…In a dream, feet represent man’s uprightness, for with them one stands erect. If anything happens to one’s feet in a dream, it will reflect on his financial standing, work, toiling, his boss or his delegations. If one sees his feet pointing toward the heavens in a dream, it could denote the death of his child. If one’s feet turn green, it means that he will suffer business losses. If one sees himself committing loathsome sexual acts with his feet in a dream, it means that he will pursue an unlawful sexual intercourse. Walking bear footed in a dream means toiling in life, difficulties and fatigue. If one sees himself eating the foot of another human being in a dream, it means that he will become a close friend with him, acquire his intercession, reap success from his connection, fulfill his needs, receive benefits in his travels, or if…

Dreaming about a cherub means the good intentions and actions of the dreamer’s personality. Dreaming of cherubs, is a very good sign, it represents love, spiritual and personal growth, wisdom and altruism. It means that the dreamer is living special moments full of love, selfless acts, which can only bring positive changes.

To dream about snow leopard is interpreted as the indicator of your fierce, strength and wisdom. You are the person who acts quietly, but chooses to be strong as well. The snow leopard indicates all of the aspects of your personality that have no fear to do whatever you want to do. You are able to get things done they you wish them to be done. Snow leopard could also indicate the other person in your waking life that you feel respect, but at the same time is afraid of.

To see the Statue of Liberty when you are dreaming, acts as a symbol of freedom. The Statue of Liberty in the dream is a sign for the expansion of personal and cultural connections. Maybe dreaming about the Statue of Liberty is the representation that you become free from some difficulties. Alternatively, it means your own independence in full power. Or maybe you are learning to stand on your own. The Statue of Liberty is also a symbol of patriotism. If you have business, then this dream indicates bright future of free enterprise.

Knock the bottom out of the access to a house indicates your violent acts will have a negative effect on your business. Knock the bottom out of a wall means luck close by.

Your possessions and resources will be compromised by the ill-willed acts of your rivals.

If you are having fun and great time at circus, then such dream indicates the happiness and pleasure you have at this period of your life. If you are at circus and performing like one of the acts, then such dream indicates your desire to be noticed or the fact that you feel misunderstood. If you dream of the mess in a dream, then such dream indicates your life that you are unable to control and manage.

If you are seen in the cinema, then such dream signifies the fact that you should be aware of your own acts, as it can bring unexpected experiences.

The person who irons will have the possibility of having fatal mistakes, if he/she does not put more attention to his/her acts or work.

…Stinginess, avariciousness , love to hoard things and to never share with others in a dream means finding a cure for one’s disease. Avarice in a dream also means hypocrisy associated with acts that lead to hell-fire. Avarice in a dream also means blame and criticism. If one sees himself repugnantly spending his money in a dream, it means his death. Avariciousness in a dream also means falling into sin….

…When a woman dreams she’s dressed as a soldier or she’s among soldiers, it may mean that her desires are not healthy and, in consequence with her acts, she’ll be discredited in her social circle. When a man dreams he’s a soldier who just came out triumphant from a battle, it implies his dreams will soon come to fruition. Seeing a soldier in service, as a sentinel, implies that the dreamer must self-discipline himself in order to reach his goals. Dreaming of a soldier at ease implies that the dreamer suffers from illness and physical, or maybe mental, issues from an incorrect behavior. Seeing a soldier in the middle of combat implies that you’ll soon face battles of your own in order to defeat your illness. If you see yourself triumphant in battle, it may mean that the illness won’t stay for long. Dreaming of soldiers in a gala…

When we are dreaming about a fox or a vixen, then it usually indicates the revelation that some relative is harmful to your ambitions and interests. If the dreamer does not take the necessary precautions and timely action, it is very likely that diverse acts against him, which hinder his activities, will harm his finances.

Dreaming with people who in real life have died and were dear to us reveals dissatisfaction with our present life. If the deceased acts in an accusing and vindictive way it means a guilt complex linked with this person. If we dream of a loved one who has died and they die during the dream it indicates that from that moment our soul accepts as fact the death of the beloved.

…feces with dirt in a dream means hiding money. To defecate in a marketplace in public in a dream means incurring God’s displeasure and the curse of His angels. Throwing feces at someone in a dream means starting a fight or opposing him in opinion, being unjust to him, or causing him great losses. The consequences also may backfire at the assailant. If one sees himself standing inside the sewers and searching through the filth with a stick in his dream, it means that he might become a judge and be accused of bribery or misuse of people’s money. Seeing human excrements in a dream means abstraction of movement, stalling of businesses, or facing complex and harmful adversities. To soil oneself with people’s feces in a dream means sickness or fear, or it could mean good benefits for a person whose acts are filthy and abominable. (Also see Impurity)…

…(Swiss chard) In a dream, chard means blessings and profits. If one eats it raw in a dream, it means continuous indebtedness or indulging in loathsome and suspicious acts such as practicing anal intercourse with one’s wife or homosexuality or performing the forbidden sexual intercourse with one’s wife during her menstrual period. In a dream, chard also means slander….

You are protected from acts of war.

