To dream that you are fixing something indicates that you need to clear out your thoughts and get some fresh ideas. Alternatively, it represents that you need to reconsider a situation or relationship in your life. If you successfully fix something, it shows that all your worries will be gone soon. You are going to change what you need in the way which will be best for you. Also, consider what kind or what part of thing you was fixing in your dream. See the meaning of this thing.

…A vagina in a dream signifies relief for someone who is experiencing hardship, pressure, or sorrow. It also could mean satisfaction of one’s needs, fulfillment of one’s desire, marriage, partnership, exposing a secret, working with minerals, protecting women’s chastity, imprisonment, the house entrance, the front door, travels, the prayer niche inside a mosque, one’s innermost secret, running water, heat, an oven, a garment, a canyon, discovering a cure for an illness and feeling happy about it, finding an elixir, feeling relief after having sexual relationship with one’s spouse, a grave, distress, one’s wife, fire, a burning desires, family reunion, having children, dispelling doubt about what is right and what is wrong, clearly identifying true from false, finding guidance, or heeding admonition. If a man looks at a woman’s vagina in a dream, it represents his wicked state of mind, needs, desires, humiliation, or it could represent the high standard…

When we are seeing an acrobat doing his exercises, or seeing ourselves doing stunts, then it warns us that in real life we are entering an unstable situation whose outcome will correspond with the dream. If while dreaming we perform stunts and this gives us a nice feeling and also perform them successfully, it indicates that in real life we will be strengthened in our current relationship and at the same time we have strengthened our independence and security. If instead of sensation it is unpleasant to us or we fail the performance, it is feared that we will not get out well of the present unstable situation, and that what awaits us, is the failure and loss of our economic position.

Dreaming that you are being circumcised, can be interpreted as rejection of something, typically a belief, claim, or course of action. It can has symbolism that you are refusing an essential part of yourself. On the other hand, it may mean some kind of regression in your feelings and emotions. Are you cutting yourself off from any situation in relationship?

Harmonious relationship with children. Responsibilities growing in importance.

…To dream that you are nervous about something indicates doubts and feelings of insecurity. To dream that you or someone has a nervous breakdown suggests that you’ve lost a relationship’s framework, or you’ve done so in a situation, so you’re seeking more clarity and insight. This dream also indicates that you’re doubtful about your own judgments and decisions that were made….

To see a fire damper in the dream represents the friendliness of persons around you. They may have a lot of love to offer for you. Alternatively, it may represent your blockings and annoyance. You are holding yourself in your harmful emotions. You must be more positive. If the damper is broken, then it indicates a situation or relationship that has made you emotionless and hostile.

Seeing a wedding ring in a dream represents the fullness and eternal love. If you are married and find a wedding ring means your relationship has reached a new level. To dream that you have lost your wedding ring means an unsolved problem in your marriage.

Many authors indicate that the size of the bed speaks of the importance we give to our own sexuality. If the bed is dark and gloomy it may be a harbinger of disease, if the bed is broken means problems with our partner, if the bed is very clean and decorated, it shows our desire for refinement the relationship, and if it is dirty and messy means disagreement and dissatisfaction with the march of our intimate relationships.

Dreaming that you are fired from your job is a symbol of conclusion and termination. It is interpreted also as suggestion that you are wanting to end some relationship or situation in your waking life. Alternatively, it can be interpreted as symbolism of suppressed desires.

Seeing a firebrand in the dream represents encouraging fortune in professional activities and good emotions, induced by a relationship.

Dreaming of one or more nephews implies that you have a good relationship with your family and friends, which announces imminent success. In general, it’s a favorable omen that pushes us to improve our family and emotional ties, and it predicts economic growth.

…for their honesty and good conduct. Buying a mare in a dream also means getting married. If one is already married, then it means that he will own a property or a farm. A mare in a dream also represents a rich person, a beautiful woman or a handsome looking man, a religious person, a comforting wife, a forbearing husband, or a sick person. If one loses his mare, or if it dies in the dream, it means that he will lose his source of income. Dismounting a mare in a dream may mean loss of one’s business, a divorce, or loss of one’s house. Hearing the squealing of a mare in a dream means increase in one’s income, or it could mean one’s promotion at work. Drinking the milk of a mare in a dream means developing a beneficial relationship with a politician. (Also see Donkey | Horse)…

To see or send a Christmas Card, when you are dreaming, is interpreted as the lack of relationship with family or friends. It means that you need to reach your loved ones or reconnect with old friends. It is also has symbolic importance of mercy and forgiveness. Are you in the process of forgiving? Perhaps it is time to forget old mistakes, to swallow your ambition and pride. Try to let the past go in the mist.

