…again in a dream, it means that he will reach it free from the ills of this world, its adversities and temptations. If he is not sick, then entering the realms of the hereafter means glad tidings, business success, a pilgrimage, ascetic detachment from this world, sincere devotion, acquiring knowledge, strengthening of one’s kinship or exercising patience toward a calamity which derives from one’s own sins. If one sees himself entering the abode of the hereafter to visit and see around, and should he be a person of good deeds and character who is a capable person and who acts upon his knowledge, it means that he will be without work or suffer from business losses. If he is scared of something, or if he is accused of something, or if he is under stress, it means that his fears will dissipate. Mostly, entering the abode of the hereafter in…

…To see a clown puts us on guard against those relationships that aren’t worthy of us. If we are the clowns it’s a warning to be careful with our acts and appearances….

…near death experiences or at least heavy disappointments, large losses, catastrophic business etc. To dream that someone else’s teeth are pulled out announces bad news that can be personal or family misfortunes, or acts of false friendships that harm the dreamer. Dreaming of the dentist extracting the dreamer’s teeth symbolizes bad news and losses, for example, that the dreamer’s enemies await the opportunity to hurt him or her somehow. Dreaming that the dentist fixes the dreamer’s cavities suggests that soon the dreamer will recover affections or missing valuables. Dreaming of the dentist cleaning your own teeth and yet they remained dirty, and with cavities, etc., indicates that even if you think that your affairs are going well, they are actually not, and this misinterpretation represents a serious danger. Dreaming of dentures suggests that very soon, serious and difficult problems that cannot be ignored nor neglected will arrive. Dreaming of dog…

…of values. Dreaming of putting a crown of any kind on another person indicates self-humiliation or inferiority complex. Dreaming of speaking as king or queen and having a crown placed on your head indicates that there are strong desires to soar in politics, or at least the desire to enter into social relationships at a very high level. Dreaming about being a spectator during a coronation, especially in the case of a king or queen, indicates that you want to relate to high society personalities. When a woman dreams of herself as a participant in a coronation, it doesn’t have to be a king’s coronation, but simply during a festivity, it indicates that soon she will be favored in some way by the intervention of important personalities. However, if during the coronation unpleasant acts occur, that means that the same will happen to the dreamer in the near future….

Bad intentions and malicious acts from those around us will provoke a passionate environment that will harm your matters.

…If one acts irrationally in a dream, it means that he will act with disgrace, stupidity or shamelessness in real life. Being irrational in a dream and intentionally using violent or insulting words, and acting deliberately in an evil way means despair of God’s mercy. It also means refuting or opposing some- thing. It is also interpreted to mean attending to one’s prayers without the ritual ablution. Irrationality in a dream also may mean insolent behavior, or ill speaking of peoples’ honor or chastity. (Also see Insanity | Mental derangement)…

…or without license means that you are wandering throughout your life without plan, without goal, without identity. You are trying to find these aspects by yourself, without any help. Also, it means that your actions is not controlled or is not permitted by someone who should be in charge. Are you in relationship? Maybe you are the one who acts without consultation with partner. Additionally, driving without permit means that you are the person, who thinks that he is always the right one. Thus, you don’t go into anything where you can be controlled. Dreaming without license doesn’t show that you are bad, you are just different. But if you get caught by police in the dream, it shows that sometimes you have feeling of being devious. Also, to be caught without permit shows your fear of being isolated from everything what you are doing. Are you afraid to lose…

If a man dreams of a cat, and he caress her, and she scratches him, his sweetheart is a spiteful termagant. If a female dreams of a cat that acts similarly, she may rest assured that she has a rival.

Indicates that your rivals come together to be informed of your acts.

Your perspicacious judgment, together with the determination of your acts will prevent traps and obstacles which you would face.

If you dreaming that you are arguing, it shows that you want to solve personal problems you have with particular people. Make sure you know who you were arguing with, try to recognize that person in your dream, how does that person acts while arguing with you. This is a sign of your life making progress and it only depends on you if these changes will make a good or bad impact.