…Dreaming of adultery, no matter how you dream of it, it’s a negative sign. Dreaming that you cheat on one or more people, suggests that the dreamer has hypocrites around who will soon cause difficulties to him or his family, although there are no justifiable grounds for doing so. Dreaming of committing adultery involves serious risk of legal punishment for committing illegal acts. It may also be that the dreamer is sexually repressed or unsatisfied for reasons beyond his control. When a woman dreams of committing adultery, means that, due to her bad temper and intransigence, she feels she won’t be able to keep her husband or lover by her side, which makes her think of getting revenge. When a woman dreams of committing adultery with a friend of her husband, it suggests that, among other interpretations, she consciously or subconsciously wants revenge because his husband neglects her, which…

Evil intentions or acts from close relatives or intimate relations.

Shying from God Almighty, or refraining from indulgence in evil and forbidden acts in a dream represents a strong faith, profits, or that one will receive spiritual guidance.

…after living with great enthusiasm due to false optimism and high hopes, but having it all fail. Therefore death only symbolizes pessimism and depression that will not last long and will lead to new hopes and wishful thinking. Dreaming of being in agony implies that the suffering and effort in your life will allow you to enjoy a better life in the future. Dreaming about someone else dying suggests that some relatives or friends are going through a streak of bad luck, which can affect the dreamer. Dreaming of almost dying, but not exactly agonizing, warns that your affairs are getting worse, including your health. Dreaming of wild animals dying suggests that troubles that you might have will soon come to an end. If a pet is the one who dies, then it indicates that problems will get worse, and this dream acts as a warning for the dreamer….

…Acting stupidly in a dream means money or profits. If a farmer acts silly in a dream, it may mean a good harvest for that year. Otherwise, the farmer’s dream could be meaningless….

…To see a page, denotes that you will contract a hasty union with one unsuited to you. You will fail to control your romantic impulses. If a young woman dreams she acts as a page, it denotes that she is likely to participate in some foolish escapade….

…(Craziness | Excitement | Madman | Mental derangement) In a dream, insanity or any of the above conditions represent prosperity, merit and prestige. Insanity in a dream also indicates desiring the world, festivities, or social fun for one who seeks such connections. If one acts irrationally as a consequence of something that affected his life in a dream, it denotes profits he earns from usury. Seeing oneself extremely happy and excited in a dream means entering paradise. In general, insanity represents profits equal to the degree of one’s irrational behavior in his dream. How mad is he in his dream may indicate how rich he will become. However, such profits will be spent in sinful ways and in the company of an evil companion. Insanity in a dream also can be interpreted as receiving an inheritance. The madness of one’s son in a dream represents the father’s benefits. The…

…To dream that you’re in a beautiful garden (orchard) that is full of flowers, and at the same time is quiet so you can’t hear any noise or disturbance, suggests that you have inner-peace. If you dream that you’re walking in a flowery garden, accompanied by your beloved one, it suggests upcoming happiness and success thanks to the great way that you’re managing your affairs. To dream about a limp and little flower garden suggests that you’ll soon experience moments of sadness because of an illness or loss. If you get lost it announces bad luck and failure in everything you undertake. When a woman dreams of a flower garden instead of a vegetable one, it suggests that if she acts wisely she’ll be able to achieve success in her social environment. To dream about a flower garden is good, as always, it announces a calm, happy and optimistic…

(Dissolute | Immoral | Shameless) In a dream, profligacy signifies ingratitude, disbelief, or denial of the truth. If a pregnant woman acts shamelessly in a dream, it means that she will soon deliver her baby, or it could represent a recalcitrant child, or a rebellious son.

…(Artist | Illustrator) In a dream, a painter represents knowledge, archi- tecture, wisdom, writing poems, writing love songs or telling lies. A painter in a dream also represents someone who conceals his acts, or hides his true face. He also could represent alcoholism, falling in love, marriage, or having children. Some of the painter’s works are beneficial while others are harmful. All depending on the quality of his work, its objectives, balance, resemblance to the object painted and authenticity. The characteristics of such a person in the dream may be that of a hypocrite in wakefulness, or an ostentatious person, a toadying person, a hypocrite, a panegyrist, or a lauding person, though he mostly looks as a good, sincere and a hard working person. The value of his paintings varies depending on the subject treated. A painter in a dream also represents a person who loves flattery, self-adulation, an…

…suggests that you feel responsible for your actions and that you’re able to overcome any problem that you may experience. To dream that you’re performing a magical act in front of an audience suggests that you’re an inventive person and that you also cultivate social relations with taste and ease. To dream that you’re wearing an attire to practice black magic, i.e., with a negative attitude, suggests that you tend to fall into negative situations related to vices and others. In any case, this type of dream suggests serious problems like lawsuits, losses, betrayals, etc. To dream that you’re admiring a theatrical illusionist that’s performing magic acts suggests that you’re curious to learn about the mysteries of life and death, to learn about what is beyond life. This dream usually occurs in students who aspire to become scientists or researchers and seek to stand out by discovering something spectacular….

