Dream of expecting someone or something means your dependence on a friendly relationship. Consider how you feel in the dream while you’re waiting. If you are patient means wisdom and reassurance about the future. If you are impatient it may mean that your plans and ambitions will be fulfilled.

…Dreaming about a harbor is explained as symbolism of obestacles. This dream represents a need for a shelter from a stormy relationship or chaotic situation. Maybe you’re seeking refuge satus until you can recollect your thoughts and prepare for the challenges ahead….

Stable loving bond, lucky relationship.

Dream of seeing or eating mango symbolizes fertility, sexual desires and lust. Alternatively, mango means that a man enters to a relationship which you should leave to move on.

…To have interaction with full bowl, means pregnancy or spiritual rebirth. To see an empty bowl while you are dreaming, indicates refusal of deep inner emotions. Happy dreaming about bowl, has meaning of the womb and sense of security. Consider the condition of the bowl: is it broken or not; what color has bowl or what is inside bowl; and how it is treated or handled in the dream. These conditions may offer clues to you how to interpret your dream further by selecting other explanations of dreams: water, broken, brown, white or red and etc. If you can’t recollect additional information from your dream, then think how did you feel in the dream. If it was bad dream, then bowl may mean that you are being badly treated in a particular relationship….

…his illness, and it could represent earnings, piety, prosperity, dispelling distress and getting an answer to one’s prayers. If one sees himself entering paradise carrying money and leading a herd of sheep in a dream, it means that he will enter it through his charity and paying his due alms. Entering paradise together with one’s wife means a good family relationship and giving respect to one’s wife. Seeing paradise in a dream also represents one’s devotion, piety, renunciation, and being of benefit to one’s companions. The trees of paradise in a dream represent the gnostics, the true servants of God Almighty and the callers to God Almighty. If one is thrown out of paradise in a dream, it means that he needs to understand the story of Adam, upon whom be peace. Circumambulating paradise in a dream means dispelling fear, overcoming one’s difficulties, or getting married. (Also see Key)…

Dreaming of a man represents your masculine, strong, rational, aggressive and/or competitive side. If a woman dreams of a man who embraces her indicates support and help. Furthermore, this dream may underline your desire to have a relationship or reflect your image of an ideal man. Dream of an older man represents wisdom and experience.

Dream of gas suggests you have a stifled feeling by a certain relationship. You need to clean yourself and get rid of pain.

Dream of a pencil suggests that nobody is perfect. You need to accept yourself with all your imperfections and look within yourself. Dream of a pencil also indicates you’re making a temporary impact. It may also suggest that a relationship with someone may not last long. Dream of sharpening a pencil suggests that you need to be more flexible in your thinking, listen to what other people say and don’t reject their points of view so fast.

Dream of your mother represents the maternal side of your personality. Mothers provide protection, comfort, life, support and love. Some people may have problems to break free from their mothers and are looking for their own individuality and development. Having a specific conversation with your mother represents an issue that is concerning you and you don’t know yet how to solve it. On the other hand reflects unsolved problems in the relationship with your mother in real life. Hearing to your mother calling you in a dream means you were negligent on duties and you will have concerns. Hearing your mother screaming in a dream denotes a certain disease or affliction.

Dreaming that you are in a brothel, shows the lack of satisfaction and the feeling of annoyance in your sexual life. To see brothel in your dream, also can mean emotional discontent in your relationship. Perhaps dreaming about house where men can visit prostitutes, can alert you to analyse your physical urges and impulses.

…a major change in your life. This dream reveals the consciousness of having made any mistakes; therefore it is a warning that you must change your attitude or way of thinking towards a positive way. To dream about the biblical final judgment, in the middle of the disaster, it symbolizes that your affairs are doing wrong and it is urgent to put maximum attention to avoid serious losses. This dream is frequent in religious people when they have serious personal conflicts in which case they should be very careful with the people that somehow are associated with them. When a young woman dreams about the final judgment, it suggests that she should carefully review her feelings and emotional reactions before continuing any relationship, because it may cause her suffering in the immediate future. To dream about a sentence warns you to avoid being too curious or that you’re at risk…

…(Changing hide into leather or curing it | Dye) Seeing a tanner in a dream is interpreted the same as seeing a cupper. (See Cupping). Both specialties cure something. If one sees a physician becoming a tanner in a dream, it denotes his expertise and the large number of people who benefit from his treatments. Unless one finds the tanning to be faulty, then it indicates a non-professional person. If seeing a tanner in a dream is understood to denote material benefits, then in reality, he represents an escape from death. If he is understood in relationship with religious matters, then seeinghim means feeding the poor and hungry during a drought or a famine. A tanner in a dream also represents a peacemaker, a physician, or a guardian. However, it is possible to interpret a tanner in a dream to mean distress, adversities, or an unjust person. (Also see…

To dream about lemons suggests resentfully envy against others. This meaning may be ratified if those lemons are unripe and are also hanging in a tree that is property of the dreamer. To dream that you taste (suck) a lemon symbolizes that you feel humiliated for a situation that may well be unjustified. If married couples dream about unripe lemons, it suggests their problems will likely worsen. This dream means the same for unmarried couples, and it usually indicates a relationship breakup.