Dreaming that you are extremely tall symbolizes desire for freedom. You could have escaped or have come out of a tough situation or a difficult relationship.

Seeing a nail filer in the dream signifies financial changes and the reason for these changes are the rough edges of your personality or your relationship with others. It means that you need to smooth out your connections. Maybe you are a little too tough and rough toward others. Furthermore, the consequences will only be temporary.

To dream of a christening, has meaning of restart in situation or birth of something very positive. Christening in the dream also stands as an omen for a spiritual renewal and fresh beginning in relationship. You may be undergoing a change, transformation or alteration where you want to better understand yourself as important person.

To dream that you are ice skating, is an alert for you to get more confidence. If you are ice skating on thick ice in the dream, then it can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to trust in your actions in order to be successful. If ice is broken, while you are ice skating, then the dream may indicate that you need to be more attentive to your surroundings. Are acting carefully in your life? Have you any situation or relationship, that need to be analysed and examined?

If we live in the city and have no professional relationship with cattle, this dream can symbolize our need to belong to a group and it will be beneficial to analyze in ourselves any kind of symptom that has to do with feeling helpless or lonely.

If you dream of meeting a bachelor, shows that you want to escape from the current situation and looking for some love affairs. If the man dreams of being a bachelor, shows the lack of freedom in a relationship he is at the moment. This dream also shows possible problems in your sexual life. Alternatively, the bachelor indicates the masculine side of you.

…Dreaming that you’re walking indicates serenity and security. Dreaming that you’re walking with a person means you have a good relationship. Dreaming that you’re riding an animal or a vehicle for a walk symbolizes the path and direction of your life….

…To dream that you’re an eminence and are receiving awards and honors, suggests an upcoming success, for example: a job promotion, an informal relationship becomes formal, favorable negotiations, etc….

If you dream of seeing or using the heater in a dream, then such dream indicates the affection, love and comfort you are looking for. Perhaps you are ready to be in stable relationship where you are able to receive the domestic happiness and love from your significant other.

To see a dulcimer in your dream represents untroubled situations, easiness in relationship, cheerful attitudes and a carefree life where your wishes will be favourably realized.

…them already being on the ground, where you can pick and eat them, suggests that you’ll receive significant benefits, including economic, business, and even in the lottery, etc. Dreaming of an isolated tree with small and green fruit indicates that your business and affairs are not going well. If you take one of these fruits in the dream, it represents that you’re taking serious risks. Dreaming of cutting down a tree of any kind indicates that you’re acting against your own interests, for example, that you’re acting against what is right. Dreaming of cut down trees and thrown on the ground, suggests material losses, ending a relationship, or family or personal misfortunes. Dreaming that you’re lost in a forest indicates loss of orientation, confusion, which if not corrected will end in failure; if you step on dry leaves while walking in the forest, the previous meaning is accentuated significantly….

Dreaming of sailing on a calm sea suggests that soon the dreamer will enjoy modest but satisfactory joys and triumphs. Dreaming of sailors working on the ship that the dreamer is on suggests that long journeys by sea or land will be made. If a woman has this dream, then it could mean that her relationship with her husband, boyfriend, or lover will suffer from a final break-up.

Fine and beautiful mare means happy marriage and harmonious relationship. Bad mare means the opposite. Riding a mare means triumph over enemies and solving problems. Seeing a mare running means risks or danger could be overcome.

…To have interaction at the mill or to encounter it or to see a mill, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism of the inability to adapt. Maybe you don’t know how use information from your past. Are you able to learn from your experiences? Are you able to apply these experiences to current problems or situations? On the other hand, there can be different explanation. Alternatively, mill in the dream has meaning of turning around or changing poles. That means change, transformation or alteration in some situation or any relationship in your waking life….

Some authors interpret dream of wounds, as a warning of possible accident, so it is necessary to avoid risks. But taking into account the circumstances of the dreamer, this dream may be interpreted as the latent fear of hurting our dignity, self-esteem, etc. If for example we have recently begun a relationship, seeing yourself hurt in the dream may reveal your fear of getting your feelings hurt by the partner.

