The friends who adores some idols means that will have troubles with their own lives and even could cause some damage for you. If you are the person who idols, then it shows the falling finances or relationships you are in at the moment. You won’t do well. If you break the idol, then such dream means that you will be able to handle any situation on your own. You won’t need any help. If you are condemning the idols, then such dream foretells about the respects you will gain from others.

To dream of leaving your mother’s house is a bad omen whence you extricate yourself with difficulty, elevation in dignity. If returning to your mother’s house or return to your native country, if you have been away, then it means reunion of relatives and friends. Dwell with mother means peace, security. To see her, gain. Speak to her happy times. See her dead, peril in person or in goods….

Gain with trouble. 144.

To dream that you’re swimming and involuntarily sinking, and that you’re at risk of drowning, suggests that you may suffer great losses or even die, but if you’re saved and removed from water, it suggests that at the end you’ll get rid of all your problems, and perhaps even gain any profits. To dream about someone who is drowning and that you aid in his/her rescue, is a warning that someone will probably ask for your help. When a young woman dreams that her lover drowns, it suggests that he has already decided to break up with her and there is no chance for them to get married, at least for now….

Gaining a good reputation and many friends. 69.

If you are moving away in a dream, then such dream indicates your wish for the variation. Perhaps you are tired of the monotony and wish to gain new experiences. The dream could also denote to your past which you are leaving behind.

(Car racing | Competition | Contest | Horse race | Pigeon racing) Racing on foot in a dream means activities, actions, accomplishments, workout, amuse- ment, playfulness, idling, a vacation, or travelling without a purpose. If a sick person sees himself racing in a dream, it means his death. If a poor person sees himself racing in a dream, it means financial gains. If a traveller sees himself racing in a dream, it means returning to his home. Horse racing in a dream means indulging in what is forbidden, arrogance, self-deceit, or guaranteeing the success of what has no prospect of succeeding. Horse racing in a dream also could mean engaging in a dangerous adventure that could lead to one’s death, corruption and divisiveness. Pigeon racing in a dream means sodomy. Car racing in a dream means exceeding the boundaries of safety, or crossing into the boundaries of danger….

To dream that you’re living as a hermit in a hut or cave, whether it’s in a mountain or elsewhere, it suggests that you long for a radical change of life (environment, employment and perhaps of city). These types of desires are usually felt by taciturn, misanthropic, silent, and in some cases even maniac people. To dream that you’re looking at a hermit suggests that you aspire or feel the need to gain culture, to study, to reason and to research….

(Cellar) In a dream, one’s mouth represents his life from inception to completion. One’s mouth in a dream also represents the course of one’s livelihood and the source of his strength. Putting medicine in one’s mouth in a dream means correcting one’s life for the better. If one puts food in his mouth in a dream, it means worldly gains and profits, unless one puts something that tastes bad, or which is spoiled, then it means losses, distress and depression. Putting good and tasty food or sweets in one’s mouth in a dream means living a happy and a rich life. If one’s mouth is buckled in a dream, it means death, sickness, dumbness, silence, helplessness, or defeat. If one’s mouth looks larger than usual in the dream, it denotes growth and greater benefits, but if one’s mouth looks smaller in the dream, then it means the opposite….

Dreaming that you are wearing a mask, denotes temporary trouble, as your conduct towards some dear one will be misinterpreted, and your endeavors to aid that one will be misunderstood, but you will profit by the temporary estrangements. To see others masking, denotes that you will combat falsehood and envy. To see a mask in your dreams, denotes some person will be unfaithful to you, and your affairs will suffer also. For a young woman Dreaming that she wears a mask, foretells she will endeavor to impose upon some friendly person. If she unmasks, or sees others doing so, she will fail to gain the admiration sought for. She should demean herself modestly after this dream….

The dreams about cattle, oxen, sheep, etc. if you see them in large numbers, abundance and riches. Dream of pasturing them, shame and damage to the rich people and profit and gain to the poor ones.

To play at, denotes gain by lying and deceit; to see another play, loss by craftiness. Anselmus Julianus regarded this dream as indicative of the success which would attend the dreamer in his undertaking, according to his fancied success in his dream. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 8, 78….