The dangerous acts you are taking will lead you to some disastrous situation which you will be unable to avoid.

…Personal experience as a boy scout will definitely affect subconscious activity and provide the dreamer with the boy scout as a symbol of the dream. But if the dreamer never was a boy scout and he/she dreams that he/she is a boy scout, then such dream stands as an alert to seek for discipline. Maybe the dreamer need to finish some task and he/she must act quickly with deep commitment and discipline toward rules. The dream may give special importance to a sense of belonging to community, and feeling of helpfulness. To have interaction with a boy scout or just to see boy scout in the dream, represents perfect model of functioning. Maybe the dreamer or someone else has displayed exemplary way in which one acts or conducts oneself. The dream also announces successful accomplishment of project, plans. For female to dream boy scout, represents happiness in relationship. Gains…

…Dreaming of one or more angels occasionally is usually a good omen because it indicates joy, happiness, constant protection, and help in all your affairs. This dream is equivalent to seeing your guardian angel, whose symbol acts in the long term, which means throughout all the life of the dreamer. When the angel appears flying and glowing, but it doesn’t go away, it suggests that the dreamer is destined to have success and fortunes in his life. When there is severe and static angel close to you in the dream, it is scolding you for your misbehavior; if angel appears with a sword, it is the sign of the condemnation with threat of serious punishment. When you see several angels discussing in your dream, and worse, fighting, it suggests that the affairs that you’re managing are not going well. If the law is involved, it means that you’re might…

…in a dream means might and honor. The barking of a dog in a dream means vein talk and meddling in people’s business. The sound of a lynx in a dream means pampering oneself, or wantonness. The cooing of pigeons in a dream means crying, sorrows or marriage. The chirp of swallows in a dream means beneficial words. The croaking of frogs in a dream means beatings. The sound of bells and the hissing of snakes in a dream means a fight, an argument, a warning, or a war. The braying of donkeys in a dream means cursing in the darkness. The braying of mules in a dream means vein talk, or indulging in suspicious acts. The mooing of a cow in a dream means temptation. The gurgling of camels in a dream means travels and difficulties. The roaring of a lion in a dream means threats. The yowling of…

Dreaming of apes may mean that envious persons are plotting to injure the dreamer. The monkey as a symbol in dreams always means inconsistence, infidelity, hypocrisy, primitive acts and feelings. Dreaming of a dead monkey may mean that enemies won’t hurt you. A young woman that dreams of an ape implies that she doesn’t trust her loved one’s honesty and fidelity, which means she must ask for an explanation.

…In a dream, the sound of a crowd means money beside other benefits. The bleating of sheep in a dream means distress and fear. The neigh of horses in a dream means might and honor. The barking of a dog in a dream means vain talk and meddlingin others’ business. The sound of a lynx in adream means pampering oneself and wantonness. The cooing of pigeons in a dream means crying, sorrows or marriage. The chirp of swallows in a dream means beneficial words. The croaking of frogs in a dream means beatings or death. The sound of bells and the hissing of snakes in a dream represents a fight, an argument, a warning, or a war. The braying of donkeys in a dream means cursing in the darkness. The braying of mules in a dream means vain talk, or it could mean indulging in suspicious acts. The mooing…

Dreaming of people who in real life have died and were dear to us reveals dissatisfaction with our present life. If the dead acts accusing and vindictive it is a guilt complex linked with this person. If we dream of a loved one who has died and this person dies during that dream, it indicates that from that moment our soul is with our beloved.

…mistress, his wife, or by a gracious man. The bleating of a billy goat or a ram in a dream means happiness and prosperity. The neighing of horses in a dream means receiving guidance from a noble person, or it could represent a courageous soldier. The braying of a donkey in a dream means hideousness, or the ugly character of a despicable enemy. The braying of a mule in a dream means a hardship which is combined with a difficult person, or it could mean vain talk, or indulgingin suspicious acts. The mooing of a calf, a cow, or a steer in a dream means a riot. The gurgling of a camel in a dream represents a blessed journey, a pilgrimage, a successful business trip, or toiling and hardships. The roaring of a lion in a dream represents alarm, esteem, fear, or being threatened by someone in authority. In general,…

The way the admiral acts, that will be your attitude toward problems of life.

