If you dream that you are homeless, then such dream indicates your feelings of uncertainty. You are afraid of your future and do not know what to do with your life in general.

…hood. Childbirth in a dream also means comfort, relaxation, payment of one’s debts and repentance from sin. If a woman gives birth to a son in a dream, it denotes the conclusion of her sufferings, glad tidings, payment of her debts or repentance from sin. If she gives birth to a daughter in the dream, then it means honor, prosperity and ease. If a poor man gives birth to a child in a dream, it means prosperity. If he is rich, then it means distress. If he is unmarried, it means a forthcoming marriage, so that his future wife will give the birth he saw in his dream. In general, if a man sees himself giving birth in a dream, it means his death or the death of a relative, or it could mean experiencing poverty. As for a needy person, it means relief or an escape. As for a…

…Looking into the perfumery drawer or the drawer where the precious stone balance is stored in a dream means high winds of profits, satisfying one’s needs and reuniting with one’s family. A paper storage drawer means longevity. In general, a drawer in a dream represents glad tidings. If one opens a drawer and finds a pearl or a gem inside it in a dream, it means good news or a profit one will receive in few days. (Also see Table of Contents)…

In general, when you are dreaming about sons-in-law, then it is a good omen and usually predicts success in emotional and familial relationships, pleasant encounters, peace and tranquility. It could also symbolize a forthcoming relationship that is very beneficial to both persons who are involved.

…someone in authority sees himself wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means that he will hold that job for sometime to come, that he will be just toward his subjects, and they will live happily and enjoy good earnings during his regency. If one sees his arms fitted with armlets in a dream, it means expansion or spreading of his authority along with fame. A bracelet also represents a son, a servant, or a close employee. If a woman sees herself wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means blessings, favors and joy. A silver bracelet in a dream means increase in one’s profits. In general men wearing bracelets in a dream means distress, and for women it means ornaments. If one sees a deceased person wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means that he is in paradise. Wearing a golden bracelet is also interpreted as receiving an…

…house full of other people, then it could be the suggestion to become more independent from others. Perhaps you should stay on your own for a while, then you will be sure what to do with your life. The dream in which you see an old house symbolizes the old habits, views and features. The dream shows that you tend to keep yourself to your past. Maybe you should start thinking more about the future than the past? If you see brand new house in a dream, then it shows the fresh and new start of something in your life. Perhaps there is something completely new that is coming into your life. It could be new job, new relationships or new phase of your life in general. If the house is broken then such dream represents your inner self which is feeling terrible and violated. The broken house could also…

(Animal driver | Grooming | Tending | Stableman) An animal driver in a dream represents a leader, a president of a group or corporations or a wealthy person. In general, seeing a groomer, an attendant, a driver or a stableman in a dream denotes a bad dream and implies impetuousness, a pimp, a procurer, a pander, an officiant, an adulterer, or one who drives a chained male animal to copulate with a female animal. (Also see Copulation)

…(Alligator | Thief) A crocodile in a dream represents a policeman. A crocodile in the water in a dream represents a person no one can trust, whether he is a friend or a foe. A crocodile in a dream also represents a thief or an untruthful merchant. If one sees a crocodile pulling him into the water where he kills him in the dream, it means that one will be caught by a policeman who will kill him, then steal his property. If one escapes from the crocodile in the dream, it means that he will escape from such a danger in real life. In general, a crocodile in a dream means insolence, sins, a bandit, unlawful earnings, fear and depression. It may also mean the end of one’s life, portrayed by his drowning. Seeing him in water is bad while seeing him on dry land means that he…

Failure in incensement, of general wealth, disaster.

…Dreaming of an auction in a general way, is good. If you hear the auctioneer crying his sales, it means bright prospects and fair treatment from business ventures. Dreaming of buying at an auction, signifies close deals to tradesmen, and good luck in live stock to the farmer. Plenty, to the housewife is the omen for women. If there is a feeling of regret about the dream, you are warned to be careful of your business affairs….

…what can be upcoming. It is said that this dream in some cases suggests industrial, political or military espionage. The cat is a female symbol, both for its natural way of being and because it is a fussy little pet for many women, therefore, when a man dreams about cats it suggests the presence of women in a sexual sense. When a woman dreams about one or more white and beautiful cats is a warning that there are some selfish interests that are trying to harm her, but she’ll be able to end with those intrigues. If you dream about an ugly, weak, and worse, black cat, it suggests that the risks are much higher. In general, to dream about cats symbolizes various problems in the near future. The problems will always be greater and more serious if a cat is fighting with a snake or other poisonous animal….

…family members or you will face some misfortune while dealing with your daily life. To dream that you’re in a house that is being shaken or even destroyed by a storm indicates serious disturbances to your daily life, which may force you to move from your address, employment and perhaps city. To dream that other people are suffering in a storm and that some of them die suggests that you should immediately make an examination of conscience to figure out how close you are to those people in waking life, because you are going to suffer the same fate as those people in the dream. To dream that a destructive storm moves away and that sunlight and general tranquility comes back, may mean, that all of the sorrows that you suffered at the time of the dream, will be finished and you will have a happy and calm life….

