Stability) One’s ear in a dream represents his hearing, the point of his awareness, his rank, child, property or his status. The ear in a dream also represents knowledge, reason, religion, extent of one’s wealth, or pride about one’s lineage. If one’s hearing becomes clearer or increases in sensibility, or if he sees light beaming from his ears or driving into them in a dream, this dream will represent his guidance, obedience to his Lord and consent to His command. If he sees his ears looking smaller or producing an offensive odor in a dream, it means that he may go astray and indulge in actions that will incur God’s displeasure. If one discovers that he has an extra ear in a dream, it means a permission is given to him to fulfill what he intends. The number of ears one sees in…

…a dream also means prosperity. Seeing oneself in Bethlehem in a dream means increased religious devotion. Seeing oneself in Damascus in a dream means blessings, prosperity and wealth, or it could mean corruption. A cold city in a dream represents adversities. Seeing oneself in a shore city in a dream means winning people’s acceptance. Standing on a sulfuric soil or a salinized soil in a dream means an illness. Seeing oneself in a large and populated city in a dream means prosperity and wealth. Entering a city in a dream also means making peace between people. Driving through an unknown section of a city in a dream means losses. Entering an old city that is rebuilt and restored in a dream means that a great and a pious person will be born in that city and he will grow to guide its people on the path of righteousness. A city…

…(Belittlement | Defamation | Harm) Backbiting someone in a dream means driving one’s blessings away and nullifying one’s good deeds. Backbiting a poor person in a dream means becoming poor. Backbiting someone concerning a scandal in a dream means that one will become subject to defamation and suffers from a scandal. Like that, whatever subject the backbiting is addressing, its harm will come back to the doer. Belittling someone in a dream means that one will suffer the same in wakefulness….

…of enemies to overthrow you. If you are in love, evil women will cause you trouble. If you are kicked by this little animal, it shows that you are carrying on illicit connections, from which you will suffer much anxiety from fear of betrayal. If you lead one by a halter, you will be master of every situation, and lead women into your way of seeing things by flattery. To see children riding and driving donkeys, signifies health and obedience for them. To fall or be thrown from one, denotes ill luck and disappointment in secular affairs. Lovers will quarrel and separate. To see one dead, denotes satiated appetites, resulting from licentious excesses. Dreaming of drinking the milk of a donkey, denotes that whimsical desires will be gratified, even to the displacement of important duties. If you see in your dreams a strange donkey among your stock, or on your…

When you see yourself driving in a driveway, then such dream indicates the end of something in your life. Alternatively, the dream may be understood like the symbol of new way and new opportunities the life is going to provide.

Dreaming that you are driving a large vehicle without this being your usual occupation, a bus driver for example, but not carrying passengers, indicates that in real life you will go from bad to worse in all matters, including the sentimental matters.

It is our own life that is represented and everything depends on us. Gasoline represents the capacity of energy. The body of vehicle indicates our external appearance. The steering wheel symbolizes control’s capability. The brakes indicates will. The electrical circuit foretells about intelligence. The headlights portends about our ability to view at the facts. If the vehicle is in good condition, then it shows what kind of confidence we have in ourselves. If the vehicle is in bad condition, then it represents our fears. If we are driving the vehicle alone, then it indicates desire for independence. If we travel accompanied with other people then the dream shows that the actions of the passengers, including us, reveal what our attitude is to those around us. If you are driven by another person, then it means that we are not masters of our destiny.

To dream of driving the station wagon, indicates the relationships between you and your relatives. Maybe there are some questions that have not been sorted out yet. If the dreamer who drives the station wagon is unable to open up the windows of this vehicle, then it shows the fear he has for not being good enough to protect his family and give what they have deserved.

…Any dream of agony or death is very painful and annoying for the dreamer, since the imagination makes the body to shake and the pulse to accelerate, however, in reality it rarely announces death, because it usually refers to significant material losses, depending on what is driving the dreamer, but always with a probable solution. Curiously, these types of dreams it often indicates great health, depending of the elements on the dream. This is because many of the dreams indicate precisely the opposite of what could be naturally understood. Dreaming that you’re in agony usually indicates that you’re living with uncertainties and, more or less, imaginary fears, but they are almost always unjustified. However, this usually announces an upcoming disease for you or for a loved one, but it won’t be serious. This dream is common in apprehensive people. Dreaming of a woman in agony insinuates that a good…

To dream that your lover is driving a pig, signifies that he is of a headstrong disposition, and likely to prove a drunkard.

…Dreaming of riding in a cart, ill luck and constant work will employ your time if you would keep supplies for your family. To see a cart, denotes bad news from kindred or friends. Dreaming of driving a cart, you will meet with merited success in business and other aspirations. For lovers to ride together in a cart, they will be true in spite of the machinations of rivals….

(See Driving force | Requital)

…To dream of riding a mule, or driving one, is a sign of celibacy: gentlemen or ladies who dream this may safely calculate that they will have single for the rest of their lives, unless some more vivid dream with a favourable omen should counterbalance the influence of this one. If married people dream of mules, it foretells that they will be childless. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 51, 66….

…A lost donkey with an unknown master in a dream represents an ignorant, obtrusive and a demanding person. To own donkeys in a dream means mixing with a group of ignorant people. If one’s donkey becomes obstinate and does not move forward except with beating in a dream, it means that one’s sustenance and earnings come only through super- erogatory prayers and increased devotion. An obedient donkey in a dream represents the vigilance of its owner. Driving a donkey inside one’s house in a dream means bringing new income. Only the braying of a donkey is disliked in a dream, though the rest is generally beneficial. A donkey in a dream represents honesty in seeking one’s livelihood and earning clean money. If it indicates the person who is seeing the dream, then it means that he buys and sells impure merchandise, pigs, monkeys, toys or games. (Also see Zebra)…

The highway in dreams indicates your ability to go from one chapter of your life to another. The highway also indicates the things that happened for you in the past, the situation you are at the moment and the future that you are creating for yourself. If you are unable to move while being on the highway or do not know which direction to choose, then such dream shows that you tend to be in doubt about some issues in your waking life. If you went off the highway while driving, then such dream suggests to pay more attention to minor details instead of focusing only on the main ones. If you had an accident while being on highway, you should be careful with your surroundings.