…To see a rocket ascending in your dream, foretells sudden and unexpected elevation, successful wooing, and faithful keeping of the marriage vows. To see them falling, unhappy unions may be expected….
Dream dictionary: for marriage dream meanings
…Dreaming of seeing a beard, denotes that some uncongenial person will oppose his will against yours, and there will be a fierce struggle for mastery, and you are likely to lose some money in the combat. Gray beard, signifies hard luck and quarrels. To see beard on women, foretells unpleasant associations and lingering illness. For some one to pull your beard, denotes that you will run a narrow risk if you do not lose property. To comb and admire it, shows that your vanity will grow with prosperity, making you detestable in the sight of many of your former companions. For a young woman to admire a beard, intimates her desire to leave celibacy | but she is threatened with an unfortunate marriage….
(Heart | Pulsate | Throbbing) In a dream, palpitation means neglecting something, or abandoning it. If one sees his heart pulsating rapidly in a dream, it means changing his travel plans, or denying a marriage promise, or putting off a fight.
…(Column base | Plinth) A column base or a plinth in a dream represents scholars, their circles, or their study room. A column base in a dream also could represent unmarried women, one’s wife, knowledge, a trade, or a craft, or religious precepts. Building or owning a column base in a dream also could signify marriage, children, guidance, knowledge, or a chronic illness. The column base of a mosque in a dream represents pious people and the column base of a house represent chaste women….
When dream of vines, then a happy marriage. And if you pluck the grapes you will ride carriage.
You will grow to be stout and large, fortunate marriage. 66.
…Wandering through a palace and noting its grandeur, signifies that your prospects are growing brighter and you will assume new dignity. To see and hear fine ladies and men dancing and conversing, denotes that you will engage in profitable and pleasing associations. For a young woman of moderate means Dreaming that she is a participant in the entertainment, and of equal social standing with others, is a sign of her advancement through marriage, or the generosity of relatives. This is often a very deceitful and misleading dream to the young woman of humble circumstances | as it is generally induced in such cases by the unhealthy day dreams of her idle, empty brain. She should strive after this dream, to live by honest work, and restrain deceitful ambition by observing the fireside counsels of mother, and friends. See Opulence….
Flashes and lights in the heavens, means discord, war, pestilence, and famine. To be struck by lightning, increase in wealth to a male and for to a female dreamer is indicates marriage.
(Day) The dawning of the daylight in a dream means relief from pain, distress and sorrow, or it could mean buying a new garment, marriage, having beautiful children, the emergence of truth, unveiling what is hidden, release from prison or the coming home of a traveller.
Denotes in general, marriage or a child.
Dreaming about property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage is fortunate omen, if the dreamer received it with happiness. If the dream caused bad feeling and the dreamer was unable to receive a dowry, then such dream is unlucky omen. It indicates hard work and a lot of obstacles. If the dreamer is lazy and not trying to live better, then such dream indicates even more troubles. If the dreamer has a lot of desire to solve his problems, then dowry is just the reflection of current harsh period. After though times, a better tomorrow will come. And if the dreamer will work extremely hard, then he will see himself or herself living in abundance, without any invincible problem.
In a dream, a saddle cloth represents marriage, a judicial or a political appointment, moving to a new house, moving to a new shop, or it could mean travels.
…Dreaming of lovely things, brings favor to all persons connected with you. For a lover dreaming that his sweetheart is lovely of person and character, foretells for him a speedy and favorable marriage. If through the vista of dreams you see your own fair loveliness, fate bids you, with a gleaming light, awake to happiness….
…(Alcohol | Beer | Brewery | Cocaine | Drugs | Hashish | Injection | Inebriant | Marijuana | Opium | Sedatives | Spirits | Wine) In a dream, all intoxicants signify suspicions, apprehension and doubt about one’s resources, or the lawfulness of his earnings, the legitimacy of his children, or the religious legality of his marriage. Drinking alcohol in a dream means losing a fight. Using drugs or intoxicants in a contemptible way in a dream signifies apostasy, loss of honor, negation of the truth, corruption of one’s wife, or it could mean profanity. This is because the raw material and herbs used in the preparation of such drugs and herbs are sacred in their intrinsic state. Once mixed and taken to induce inebriety in a dream, they will produce the reverse effects. (Also see Drunk- enness | Marijuana)…
…the boy scout as a symbol of the dream. But if the dreamer never was a boy scout and he/she dreams that he/she is a boy scout, then such dream stands as an alert to seek for discipline. Maybe the dreamer need to finish some task and he/she must act quickly with deep commitment and discipline toward rules. The dream may give special importance to a sense of belonging to community, and feeling of helpfulness. To have interaction with a boy scout or just to see boy scout in the dream, represents perfect model of functioning. Maybe the dreamer or someone else has displayed exemplary way in which one acts or conducts oneself. The dream also announces successful accomplishment of project, plans. For female to dream boy scout, represents happiness in relationship. Gains and success in marriage and caring husband is interpretation for woman, if she dreams boy scout….
