We must carefully analyze what is boiling, but in general it can be interpreted as if we repress our passions or some illusions and projects that teem with force within us. Other authors claim that the dream speaks of creativity that needs to take some form of external expression.

…a business trip and reaping good benefits from one’s venture. A quince tree in a dream represents a prudent, discrete and a firm man from whom no one can benefit, or it could represent a vile person. A green quince in a dream is better than a yellow one. A quince in a dream also represents a beautiful and a noble woman. Many interpreters disliked the quince fruit because of its yellowish color, and they mostly qualify it to mean sickness because of the constipation it causes if eaten raw. However, its yellowish color also can be interpreted as the color of gold. Seeing or eating a quince in a dream also means travelling with good companions, though some of them may be of no benefit. However, in general a quince or a quince tree in a dream can still be interpreted in a positive sense under all circumstances….

…one sees a meteor or a flame shooting at Satan in the skies in a dream, it means that there is an enemy of God Almighty in that locality. If that person is a ruler, then his secrets will be exposed, and if he is a judge, it means that a just punishment will befall him for his injustice. If one sees Satan happy in a dream, it means that he engages in sensuality, passion and loathsome actions. In general, Satan is a weak enemy, if one sees himself fighting him with resoluteness in a dream, it shows that he is a religious and a pious person. If Satan swallows someone or penetrates inside his body in dream, it means a fright, losses and sufferings. Satan in a dream also represents builders or ocean divers who work as spies. Seeing them in a dream also could mean backbiting or slandering….

…could denote enjoying peace after experiencing fear. If a ruler sees the Preserved Tablet in a dream, it means that his sovereignty will expand, or it could mean that he will discover a great treasure. As for the tablets that were revealed to God’s prophet Moses, upon whom be peace, seeing them in a dream represents witnesses, spiritual guides, guidance or admonition. A wooden blackboard in a dream represents one’s wife, child, farmland, or finding peace after suffering from fear, or it could mean knowledge if one is a seeker of such avenues. In general, all boards in a dream represent admonition or prohibition of sin. Receiving a writing tablet from an Imam in a dream means an appointment to leadership, knowledge, understanding, or becoming an Imam, except if what is written on the blackboard in the dream implies admonition to do good, then the tablet means guidance and mercy….

When you see the hologram in a dream, then such dream suggests you to look at things in general instead of paying attention to minor things, because you can get confused and mistaken. The dream could also show your desire for idealism.

Denotes in general deceit.

…food, or barters for some barley in his dream, it means that he will overcome his difficulties and dispel his adversities. If a prisoner sees the morning in his dream, it means that he will be released shortly. If one’s travels are impeded by whatever cause, then seeing the morning in his dream means solving such problems and proceeding on with one’s plans. If one is having difficulties with his wife, then seeing the morning in a dream means divorce or separation. If a sinner sees the morning in his dream, it means repentance from his sin and egress from heedlessness. If a merchant or a businessman who is having trouble in his trade sees the morning in his dream, it means good news and business growth. In general, seeing the morning in a dream means relief from difficulties, escape from danger, a good harvest, or winning one’s freedom….

…It is an excellent dream to imagine you see a brilliant rainbow — the brighter the better: it denotes health and general prosperity: to lovers it foretells a happy marriage, and riches. A young girl who dreams of a rainbow will either get an agreeable lover or a present. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 45….

…(Dog | Lust | Passion | Wantonness) To feel a yearning or desire to see one’s homeland in a dream means a divorce between a husband and wife or separation between friends, or it could mean that one will become rich after being poor, though in general, desire in a dream connotes evil if accompanied with crying or lamentation. Satisfying one’s desire with no restraint in a dream mostly denotes the actions of the dwellers of hell-fire. (Also see Dog | Dryness)…

