…dream, it means that he indulges in drinking alcohol or uses intoxicants. If he is lashed eighty times in a dream, it means that he slanders married women. If he is whipped by a deceased person in the dream, it means that he is pursuing wrong ideas and should reverse his course, for a deceased person dwells in the kingdom of truth and follows only what pleased God Almighty. However, if one sees himself in a dream beating a deceased person, this could be interpreted to denote the strength of his faith, certitude, prayers and charitable nature. It also could mean benefits from a business trip or pursuing a lost interest. Beating in a dream when it causes no pain, bleeding or scratches means receiving a new garment, paying debts, or hearing sarcastic comments. Beating an animal in a dream means either training him, or it could mean ignorance and…

…If a man dreams of associating with one of this class of women, it foretells losses and disgrace: should a girl dream of playing the whore, when in fact she is chaste, it foretells her speedy marriage and that she will love her husband. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….

…Dreaming that you are in a rowboat with others, denotes that you will derive much pleasure from the companionship of gay and worldly persons. If the boat is capsized, you will suffer financial losses by engaging in seductive enterprises. If you find yourself defeated in a rowing race, you will lose favors to your rivals with your sweetheart. If you are the victor, you will easily obtain supremacy with women. Your affairs will move agreeably….

Dream of giving birth to a fish, signifies that the dreamer is afraid about the baby’s health. This is a very common dream for pregnant women. Dream of seeing a fish born to someone else, joy and good health. Giving birth to a cat, rat, snake, lizard or other monster, is an omen of your fears as it was said before to have the sick baby or unhealthy one.

…peace and safety. It is also said that a pumpkin plant in a dream represents a poor person. Finding a pumpkin in the middle of a plantation of melons in a dream means recovering from a dangerous illness. A pumpkin in a dream also could mean censure, reproof, or a scolding. Eating a cooked pumpkin in a dream also means acquiring knowledge, or memorizing some of it, or it could mean reestablishing broken ties. Pumpkin in a dream also means distress, trouble, tight financial standing, sickness, or imprisonment. A pumpkin in a dream also denotes vigilance and clarity of mind. Serving plates or kitchen utensils that are made from dried pumpkin skin in a dream represent beautiful, humorous and noble women. Eating a pumpkin curry dish in a dream means distress, sadness and sorrow. Eating a steamed pumpkin without spices in a dream may mean earnings. (Also see Food)…

…(Dyestuff | Orange) Safflower in a dream represents a pleasant party that will be interrupted or followed by bad news. Safflower in a dream also represents one’s working tools, a war proclamation, the defeat of those who call for a war, and women’s role in provoking a fight. If safflower is planted around the thorny tragacanth plant (bot. Astragalus) in a dream, it means receiving overwhelming benefits one did not anticipate….

…A deer in a dream represents women and children. Capturing a deer in a dream or receiving one as a gift means prosperity, an inheritance, marriage, having children or overcoming one’s adversary. Slaughtering a deer in a dream means deflowering a young girl. Bringing a deer inside one’s house means finding a bride for one’s son. If one kills and skins a deer in a dream, it means that he will rape a noble woman. A deer jumping at someone in a dream represents a disobedient wife. Owning a deer in a dream means marriage to a noble woman or it could represent wealth which is earned from lawful sources. (Also see Gazelle)…

…Dreaming of oneself blindfolded suggests that, due to negligence or a similar cause, you’re harming someone. This dream seems to be more common in women than men, in which case it may be due to elicit love. If you’re sick, the dream means the fear of losing one’s eyesight. When the bandage is over your eyes which are ill, then it means a speedy recovery and progress. If we don’t want to see ourselves being immersed in pain and suffering, we’ll need to be very cautious and pay attention to everything around us. If we are carrying bandages, the dream means good modifications in our lives after a time of worries and sorrows. It also symbolizes the healing of our disease or of someone close to us. If we’re putting bandages on another person, it means we want to bring consolation to someone who’s in desperate need of it….

Symbolizes the light of the day and vigilance. Also the foreign woman and unfamiliar women in general.