…(Person) When a man is recognized in a dream, he is the same person in wakefulness, or it could be his brother, or a person with the same resemblance or name. If he takes something valuable or cherished from the person having the dream, it means the opposite, and one will receive from such a man what he wishes for in wakefulness. If he takes a shirt or a rope in the dream, it means that he will accept a promise from the person seeing the dream. If he takes a child away from him, it means enmity between the two. As explained under ‘Human being” p. 217, seeing the children of Adam in a dream is an exalted thing in general. Each category of people conveys a different interpretation. The category of rulers and judges in a dream means courts. The category of government authorities represents fear. Soldiers…

Symbolizes the light of the day and vigilance. Also the foreign woman and unfamiliar women in general.

A cabbage in a dream represents distress, money or a rough person. In general, a head of cabbage in a dream, has negative connotations for everyone and particularly for its farmers.

…should guard his money. A wound which does not bleed in a dream also represents recognition by others. If a man of authority is wounded in an accident, whereby his flesh splits open, and his bones are dissected in a dream, it means that he will live a long life to see the burial of most of his relatives. If an army general sees his left hand wounded in a dream, it means that his army will double in size. If his right hand is wounded in the dream, it means that the area of his control will expand. If one suffers from a wound in his stomach in the dream, it means growth in his financial standing. If one is wounded in his thigh in the dream, it means that his clan will grow stronger. If one sees himself wounded in his legs in a dream, it means longevity….

If you drank brandy in a dream, then such dream indicates the prosperous and rich lifestyle you are willing to live. Perhaps the dream suggests you to bear in mind the real values of the life and being of humans in general.

Seeing our brothers in dreams is a reflection of ourselves. In these dreams we ascribe to our siblings our fears, desires and negative trends in general, but it means what we have in ourselves.

…rain. A snake with a horn in a dream represents a profitable business. Black snakes and pythons in a dream represent army generals. Water snakes in a dream represent money. If one sees his garden covered with snakes in a dream, it means that its trees will bear fruits and exceed the normal crop. A snake coming out of its hole in a dream represents a son. A snake leaving one’s house in a dream means its destruction or demolition. Killing a snake in a dream means marriage. Tapeworms or other intestinal worms in a dream represent one’s relatives and their children. Seeing snakes eating on one’s table in a dream means separation between friends. Desert snakes in a dream represent highway robbers. In general a snake or a serpent in a dream represent jealousy, envy, perfidy, swindlingpeople’s properties, deceit and an avowed enmity. (Also see Belt | Sting)…

…When you dream of the milk, then such dream indicates the motherhood and parental instincts. The dream also represents unity, goodness, purity, innocence and life. If you drank the milk in a dream, then such dream indicates the inner peace and happiness. The dream in which you are drinking milk, also suggests you to look at the relationships you have with your friends, because there might be necessity to make the relations stronger. When you drink the milk that is sour, then it indicates the minor problems, which will cause lots of distraction. If you spilled the milk in a dream, then it indicates the sorrow and sadness. Perhaps you will lose someone or something important in your life. If you took the bath filled with milk, then such dream shows the tranquility and peace within your mind and life in general. The hot milk in dreams suggests you…

The color purple in a dream represents a brilliant and a skillful house- maid. If one sees himself lifting something of purple color in a dream, it means that he will hire or kiss a housemaid. Purple in a dream is also interpreted to mean a beautiful woman. In general, the sweet aroma of a purple plant among other fragrant plants represent a woman who has little care for stability, or it may represent a short lived child, or it could mean health problems. If the color purple is mixed in a bouquet of flowers in a dream, it means love, affection and harmony. (Also see Colors)

(Captain | Manager | Ship) In a dream, the sails of a ship represent its captain, or they could represent a good manager, or they could mean gaining power. If one sees sails being raised to honor him in a dream, it means that he will attain power, leadership, honor and exaltation. If a ruler or a general of an army sees such a dream, it means that he will remain strong and secured from enemy attacks.

…(zool. Starling) A swallow in a dream represents money, a blessed man, a blessed woman, or an intelligent and a learned boy. Catching a swallow in a dream means seizing what is unlawful for one to take. A house filled with swallows in the dream represents lawful earnings. A swallow in a dream is also interpreted to represent a man of good character, and who is pious and amicable. Helping a swallow in a dream means that one may assist a kind person in his life. Catching a swallow in a dream also means being unjust toward one’s wife. Eating a swallow in a dream represents a fight. If one sees swallows flying away from his house in a dream, it means that his wife or a relative will abandon him, or separate from him and travel away from that town. In general, swallows and starlings in a dream…

…In a dream, hazelnut represents a stranger who is rich, generous but dull, unpleasant though he has the ability to bring people together. It is also interpreted as hard earned money. In general, nuts in a dream represent roar, or even melancholy. Ahazelnut in adream also means news that one’s homeland is ravaged by war and its children are taken prisoners. In a dream, a hazelnut also represents the marriage of the first born girl to an unknown person. (Also see Hazelnut tree)…

…To dream that you are wounded by being stabbed or shot by an enemy, foretells losses and poverty; if the wounds are accidental, it still denotes losses, though your general fortune may not be affected. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 13, 42….

