Denotes becoming healthy after sickness.

Having abundance. 328.

…In a dream, a water cistern represents a pouch, a safe, a box, a coffer, a partner, one’s wife, a son, or knowing people’s personal secrets. If the oil cistern is filled with water in the dream, it means stagnation of any of the above. If one sees a water cistern filled with oil in a dream, then it means prosperity. The cistern of a fellowship house, a khanakah or a mosque in a dream represents its Imam or its supervising spiritual teacher or the caretaker and guard of the property. If one sees the water cistern of the house sitting in an unsuitable place in that house in a dream, it represents the spirit of a jinni who pursues such a person or who may haunt his house. If one sees a well being used as a cistern in his house in a dream, it denotes that the…

…(Granary | Pantry | Storrage room | Subterranean storehouse) An underground grain storage house in a dream represents a caring mother, a single parent or a foster mother. This interpretation comes from the example of a fetus in his mother’s womb and its dependence on her to supply the necessary nourishment. Once the stored food is consumed, then it is necessary to depend on a new source. If one sees an underground granary demolished or filled with dirt in the dream, and if his mother is sick, it means that she may die from her illness. If one’s wife is pregnant, it means that she will soon deliver her infant. A demolished underground granary in a dream means finding a buyer for one’s grains, and the dirt that fills the storehouse in the dream represents money. If the stored grain turns into dirt in a dream, it means that…

…kill the smell of any port! Come, now, don’t be churlish!’”I gave in, sir. It was wrong of me, I know, but what else could I do? They filled my glass, not once, but three or four times, and I drank it up, every drop — greedily! For the mutton, which was uncommonly salt, had made me very thirsty.”Then, sir, I looked at my watch and saw to my horror that I had only three minutes left; that is to say, I was expected to meet the sergeant in three minutes time. A quarter of a mile in three minutes, could I do it? If not, then – and” here the man on the bench snapped his fingers emphatically — “I should be fined and dismissed the force! A quarter of a mile in three minutes! Fastest walking in a heavy overcoat and thick regulation boots, isn’t it?”Well, sir, I…

…Dreaming of the firmament filled with stars, denotes many crosses and almost superhuman efforts ere you reach the pinnacle of your ambition. Beware of the snare of enemies in your work. To see the firmament illuminated and filled with the heavenly hosts, denotes great spiritual research, but a final pulling back on Nature for sustenance and consolation. You will often be disappointed in fortune also. To see people you know in the firmament, signifies that they are about to commit some unwise act through you, and others must be the innocent sufferers. Great disasters usually follow this dream. See Illumination….

…ram in a dream, it means that a rich, noble and a well respected person will lie to him, and at the end he will consent to accepting corrupt money. Seeing blood flowing from one’s body or from wounds is a sign of good health, safety, or it could mean coming home after a long journey. Drinking human blood in a dream means money, profits, escape from danger, safety from trials and adversities, or it could mean committing a sin then repenting from it. Falling into a pool of blood in a dream means that one will be accused of a murder or of stealing money. If one sees a valley filled with blood in a dream, it means that he may be killed in that locality. If one sees blood emanating out of his body without cupping or cuts in a dream, it means giving money to someone ….

Dreaming of adverse circumstances means you have concerns and problems that filled you with anguish, and you should be filled with positive energy and optimism to move forward. If your dream shows you and adversary means you’ll overcome the opponent, if it’s a friend of yours who suffers the aversion means you’ll have a time of great joys very soon.

…— sitting in the front row of the stalls, gazing at the stage, which, like the entire auditorium, was bathed in funereal gloom. Presently a hollow sounding clock boomed twelve, and, ere the last notes had died away, the orchestra filled with vast formless things that, seating themselves, evidently in their accustomed places, at the signal of their conductor beat their spectral palms frantically together. On to the stage from either wing there then wriggled and writhed in ghastly imitation of worms, shapes which suggested more than I dare to name — and which I shrank from analysing. And whilst they were in the midst of their hateful evolutions, a cloud of arrows suddenly burst upon them, and, on looking round, I saw, to my terror, that boxes, circles, and gallery were filled with huntsmen, who now levelled their bows at me. A thousand burning pains rushed through my body,…

