…Dreaming of a large, handsomely dressed crowd of people at some entertainment, denotes pleasant association with friends | but anything occurring to mar the pleasure of the guests, denotes distress and loss of friendship, and unhappiness will be found where profit and congenial intercourse was expected. It also denotes dissatisfaction in government and family dissensions. To see a crowd in a church, denotes that a death will be likely to affect you, or some slight unpleasantness may develop. To see a crowd in the street, indicates unusual briskness in trade and a general air of prosperity will surround you. To try to be heard in a crowd, foretells that you will push your interests ahead of all others. To see a crowd is usually good, if too many are not wearing black or dull costumes. Dreaming of seeing a hypnotist trying to hypnotize others, and then turn his attention…

…(Candor | Eagle | Enemy | Evil | Imbecile | Thieves) A vulture in a dream represents a stupid, abominable and a lewd person. When seen during a daylight dream, it means a grievous illness. If one sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means sending help to assist someone in difficulty. Capturing a vulture in a dream means a fight or war. A flock of vultures descending upon a town in a dream represent an occupying army with merciless soldiers who will plunder such town. If a sick person sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means the approach of his death. As for a tanner and a potter, or the like craftsmen, seeing a vulture in a dream means profits or benefits. As for physicians or sick people, a vulture in their dream purports evil. In general, vultures in a dream…

In general, joy. 389.

…mistress, his wife, or by a gracious man. The bleating of a billy goat or a ram in a dream means happiness and prosperity. The neighing of horses in a dream means receiving guidance from a noble person, or it could represent a courageous soldier. The braying of a donkey in a dream means hideousness, or the ugly character of a despicable enemy. The braying of a mule in a dream means a hardship which is combined with a difficult person, or it could mean vain talk, or indulgingin suspicious acts. The mooing of a calf, a cow, or a steer in a dream means a riot. The gurgling of a camel in a dream represents a blessed journey, a pilgrimage, a successful business trip, or toiling and hardships. The roaring of a lion in a dream represents alarm, esteem, fear, or being threatened by someone in authority. In general,…

…Drinking buttermilk, denotes sorrow will follow some worldly pleasure, and some imprudence will impair the general health of the dreamer. To give it away, or feed it to pigs, is bad still. Dreaming that you are drinking buttermilk made into oyster soup, denotes that you will be called on to do some very repulsive thing, and ill luck will confront you. There are quarrels brewing and friendships threatened. If you awaken while you are drinking it, by discreet maneuvering you may effect a pleasant understanding of disagreements….

…wearing a white garment, then it means knowledge, understanding, beauty and honor. If one sees himself wearing a red garment, it means that he is a musician, or that he is fascinated by music and a night life of distractions. Wearing a yellow garment in a dream means sickness. If one sees himself tied- up with a golden bond in a dream, it means that he is awaiting to recover money that he lost in an investment. If one sees himself in a dream tied-up inside a palace which is built from glass, it means that he will befriend a noble woman, though their friendship will not last. Seeing oneself being tied-up with another person in the dream means committing a sin and being afraid of its conse- quences. In general, a bond in a dream signifies distress and poverty. (Also see Band | Chain | Fetter | Yoke)…

Dreaming of one or more nephews implies that you have a good relationship with your family and friends, which announces imminent success. In general, it’s a favorable omen that pushes us to improve our family and emotional ties, and it predicts economic growth.

If you see the doves in a dream, then such dream symbolizes balance, silence, peace and purity. The white doves signify love, eternity and freedom. It is also a symbol of eternal happiness. The white doves are also associated to the beliefs one is carrying and the spiritual values he appreciates. The dream suggests you to let go all of the negative emotions and feelings you have towards someone or life in general. If you see the doves that are making the nest, then it means you will find the happiness within your family life. Perhaps the dream shows that the actions you are taking are going very well.

…One’s face in a dream represents his state. If it appears cheerful and handsome looking in the dream, it represents glad tidings, happiness and a good life, though if it looks opaque in the dream, it means the opposite. In general, a yellow face in a dream means humiliation, loneliness, hypocrisy or illness. If a believer sees his face yellow in a dream, it denotes his devotion and fear of wrongdoing. Yellowness of the face in a dream also could mean beingln love. If an African person sees his face white in a dream, it means hypocrisy, impudence and shamelessness. If a Caucasian sees his face black in a dream, it means that his heart and intentions are better than what a stranger may think of him. If one’s face appears white and his body black in a dream, it means that he shows decency and disguises inappropriateness. If…

…(Grease | Lubrication | Money | Prosperity | Tallow) If one sees himself having a fat tail like that of a sheep in a dream, it means that his livelihood will depend on the revenues of his offspring. If one eats the fat of a permissible animal (sheep, cattle, etcetera) in a dream, it means profits or owning a sizeable business. If one eats the fat of a non-permissible animal (beats, vultures, etcetera) in a dream, it means earning unlawful money, committing adultery, rejecting one’s religion or fostering forbidden acts. Using fat as medicine in a dream means recovering from an illness. Fat in a dream also means joy, happiness or festivities. In general, fat in a dream also could be interpreted to mean clean money, or net profits from which nothing is wasted….