Gaining honour, fortune and wealth.

Dreaming of seeing the masts of ships, denotes long and pleasant voyages, the making of many new friends, and the gaining of new possessions. To see the masts of wrecked ships, denotes sudden changes in your circumstances which will necessitate giving over anticipated pleasures. If a sailor dreams of a mast, he will soon sail on an eventful trip….

A clear moon shows much gain — a fiery one, honour. A red moon, a good wife to love. If a halo around it, you’ll succeed in play. But if it’s pale or clouded, unlucky next day….

Dream of playing with an enemy, the dreamer will get on the point of giving him an advantage. Gain at a game without a chance to win, loss of friends. Lose, consolation, relief from troubles.

Dreaming of hidden wealth is a sign of coming gains and profits.

To dream of lambs in the fields signifies peace, tranquillity; to keep them, profit; to carry one, success; to buy one, great surprise; to kill one, secret grief: to find one, a gain of a lawsuit: to eat, tears.

To dream you eat cheese, signifies profit and gain in trade; in love, deceit. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 65, 3….

(Pavilion | Tent) Setting up a pavilion in the open air to sit under it in a dream means gaining power and dominion. A canopy in a dream also means visiting the graves of martyrs and praying for them, or to die in their state. Folding a canopy in a dream means losing one’s power and dominion, or it could mean nearing the end of one’s life. Walking out from under a canopy in a dream means losing some of one’s power or business. Walking out from under a canopy in a dream also signifies trueness of one’s heart and intention, or earning the station of a martyr through one’s true devotion, or it could mean visiting the Sacred House in Jerusalem. (Also see Pavilion | Tent)…

The yellow bird in dreams is very good omen money wise, because it brings the abundance in financial gains. The yellow bird for lovers is not such a great omen. If the bird is sick or lands on your head, you will get some kind of sickness that is easy to cure.

(Blabber | Hodgepodge) In a dream, a magpie represents a man who keeps no promise, who has neither honor nor does he feel comfortable with anyone. Such a man is rich, accursed and opportunistic. If a magpie speaks to someone in a dream, it means that he will receive news concerning a distant person. Catching a magpie in a dream means overcoming a corrupt and a perfidious person. Fighting with a magpie in a dream means engaging in a futile adventure and gaining nothing from it.

Dreaming of a trumpet, denotes that something of unusual interest is about to befall you. To blow a trumpet, signifies that you will gain your wishes….

Dream of the chest being hale and sound, denotes health and joy. Hairy and shaggy one signifies gain and profit. To a woman loss of her husband. Enlarged and fattened chest foretells about long life, a fortune in your older days that you are going to have. Have it stabbed by a sword means deception from those you have trusted for a long period of time.

Gain, acquiring money.

Contrariness. Make it foretells about disturbance. To eat cheese means profits and gains.

To dream that you’re plotting a scam suggests that you have adopted this habit just for your personal gain. To dream that you’ve been caught while performing a scam is a warning that your competitors will win those negotiations in which you’re participating, and that will cause you losses. To dream that you’ve been caught cheating while playing a card game or any other wagering game, announces a serious failure. If someone else is the one who cheats, then it announces success for the dreamer. Dreaming about an empty animal trap, no matter for what specie it’s for, it announces upcoming failures….

To dream of eating grapes at any time, signifies profit; to tread grapes, signifies the overthrow of enemies; to gather white grapes, signifies gain; but to gather black grapes, signifies damage.

Seeing acorns in dreams, is portent of pleasant things ahead, and much gain is to be expected. To pick them from the ground, foretells success after weary labors. For a woman to eat them, denotes that she will rise from a station of labor to a position of ease and pleasure. To shake them from the trees, denotes that you will rapidly attain your wishes in business or love. To see green-growing acorns, or to see them scattered over the ground, affairs will change for the better. Decayed or blasted acorns have import of disappointments and reverses. To pull them green from the trees, you will injure your interests by haste and indiscretion….

Gaining credit, honour. 167.