…(Cup | Plate | Tray) In a dream, a bowl represents man’s money pouch or what his wife would like to receive from him. If one sees himself receiving a bowl filled with sweets in a dream, it means receiving abundance of love from one’s beloved. If the bowl is filled with sour food or some green raw vegetables in the dream, it means that animosity will develop on the part of his beloved, and it will provoke despise and fighting between husband and wife. Seeing a bowl in a dream also means increase in one’s earnings. A bowl also represents a servant, a child, a daughter, a nanny, or a handmaiden. Licking a bowl in a dream represents one’s earnings, and it could mean that he has consumed his lot in this life, or that he has reached the term of his life in this world. If one…

…dream, it means that he will acquire knowledge. Extinguishing the light of an oil lamp in a dream means attempting to conceal the truth by opposing a truthful witness, yet he will fail to win his case. Carrying a lighted lamp in the daylight in a dream represents a religious and a righteous person. Walking with a lamp during the night in a dream means observing a night vigil and prayers. If such a person is religious by nature, then it represents benefits. Otherwise, it means that he will see wonders. Carrying a lamp at night in a dream also means repentance from one’s sins. Carrying an unlit lamp, candle, or torch in a dream means business losses, or problems at the workplace. If one sees a lamp filled with oil that does not burn in a dream, it means sorrow and distress. (Also see Lamp stand | Wick)…

…Dreaming of seeing birds’ nests, denotes that you will be interested in an enterprise which will be prosperous. For a young woman, this dream foretells change of abode. To see an empty nest, indicates sorrow through the absence of a friend. Hens’ nests, foretells that you will be interested in domesticities, and children will be cheerful and obedient. Dreaming of a nest filled with broken or bad eggs, portends disappointments and failure. See Birds’ Nest….

Dreaming of your purse being filled with diamonds and new bills, denotes for you associations where {Good Cheer} is the watchword, and harmony and tender loves will make earth a beautiful place. See Pocket-book.

To see one filled, denotes prosperous times and feastings. If empty, your life will be void of any joy or consolation from outward influences.

If we break any object which means servitude or dependence its equivalent to the release of these ties. To dream that a water-filled vessel breaks and pours on the ground indicates the definitive loss of affection. Breaking a sword means our victory over our enemies (if the sword is theirs) or our own loss (if it’s our sword). Breaking a necklace means our release of another person….

…(Brook | Pool | Washing basin) In a dream, a pond represents a noble, generous, magnanimous, dominant and a beneficial person. If the pond is filled with water in the dream, it represents a generous and a well respected person. If one takes his ritual ablution from it in the dream, it means that he will escape from danger by God’s leave, and if he drinks from its water, it means that he will receive a financial gift from a person in authority. Reaching a pond in a dream means walking into adversities, betrayal and perfidy….

To dream that you have some kind of the food means that you are suffering from the hunger. Your stomach is giving you a message that is wasn’t filled enough. If you ate too much of the food, then this dream indicates the problems you are trying to solve while eating them up. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of actual product of the food that was eaten.

If you see the cellar, it means you are very unhappy person. If the cellar is filled with wood and other goods, then you will escape. If you see the bottles in the cellars then you will achieve great results.

It symbolizes that we feel like teenagers, and if we are, we are filled with the joy of living.

…To dream about many large containers filled with milk suggests an upcoming good run and/or good business, beneficial partnerships, etc. But if the containers have little milk, and worse if they are empty, it indicates the opposite. To dream that you’re loading a container with milk suggests that you work serving others and you aren’t comfortable with it because you aspire something better. To dream that you’re drinking milk is a favorable dream as it announces abundance for your home, leisure, good businesses and positive social relationships. To dream that you negotiate with milk suggests that soon your business will improve. To dream that you throw away milk warns that you’re wasting opportunities. To dream about decomposed milk announces that serious problems are coming. To dream that you’re trying to drink milk but can’t do so is a warning that you’re at risk of experiencing a material or friend…

…(Blouse) One’s shirt in a dream represents his piety, godliness, livelihood, knowledge, or it could mean glad tidings. Putting on a new shirt in a dream means marriage to a woman who has no relatives or kin. If a woman puts on a shirt or a blouse in a dream, it also means her marriage. A torn shirt in a dream means divorce. If one’s shirt is torn in a dream, it means breaking up a business partnership. A shirt in a dream also represents one’s religious and worldly concerns. Wearing a shirt without sleeves in a dream means having piety but no money, for sleeves in a dream represent money. If the pocket of one’s shirt is torn in the dream, it means poverty. Having a wardrobe filled with shirts in a dream represent one’s reward in the hereafter. Wearing a white shirt in a dream means piety…

