Dreaming of a marsh provides information about our emotions. A marsh surrounded by lush vegetation increases the meaning of life and sentimentality and indicates the desire to express love and emotions and passions. If the banks are arid they indicate the fear of not being able to realize our amorous desires. If the water is clean it confirms that our feelings are well founded. If the waters are troubled or agitated by the storm that foretells difficult loves. What the people with us do or say in the dream informs you about their true personality. To fish in the marsh indicates our desire to find partners. If the marsh is very cloudy or dry or with dead fishes in it, then such dream indicates failure of sentimental hopes.

If a herring is eaten in the dream, it is a sign of disdain by your loved one. If you fish the herrings in your dream, it is a sign of hard work and little profits.

…Dreaming of worms, denotes that you will be oppressed by the low intriguing of disreputable persons. For a young woman Dreaming they crawl on her, foretells that her aspirations will always tend to the material. If she kills or throws them off, she will shake loose from the material lethargy and seek to live in morality and spirituality. To use them in your dreams as fish bait, foretells that by your ingenuity you will use your enemies to good advantage….

…To dream of an empty one is a sign you will soon leave home; a keg of small fish, or oysters, denotes the receipt of money; keg of spirits of any kind, promises poverty; a keg of powder foretells misfortune; a keg of paint predicts compliments to be paid you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14….

Seeing an aquarium with fish swimming peacefully in clear water is a sign of peaceful and lasting happiness.

To dream that you are trying to sit in your place, but it is already taken by someone else, means that you should be more curious and protective if you fish to save your dignity. The dream could also symbolize the unfair people or situations that you are surrounded by.

(Fish) In a dream, a seafood restaurant represents adversi- ties, fights, evil, stress, depression, or relief from difficulties. (Also see Fishery)

…excreting in a dream, it means spending money with a clear intent of benefiting from it. Seeing the anus of an unknown woman in a dream means material losses, or it could mean difficulties in ac- quiring the necessary money for one’s livelihood. Seeing worms coming from one’s anus means departing from one’s children or loss of one’s children. If a cloth comes out of one’s anus in a dream, it means severing relations with strangers who took advantage of one’s children and abused their rights. Having sexual intercourse with a woman through the anus in a dream means asking for something in the wrong way. If one sees a peacock coming out of his anus in a dream, it means that he will beget a beautiful daughter. If he sees a fish coming out of his anus in a dream, it means that his wife will beget an ugly…

If one child was born joy and prosperity. If more than one child were born, the success is proportionately greater. If dreaming of a miscarriage, then it means failure in some projects. An unnatural childbirth indicates dangerous disorders. For a woman not in reality pregnant to dream of giving birth to a son, success will follow her in all enterprises. If a man has this dream, gain, riches and profit will be attained slowly. The dream of giving birth to a fish represents a child in poor health. To dream of childbirth or giving birth to a rat, cat, snake or other monster, symbolizes the unsuccessful deals and poor health to the one who dreamed of it.

(See Fish)

…To dream of seeing a shark in the water, is an excellent omen, as it foretells that you will escape a great danger that menaces you: if you dream of capturing the shark, you will soon thereafter get a big lump of money. Catching fish of any kind foretells money getting. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 31….

…(See Oysters and Clams) To dream you find an empty shell is a sign you will meet with losses in business, but if, in your dream, you imagine the shell to be full, it foretells you will be successful in all your undertakings. If you dream you are opening any kind of shell fish for others to eat it foreshadows that you will have plenty of funds. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 53….

…Dreaming of a pond provides information about our emotions. A pond surrounded by lush vegetation increases the meaning of life and sentimentality and indicates a desire to express love and emotions and romantic passions. If the ponds are dry, then they indicate the fear of not being able to realize our amorous desires. If the water is clean, it confirms that our feelings are well founded. If the waters are troubled or agitated by a storm it’s a sign of difficult loves. What the people who are with us say or do will inform you about their true personality. Fishing in the pond indicates our desire to find partners. If the pond is very murky and with dead fish in it or it is dry, then it indicates failure of sentimental hopes….

To dream you see a pond with clear water in it, betokens great success in your undertakings to a man, it denotes his being beloved by a beautiful woman, to a maid, it shows the constancy and affection of her swain, and that they will have great prosperity after marriage. If small fish are seen playing about, it denotes a large family of children.

Dreaming with this fish augurs us better conditions if we disrupt the tricks that are woven around us.