…(Dull-witted | Dummy | Idiot | Mug) In a dream, a tankard represents a housekeeper or a servant. A tankard or a mug in a dream represent the household servants who consent to sexual abuse or sexual relationship with their employer. Drinking from a tankard in a dream also means earning money through one’s servants or employees. A broken tankard in a dream signifies the death of one’s servant or employee. (Also see Mug)…

…(Calamity | Misfortune) A scorpion in a dream means distress, dismay and trouble caused by a chatterer or a backbiter. A scorpion in a dream also means that one may be deceived by someone with a scorpion quality, and particularly if he uses a short haircut around the ears in the dream. A scorpion in a dream also represents a backbiter and an enemy from within one’s family. If one catches a scorpion inside his own house and throws it at his wife in the dream, it means that he engages with a loathsome and a forbidden sexual relationship with her from the anus. If a scorpion attacks people in a dream, the scorpion there represents a homosexual. A yellow scorpion in a dream repre- sents a fierce enemy, though he would have more patience in getting at his prey. A yellow scorpion in a dream also means incoming…

If you dream about your girlfriend, then such dream shows the friendship and relationship you have with that certain person. The activities and emotions you had in a dream is the reflection of your life.

If you dream of the teddy bear, then such dream indicates the special bond you have with the person you are in relationship at the moment. Alternatively, the dream may indicate the frivolous attitude towards that particular person. The teddy bear could also represent your past. Perhaps you do not feel secure enough, therefore you are looking for some comfort somebody could give you.

…fault, or recognizing his improper behavior with his customers. If one’s hands are tattooed with henna in a dream, it means that he cheats to acquire his earnings. Eventually, he will be exposed and his opponents will rejoice at his misfortune. If a woman sees her entire body dyed with henna in a dream, it means having a good relationship with her husband. If after applying the henna to her hands, the dye does not work in a dream, it means that her husband does not show his love for her. If only the fingers are dyed with henna in a dream, they then represent branches of dates, or clusters of grapes. In general, dyeing one’s hands and hair with henna as a makeup in a dream represents joy for the husband and wife as long as they do not exceed the common norms. (Also see Dye | Tattoo)…

…Dreaming about yourself being a person, seized or held as security for some kind of the fulfilment of a condition, is a symbol of the misfortune in the ability to act freely. In the dream to be a hostage, indicates that you are feeling cruel and unjust treatment. This makes you victimized and powerlessness. Hostage also means the limitations of your will. Are you feeling limited in your choices? Maybe you are somehow immobilized in physical way. Perhaps this dream is the reference to some difficulties in the situation or the relationship of your waking life. Alternatively, being a hostage suggests to be more expressive. Try to escape the thoughts of yours, which are limiting your character. Take off shackles of your mind and let your charisma and/or personality to open. If someone else is a hostage, then by your opinion this person from your waking life is in…

Dreaming that you are fishing sardines unsuccessfully, announces failures in different fields. Dreaming of trying to fish sardines with a fishing net and other people trying to do the same thing may mean that there is a very strong competition around you and that your business and affairs are at risk. When it comes to love, it warns you of the presence of dangerous rivals, and in the case of businesses, it means that there are competitors who are ready to fight. Dreaming that you caught plenty of fish with a net announces major profits and success. If the dreamer is married or has a solid relationship and is dreaming of sardines, then it usually indicates that the dreamer feels unjustified jealousy.

Playing tennis in a dream represents your need to assert active and upcoming changes. On the other hand, you can’t rely on a situation or a person. Dreaming of playing tennis with another person denotes love. The game of tennis can be a metaphor for a romantic relationship with this person.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a horseshoe, when you are dreaming stands as a symbol and sign for luck and success in your ambitions and aspirations. It may also indicate a wedding or some special relationship in the near future. If the horseshoe is turned downward, then it has the opposite meaning and is considered unlucky. All the energy that you are putting into a task, project, plan, or scheme may not be worthwhile.

Dreaming about an entertainment filled with music and dancing, denotes abundance of health and prosperity. It is indication of pleasant notifications of relationship.

If you dream that you have a ferocious appetite, you probably need continuous reinforcement to move forward. Take care of your relationship with you family and friends.

To dream that you are in an appeal represents your need to lose a certain relationship and escape from pressures.