…Drink it warm, means danger to be apprehended from an incensed enemy, as harsh as the water is warm in a dream. Drink cold water, signifies tranquility of the soul, devoted friends. Water in general, abundance and multiplication. Holy Water, symbolizes purity, health. Warm water, danger of illness through sickness. Leap into water means persecutions. See water over your head, walk on it, symbolizes triumph, success. Water coming from a spot where it cannot be found, portends cares, torments, afflictions. Collect up some water, trouble proportionate to the quantity of water that has been collected. See it dry up means good times. Water carried in a broken pitcher, linen, or other thing which could not contain it, signifies losses, damages through abuse of confidence, or thefts in the house. When the water is not spilled or lost, absolute greatness of property. Concealment of this same water or what has…

…death as a punishment. If it leads to employment, it will be a job serving a tyrant. If it leads to acquiring knowledge, it means inventing vain religious practices. If it leads to bearing a son, he will be the child of adultery. In general hell in a dream means excessive sexual desires, a slaughter house, a public bath, an oven, inventing a new religion, innovation, absence of truth, indulgence in what is forbidden, stinginess, denying the Day of Judgment, a blazing fire for the devils, joining with a group of evildoers in committing atrocities, denying the sovereignty of God Almighty and ascribing human characteristics to Him. Seeing Malik, the guardian angel of hell-fire in a dream means receiving guidance after heedlessness. If one sees Malik coming toward him in the dream, it means his salvation and the restoration of his faith. However, if one sees Malik turning his back…

Dreaming of one or more barrels with wine is an announcement of spontaneous joy, but if they appear filled with water instead of wine, it indicates a lot of work before achieving what you want. If they are empty, it indicates you’re neglecting or not paying proper attention to the things you’re handling, which will result in losses, failures, etc. In general, seeing a full barrel in dreams is an announcement of prosperity, but if it’s empty, it’s an indicator of suffering financial difficulties.

White ones means happiness to those who are wearing them. The greasy or dirty garments, sinfulness, condemnation in general contempt. See them torn apart, success with friendly aid. If they are covered with gold and embroidery, then it means honor, respect, improvement. Garments of many colors, disappointments of various emotions. Black garments unhappiness.

General ill-luck. 75.

Unpleasantness in the family, misfortune in business, vexation in love, in general foretoken of quarrel and discord. 53.

…fault, or recognizing his improper behavior with his customers. If one’s hands are tattooed with henna in a dream, it means that he cheats to acquire his earnings. Eventually, he will be exposed and his opponents will rejoice at his misfortune. If a woman sees her entire body dyed with henna in a dream, it means having a good relationship with her husband. If after applying the henna to her hands, the dye does not work in a dream, it means that her husband does not show his love for her. If only the fingers are dyed with henna in a dream, they then represent branches of dates, or clusters of grapes. In general, dyeing one’s hands and hair with henna as a makeup in a dream represents joy for the husband and wife as long as they do not exceed the common norms. (Also see Dye | Tattoo)…

Dreaming of a yacht symbolizes a desire to avoid responsibilities that are stopping us from enjoying the lifestyle that we want. It is a clear sign of immaturity, which means there should be a full review of our feelings and current behavior. It may also be a warning that we cannot let ourselves be carried away by false illusions nor by our consumerist society, since this can make us forget about the things that truly matter, like love and friendship. It is also a reminder to be ourselves if what we want is to achieve personal fulfillment. In general, it tends to indicate improvements, especially in terms of profession and material possessions.

The dream, in which you are brunette, denotes to the grace, sexuality and posh attitude in general. The dream about brunette could also show the necessity to be more realistic and rational.

Being wronged, suffering in reputation. In general, it denotes nothing good to dream of wild animals, as hyenas, tigers, etc., for all such dreams bring misfortune, trouble, and the like.43.

A cabbage in a dream represents distress, money or a rough person. In general, a head of cabbage in a dream, has negative connotations for everyone and particularly for its farmers.