If a sick person dreams of galloping on a horse through forests, their condition may get worse. If the patient gallops through a city, they will heal soon. Mounting a steed indicates success and prosperity. Falling down of a steed means losses. If the horse is saddled but nobody rides it, then it signifies the meeting with a women. Selling the steed means property loss. To punish a steed symbolizes false accusations. Seeing a steed shoeing means that we must prepare for a trip. Feeding it will bring wealth. If the steed has a very long tail, we can count on our friends. If the horse is white, then we will receive good news. Black steed is known as the symbol of problems. Bay steed is known as the symbol of dignities. Sorrel steed shows difficulties. Gray, obstacles.

Dreaming of having an abortion suggests that a certain idea or plan is yet to come. This dream can also be interpreted as a warning about your behavior. You should alter your path or you may risk losing something very valuable to you. Also, this dream may indicate that you have been wronged in some way. For pregnant women, dreams of having an abortion are common in the second trimester of pregnancy.

…Dreaming of seeing a red hot poker, or fighting with one, signifies that you will meet trouble with combative energy. To play at poker, warns you against evil company | and young women, especially, will lose their moral distinctiveness if they find themselves engaged in this game….

…(Dove | Ringdove | Turtledove) Seeing a pigeon in a dream means glad tidings. It is also said that God Almighty will accept the prayers of one who sees pigeons in his dream. In a dream, a pigeon also represents a trustworthy messenger, a truthful friend, a comforting beloved, a chaste wife, striving to sustain one’s family, or a fertile woman with a large family. The cooing of pigeons in a dream means lamentation. Pigeons eggs in a dream represent one’s daughters or female neighbors. A domesticated pigeon in a dream represents a beautiful woman from Arabia. Pigeon’s nest in a dream represents women’s parties. Pigeon chicks in a dream represent the boys in a family. Pigeon’s rumbling or roar in a dream means reproof or censure for a fault. A white pigeon in a dream means spirituality, a green pigeon represents piety, while a black pigeon denotes a…

To dream that one anointed with oil is beneficial for a women, but for men it is illness.

…will have a handsome daughter. If the husband dream it, it implies that his wife will have a son. To dream you see the moon at full, is a good sign to handsome women, of their being beloved by those who view them; but it is bad for such as conceal themselves, as thieves and murderers, for they will certainly be discovered; but it signifies death to those that are sick, and to seafaring men. To dream the moon shines about your bed, implies grace, pardon, and deliverance by some woman. To dream you see the new moon, is a sign of expedition in business. Dreaming you see the moon decrease, betokens the death of some great person. To dream you see the moon pale is joy fullness. To dream you see the moon dyed with blood, indicates travel or pilgrimage. Dreaming you see the moon fall from the firmament,…

Dreaming of a battle always indicates difficulties, serious problems, fights, etc. Therefore dreaming that you’re in a battle implies that all plans and desires that you have will face many setbacks, which means you will be unable to have a chance to success. When in the dream, the side which wins the battle is the dreamer’s side, means an announcement of more or less close successes. Dreaming of women in battle indicates abundance of gossip, rumors, defamation, etc.

…If you dream of seeing old men fortunate you’ll be. But old women shall cause much vexation to thee. Old clothes signify fire, perhaps very next morn. Old buildings show contempt, trouble, losses and scorn….

…Dreaming of sharks, denotes formidable enemies. To see a shark pursuing and attacking you, denotes that unavoidable reverses will sink you into dispondent foreboding. To see them sporting in clear water, foretells that while you are basking in the sunshine of women and prosperity, jealousy is secretly, but surely, working you disquiet, and unhappy fortune. To see a dead one, denotes reconciliation and renewed prosperity….

…To have shoulders larger and more plump than customary, if the dreamer is in prison means vexation, sadness, punishment, otherwise it could mean strength and prosperity. To have them swollen, indicates riches for the dreamer’s mistress and for all women of unpleasant repute. Have them being bruised, or if it has any of the tumors, then it symbolizes anger and the family’s displeasure….