The dreamer of ants should expect many petty annoyances during the day | chasing little worries, and finding general dissatisfaction in all things.

…To dream of your complexion (general character, aspect, or appearance), has the symbolic significance of your social status. Complexion in the dream indicates your deep integrity into society. Alternative interpretation suggests that you may be the person, which is very interesting, but also there may be some persons, that can’t understand you. Maybe they don’t have such abilities to see your character clearly….

…If the birdcage or aviary has any bird in it that means a good omen, in general regarding love or friendships. If it’s empty it’s an omen of sorrows about love or lack of love….

…(Hand) Fingers help one’s worldly needs or craft and serve one’s benefits in the hereafter by identifying and pointing at what is true and identifying what is wrong. In general, fingers in a dream represent one’s children, wife, father, mother, money, property, wealth or craft. Positive looking fingers or increase in their number in a dream represents growth, while deformed fingers in a dream mean the opposite. One’s five fingers in a dream also represent the five daily prayers. Thus, if the fingers are interpreted to mean the five daily obligatory prayers, then the fingernails represent the supererogatory (arb. Nafl) prayers. If the fingers are interpreted as money, then the fingernails represent the due alms tax arb. Zakat). If they are interpreted to represent an army in the dream, then the fingernails represent their weapons. Fingers in a dream also represent the days, months or years. When fingers are…

…suddenly turning on each other, showing their teeth and a general fight ensuing, you will meet with disaster in love and worldly pursuits, unless you succeed in quelling the row. If you dream of a friendly white dog approaching you, it portends for you a victorious engagement whether in business or love. For a woman, this is an omen of an early marriage. Dreaming of a many-headed dog, you are trying to maintain too many branches of business at one time. Success always comes with concentration of energies. A man who wishes to succeed in anything should be warned by this dream. Dreaming of a mad dog, your most strenuous efforts will not bring desired results, and fatal disease may be clutching at your vitals. If a mad dog succeeds in biting you, it is a sign that you or some loved one is on the verge of insanity, and…

Denotes many children, grand-children, in general a great number in a family; after other interpreters, loss of friends, honour, and fortune, cares of life.

…Reaching a well which is dug for the general public to draw from its water means getting relief after suffering from difficulties. Finding a well adjacent to a barmaid in a dream means finding a spiritual teacher, or joining a fellowship and a school for the seekers. If one sees the well of Zamzam quenching the thirst of people in a particular neighborhood other than Mecca in a dream, it means that a gnostic will come to that town, and whose knowledge and wisdom will greatly benefit its people. It also may denote the bounty and blessings which are imparted to that town, or it could denote the victory of its people over their real enemy. Drinking from such a well in a dream means fulfillment of one’s intentions and satisfaction of his needs. In a dream, a well also means a prison or depression. If one is in such…

(See Army general)

Dreaming of general groceries, if they are fresh and clean, is a sign of ease and comfort.

…and to the one who is breast-feeding him. Hiring a wet- nurse to breast-feed one’s child in a dream means raising a child to be like his father, or to have the character of one’s father. Sucking milk from a woman’s breast in a dream also means prosperity and profits. Drinking the milk of a horse in a dream means receiving love and affection from someone in authority and earning benefits from such a relationship. Drinking the milk of a mare in a dream means a meeting with a ruler. In general, cow’s milk, goat’s milk, or sheep’s milk in a dream represent lawful earnings. Milking in a dream means craftiness and cunning, or it could mean prosperity. Milking an Arabian she- camel in a dream means working in an Arab country. Milking an Asian Bactrian camel in a dream means working in another country. If blood comes out of…

It is an excellent dream to imagine you see a brilliant rainbow, the brighter the better; it denotes health and general prosperity; to lovers it foretells a happy marriage and riches. A young girl who dreams of a rainbow will either get an agreeable lover or a present.

…This is a most auspicious dream, denoting good health and general prosperity, if you meet him socially, for you will not then spend your money for his services. If you be young and engaged to marry him, then this dream warns you of deceit. Dreaming of a doctor professionally, signifies discouraging illness and disagreeable differences between members of a family. Dreaming that a doctor makes an incision in your flesh, trying to discover blood, but failing in his efforts, denotes that you will be tormented and injured by some evil person, who may try to make you pay out money for his debts. If he finds blood, you will be the loser in some transaction….