…of its doors are locked in the dream, it means that his parents are displeased with him. If he enters paradise from whichever gate he pleases in the dream, it means that both of his parents are pleased with him. If one is let into paradise in a dream, it represents his death. It is also interpreted to mean that he will repent for his sins at the hands of a spiritual guide or a wise shaikh who will lead him into paradise. Entering paradise in a dream also may mean attaining one’s goals, though paradise itself is surrounded with schemes and maneuvers. Seeing paradise in one’s dream also means joining the company of revered people of knowledge and observing good conduct with people in general. If one sees himself entering paradise smilingly in a dream, it means that he constantly invokes God’s remembrance. If one sees himself entering paradise…

When people in our dreams appear with make up on or very groomed it’s a warning that some of our friendships and relationships are fake. If we groomed ourselves in dreams it means that we are forced to hide our true thoughts and emotions, or that we are voluntarily willing to deceive or betray someone. The atmosphere and the general course of the dream clarify which of these two versions corresponds to each particular dream.

…If we are unable to move in a crowd among people, then that reveals our inability to dominate in some events. It also shows weakness of character, great timidity. If it’s someone else who is in this situation and we cannot approach that person, the dream indicates our desire to win their affection and friendship and the fear of not achieving it. Seeing a crowd without mixing with it announces some misfortune or bad news, especially if they wear black. Sometimes it is a social, political or economic change in general….

…Dream of cutting off somebody’s head means security in undertakings, revenge upon enemies. If you behead an armed person who is capable of defense, you will enter into the employment of some influential functionary, to where you will prove of great service. Cut the head off for a chicken will bring joy, unexpected pleasure. Dream of being beheaded, where the dreamer is a prisoner, denotes to liberty, if a sick person beheading the chicken, restoration to health, if in affliction, consolation, if in debt, payment of his indebtedness, if elevated to dignities, continuation in advancement. As a general thing this dream replaces fears and cares into joy, and a merited confidence of people in their subordinates. Dream of being beheaded by an acquaintance, then it signifies attendance in his pleasures, success, or dignities. For a child, if the dreamer is ill, the dream shows that he will be in…

…(Clarity of speech | Fluency) To have fluency and eloquence of speech in a dream means being honored, dignified, becoming a knight or being endowed with immeasurable wealth, or it could mean extension of one’s powers and control, prosperity from one’s business, fame, or it could mean attaining excellence in one’s craft or trade. In general, eloquence of speech in a dream signifies honor and deputyship….

…Dreaming of mustaches indicates that your life, in general, is cheerful and carefree. If the mustaches are white, it means that you in your old age will be completely happy. If the color is black, it means that you’ll live afflictions and torments. If you shave the mustache, it suggests you should be extremely prudent in all your actions and words. If you dream about a woman with a mustache, it is a sign of distrust and jealousy. If a woman dreams she has a mustache that indicates she expresses her energy in words. Dreaming you have a mustache when you don’t have it, means hiding some aspect of your personality. You are wearing a costume or you are showing only one aspect of your personality. Dream that you shave your mustache symbolizes that you’re showing your true personality. You don’t longer have to hide under a disguise or…

…In general, it is not a good omen and it’s usually a sign that after a time of hope in which you had all the support of others and good luck, an ominous period is arriving, which almost certainly will only bring drawbacks. This dream is also a sign that it is quite possible that serious economic losses will soon arise….

…(zool. Starling) A swallow in a dream represents money, a blessed man, a blessed woman, or an intelligent and a learned boy. Catching a swallow in a dream means seizing what is unlawful for one to take. A house filled with swallows in the dream represents lawful earnings. A swallow in a dream is also interpreted to represent a man of good character, and who is pious and amicable. Helping a swallow in a dream means that one may assist a kind person in his life. Catching a swallow in a dream also means being unjust toward one’s wife. Eating a swallow in a dream represents a fight. If one sees swallows flying away from his house in a dream, it means that his wife or a relative will abandon him, or separate from him and travel away from that town. In general, swallows and starlings in a dream…

Any kind of the parasites bring unpleasant feelings, because it shows the minor problems that causing much of the stress. Consider that your body could send some message about your general health, therefore make sure you check yourself up.