…Dreaming of drinking milk, denotes abundant harvest to the farmer and pleasure in the home | for a traveler, it foretells a fortunate voyage. This is a very propitious dream for women. To see milk in large quantities, signifies riches and health. Dreaming of dealing in milk commercially, denotes great increase in fortune. To give milk away, shows that you will be too benevolent for the good of your own fortune. To spill milk, denotes that you will experience a slight loss and suffer temporary unhappiness at the hands of friends. Dreaming of impure milk, denotes that you will be tormented with petty troubles. Dreaming of sour milk, denotes that you will be disturbed over the distress of friends. Dreaming of trying unsuccessfully to drink milk, signifies that you will be in danger of losing something of value or the friendship of a highly esteemed person. Dreaming of hot…

…(Planet | Woman) In a dream, the planet Venus represents a beautiful woman. Seeing the planet Venus in a dream means getting married to an attractive and a beautiful woman of no kinship to him, though her beauty will lead many people into temptation. The planet Venus in a dream also could mean allegations, playfulness, complaisance, jokes, images, idolatry, jewelry, nudity, pictures of beautiful women, or it could mean beautiful clothing. Seeing the planet Venus in a dream also means allegations, accusations, or that one may pursue any of the aforementioned elements, or he may establish a friendship with someone who follows such avenues, or perhaps he may marry an attractive and a beautiful woman, a foreign woman, or a famous singer. If one sees the planet Venus mixing with the moon, or if its position is lower than the moon, or if it is burning in the dream,…

…Dreaming of seeing acrobats, denotes that you will be prevented from carrying out hazardous schemes by the foolish fears of others. To see yourself acrobating, you will have a sensation to answer for, and your existence will be made almost unendurable by the guying of your enemies. To see women acrobating, denotes that your name will be maliciously and slanderously handled. Also your business interests will be hindered. For a young woman Dreaming that she sees acrobats in tights, signifies that she will court favor of men….

In the dream to drink a cocktail, represents that you will deceive your friends as to your inclinations and enjoy the companionship of fast men and women while posing as a serious student and staid home lover. For a woman the dream about cocktail is a waning of fast living and an ignoring of moral and set rules.

…Dreaming of Adam and Eve, foretells that some eventful occasion will rob you of the hope of success in your affairs. To see them in the garden, Adam dressed in his fig leaf, but Eve perfectly nude save for an Oriental colored serpent ornamenting her waist and abdomen, signifies that treachery and ill faith will combine to overthrow your fortune. To see or hear Eve conversing with the serpent, foretells that artful women will reduce you to the loss of fortune and reputation….

Seeing a watermelon in a dream represents emotions of love, desire, luxury and passion. It also indicates pregnant woman or women on the edge of their menstrual cycles. Alternatively, it signifies your desire to relax.

…If he takes something valuable or cherished from the person having the dream, it means the opposite, and one will receive from such a man what he wishes for in wakefulness. If he takes a shirt or a rope in the dream, it means that he will accept a promise from the person seeing the dream. If he takes a child away from him, it means enmity between the two. As explained under ‘Human being” p. 217, seeing the children of Adam in a dream is an exalted thing in general. Each category of people conveys a different interpretation. The category of rulers and judges in a dream means courts. The category of government authorities represents fear. Soldiers mean travels. Craftsmen in a dream mean profits, or they could represent their respective trades. Women in a dream signify temptation, while pious people represent devotion. (Also see Human being? Mankind)…

…To dream about a flute or any other wind instrument suggests an upcoming excessively frivolous party. When the instrument appears broken or is badly damaged it indicates that the dreamer self- criticizes for defrauding his/her friend’s, partner’s, etc., faith and trust. To dream that you’re listening to music produced by flutes or other wind instruments suggests that you (especially if you’re women) will have to defend your honor or a family member’s honor. To dream that you’re playing a flute suggests that no matter what is scheme against you, you’ll end up doing great and defending your honor. When a woman dreams this way it suggests that she’s likely to formalize a romantic relationship with a military or someone who normally wears a uniform….

Dreaming you are anointed with oil, is good for women; but for men it is ill, and implies shame.

If you eat the grapefruit in a dream, then it shows the stable mind you have. The dream could also symbolize fertility and sharp mind. You are the person with the strong views, who sticks to his morals. The dream in which you see the grapefruit tree indicates the fruits you will collect with your hard work. For women, the dream could also represent the children.