If you see a bronze in a dream, then such dream indicates the achievements you have achieved. On the other hand, the dream about bronze could show the lack of responsibilities you take towards other people. The bronze is also associated with the beauty, healthy skin and charm in general.

The dream, in which you are brunette, denotes to the grace, sexuality and posh attitude in general. The dream about brunette could also show the necessity to be more realistic and rational.

…food, or barters for some barley in his dream, it means that he will overcome his difficulties and dispel his adversities. If a prisoner sees the morning in his dream, it means that he will be released shortly. If one’s travels are impeded by whatever cause, then seeing the morning in his dream means solving such problems and proceeding on with one’s plans. If one is having difficulties with his wife, then seeing the morning in a dream means divorce or separation. If a sinner sees the morning in his dream, it means repentance from his sin and egress from heedlessness. If a merchant or a businessman who is having trouble in his trade sees the morning in his dream, it means good news and business growth. In general, seeing the morning in a dream means relief from difficulties, escape from danger, a good harvest, or winning one’s freedom….

Dreaming of a yacht symbolizes a desire to avoid responsibilities that are stopping us from enjoying the lifestyle that we want. It is a clear sign of immaturity, which means there should be a full review of our feelings and current behavior. It may also be a warning that we cannot let ourselves be carried away by false illusions nor by our consumerist society, since this can make us forget about the things that truly matter, like love and friendship. It is also a reminder to be ourselves if what we want is to achieve personal fulfillment. In general, it tends to indicate improvements, especially in terms of profession and material possessions.

Silence is often the protagonist of most of our dreams, however, when this is noticed by the dreamer and stands out in the dream, it can be a symbol of possible guilt complexes, regarding the dream you are experiencing. This is why is always necessary to carefully examine all the other aspects of the dream. Silence during dreams usually presages the proximity of an era of peace and calm in which we will find feeling very conformable with ourselves and with life in general.

Any kind of the parasites bring unpleasant feelings, because it shows the minor problems that causing much of the stress. Consider that your body could send some message about your general health, therefore make sure you check yourself up.

…In general, it is not a good omen and it’s usually a sign that after a time of hope in which you had all the support of others and good luck, an ominous period is arriving, which almost certainly will only bring drawbacks. This dream is also a sign that it is quite possible that serious economic losses will soon arise….

(See Army general)

It symbolizes renewal and can be a good time to make a general cleaning.

(See Army general)

…If you dreamed of the books, then such dream symbolizes tranquility and intelligence. The books are the tool to get to know the world better and gain the knowledge about the world in general. The dreamer should pay attention to the type of the book he saw in a dream, because it gives much more of the clue about the dream. The unconscious mind of yours might have the message to you that could turn around your life completely. If you saw dirty or dusty books in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the things you have forgotten. Perhaps you need to look back at the past and take the things which will help you in the future. If you saw the book, which is written for kids, then it represents your memories and childhood. The dream could also show your desire to get out of the reality and…

…Dreaming of rocks, denotes that you will meet reverses, and that there will be discord and general unhappiness. To climb a steep rock, foretells immediate struggles and disappointing surroundings. See Stones….

(Abuse | Cursing | Swearing | Vilify) Insulting someone in a dream could represent the dignity of the one impugning upon the other person, and the unworthiness of the person who is insulted. There is an exception to that interpretation when the person insulting the other in the dream has suspicious motives, and the one who is abused in the dream is supposed to command respect. It is also said that the one who is insulted or abused in the dream may owe something to his assailant and must repay him. If the one insulting is of a higher social rank, then the victim in the dream is better than his attacker. However, in general, an abused person in the dream is ultimately the victorious one in wakefulness. (Also see Insulting)

…(Ring | Bond | Door knocker) In a dream, a link represents the religion of Islam. Holding to the like of a chain in a dream means steadfastness in one’s religion. In general, a door knocker in a dream represents the door attendant, an announcer, a messenger, a warning post, or a guard dog. If the knocker is made of gold or silver in the dream, it means honor and prosperity of the people of the house. If one pulls off the door knocker, and if it brakes in the dream, it means that he follows a path of innovation….

…(Elation | Excitement | Joy) In general, happiness in a dream means sorrow. To be happy about something which the heart does not feel comfortable with, or which the heart does not qualify as correct conduct or behavior in a dream means sadness and sorrow in wakefulness. Happiness in a dream also means being indifferent about following God’s commands. If one’s happiness in his dream is derived from the release of a prisoner or the recovery of a sick person, then it means positive changes in one’s life. If one is told something that is supposed to make him happy, when in fact it made him sad in the dream, such as being told in a dream that so and so has just arrived from a long journey, when in fact such person has just died, it means that his sadness will be dispelled and his sorrows removed. Feeling…