(Assertion | Nude | Stripped | Unclothed | Undressed) Nakedness in a dream represents inward purity and clarity, or it could mean committing an act that will culminate in regret. Undressing oneself in a dream means facing a reticent, hidden, unexpected and notorious enemy who will publicly assert his enmity. If one sees himself alone and naked in a dream, it means that one of his enemies, knowing his weaknesses, is demanding capitulation from him, or threatening him, or blackmailing him. If one sees himself naked during an assembly or a party in a dream, it means that he will be exposed or defamed. If one sees himself naked in the midst of people, though he does not feel shy and is not aware of it in the dream, it means that he engages in a project then exaggerates the degree of his involvement, suffer hardships and gains…

In the dream to meet an acquaintance, and converse pleasantly with him, foretells that your business will run smoothly, and there will be but little discord in your domestic affairs. If you seem to be disputing, or engaged in loud talk, humiliations and embarrassments will whirl seethingly around you. If you feel ashamed of meeting an acquaintance, or meet him at an inopportune time, it denotes that you will be guilty of illicitly conducting yourself, and other parties will let the secret out. For a young woman to think that she has an extensive acquaintance, signifies that she will be the possessor of vast interests, and her love will be worthy the winning. If her circle of acquaintances is small, she will be unlucky in gaining social favors. After the dream of acquaintances, you may see or hear from them….

(Fruit) In a dream, a jujube fruit represents a noble, strong and a cheerful person who benefits people at large, and who is firm and patient in the face of adversities. Sucking the juice of a jujube fruit in a dream means gaining power. In a dream, a jujube fruit also represents the fingers of a woman who had applied henna to her hands for a wedding or for a religious ceremony. (Also see Henna | Jujube tree)

(Antelope | Deer | Woman) In a dream, a female gazelle represents a beautiful woman. Capturing a female gazelle in adream means taking advantage of a woman, or it could mean marriage. Throwing a stone at a gazelle in a dream means raping a woman, or committing a sin, or divorcing one’s wife or being violent with her. Hunting a gazelle in a dream means profits. Shooting a gazelle with arrows in a dream means slandering a woman. Slaughtering a gazelle in a dream means deflowering a female servant. If one sees himself turned into a deer in a dream, it means that he lives solely to satisfy his pleasures, lust and sensual desires in this world. If one receives the gift of a gazelle in a dream, it means that he will receive an inheritance and become wealthy. A gazelle in a dream also represents a child….

Dreaming of sheaves, denotes joyful occasions. Prosperity holds before you a panorama of delightful events, and fields of enterprise and fortunate gain.

(The archangel Malik | The guardian of hell-fire) Seeing the archangel Malik in a dream means standing before a policeman or a police commissioner for questioning. If he smiles in the dream, it means that one will be saved from imprisonment. If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that he may die shortly. If one becomes the archangel Malik, or eats something sweet from his hand in a dream, it denotes that one is a true follower on the path of God Almighty and His Prophet, upon whom be peace. It also means that one loves his brethren on the path. It also means that one will be honored, gain power, abstain from sin or from any act of disobeying God’s commands, and he will become free from hypocrisy and heedlessness. It also could mean that one is guided and that he loves God’s religion….

Luck in business, good income, gaining respect of people in high position of life.

Dreaming one has a fair and great nose, is good to all; for it implies subtlety of sense, providence in affairs, and acquaintance with great persons. But to dream one has no nose, means the contrary; and to a sick man, death; for dead men’s heads have no nose. If anyone dreams his nose is larger than ordinary, he will become rich and powerful, provident and subtle, and be well received among grandees. Dreaming one has two noses, implies discord and quarrels. If one dreams that his nose is grown so big that it is deformed and hideous to the sight, he will live in prosperity and abundance, but never gain the love of the people. If anyone dreams his nose is stopped, so that he hath lost his scent, it signifies he is in danger from a supposed friend….

Dreaming of a fish-net, portends numerous small pleasures and gains. A torn one, represents vexatious disappointments.

Dreaming of pleasure, denotes gain and personal enjoyment. See Joy….