…To dream that you’re being influenced or dominated by magic, voodoo or magic spells suggests that if you don’t monitor your behavior, you can easily fall into negative attitudes that will drag you into dangerous events. This is a warning dream, particularly for adolescents or young people who are looking for artificial and totally negative pleasures. To dream that you’re resisting such influences suggests that you have enough power to resist and even oppose any negative temptations. To dream that you’re influencing others so they fall into the influences of such magical practices is a subconscious warning that you’re feeling the urge to fall into certain degenerative vices. To dream that you can obtain benefits by the use of magic suggests that you’ll promptly experience pleasant and unexpected situations. To dream about people that are performing magical acts suggests that soon others will receive benefits, but that those benefits…

If you dream of observing an illegal act, then you must remember the feeling you had while you were dreaming about this act, since this can give clues of hidden guilt due to past actions that you might have. But if you dream that you are the one committing illegal acts, the dream is showing the need of liberation from social molds, or perhaps the lack of adaptation to the environment around you.

Dream of going crazy or making incoherent acts in public indicates great feelings of hidden sadness. Joy and subsequent disgrace.

Dream of losing your mind or making incoherent acts in public indicates big hidden feelings of sadness and subsequent disgrace. Dream of being diagnosed with madness means you’re troubled by a plight or loss. Also indicates you’re behaving inappropriately in a new situation. Dream of other people suffering from madness means a melancholy end to prospects and hope.

…Swords or sabers symbolize the courage and power. When we see it fully, it confirms our value and promises us power, and if we already have it, success and social status. If next to the sword there are weight scales, it symbolizes the justice you will perform with acts and words. If in our dream the focus is on the sword hilt the sword becomes a cross. (Cross: If we carry on the chest warns us of the need to recover our primitive beliefs which we are leaving behind. If we see on the ground this dream announces that the time has come to definitely choose where to direct our lives.) If what stands out is its double-edged blade: If the blade is sharp and gleaming, then our words will be convincing. If it is defective or short, it reveals lack of eloquence. If it’s heavy and unwieldy, it…

…that he acts the opposite of what God Almighty has ordained. If one sees himself turning his back toward God’s House in a dream, it means that he is an apostate who rejects God’s religion or that he does not care about it. If one sees the people in the mosque facing another direction in his dream, it means that their leader or judge will be dismissed from his office, or that he neglects to follow the prescribed rules of his religion, or that he follows his own mind and desire in making religious interpretations. However, performing one’s prayers and turning with helplessness toward any direction and crying for help in a dream means seeking God’s nearness, or asking to be accepted by other believers for an unacceptable indulgence or a non-permissible opinion, or it could mean travelling in the direction he faced in his dream. If one sees himself…

For a dreamer to dream about the rabbit means that he is lurking for sexual adventures, because the rabbits are known as the symbols of the fertility. The rabbit could also be interpreted as the symbolism of silliness the one is suffering from. Perhaps he doesn’t see the obvious things and acts like someone very stupid. The rabbits also signifies great business deals. You will turn into right direction. The dream in which you see white rabbits foretells about your relationships with your partner and it also promises great children and success in your relationships.

Thoughtless and uncontrolled acts will cause you irreparable disasters.

When a woman dreams that she becomes a nun or that she lives just like a nun, it indicates that she is adopting a resisting attitude, perhaps of rebellion consequence of being forced to perform certain acts and tasks that she doesn’t like. When a woman dreams of a nun smiling at her and getting closer, it indicates that there are probabilities in achieving her goals, in part due to the intervention of good friends. In a way, this dream indicates introversion, meaning, a reproach of your own conscience and also the desire to get closer to a supreme being or superior forces in order to receive help.

…(Grease | Lubrication | Money | Prosperity | Tallow) If one sees himself having a fat tail like that of a sheep in a dream, it means that his livelihood will depend on the revenues of his offspring. If one eats the fat of a permissible animal (sheep, cattle, etcetera) in a dream, it means profits or owning a sizeable business. If one eats the fat of a non-permissible animal (beats, vultures, etcetera) in a dream, it means earning unlawful money, committing adultery, rejecting one’s religion or fostering forbidden acts. Using fat as medicine in a dream means recovering from an illness. Fat in a dream also means joy, happiness or festivities. In general, fat in a dream also could be interpreted to mean clean money, or net profits from which nothing is wasted….

…To see Santa Claus is expressive symbol of tolerance. This is a fortunate omen, which must be explained as the indication that you need to be more giving, accepting, and/or forgiving. You need to acknowledge and tend to some aspect of yourself. Dreaming that you are dressed as Santa Claus suggests that you need to treat others better. If you see someone dressed as Santa Claus, it means that you would like to be treated better. If sometimes you’re acting in devious way, then try to put yourself in someone else’s shoe and determine how they might feel in such acts….

Dreaming of a blister is a warning against an evil acts, scams, and frauds. It warns against fines and even jail time.

…Enacting ablution rites or performing the acts of ritual ablution without water (arb. Tayammum) in a dream means nearing the solution of one’s problems. (Also see Tayammum)…