…(Childbearing | Planting) In a dream, a pregnancy indicates woman’s success, diligence and assiduity in pursuing her goals. In a dream, pregnancy also means receiving recognition, respect and prosperity. If a man sees himself pregnant in a dream, it means that he suffers from heaviness in his life, or it could represent one’s fear of exposing his problems in public. In general, pregnancy in a dream represents material gains. If a woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, it means difficulties and adversities beside some troubling secrets she maybe hiding. However, for a learned man, pregnancy in a dream may represent increase in his knowledge, while for a craftsman, it means achieving unrivalled excellence in his trade. Pregnancy in a dream also means being madly in love, or having passionate attachment to someone, or planting seeds in the wrong place, or beingbisexual or a deviate, or suffering from dropsy,…

A deep sigh in a dream means initiating a project which demands are cumbersome and which progress is slow and painful. In general, deep sighs in a dream indicate an involvement that will cause sufferings.

…is desired, because the problems would be greater and impossible to solve. Such a dream implies that tactics should be changed as well as purposes and even reasons, so a general review of the dreamer’s affairs should be made, which usually requires time and patience. Dreaming about several paths that cross, indicates that there is no self-confidence and that will prevent the dreamer from seizing opportunities that are presented. Dreaming one or more paths, sidewalks, roads, etc., indicates upcoming trips. Dreaming of walking and observing one or more unknown paths indicates that the dreamer will soon have to address new issues and time will be lost with certain new actions. Dreaming about a fenced road with beautiful trees and flowers indicates that the dreamer is close to approaching success in what he or she has undertaken. Dreaming of a beautiful path in the company of several people indicates joy and…

If you are not bisexual, but you are dreaming that you are bisexual, then the dream can symbolize repressed sexual thoughts or desires. Your subconscious activity may be trying to compensate the limitation of your sexual expression. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, bisexuality may communicate as sign of general confusion in sexual orientation.

…Dream of children sweet and fairn – To you will come suave debonair, Fortune robed in shining dress, Bearing wealth and happiness. Dreaming of seeing many beautiful children is portentous of great prosperity and blessings. For a mother Dreaming of seeing her child sick from slight cause, she may see it enjoying robust health, but trifles of another nature may harass her. To see children working or studying, denotes peaceful times and general prosperity. Dreaming of seeing your child desperately ill or dead, you have much to fear, for its welfare is sadly threatened. Dreaming of your dead child, denotes worry and disappointment in the near future. Dreaming of seeing disappointed children, denotes trouble from enemies, and anxious forebodings from underhanded work of seemingly friendly people. To romp and play with children, denotes that all your speculating and love enterprises will prevail….

…(Banner | Woman) In general, flags in a dream represent leaders, governors, judges and scholars. Carrying a flag in a dream means signing a marriage contract. A flag in a dream also means avoiding a dispute. Carrying a flag and a spear in a dream represents one’s death or the sudden death of his son. A hoisted banner inside one’s house in a dream means a funeral. Carrying a flag in a dream also connotes a woman. Carrying a red flag in a dream also could represent an evil woman. If it is a white flag, then it represents a pious and a chaste woman. Carrying a flag of many colors in a dream represents a corrupt woman. If one is given a flag to carry, and if he leads a parade of colorful flags in his dream, it means that he will rise in station and receive honor….

Dreaming of lighting torches is a good sign for everything, especially if the dreamer is a young person. If the dreamer carries a torch, it means that he will be lucky in love life and in the business he starts, it also means triumphing over his enemies and, in general, everything going well in life. On the other hand, seeing a lit torch in somebody else’s hand means that others will discover the evil things you have done, and that you will suffer from a well-deserved punishment, even if you try to avoid it. If the torch is off, it indicates the opposite.

…having sex with an ugly man, then it indicates disease, if on the other hand, the man is handsome, it indicates disappointments. For a man, dreaming of having sex with an ugly woman means death; having sex with a beautiful woman indicates betrayal. Dreaming of having sex with your absent spouse, indicates bad news. If you have sex with your spouse, then it indicates joy. Sleeping with one’s mother indicates safe business. Dreaming of having sex with your own daughter means a scandal. Having sex with a prostitute in a dream indicates permanent good luck. Sometimes, sex dreams acquire a morbid connotation, but this shouldn’t be taken literally. In general, this is usually an indicator of fatigue and boredom because you have a monotonous sex life and you want greater things and excitement in your sexual life, and your subconscious exaggerates the situation to try to make it real….

…To dream you see a flag waving, betokens great danger from enemies, or sickness. To dream you carry a flag, signifies you will receive some mark of distinction from your fellow-citizens. If a maid dream she is making a flag, it is a sign she will marry a rich officer in the Army or Navy; but if a married woman has this dream, it foretells the birth of a son who will become a great general. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 13, 35, 61….