…Dreaming of seeing roses blooming and fragrant, denotes that some joyful occasion is nearing, and you will possess the faithful love of your sweetheart. For a young woman Dreaming of gathering roses, shows she will soon have an offer of marriage, which will be much to her liking. Withered roses, signify the absence of loved ones. White roses, if seen without sunshine or dew, denotes serious if not fatal illness. To inhale their fragrance, brings unalloyed pleasure. For a young woman Dreaming of banks of roses, and that she is gathering and tying them into bouquets, signifies that she will be made very happy by the offering of some person whom she regards very highly….
In mortal form means happy marriage.
…This dream is unlucky. You will, if you are a farmer, see your crops blasted and your cattle lean and unhealthy. To business men it means debts whose accumulation they are powerless to avoid. To the young it denotes unhappy unions and death of loved ones. To see your own coffin in a dream, business defeat and domestic sorrow may be expected. Dreaming of a coffin moving of itself, denotes sickness and marriage in close conjunction. Sorrow and pleasure intermingled. Death may follow this dream, but there will also be good. To see your corpse in a coffin, signifies brave efforts will be crushed in defeat and ignominy, Dreaming that you find yourself sitting on a coffin in a moving hearse, denotes desperate if not fatal illness for you or some person closely allied to you. Quarrels with the opposite sex is also indicated. You will remorsefully consider your…
…signifies marriage, for a deceased person is washed and perfumed, and a bridegroom also takes a bath and anoints himself with perfumes on his wedding day. If one dies and is carried over people’s shoulders, though they do not bury him in the dream, it means that he will conquer his enemy and should he qualify for leadership, he will attain it. To come back to life after dying in a dream means that one will become rich and dispense with poverty, or it could mean that he will repent for his sins. This dream also means the safe home coming of a traveller. The death of an unknown woman in a dream means absence of rain or dearth, and if she comes back to life in the dream, it means rain. In general, the death of a woman in a dream means the death of a child in wakefulness…
…(Buttonhole | Fastener | Man) A button in a dream represents protection, guarding one’s honor, a just contract, money, or profits particularly if the button is made of silver or gold. A button and a buttonhole in a dream also represents a man and a woman. If an unwed person sees himself buttoning a shirt in a dream, it means that he will get married, or that he will play an important role in uniting two people, or to bring peace between two partners, or that he will revive an old and a forsaken project. Tying one’s buttons in a dream means getting married, or going through difficult financial circumstances. Wearing a buttoned shirt in a dream means experiencing tight circumstances, or reuniting with a traveller returning home, or marriage of an unmarried person. (Also see Clothing)…
…To find yourself teasing any person in the dream, denotes that you will be loved and sought after because of your cheerful and amiable manners. Your business will be eventually successful. Dreaming of being teased, denotes that you will win the love of merry and well-to-do persons. For a young woman dreaming of being teased, foretells that she will form a hasty attachment, but will not be successful in consummating an early marriage….
…To dream of seeing a wet-nurse suckling a child, is a sign of venery: to a married man it foretells that he will break his marriage vows; and to unmarried girls it denotes shame. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 9, 63….
Betrothal, marriage.
Good marriage in advanced age.
Indicates marriage r new relationships.
…Dreaming of drinking coffee, denotes the disapproval of friends toward your marriage intentions. If married, disagreements and frequent quarrels are implied. Dreaming of dealing in coffee, portends business failures. If selling, sure loss. Buying it, you may with ease retain your credit. For a young woman to see or handle coffee she will be made a by-word if she is not discreet in her actions. Dreaming of roasting coffee, for a young woman it denotes escape from evil by luckily marrying a stranger. To see ground coffee, foretells successful struggles with adversity. Parched coffee, warns you of the evil attentions of strangers. Green coffee, denotes you have bold enemies who will show you no quarter, but will fight for your overthrow….