…(Softness | Support | Throw pillow) In a dream, a pillow represents money, a husband, a wife, a confidant, or children. A pillow in a dream also represents a women who knows another woman’s secret and who keeps it hidden from people’s knowledge. A stolen pillow in a dream means the death of one’s servant. The king’s pillow in a dream represents his deputies, ministers and administra- tors. As for most people, a pillow in a dream represents one’s intimate friends and brethren. The interpretation of a pillow in a dream is also similar to that of a mattress or a carpet. As for scholars, a pillow in a dream denotes their piety and righteousness. Carrying a pillow in a dream also represents earnings, a cushion, rest, or an illness….

…To dream about medallions suggests that your efficiency at work, your business, in your behavior, etc., will give you good results, and in some cases honors. To dream that you’ve lost a medallion indicates frustrations and failures. To dream that a medallion is hanging from your neck suggests, specially for women, the following: When a young woman dreams that the man she loves has the medallion, it suggests that she will meet different admirers and suitors. Dreaming that a young man wears a medallion suggests a near upcoming marriage, but if the medallion is lost in the dream, it is warning you that your relationship is at risk of breaking up or also that a family member may catch a disease. When a young woman dreams that she’s returning a medallion to her loved one, it symbolizes the act of returning an engagement ring. If a young woman is…

To dream of fields and pleasant places, shows to a man that lie will marry a discreet, chaste, and beautiful wife; and to women it betokens a loving and prudent husband, by whom she shall have beautiful and prudent children.

…A counterpane is very good Dreaming of, if clean and white, denoting pleasant occupations for women | but if it be soiled you may expect harassing situations. Sickness usually follows this dream….

…Dreaming of seeing a marmot, denotes that sly enemies are approaching you in the shape of fair women. For a young woman Dreaming of a marmot, foretells that temptation will beset her in the future….

Women dreaming of mortar, their husbands shall beat. But the men shall prosper and have plenty to eat.

…Dreaming of pepper burning your tongue, foretells that you will suffer from your acquaintances through your love of gossip. To see red pepper growing, foretells for you a thrifty and an independent partner in the marriage state. To see piles of red pepper pods, signifies that you will aggressively maintain your rights. To grind black pepper, denotes that you will be victimized by the wiles of ingenious men or women. To see it in stands on the table, omens sharp reproaches or quarrels. For a young woman to put it on her food, foretells that she will be deceived by her friends….

…To see a fan in your dreams, denotes pleasant news and surprises are awaiting you in the near future. For a young woman Dreaming of fanning herself, or that some one is fanning her, gives promise of a new and pleasing acquaintances | if she loses an old fan, she will find that a warm friend is becoming interested in other women….

…Dreaming that you are an object of scandal, denotes that you are not particular to select good and true companions, but rather enjoy having fast men and women contribute to your pleasure. Trade and business of any character will suffer dulness after this dream. For a young woman dreaming that she discussed a scandal, foretells that she will confer favors, which should be sacred, to some one who will deceive her into believing that he is honorably inclined. Marriage rarely follows swiftly after a dream about scandal….

…also mean elation, or ecstasy unless they are of mixed colors. Mice in a dream also represent the members of one’s household. Killing or catching a mouse in a dream means taking advantage of a woman. Throwing a stone or shooting an arrow at a mouse in a dream means backbiting or slandering a contemptible woman, or corresponding with her eliciting the unlawful. Seeing a family of mice inside a well or near a slanting land in a dream means nearing the end of one’s life. Seeing a large family of mice inside one’s house in a dream also could represent a gathering of women, or holding a party in one’s house. A mouse inside one’s shirt in a dream represents a woman friend out of whom no good can come. The skin of a mouse in a dream means little money which is taken from a vile woman….

(Black magic | Magic arts | Witchcraft) If one sees women throwing stones at him using a slingshot in a dream, it means sorcery and a bad spell. Sorcery in a dream also means deception and arrogance. If one sees himself practicing sorcery, or if he is bewitched by a sorcerer in a dream, it means separation between husband and wife through falsehood. Sorcery in a dream also connotes disbelief, a ruse, shrewdness, or ingratitude. If the sorcery is done by jinn in the dream, their effects will be stronger. (Also see Magic arts | Spit out)