…should guard his money. A wound which does not bleed in a dream also represents recognition by others. If a man of authority is wounded in an accident, whereby his flesh splits open, and his bones are dissected in a dream, it means that he will live a long life to see the burial of most of his relatives. If an army general sees his left hand wounded in a dream, it means that his army will double in size. If his right hand is wounded in the dream, it means that the area of his control will expand. If one suffers from a wound in his stomach in the dream, it means growth in his financial standing. If one is wounded in his thigh in the dream, it means that his clan will grow stronger. If one sees himself wounded in his legs in a dream, it means longevity….

If you see a bronze in a dream, then such dream indicates the achievements you have achieved. On the other hand, the dream about bronze could show the lack of responsibilities you take towards other people. The bronze is also associated with the beauty, healthy skin and charm in general.

If you drank brandy in a dream, then such dream indicates the prosperous and rich lifestyle you are willing to live. Perhaps the dream suggests you to bear in mind the real values of the life and being of humans in general.

Seeing our brothers in dreams is a reflection of ourselves. In these dreams we ascribe to our siblings our fears, desires and negative trends in general, but it means what we have in ourselves.

…rain. A snake with a horn in a dream represents a profitable business. Black snakes and pythons in a dream represent army generals. Water snakes in a dream represent money. If one sees his garden covered with snakes in a dream, it means that its trees will bear fruits and exceed the normal crop. A snake coming out of its hole in a dream represents a son. A snake leaving one’s house in a dream means its destruction or demolition. Killing a snake in a dream means marriage. Tapeworms or other intestinal worms in a dream represent one’s relatives and their children. Seeing snakes eating on one’s table in a dream means separation between friends. Desert snakes in a dream represent highway robbers. In general a snake or a serpent in a dream represent jealousy, envy, perfidy, swindlingpeople’s properties, deceit and an avowed enmity. (Also see Belt | Sting)…

…When you dream of the milk, then such dream indicates the motherhood and parental instincts. The dream also represents unity, goodness, purity, innocence and life. If you drank the milk in a dream, then such dream indicates the inner peace and happiness. The dream in which you are drinking milk, also suggests you to look at the relationships you have with your friends, because there might be necessity to make the relations stronger. When you drink the milk that is sour, then it indicates the minor problems, which will cause lots of distraction. If you spilled the milk in a dream, then it indicates the sorrow and sadness. Perhaps you will lose someone or something important in your life. If you took the bath filled with milk, then such dream shows the tranquility and peace within your mind and life in general. The hot milk in dreams suggests you…

The color purple in a dream represents a brilliant and a skillful house- maid. If one sees himself lifting something of purple color in a dream, it means that he will hire or kiss a housemaid. Purple in a dream is also interpreted to mean a beautiful woman. In general, the sweet aroma of a purple plant among other fragrant plants represent a woman who has little care for stability, or it may represent a short lived child, or it could mean health problems. If the color purple is mixed in a bouquet of flowers in a dream, it means love, affection and harmony. (Also see Colors)

Symbolizes the light of the day and vigilance. Also the foreign woman and unfamiliar women in general.

(Captain | Manager | Ship) In a dream, the sails of a ship represent its captain, or they could represent a good manager, or they could mean gaining power. If one sees sails being raised to honor him in a dream, it means that he will attain power, leadership, honor and exaltation. If a ruler or a general of an army sees such a dream, it means that he will remain strong and secured from enemy attacks.

…In a dream, hazelnut represents a stranger who is rich, generous but dull, unpleasant though he has the ability to bring people together. It is also interpreted as hard earned money. In general, nuts in a dream represent roar, or even melancholy. Ahazelnut in adream also means news that one’s homeland is ravaged by war and its children are taken prisoners. In a dream, a hazelnut also represents the marriage of the first born girl to an unknown person. (Also see Hazelnut tree)…

…To dream that you are wounded by being stabbed or shot by an enemy, foretells losses and poverty; if the wounds are accidental, it still denotes losses, though your general fortune may not be affected. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 13, 42….