To dream that you are looking out for cops or even calling them, means that you are feeling very sensitive and need for help. You do not feel safe in your environments. If you feel afraid of the cops, it means that there are some things that were done by you and now you feel guilty about it. You feel afraid of being caught by what you did, therefore you see cops in the dream.

To dream that you are unclothed and have none of the clothes on yourself, means that you are very vulnerable. If you feel ashamed about it, it shows that you feel insecure in your life, therefore you dream about being naked. If you show up in public place being naked, you feel afraid of being yourself and even experience bullying. The dream in which you feel good being naked and enjoy the attention that is given to you shows the confidence and self-trust you have while being yourself. If you see another person being unclothed, it shows that this person might need your support and help, because of vulnerability he or she is suffering from.

If you feel hungry in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the lack of something in your waking life. You feel hungry for love, affection, attention or wealth. You wish to get something you have wanted for a while long time. The dream in which you feel hungry could also be a reflection of actual hunger while you are sleeping. Maybe you haven’t eaten properly for a while, therefore you feel hungry while sleeping.

…If you were dreaming about the birthday, this dream could have many meanings and different explanations. The most important thing when analyzing your dream is to try to identify whom birthday it was. If the birthday was yours and you were having a good time, it signifies that you feel accepted among your community and/or you feel happy of who you are and the life you have. The dream also shows that mostly of your dreams have been fulfilled and now you feel like every day is a big celebration. If you dreamed of having a birthday party and no one attended it, there is a possibility that you feel neglected and abandoned. Even if you had no party in your dream, but no one congratulated you, this also foretells about your state of being forgotten. Maybe in reality you do not have too many friends or the ones…

…Usually dreams about the place being crowded denotes to the lack of freedom in your life. There is a possibility that you feel suppressed and unable to express your feelings and emotions. The dream could also show the tendency of yours to go along with others which means that you lack of individualism. If you are in the crowd and feel like unable to get out of it, then it means you should try to find the solution in order to become happy. If you feel great while being in the crowd, then it means you are surrounded by surrounding you feel happy with….

When you dream of yourself being in a hermit, then such dream indicates the loneliness you are suffering. Consider the lifestyle of your waking life and how you are leading your life. Maybe there are things that have changed and you do not feel happy anymore. The misunderstanding from the others could also be the part of your bad existence. The hermit could also show that you put yourself aside from others on purpose. If you do not feel good after dreaming about the hermit, then you should make some changes in your waking life, because the subconscious mind is sending you a message that something is wrong. If you feel good after dreaming about hermit, then such dream shows that you should keep yourself away from others for a while. Maybe this is the time of your life, where you need to be alone.

Dreaming of being taller than anyone else, indicates that you may look at them over your shoulder. You feel above him or her, you feel superior. It represents authority and pride. To dream that others are taller than you indicates that you may have a tendency to overlook some things. Perhaps you feel that a higher energy is always watching you and judging your actions.

If you feel jealous of another person, then such dream could be a reflection of your waking life. Perhaps you feel jealous for that certain person, because of the features he has got and you don’t. On the other hand, the jealousy in dreams could be interpreted as the shyness and the lack of confidence. Perhaps you do not feel worthy anything good and positive in this life. Do not be so hard on yourself.

To dream that you see some kind of the chair, means that you are looking for a chance to rest. The chair is the symbol of the place where we sit and simply relax. If your chair is being taken by someone, it means that you feel that you do not have an opportunity to relax because of the work that must be done. Many mothers who are taking care of their children often dream about the furniture where they can rest, because of the lack of the sleep and tiredness. The chair could also be an indicator of the fact that you do not feel you belong with those who are sitting. You feel left out. Make sure you find some time for your rest and ask the help if it’s needed.