…Dreaming of the ghost of either one of your parents, denotes that you are exposed to danger, and you should be careful in forming partnerships with strangers. To see the ghost of a dead friend, foretells that you will make a long journey with an unpleasant companion, and suffer disappointments. For a ghost to speak to you, you will be decoyed into the hands of enemies. For a woman, this is a prognostication of widowhood and deception. To see an angel or a ghost appear in the sky, denotes the loss of kindred and misfortunes. To see a female ghost on your right in the sky and a male on your left, both of pleasing countenance, signifies a quick rise from obscurity to fame, but the honor and position will be filled only for a short space, as death will be a visitor and will bear you off. To…

…a calm stream, denotes your perfect confidence in your own ability to conduct your business in a profitable way. To row with a sweetheart, means an early marriage and fidelity. To row on rough waters you will have to tame a shrew before you attain connubial bliss. Affairs in the business world will prove disappointing after you dream of rowing in muddy waters. If the waters are shallow and swift, a hasty courtship or stolen pleasures, from which there can be no lasting good, are indicated. Shallow, clear and calm waters in rowing, signifies happiness of a pleasing character, but of short duration. Water is typical of futurity in the dream realms. If a pleasant immediate future awaits the dreamer he will come in close proximity with clear water. Or if he emerges from disturbed watery elements into waking life the near future is filled with crosses for him….

…Dreaming of seeing a negro standing on your green lawn, is a sign that while your immediate future seems filled with prosperity and sweetest joys, there will creep into it unavoidable discord, which will veil all brightness in gloom for a season. Dreaming of seeing a burly negro, denotes formidable rivals in affection and business. To see a mulatto, constant worries and friction with hirelings is foretold. Dreaming of a difficulty with a negro, signifies your inability to overcome disagreeable surroundings. It also denotes disappointments and ill fortune. For a young woman Dreaming of a negro, she will be constrained to work for her own support, or be disappointed in her lover. Dreaming of negro children, denotes many little anxieties and crosses. For a young woman Dreaming of being held by a negro, portends for her many disagreeable duties. She is likely to meet with and give displeasure. She…

…represent his business success. Even climbing an old ladder in a dream means success in one’s bushiness, exaltation and profits. Falling from a ladder in a dream means adversities, spiritual fall and temptation. Climbing down a ladder in a dream means business losses. If the ladder breaks in the middle of one’s assent or descent in the dream, it means losing to one’s competition. If one fixes a ladder to descend upon something he knows in a dream, it means safety from danger, arrogance, fears, or escape from an accident that might cost him his life. Climbing a ladder in a dream also means seeking the help of people who are filled with hypocrisy. If one climbs a ladder to hear something in a dream, it means that he will achieve success and attain power. A ladder in a dream also means authority, eavesdropping, or spying for evil people….

…To see a pump in a dream, denotes that energy and faithfulness to business will produce desired riches, good health also is usually betokened by this dream. To see a broken pump, signifies that the means of advancing in life will be absorbed by family cares. To the married and the unmarried, it intimates blasted energies. If you work a pump, your life will be filled with pleasure and profitable undertakings….

…(Coal | Fire | Fumes | Oven) In a dream, ashes represent unlawful money or they could mean burns. Ashes in a dream are also interpreted to mean money one will receive from someone in authority or directly from the government. Seeing ashes then mean difficulties or toiling for no benefit in the service of a person in authority. Ashes in a dream also mean vain talk, or a knowledge one cannot benefit from. If one sees himself carrying a container filled with ashes in a dream, it means that he is engaged in falsehood, backbiting or in acquiring useless knowledge. If one sees himself blowing air into cold ashes in a dream, it means that he will engage in futile undertaking. Ashes in a dream also denote sadness, sore-eyes or heedlessness. Ashes in a dream also mean quelling the fire of war, suppressing upheaval, or attaining peace. Ashes…

…To see a garden in your dreams, filled with evergreen and flowers, denotes great peace of mind and comfort. To see vegetables, denotes misery or loss of fortune and calumny. To females, this dream foretells that they will be famous, or exceedingly happy in domestic circles. Dreaming of walking with one’s lover through a garden where flowering shrubs and plants abound, indicates unalloyed happiness and independent means….

If you dream you are agonizing, then it is a sign that despite of enjoying of a very good health, you feel a deep fear of death and pain. You will receive unexpected money. If you dream about a stranger agonizing, it means you’ll be soon filled with unusual joy.

