What we mainly have to analyze is what happens in the scene. If we are spectators, it reveals timidity and suspicion. If we are directing the film, then it indicates our tendency to dominate others. If we are shooting, it indicates that sometimes we act suspiciously.
Dream dictionary: film xnxx.com dream meanings
If you were watching the film in a dream, then it shows how you value your own life. Perhaps the dream shows that you are revaluing your past and considering about the future.
When you dream of seeing or holding a blade, you are trying to finish something off. There is a possibility that you are trying to make the final decision at some project or personal life. Youve got to think everything through very well, as it seems that the decision is very important for your future. The other meaning of this dream could represent one of the most popular movies: Blade, therefore maybe youve been watching too much of television, because the blades associating with the name of this film.
…(Display | Hearing | Honor guards | Inspection of troops | Military re- view | Portrayal | Presentation | Review officer | Show) If one sees himself standing before a high-ranking officer during a ceremony of reviewing the guards of honor or in a military barrack in a dream, and if the officer is displeased with him in the dream, it means that he will commit a major sin. If one thinks that the officer is pleased with him in the dream, then it implies God’s blessings. The high- ranking officer or the review officer in such a dream also represents a com– passionate person who cares, and who frequently asks about his friends, helps them solve their problems, and assists them in every possible way. (Also see Hearing board | Inquisitional court)…
(Commander | Military) In a dream, an army general or a com– mander represents someone famous who is self assured and dauntless. If one sees himself as an army general in a dream, and should he qualify for such a position, it means prosperity, honor and blessings. If one does not qualify for such a position, then it may mean his death. If a poor person sees himself as an army general in a dream, it means disturbances and that he will raise his voice. As for a prisoner, it means his release from jail.
To dream yon are reading romances, comedies or diverting books, signifies joy and com– fort.
…(God’s bosom friend, upon whom be peace, arb. khalil) To see the Prophet Abraham, upon whom be peace, in a dream is a good sign of wealth, blessings, glad tidings, devotion, long life, assiduousness, healing of a sick, noble goals, righteous progeny, commanding good and forbidding evil, discard- ing bad company, compliance with the divine ruling, knowledge, guidance, success after failure and separation from one’s family and kin to seek God’s nearness and pleasure. In a dream, Abraham represents the element of com– passion toward one’s son and family and sometime he represents the element of adversities and finally of reachingsafety . (Also see Feast of Immolation | StatiQn of Abraham)…