…When you dream of seeing a blanket in your dream it symbolizes fascination, safety and reliability. The blanket is a symbol of something you can cover up yourself and hide from unpleasant experience. Try to concentrate and find out what in the reality you are hiding from. Maybe you’ve been trying to avoid specific people, because you do not feel comfortable around them or feel like owing something to them. When the dreamer covers himself up with the blanket or wrapping in the blanket, then the dream indicate apprehension and obscurity. You might feel insecure and afraid of some situation or environment that you are surrounded by. Sometimes the dreamer covers or wraps someone with the blanket, which foretells about your wish to look after someone. Maybe now is the time of your life when you are ready for parenthood, or maybe you wish you had someone special in…

…If you dream that you see a house in a dream, then such dream indicates the inner phases of your personality. The certain parts of the house represents specific aspects of your identity. If you see the house which is empty, has no people, furniture or any appliances in it, then such dream indicates the emptiness you feel inside yourself. Perhaps you feel lonely and denied by others. If you see the house that is renewed, then such dream shows that there is something important in your waking life that is changing very quickly, therefore you see yourself changing either. If you are cleaning the house in a dream, then such dream indicates how you are trying to clean up your thoughts. You are ready to take the new chapter of your life and you wish to start fresh and new beginning. If you see yourself living in the…

If you dream of taking the part at some kind of competition and winning the second place, it means that you are doing great in your life and going on the right direction, but only if you feel happy about it. If you do not feel good about it, you have to relax, do whatever you do and enjoy your life. You do not need to be first one in all aspects of your life. Perhaps you are the person who tends to win among the others, therefore you feel sad about it. The second place is the good winning point.

…If you saw the UFO in a dream, then it means you are trying to find the connection with your spiritual world. On the other hand, the dream could indicate how you feel around the others. Maybe you feel lost and different from others, therefore you feel like one of the UFO. The dream may also show your point of view completely different than others. To get the better explanation of the dream, please also see the meaning of spaceship….

The dream in which you see the rice that are dry and in perfect condition indicates the fulfilment of all aspects of your personality. You feel that you know how to deal with all of the situations, the family life is perfect, the friendships are great and the job you do is going according to plan. The sticky or wet rice is an indicator of some situation where you do not feel confident or feel that you are stuck and do not know how to divide things in order to make them work perfectly.

If you dream of being unusually silent, then it means that you are unable to express your thoughts or feelings. You feel like there is a barrier which does not let you express of how you feel. If somebody else is in silent, then it means that you feel lost and do not know how to deal with this particular person.

If you dreamed of someone or yourself being cheap, then such dream indicates your feelings. Perhaps you do not feel comfortable in your own skin, therefore you feel worthless. If the other person looks cheap to you, then it shows your attitude towards that particular person. If you got something as a present very cheap, then it shows how underestimated you feel. The dream, in which you gave someone something cheap, also shows your attitude towards that particular person.

To dream that you receive the good karma, means that you feel good about your behavior, you feel that you are going on the right track. If the karma is bad to you, you feel guilty about something you have done. Alternatively, the dream may show that you think the life is not fair to you, because you’ve been nice and good and karma is not the same to you.

If you dream that your partner is being unfaithful to you, means that you feel very insecure about yourself, or have the trust issues with this particular person. Sometimes the infidelity dream could represent the lack of time you are spending with your other half and do not feel satisfied in these kind of relationships. You feel jealous that your partner is spending time on his/her own or with other people. If there is someone else who betrayed you in the dream, but not your partner, it suggests to be aware of that dream, because the subconscious mind is giving you a signal do not trust everyone. The infidelity could also represent you, the things you promise yourself to do or not to do, but it doesn’t happen.

To dream about the uniforms means that you lost yourself. You feel that you have no identity and no longer could say who you are, what do you like and why you do whatever you do. The other explanation about the uniform foretells that you feel well fitted into community and have no shocking facts about yourself. You simply get along with everyone around you. If you see an array of unknown uniformed people, it shows that you are afraid of being caught in the war or do not feel safe while living in your surroundings. The uniformed soldier that is crying, indicates the sickness.