…Seeing a wall in a dream means obstacles and limitations. There is a barrier that obstructs your progress. You’re too much dependent on your old habits and ways of thinking. Dreaming that you’re jumping over a wall suggests that you will overcome strong obstacles to succeed. Dreaming that you’re demolishing a wall indicates that you will break barriers and you will overcome your limitations. Seeing a wall crumble indicates that you easily rise from your problems and overcome your barriers. Dreaming that you’re building a wall represents a bad relationship. On the other hand, it indicates that you will accept your limitations. Dreaming that you’re hiding behind a wall suggests that you’re embarrassed of some relationships. Dreaming that you’re being thrown to a wall indicates some ways to break barriers and limitations….

…reverse indicates that you’re experiencing major obstacles in reaching your goals. If you drive in reverse into a pool of water, then it means that you feelings are too much reactive. These strong emotions are factually holding you back. To dream that you are driving drunk indicates that your life is not in anyone control. You must make important decisions, because there isn’t any other option. Is life out of control good for you? Driving on drugs or narcotics, suggests that some relationship or somebody is dominating in your life. To dream that you drive off a mountain road, suggests that the higher you rise in life, the harder it is to remain at the top. Maybe you feel that your advanced position is a precarious one. Because of that, dreaming about driving off a mountain shows as a fear to lose it. You know, that it takes a lot…

…To dream that something is dripping, suggests that you are slowly losing your identity. Maybe something is sucking uniqueness out of you. It can be job or relationship, where you can’t evolve. Additionally, dripping means that you gently letting out your emotions. It means that you not letting out everything what you feel. Have you suppressed some feelings? Furthermore, dripping represents slowly vanishing spiritual will. Perhaps you are experiencing steady and annoying disturbance, which is unnoticeable and silent for others, except you. This trouble is affecting your consciousness and taking out step by step your well-being. Consider also what substance is dripping, what condition, color, smell this material has and how fast it is falling in drops. Also, think about what feeling gives the sound of falling drops to you. If the sound makes you nervous, then it represents how anxious you are or will be in forthcoming troubles….

The fountain in dreams is known as the symbol of joy, happiness, new activities and childishness. There is also a possibility that you are getting into new relationship. If the fountain doesn’t work or is completely dry, then the dream shows the reality you have faced after great and joyful time that you have had.

…(Cloth | Cover) Wearing a wrapping around one’s waist in a dream represents a husband and a wife who live together without sexual relationship. A wrapping in a dream also may represent a dullish or a simple-minded child. (Also see Wrap up | Wrap)…

Seeing a lead in a dream indicates that you will have a problem blamed on you. Perhaps a relationship or blame is weighing on you deep down. Seeing a lead mine in a dream denotes deception, false situations, justice.

Seeing a signal in a dream indicates that something or someone drains energy and strength from you. A relationship or your day to day work is sucking the life and energy out of you. This dream can be a signal that represents your feelings of discomfort or irritation.

To dream of the swamp, foretells about insecurity and unknowns you are thinking of. Probably there is a fear of being stuck in something you do not like, such as being in certain relationship or working at the same job. If you were walking in a swampy area, then it denotes to unfavorable situation you will get in. Consider that the dream could be seen as a good omen, but only in those cases where you will have to face the hardships and huge work to reach what you want to.

To blow the fire express the hope to keep alive the flame of love, an ideal or a friendship. To blow it off denotes to desire and the need to finish a relationship that is being untenable.

…need to work even harder. Alternatively, dragon is a fictional creature and can be induced by external stimuli, like movie or book. On psychological level, dragon is interpreted as a trigger, which shows that you allowing yourself to get carried away by your fantasies. And such dream is a reminder that such behaviour may give you some problems. Maybe you need to exercise more self-control. In the eastern cultures, dragons are seen as spiritual creatures and symbolizing superior fertility, huge wealth and good fortune. As internal stimuli dragon can be interpreted on emotional level. In such way, dreaming about yourself being a dragon and breathing fire, suggests that you are having emotional brake, you are full of various feelings. You’re letting these feelings out in your dream. Alternatively, fire refers to your anger induced by solving troubles or finding solutions or being in a particular relationship. This dream shows also…

…Personal experience as a boy scout will definitely affect subconscious activity and provide the dreamer with the boy scout as a symbol of the dream. But if the dreamer never was a boy scout and he/she dreams that he/she is a boy scout, then such dream stands as an alert to seek for discipline. Maybe the dreamer need to finish some task and he/she must act quickly with deep commitment and discipline toward rules. The dream may give special importance to a sense of belonging to community, and feeling of helpfulness. To have interaction with a boy scout or just to see boy scout in the dream, represents perfect model of functioning. Maybe the dreamer or someone else has displayed exemplary way in which one acts or conducts oneself. The dream also announces successful accomplishment of project, plans. For female to dream boy scout, represents happiness in relationship. Gains…