…Dreaming of vomiting, is a sign that you will be afflicted with a malady which will threaten invalidism, or you will be connected with a racy scandal. To see others vomiting, denotes that you will be made aware of the false pretenses of persons who are trying to engage your aid. For a woman Dreaming that she vomits a chicken, and it hops off, denotes she will be disappointed in some pleasure by the illness of some relative. Unfavorable business and discontent are also predicted. If it is blood you vomit, you will find illness a hurried and unexpected visitor. You will be cast down with gloomy forebodings, and children and domesticity in general will ally to work you discomfort….

…time the dull glow around me was transformed into a lurid sheet of violet fire by the lightning, whilst the sky heaved up and down in the most terrifying manner as it volleyed forth peal after peal of demoniacal thunder. And amidst all this titanic uproar a long slender hand arose out of the water, and, turning slowly round, clenched and unclenched its white, tapering fingers three times, and then sank out of sight. Instantly the wind, and the thunder, and the hissing and seething of the waters ceased; the lake at my feet disappeared; the trees and hut sprang up; the sky shone and all was once again as before the storm. And thus the dream ended.In this dream, which ended happily, the violet signified success appertaining to the arts; and the storm, followed by a general reparation of all the mischief it had done, portended a quarrel, which,…

If you see yourself eating something on your own, then such dream symbolizes the loneliness, unhappiness, grief and losses. Perhaps you are feeling neglected from your colleagues, friends or family. The eating could also be interpreted as something you are holding on to when you are feeling sad and bad in general. If you saw yourself eating with other people such as your family, friends or colleagues, then it shows the great achievements, growth of friendships and overall happiness. If you are eating very little in a dream, then such dream indicates the shortage of goodness you receive from life. If you are overeating, then such dream shows the greed, which should be taken away. If someone else has eaten your food, then it shows the unexpected obstacles from those you have trusted.

(Injeel) If a person sees himself carrying the gospel in a dream, it means that he devotes his life to worship, asceticism and gives preference to solitary life. If a ruler sees that in his dream, it means that he will conquer his enemy. Carrying the Gospel in a dream also could represent a false witness, or slandering a chaste woman. If a sick person sees himself carrying the gospel in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. In general, seeing the gospel in a dream may represent science, geometry, copying knowledge from its people or it may indicate images and music.

…(ant.) A healthy spleen in a dream means that one’s coffers are well protected and that he will enjoy success in his life. If one’s spleen is inflamed or larger than usual in the dream, it means that one will fail to achieve his goals, or to change his general condition, or that he will become physically weakened by a debilitating illness. Suffering from one’s spleen in a dream means that one will spoil or waste a great wealth which he is supposed to use to support his family. (Also see Body’)…

…in close custody. When she was able to give evidence, though he appeared at the trial in a different dress, and with a wig on, she was struck with terror at the sight of him and fainted. On recovering, however, she gave evidence and the culprit was convicted and executed. The medical man added that, when she had finished her narrative, she declared that she felt the pressure of the man’s hand on her neck while she related it; and that her throat had actually contracted from the time when the melancholy event occurred.”But these two instances of the murder dream being verified arc, of course, exceptions to the general rule, and should any of my readers be so unfortunate as to dream they are being murdered — I trust that it will only lead, as is usually the case, to trouble of a most ordinary and trivial nature….

…(Charmer | Poet | Reciting) A poet reciting his verses in a dream represents a man who brings peace to people’s hearts, entertains them and dispels anger from their hearts if God’s name is mentioned in his poem. If he does not mention the name of God Almighty in the dream, then his words may be baseless and false. A poet in a dream also represents someone who pieces together a conversation, or who embellishes his words with lies, or who deceives people by giving them bad advice, encourages them to do wrong and to abstain from what is right, or misleads them with deceptive words. In general, seeing a poet in a dream means concoctions, lies, adultery, alcoholism, greed, or someone who writes poems for money and fame. If the person seeing the dream memorizes poetic verses containing words of wisdom, or verses glorifying God Almighty, or praising…

…a dream, it means that she will repent of her sin. If he gives a charity to a thief in a dream, it means that the thief will cease his profession. Charity in a dream also could mean suppressing the envy or spite of one’s rivals or subdue the jealousy of one’s enemy, averting his dislikes, or suppressing evil in general. If an angry person sees himself secretly distributing charity in a dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven him his sin of anger. Giving charity in secret in one’s dream also could mean seeking the friendship of people in authority, or to join the circles of people of knowledge. If a man of knowledge is asked to give money in charity, and if he complies in his dream, it means that he will expound his knowledge to others. If he is a merchant, it means that he will…

Dreaming that you’re restless and uneasy because you’re keeping a secret, indicates that you are very sensitive, and have a temperamental character that is unpleasant for others. In general, dreams with a secret indicates that you’ll hear confidential information that you should kept secret, and it will be important that you do this because your own reputation depends on this and will also affect the confidence that we inspire in others.