To dream of being topless means that you feel very pregnable. This dream is very shameful and unpleasant for women, because in most cultures the top part of the body is always covered. If you are surrounded by people while being topless, this signifies your fear to be exposed and known. The dream may also mean that you feel the lack of privacy. If you are topless and feeling comfortable while being without any clothing, it shows the self-trust and confidence you have as a human being. You feel very good in your own skin not only the way you look on the physical aspects, but also on your mental ones.

Dreaming that you point at another person is an indicator that your way of doing things is not correct and you should fix your behavior and the way in which you’re acting, especially towards others. This dream is an invitation to restrain our impulses or otherwise you’ll find yourself at risk of having big losses, disappointments and difficulties. If in the dream you feel that someone is pointing at you, then it usually indicates that you feel guilty about something that you have done wrong or something that you think you should have done, but you didn’t; however, you may not be conscious of this guilt your feel. What this dream usually tries to tell us is that whatever was the reason to do or to not do something, it is no longer possible to do anything about it and we should forget it and bury it forever.

To dream that you are being operated signifies major changes in your waking life. You feel that something is being done to you and you do not feel yourself anymore, because of the pressure in your home or your job. The changes that were done to you could also be only the consequences of your lifestyle. To see the other person being operated indicates your view towards his personality. It is also a symbol that some old friend is going to get in touch with you again.

…When you dream of being allergic to something, it means there are some kind of circumstances which makes you feel emotional. You should consider if there are things you don’t like doing, maybe it is very enervating and hard and if you feel that way, then you should stop doing it, even if it will cause serious damage to others. You can not be responsible for the others, you have to look after yourself. Maybe you should take a short break, relax and think of what has to be changed….

If you dream of counterfeit, then it shows the inability to see things the way they actually are. Maybe you feel useless or somebody is making you feel that way. The dream suggests you to do your own way and do not listen to the suggestions that are given by others. On the other hand, the dream may indicate your way to impersonate someone you are not.

To receive the bracelet from someone means the special bond you have with this individual who gave you a bracelet in the dream. The bracelet could also mean that you feel attached to someone or something you are no longer happy with. The bracelet makes you feel tied and you wish to have more freedom. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of jewelry.

…If you dream about any kind of the money, then it signifies the valuation for the things you get from people around you such as the favor, lending money, giving helps when it is needed. If you pay the bill, it shows that you feel that you owe something to someone because of the favor they did to you. You think you have to pay for what you got or the subconscious mind of yours is thinking that way. If you won the lottery or the other person gave you a great amount of the cash, you are feeling very lucky in some situation, however you know that you will have to pay for that in other way as well. If you dream that the other person must give you the money, because you borrowed it to him/her before, it means that you feel unappreciated and people should give…

…to an old friend suggests that everything in the dreamer’s life goes well, without difficulties or ups and downs. Being surrounded by joyful friends in dreams suggests that soon there will be problems in personal and family matters. Dreaming that you feel embarrassed by running into an old friend suggests that you feel guilty about something you are doing or at least planning to do in real life, and people are starting to know that. Dreaming of arguing loudly with someone who was supposedly your friend suggests that your affairs, both at home and in business or work, are not going well, which may produce unpleasant surprises. Dreaming of healthy and happy friendships indicates being at peace with yourself. Dreaming with friends dressed with very dark colors indicates that your health or financial situation has problems and that’s visible. Dreaming of friends that transform into animals indicates that you have…

To dream that you have an infection means that there is something in your life that makes you feel ill mentally or physically. Sometimes the fungus can indicate the poisonous thoughts the dreamer has which make him feel bad.

If you see the lead in a dream, then such dream foretells about your harsh problems that are making you feel bad. Maybe there is certain relationship or situation that is making you feel frustrated.

If you dream of being a beggar it shows that you feel unsafe and have no respect for yourself. Maybe you think you are not worth of things that life has offered you, or maybe you feel like you don ot appreciate enough the things you have got from those around you.