…Wearing a woolen garment in the winter in a dream means profits and benefits. Wearing it during the summertime represents strain, distress and adversities. Wearing a woolen garment in a dream also means lawful money and prosperity. Sleeping over a sheepskin in a dream means becoming rich from associating with a rich woman, or from a marriage to a rich woman. Burning wool in a dream means religious contempt, or loss of capital. If a man of knowledge sees himself wearing a woolen garb in a dream, it means that he is leaning toward an ascetic life, or that he will become a caller to God’s path, teach people to love the eternal comfort of the hereafter and to despise the temporary pleasures of this world. Wearing a woolen cloak with nothing under it in a dream means receiving money from a noble and a well respected person. A…
…in a dream means might and honor. The barking of a dog in a dream means vein talk and meddling in people’s business. The sound of a lynx in a dream means pampering oneself, or wantonness. The cooing of pigeons in a dream means crying, sorrows or marriage. The chirp of swallows in a dream means beneficial words. The croaking of frogs in a dream means beatings. The sound of bells and the hissing of snakes in a dream means a fight, an argument, a warning, or a war. The braying of donkeys in a dream means cursing in the darkness. The braying of mules in a dream means vein talk, or indulging in suspicious acts. The mooing of a cow in a dream means temptation. The gurgling of camels in a dream means travels and difficulties. The roaring of a lion in a dream means threats. The yowling of…
…and their dwellers, a woman and a pimp, or a cadet posing as her husband. If one goes to a public bath, then after completing his wash wears a white garment, and takes a carriage back home in his dream, it means that he will shortly die and the elements of his dream represent his washing, shrouding, coffin and funeral. The element of a bathhouse in a dream also represent a library, knowledge, guard’s post, house of worship, a mosque, a church, idol worship, a prison, or a marketplace. It also represents repentance, guidance, richness, healing, an ocean or marriage. If one sees himself taking a bath with his clothe on in a dream, it means that he will fall prey to an attractive prostitute who will deceive him and lead him to commit his religious life to waste. (Also see Bath | Bathroom | Hell-fire | Turkish bath)…
…(See Marriage.) To dream of being at a jolly wedding, is a sign of a funeral: if you imagine that you kiss the bride, it foretells the death of a dear friend or relative. In an old dream book published 1808, it is stated that to dream of kissing the bride, is a sign of your own death, but on referring to the best authorities, I find it is necessary to dream that the bride should herself be the kissing party, and that an impressive kiss from her on the occasion denotes the death of the person kissed. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 42, 78, 2….
Dreaming of traveling in a slow and antique wagon or carriage pulled by an old horse or an ox hints that an arduous and intense work in the immediate future will arise. Dreaming about observing a slow wagon pass by, indicates that there will be bad news that will arrive late. This dream advises that there needs to be patience. Dreaming of leading a slow wagon is a warning that with due patience and persistence the dreamer will achieve his or her objectives. Young people who dream of traveling in a slow wagon, hints that they aspire to have a happy and peaceful marriage, even if there arent any luxuries or richness.
…dream means sharing knowledge with others or teaching them. If one is forbidden from having the fruits of paradise in a dream, it denotes his failure to properly attend to his religious duties. Drinking water from the fountain of abundance (kawthar) in a dream means attaining leadership and conquering one’s enemy. Dwelling in a heavenly palace in a dream means marriage to a beautiful woman. Seeing Ridhwan. the guardian angel of paradise in a dream brings happiness, prosperity and a healthy life. If one sees angels coming before him and paying their regards in a dream, it means that he will sustain a great patience during a worldly trial that will lead him to paradise. If a sick person sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness, and it could represent earnings, piety, prosperity, dispelling distress and getting an answer to one’s…
…heal one’s heart. Lips in a dream also represent a door attendant, boys, guards, locks, knowledge, guidance, food, drinks, marriage, happiness, sadness, or keeping secrets. Having no lips in a dream means loosing any of the above, or one’s dream could mean a broken door, or loosing one’s keys, or perhaps it could mean the death of one’s parents, husband or wife. Lips in a dream also represent the livelihood of singers or musicians who play wind instruments for a living, or the livelihood of a glass blower. If one’s lips look thin and rosy in a dream, they denote clarity of speech, guidance, good food, good drink and happiness. Thick lips with black or blue color in a dream represent laziness, languor, failure to present a verifiable proof or to bring a strong witness, or they could mean discomfort, or difficulty in earning one’s livelihood. If a sick person…
To dream that you see an altar, betokens your speedy marriage.
Fidelity in friendship and marriage, unless they are spoiled, in which case they announce future emotional problems.
…(Intertwine) In a dream, interlocking one’s hands means a partnership, a contract, marriage, stagnation, stillness of business, delinquency in one’s prayers, negligence of one’s duties, difficulties with one’s family, or a meeting that purports evil….
Birds are a good sign; they bring friends and fortune; to catch them, speedy marriage; to kill birds bad fortune; to shoot at birds, beware of treachery; if you see birds fighting, you will be exposed to great temptations; if birds fly toward you, you will fail in business; if birds sing, some happiness is in store for you; to dream of birds of prey, brings misfortune.