The dream in which you have superpowers shows that you really like what you are doing in your life and enjoy attention from others. Perhaps you feel a special person. You have lots of self-confidence. If the other person has superpowers, you adore the qualities and features this person has and wish to imply them into yourself.
Dream dictionary: felme super dream meanings
…It is by no means uncommon to dream of the dead, and as a rule such dreams are of little or no significance. There are, however, exceptions, as, for example, dreams which are extraordinarily vivid and in which the dead appear with some specific purpose; and in these cases I fancy projections take place, and the immaterial body of the sleeper meets the phantasm of the dead on the super physical plane.For the following illustration of this kind of dream I am again indebted to News from theInvisible World. The events in the story, I am about to quote, happened about seventy years ago in the south of Scotland.”Mr. Reid, of Bowland, a gentleman of landed property in the Vale of Gala, was prosecuted for a very considerable sum, the accumulated arrears of tithes, for which he was said to be indebted to a noble family, the lay proprietors.”Mr….
If you dreamed of being a superhero, then it means that you have some super abilities and did not show them yet, because of the lack of self-confidence or shame. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the over-confidence the dreamer has.
…Bears have always been associated with the unpleasant side of the occult. Those, however, that made such short work of Elisha’s tormentors, although undoubtedly psychic (since to appear and cause to disappear with such startling suddenness is only characteristic of the super physical), were to my mind far more opportune than they were unpleasant. Indeed, I might go further and confess that I should not be extremely sorry were such a demonstration of the occult bear, as that recorded in the Scriptures, to take place periodically amongst the ill-mannered and superfluous children of to-day. Many places are said to be haunted by evil spirits in ursine guise. I have myself visited a house in Chelsea where the apparition of a shaggy bear is seen, and it is a well-known fact that the Tower of London was once (and perhaps still is) haunted by the phantasm of a bear. A…
If you dreamed of being a telekinetic, then such dream indicates the super powers you have to get the special connection with the spiritual aspects of yourself and others. On the other hand you have many thought that are not explored and utilized. Probably you need to start doing things if you wish you reach the targets you have set or yourself.
…A lost donkey with an unknown master in a dream represents an ignorant, obtrusive and a demanding person. To own donkeys in a dream means mixing with a group of ignorant people. If one’s donkey becomes obstinate and does not move forward except with beating in a dream, it means that one’s sustenance and earnings come only through super– erogatory prayers and increased devotion. An obedient donkey in a dream represents the vigilance of its owner. Driving a donkey inside one’s house in a dream means bringing new income. Only the braying of a donkey is disliked in a dream, though the rest is generally beneficial. A donkey in a dream represents honesty in seeking one’s livelihood and earning clean money. If it indicates the person who is seeing the dream, then it means that he buys and sells impure merchandise, pigs, monkeys, toys or games. (Also see Zebra)…
…sleep they go to Phantasmagoria. Pursued and pursuing, in bed, at work or at play, they are never free from fantasies. In my novels my imagination runs riot, I make no attempt to suppress it. I write of the fantastic the weird, the occult; for at night I move, I breathe, I think in phantom land. So often have I visited this same phantom land that I have made a map of it, naming its isles, seas, mountains, lakes, forests, rivers, and plains. With many of the smaller landmarks, too, I am familiar, and I know what each turn and twist of certain roads have in store for me. Everything is portrayed to me so vividly that I believe my spiritual body, separating itself from my material body, actually visits the super physical plane and participates in its events. As types of the fantastic dream I quote the following:…
…their hands at her. As she gazed at them, dumb with the agony of despair, there was a hideous rending, tearing and tottering of woodwork and masonry, the entire building fell to the ground with the noise of thunder, and, with this appalling crash still resonating in her ears, Mrs. P awoke. This dream occurred contemporary with the last great fire and earthquake at San Francisco, and those to whom she narrated it namely, those who, like myself, knew the city were assured that her description of it was exact in every detail. Here again projection may explain much.Mrs. P , forewarned by a super physical power of a danger threatening those between whom and herself there was a strong bond of spiritual sympathy, had in her sleep unconsciously projected herself to the spot where the catastrophe was taking place, hoping thereby to save those she loved from…
…a curious sound a prolonged sound in which all nature seemed to join, and whisper, ” The Zone Arto! The ZONE ARTO! This is the ZONE ARTO! You have returned whence you came. You have returned to the ZONE ARTO” And as I listened in sore perplexity, the space all around me filled with the forms of countless men and women composed of vibrating molecules of light. And the whisper continuing, I distinctly heard, ” These are radio-activities, the essences of life. The society of the ZONE ARTO alone knows the secret of their creation, and alone knows how to extract them from the material body. Souls, ghosts, phantasms terms by which you are accustomed to designate the super physical all are radio-activities. You are one of them yourself now.””What! I cried.” Do you mean I am no longer material?””Yes!” the whisper replied, ”pro tempus, you…
To dream that you are taking the nap, means that you are feeling very tired and doesnt sleep deeply yet. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are sleeping very deeply, because you are super tired. The nap could also signify the fact that you are working too hard and must take a break from all the responsibilities.