If you dream about your home, then such dream indicates the protection, love and benefits. If you see the home of your childhood, then such dream indicates your desire for your own family. Perhaps you wish to start creating your own family. The dream about your childhood home could also represent the nostalgia of old days. Maybe you have too many responsibilities, therefore you wish you were a child and didn’t need to be in charge of many things. The home is the place where people feel safe and secured, therefore the dream about home could indicate your insecurities and fears. Maybe you are afraid to start something new or do not trust in yourself enough. Alternatively, the dream about home could show the connection you have with your family. You love your family and feel much attached to them.

…they died away altogether; and again there was a sudden blank, followed by an excruciating pain, in which I seemed to feel the entire upper part of my head slowly wrenched away from the lower. Youth undoubtedly magnifies all things — joys and sorrows and pains; and in our after-life we do not feel things so acutely as we did in our childhood. The torture of the rack, I am sure, was as nothing compared with the torture I endured in my sleep under those forceps; and then — blessed relief! — The diabolical cause of my suffering flew out, and the vague unearthly hum of voices grew louder and louder, till they finally became recognisable human accents; when, as I had actually done under the anaesthetic, I awoke. But it was all real — cruelly, wickedly real; and it was due, I have no doubt, to the overtired condition…

The sea in your dream signify your present life, how you deal with people around you and situations you get yourself in. Sometimes the sea is the symbol of unknowingness where this are very miserable. The sea is also a symbol of depression you might be suffering from or melancholy. For some people the sea in dreams is the very positive sign, because it waves relaxes us and we feel free from all of the stress, but only if the sea is calm. The stormy sea is the reflection of your thoughts and inner being. Perhaps you feel very stressful and do not know which direction to take in your life.

…Dreaming that you’re paralyzed can mean that you feel helpless or you’re trapped under some circumstances. On the other hand, it indicates that you feel emotionally paralyzed or that you’re unable to deal with a situation….

…If you dreaming that you are attacked or assaulted by a bear it signifies rampancy, shattering barriers and competition. There is a possibility that you will feel distracted and might not know which direction you should go. The bears could also represent endless round between life and death. Do not worry, as nothing bad is going to happen, only you might feel one of the following characteristics: dead, alive or reborn-ed. The dream could also represent the research you are doing with your inner-self. Consider that the dream could also represent your soul and unexpressed or hidden thoughts. The dream wants you to open up and let it all away. If you dream of a polar bear it symbolizes the revival. Perhaps you will start to see things completely different way, everything will appear in different colors. These changes might affect not only your thinking, but the actions as…

If you feel embarrassed about something in a dream, then such dream shows the lack of self trust and frustration. The dream could also represent the sexual aspects where you do not feel comfortable in your own skin.

If you have received a medal for something that you achieved, it means that you feel appreciated. You feel that people are thankful to you.

…To dream that you kill someone means that you may be feeling very stressed lately, and sometimes may lose your self-control. It’s interesting to remember whom have you killed and how do you feel about that person. Do you feel angry for some reason towards that person and didn’t realize it until now? Sometimes we do things that annoy others, but it’s difficult for us to recognize our anger and our pain. On the contrary, a dream in which you kill a person can represent a part of you that you may dislike and want to get rid of it….

…When you dream of a baton it denotes to your wish of giving your voice out loud. The main meaning of this dream is that you want to be seen or heard. Maybe you feel the lack of attention from those around you, or maybe you feel a very opinionated person. Consider that sometimes being to loud could lead you to negative image. If you dream of seeing the baton which police officers have it denotes to men’s capacity, potency and sexuality….

…To dream that you are naked in public and feeling absolutely fine and comfortable about it, shows that you are the person who trusts himself very much. If you feel ashamed of your nakedness or feel uncomfortable in your own skin, it means that you are really feeling very bad being yourself. The man that is naked, but only the top part of his body is uncovered shows that some death of the person you know is coming on its way. The death doesn’t have to be like real death, it could mean that someone is not the person you knew before, or is simply depressed in is dead in his personality aspects. The nakedness as the sexual symbol is also known and it could mean that you have some unfulfilled desires, but simply don’t know how to express it. Or you do not release your sexual energy, therefore…