Dreaming about smugglers means that wrong decisions will be taken, or that there will be bad business relationships made, also greedy acts that will ultimately lead to decay and failure. It also means that the dreamer will face many adversities.

…which means, that he is not currently happy about what he has. Dreaming of dead actors is a sign of bad luck due to incorrect administration of your business, which could lead to violent acts or failures that could lead to poverty. Dreaming of actors or actresses wandering with no direction and displaying their sorrow, is a warning that there’s a risk that the dreamer fails in his social relationships, business, work, etc., as a result of having neglected his duties and responsibilities. If someone dreams of himself as an actor (especially when this person is young), it means that he’ll have to work to survive, even if it’s not nice, you better work with enthusiasm and resignation. When a woman dreams of being married, engaged or making moves to a famous actor, reveals her imaginative mind, which means that she doesn’t have her feet on the ground. Therefore, this…

Whether you are throwing rocks or threats during the dream, it indicates that you are ready to achieve your goals but that you don’t see the means on how to do it and it would be more beneficial to be more attentive in order to avoid bad consequences due to your impulsive acts.

If you ate the spaghetti, then the dream shows your worries towards particular relationships you are in at the moment. Maybe the person you are in love with or have a very strong bond with him is not the one who he pretends to be. Make sure you pay attention to the words he says to you and generally the way he acts with you, as the spaghetti in a dream shows the dishonesty and falseness.

…Suffering by the acts of one’s enemies. 54….

…Toads in dreams foretell vicious acts that will either be done to the dreamer or by him….

If a man dreams of a cat, and he caress her, and she scratches him, his sweetheart is a spiteful termagant. If a female dreams of a cat that acts similarly, she may rest assured that she has a rival.

It indicates that the dreamer acts consistently. His actions are according to the moral and education that’s been received.

(Cucumber | Small pickle) Gherkins in a dream represent a son who looks like his father and mother and acts like them. (Also see Pickles | Preserves)

Being benefited by kind acts.

…Dreaming of turpentine, foretells your near future holds unprofitable and discouraging engagements. For a woman Dreaming that she binds turpentine to the wound of another, shows she will gain friendships and favor through her benevolent acts….

The dream, in which you saw a snake, represents hidden sexual desires the one has. Maybe you have suppressed wishes, which were not fulfilled completely. The snake is also a symbol of secrets and dangerous unknown places or people. Maybe there is a person around you who acts like a snake – keeps the distant from you, but can bite very deeply and poisonous. Consider that the dream in which you saw a snake could show the features of you such as the negative one and positive ones, for example your ability to be quite. If you caught the snake, it shows that you are very powerful and able to sonfront whatever the situation.

…(Early companions | Legist | Masjid | Men of knowledge | Mosque | Reli- gious doctors | Righteous men) A scholar in a dream represents glad tidings, a promotion, or a commendation and it represents one who acts upon what he knows and says. Seeing one of the early scholars in a dream means increase in one’s knowledge, for they were the wise representatives of God’s message on earth. Seeing them also means increase in one’s wisdom, happiness, joy, and one’s dream could mean that one will stand to admonish people or counsel them. Seeing the early righteous people and the blessed companions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream means growth of one’s righteousness. If one sees a scholar who is considered to be a reference in religious knowledge, and if one accepts his admonition in the dream, though in wakefulness he does not follow…

Flattering, no matter how you dream of it, is a sign of dishonor. Dreaming of seeking for adulation of others or someone in particular, indicates that the dreamer seeks to achieve advantageous positions in real life, accomplishing acts such as deception, lies, hypocrisy, false promises, etc. Dreaming of flattering someone suggests that you’re capable of committing immoralities to get embarrassing favors in real life.

This dream usually signals the arrival of bad news by an influential person that acts on behalf of a government agency. No need to stop expecting setbacks in the near future.