Dreaming of a site represents a particular aspect of yourself in a particular relationship. The dreams in which we are at several sites are often associated with hidden areas of the conscious mind and the various aspects of our personalities. Dreaming that you find or discover new places suggests that you develop new strength. You can also grow emotionally. Seeing a nice place in a dream means you feel satisfied with your life. Seeing a dark mysterious place denotes that you feel stuck or repressed in a situation.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see moss growing when you are dreaming, shows the way to or the direction of an extremely slow progress in some task, project, plan, or scheme or relationship. You need to be more patient.

…Dreaming that you are helpless, can be interpreted as symbolism that you are experiencing troubles in your life. Maybe you feel that you can’t make any change in a situation or relationship. Additionally, you feel that you are unable to take responsibility of your actions….

To dream that you are giving an eloquent speech represents pleasant outcomes in your relationship or good news for your business.

Seeing or hearing a phone in a dream means a message from your subconscious. You can face issues that you are trying to avoid. Or, a phone can represent your communication and relationship with others. To dream that you won’t talk on the phone represents a situation you want to end. Dreaming of talking on the phone with someone means that you want to face that person about an issue.

Symbolizes sentimental and romantic relationships. If we are not able to stablish telephone communication, then it reveals fear of the impossibility of such emotional relationship or it shows that these relationships are going to be broken. If the communication is perfect, the emotional and romantic relationships will be equally good.

To dream that something bursts, is interpreted as mental or emotional strain. It means that you are in stressful situation. Maybe you are under a lot of pressure in your relationship.

Seeing a clown in dreams warns us of a relationship that does not deserve to be taken seriously. If we are the clowns in the dream, then this is a warning to be careful of our behavior and appearances. It may also reflect our need for fun or to put humor and innocence on any matter that concerns us.

Marriage in a dream symbolizes a new beginning or transition in your life. Dreams involving marriage generally have some negativity, some highlights and some anxiety or fear. Often they referred to teardrop sensations, pain, or your independence. A dream that you remarried with your current partner represents truth, happiness and highlights a strong relationship between you. It can also foresee a new phase in your life. If in real life you will get married and dream about your future wedding, then it indicates stress of organizing the wedding and can be the cause of anxiety. On the other hand, the dream indicates an era of happiness and well-being. Dream about planning your own wedding is a metaphor symbolizing the union of the masculine and feminine side. Attending a wedding means changes and certain times in your life.

…Dreaming that you are ejaculating, has the symbolic significance and suggests your need for release. It can be emotional or psychological pain. Ejaculation also can indicate that you can’t restrict or hold yourself in sexual life. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it stands as a symbol for a loss of control and power. It can be in relationship or professional deals….

…A frog in a dream represents a pious and a religious person. Sitting with frogs in a dream means having a good relationship with one’s family and being friendly with one’s neighbors. Eating a frog in a dream means receiving benefits through a relative or a neighbor. Eating a frog in a dream also means gaining authority or accumulating extensive wealth. Frogs in a dream also represent people who practice magic arts and sorcery. If one earns his livelihood from dealing with sea life, or if he sells spring water for living, then seeing frogs in his dream means profits. If one sees frogs leaving a town in a dream, it means that a calamity is lifted through prayers and atonement. Hunting frogs in a dream means winning over one’s rivals or competitors. Frogs in a dream also represent lobbyists, readers, dervishes, ascetics or they could represent noisy people…

To see a bumblebee, when you are dreaming, means coming troubles and difficulties in your life. If you were stung by bumblebee in your dream, then it is symbolic meaning of current distress and obstacles in your life. To kill bumblebee, means solution to your problems and success in relationship or partnership.

…When a woman of marriageable age dreams about a statue of a man, it suggests that she lacks the ability to conquer the man that she loves, and that it may not be appropriate to marry him. If the statue smiles, it suggests that she might be caught in an illicit relationship without ever getting married. If the statue appears with a gesture of anger, it suggests that she’ll soon have serious problems with friends or her loved one. If in that dream she discovers that the statue is made of metal (bronze, for example), it insinuates that you’ll not get the help you’ve been waiting for. When a man dreams about beautiful statues, and worse if they appear naked, it indicates that he’s seeking for an adventure and illicit pleasures. To dream about statues or other monuments, suggests that there is no correspondence in love, but rather indifference…

Dreaming about murders means that soon you will be forced to take a trip. You will be intermixed in trouble and some other difficulty. To dream that you have committed a murder indicates you must put an end to an old habit and to your previous ways of thinking. This could also mean the end to an attachment. Alternatively, you may have some repressed aggression or anger. To dream that you witness a murder indicates deep-seated anger towards someone. Consider how the victim represents aspects of himself that you want to destroy or remove. To dream that you are killed suggests you are separated from some important and meaningful relationship and you are trying to disconnect yourself from your emotions. It also represents your unusual talents. Also note that these dreams of murder often occur during periods of depression.