…If you dream of jugs well filled with transparent liquids, your welfare is being considered by more than yourself. Many true friends will unite to please and profit you. If the jugs are empty, your conduct will estrange you from friends and station. Broken jugs, indicate sickness and failures in employment. If you drink wine from a jug, you will enjoy robust health and find pleasure in all circles. Optimistic views will possess you. To take an unpleasant drink from a jug, disappointment and disgust will follow pleasant anticipations….

To see a candlestick bearing a whole candle, denotes that a bright future lies before you filled with health, happiness and loving companions. If empty, the reverse.

…Dreaming of a vineyard, denotes favorable speculations and auspicious love-making. To visit a vineyard which is not well-kept and filled with bad odors, denotes disappointment will overshadow your most sanguine anticipations….

(Agent | Escort | Secret service) A bodyguard in a dream represents someone who deceives people and leads them astray. If one sees his house filled with agents wearing white uniforms, it signifies glad tidings of recovering from an illness, or that he will escape from adversities and dispel his fears. If such agents in the dream are dressed in black uniforms, then they mean a sickness, distress or depression, and what they say during that dream also identifies their purpose. (Also see Uniform)

…(arb. God’s House | Mosque | Place of worship) In Arabic, the word masjid means a place of prostration, while the word Jami means a place of gathering. A masjid or a mosque in a dream represents a scholar and its gates represent men of knowledge and the guardians, or the attendants of God’s House. Building a masjid in a dream means emulating the traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, fostering the unity of one’s family, or becoming a judge, should one qualify for such an office. A masjid filled with people in a dream represents a gnostic, a man of knowledge and wisdom, or a preacher who invites people to his house, advises them, brings their hearts together, teaches them the precepts of their religion and explains the wisdom behind the divine revelations. Seeing a masjid being demolished in a dream means that such a gnostic,…

…his two brothers, his two close friends, two sons or partners. If one sees a person with short arms in a dream, it means that he is courageous, generous and wondrous. One’s arm in a dream represent his brother and supporter or a spiritual example he follows. If one’s arm is broken in a dream, it means the death of one’s brother or closest friend, or it could mean an accident or a calamity. One’s arm in a dream also signifies protection from sin or it cold represent his wife, his mother, his teacher, wealth, craft, source of income, a supporting son or a close brother one can depend on at times of difficulties. If one sees that his arm is missing something in a dream, it could mean that he has little brain, though he is filled with pride and haughtiness. (Also see Air | Body’ | Forearm)…

This letter is interpreted as gaps to be filled with willpower to achieve our goals.

…Dreaming of seeing good-looking and fat cattle contentedly grazing in green pastures, denotes prosperity and happiness through a congenial and pleasant companion. To see cattle lean and shaggy, and poorly fed, you will be likely to toil all your life because of misspent energy and dislike of details of work. Correct your habits after this dream. To see cattle stampeding, means that you will have to exert all the powers of command you have to keep your career in a profitable channel. To see a herd of cows at milking time, you will be the successful owner of wealth that many have worked to obtain. To a young woman this means that her affections will not suffer from the one of her choice. Dreaming of milking cows with udders well filled, great good fortune is in store for you. If the calf has stolen the milk, it signifies that…

…Entrusting someone with a pouch filled with money in a dream means confiding a secret to him. If the pouch looks good, then one’s secret is important. If not, then the secret is useless. If the other person opens the pouch to see what is inside it in the dream, it means that he does not keep a secret. (Also see Purse | Sack | Suitcase | Trunk)…

…Dreaming of digging, denotes that you will never be in want, but life will be an uphill affair. To dig a hole and find any glittering substance, denotes a favorable turn in fortune | but to dig and open up a vast area of hollow mist, you will be harrassed with real misfortunes and be filled with gloomy forebodings. Water filling the hole that you dig, denotes that in spite of your most strenuous efforts things will not bend to your will….

…(Drinking cup | Goblet | Mug) In a dream, a drinking cup represents a woman or a son or a servant. Golden or silver cups in a dream are better than glass cups. A cup in a dream also denotes exposing hidden secrets. A filled cup in a dream represents a pregnant woman, if the water disappears in the dream, it means that she will give birth to a new child. A broken glass in a dream means death. A broken glass in a dream also signifies the death of one’s wife. If one sees himself carrying a glass of water, then if the glass falls and breaks, while the water remains in his hand in the dream, it means that his wife may die soon after giving birth to a new son. If the glass does not break and the water is spilled in the dream, it means…