Advantage, profit.

…To see your driver’s license in your dream represents your authority and rightfulness. If you lose your driver’s license, it symbolizes your inability to cope with changed status of yours. Possibly you have lost the sovereignty to move forward towards finishing your goals. If you find your driver’s license, it means that you become stronger by overcoming obstacles. Additionally, it shows that fortunate changes in your influence to others. Also finding of lost driver’s license shows increased self-confidence. You will have more weight in any given situation, related to work or relationship. You are the one with the lawful right to move everyone forward. Alternatively, driving permit means that you are facing catastrophe in your individuality. To lose your driver’s license in dream indicates that you have lost your true self. Maybe you became vulnerable to opinion of others. As internal stimuli, the dream about driver’s permit shows your…

(See Fur)

(See Hermitage)

Overcoming misfortunes.

Good. 23.

…If one sees himself turning in his sleep and putting his face down, or resting on his stomach in a dream, it means that he will turn away from his faith and lose both his earnings in this world and in the hereafter. If one sees the reverse, which is turning from resting on one’s stomach to lying on his back in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. It also represents his willingness to face the people and to correct his wrongdoing. If the subject is a woman, then sleeping on her stomach in a dream means that she is refusing to sleep with her husband. (Also see Running away | Take a flight | Sleep)…

Great honour, riches. 54.

…(Blow | Pound | Shake | slap) In a dream, pounding one’s head, or smiting one’s face means begetting a son at an old age….

…If one’s sins are forgiven in a dream, it means receiving guidance, abstinence from sin, protecting one’s chastity, hoping for God’s forgiveness, engaging in charitable actions and offering atonements….

…Dreaming of repeating the Lord’s Prayer, foretells that you are threatened with secret foes and will need the alliance and the support of friends to tide you over difficulties. To hear others repeat it, denotes the danger of some friend….

…If a sick person sees himself suppressing his feel- ings, or down-playing his pain and sufferings in a dream, it means that he will shortly recover from his ailment. (Also see Suppressing one’s anger)…

…(Intertwine) In a dream, interlocking one’s hands means a partnership, a contract, marriage, stagnation, stillness of business, delinquency in one’s prayers, negligence of one’s duties, difficulties with one’s family, or a meeting that purports evil….

…(Anger) Suppressing one’s anger in a dream means having good qualities, receiving a commendation, blessings, doing good for those who appreciate and those who do not appreciate good favors. (Also see Anger | Suppressing one’s feelings)…

Trouble and vexation.

(See Cleaver)

…Dreaming that you are in a rogue’s gallery, foretells you will be associated with people who will fail to appreciate you. To see your own picture, you will be overawed by a tormenting enemy….

Unsteadiness in love affairs.

…(A gift from God Almighty | Authority) If a ruler or a rich person sees himself wearing Solomon’s ring in a dream, it means that his authority, wealth, lands, travels and all his goals will be successful and grow further. If someone invokes spirits for a living, then wearing Solomon’s ring in a dream will make him rich. Seeing or finding Solomon’s ring in a dream also means renewing one’s term of leadership, or a manifestation of a great confounding wonder that will bewilder everyone. (Also see Ring | Solomon)…

(See Zikr)

…Fulfilling one’s goal in a dream means increase in knowl- edge, guidance on the path of God Almighty, earning lawful money, marriage or becoming wealthy….

…(Endowments | Inheritance | Profits. See Endowment | Fulfilling one’s goal)…

Long life. 25.

Happiness, prosperity in future life.

…Pounding one’s head, or smiting one’s forehead, or shaking one’s head in a dream means begetting a son at an advanced age….

Increase of wealth, riches. 33.

In a dream, prayer beads represent a righteous and a pious woman, a lawful and blessed livelihood, or loyal soldiers. (Also see Beads)

Sickness and sadness.

…(Direction) To wend one’s way, or to take the road, or to go in the direction of the door in a dream means establishing the course of one’s life on the basis of righteousness, or finding the real cause of things, or it could mean success, depending on how close one gets to his goal in the dream. (Also see Road)…

Love and respect.

…Leaving one’s body in a dream means that changes will take place in one’s status, marriage, or property….

Dreaming that you are granted a US visa, has the symbolic significance of the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority. US Visa in the dream also represents how you feel about the United States and what it means for you. As example, if the US stands for freedom, then being granted a visa from the US may demonstrate your life situation in which you experience some newly founded liberty. It may represent that you may be travelling through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about something.

If you dream of getting the U.S. Visa, then it means that you are looking for the better life and freedom, especially if you are the one who is looking for support. Probably at this time of your life you are trying to find yourself and who you are and you need to be alone.

(See Food basket)

Bad success.

(See Balance)

…(Blossoms | Kiss) In a dream, a rose represents a noble person, a woman, a newborn son, or it could represent the homecoming of a long awaited traveler. Plucking roses from a rosebush in a dream means harvesting honor, love, prosperity and blessings. Kissing a white rose in a dream means kissing a God- fearing woman. Plucking a red rose in a dream means kissing a fun loving woman. Smelling the fragrance of a yellow rose in a dream means kissing a sick woman. A bouquet of roses in a dream means kisses, one after the other. A rosebud in a dream means a miscarriage. A rose in a dream also represents an estranged wife, or it could mean a dying woman, a losing business, a short lived happiness, or a promise that does not last. Receiving a rose from a young man in a dream means receiving a…

Meeting with usurers and avaricious people.

(See Masjid)

…In a dream, rumbling of one’s stomach means a family dispute, an argument, or an antagonistic competition between relatives. (Also see Body 1 )…