…(Leopard) In a dream, a tiger represents a tyrant, an unjust ruler, or an avowed enemy. Killing a tiger in a dream means vanquishing such an enemy. Eating the flesh of a tiger in a dream means money, profits and honor. Riding on a tiger in a dream means power and sovereignty. A tiger inside one’s house in a dream represents an insolent person who attacks one’s family. Seeing a tiger or a leopard in one’s dream means receiving money from an insolent or an artful person. A struggle with a tiger in a dream means fighting with an insolent person. Tiger’s bite in a dream represents damage caused by such a person. A tiger in a dream also represents either a man or a woman. It also represents deceit, trickery, an illness, or eye irritation. Tigress milk in a dream represents enmity. Seeing a tiger in a dream…

…(Communication | Communion | Invocations | Prayers | arb. Salat) To see oneself performing one’s obligatory prayers {arb. Fardh) in a dream means receiving a high ranking appointment, spiritual advancement, leadership, presiding over people, delivering a message, performing a duty, paying dues, turning over one’s trust or satisfying obligatory deeds and enjoying peace. If one sees himself in a dream performing one of the five obligatory prayers on time, having performed the proper ablution and correctly completed its obeisance of the proper standing, bowing and prostrating postures, standing with reverence and piety and facing the Ka’aba, it means that he will perform a religious duty or attend the annual pilgrimage in Mecca. It also means that he will extricate himself from an unjust deed he fell into and repent, or it could mean eschewing evil. Performing the divinely ordained prayers in dream also means loyalty to one’s promise, employment…

The tiger is the symbol of power, strength, aggressive behavior, grace and fast movement. If you were attacked by the tiger, then such dream means that you are feeling attacked by something in your waking life. The tiger is the symbol of bravery, so if you saw yourself being a tiger, it could mean that you have no fear or being very aggressive towards the others. The tiger sometimes shows the qualities of the person who is in unstable state of mind, after much stress or some situation in waking life.

…the weathercock ejaculated sternly. A drunkard! He drinks every drop of rain that falls on the tiles!” “The beast!’ all the cowls and chimney-pots” shouted. ‘The beast! Let us hope that he is suffering.’”Have no fear on that account,’ Moses replied; he is connected with the kitchen range, and I have given the chef strict orders to cook a forty-course dinner every night!’”And can’t I have even one drop of gravy?”I groaned.”Not a drop,’ growled the weathercock, ‘for the dinners are damned, and so are you!’ — Which so frightened me,” added the Salvationist, “that I awoke, and from that very day to this have never tasted a thimbleful of alcohol.”Another Salvationist, who attracted my attention by the vigorous manner in which he pounded the drum, informed me he owed the fact of his now being saved — and he seemed to regard it as a very sure fact —…

People dream about time a lot, especially the ones who are afraid to be late. The time could also foretell about our view towards the world and what do we do with our time. Do we enjoy it? Id the time goes very slowly in dream, it means that we are very relaxed.

To dream of the ticket, denotes to the new adventures in your life. Depending on the tickets, the different meanings are coming out of it. The train, plane or bus ticket would show the new journey or other fresh beginning in your life. The cinema or theatre ticket would indicate the creative lack within you. If you have lost the ticket, then such dream indicates the uncertainty and unknowingness.

…If you see a tiger, then such dream signifies the extraordinary power and influence the dreamer has. Perhaps you are the person who likes to be in charge of everything and manage those around you. On the other hand the tiger could reflect the sexual aspects of the dreamer, especially for women, because the tiger in some cultures is known as the symbol of birth, fertility, grown and strength. If the tiger has attacked you, then such dream indicates the fear you have towards particular people or circumstances….

Time or clock in a dream symbolizes the rhythm and the course of our lives. To see a stopped clock in a dream is an omen that our evolution has finished or that the clock’s owner doesn’t have any more hope, our lifetime has run out of time. If it’s a delayed clock it warns us to accelerate our pace of work, if we do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If the clock delays it, then it indicates that we should take things more calmly if we do not want to risk our health and our lives. If the hands turn madly or we dream we constantly look at the clock, then it reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we lead. If it works well and the time it tells catches our attention the dream’s meaning depends on the context and the marked time….

…a level with my face, and, as I peered through it, a tall man in evening dress entered the room. ‘Mr. Montague, I suppose,’ I murmured to myself, mentioning the name of the banker. ‘Why, he’s actually wearing red socks, and has a coloured handkerchief and a sixpenny ready-made tie,” You see, sir, I notice every detail in a gentleman’s dress; and, as you doubtless know, nothing gives a show away so much as loud-coloured handkerchiefs and ready-made ties; no one in tip-top society wears such things.”Now I didn’t know much about bankers, as most of the people at whose houses I visited were real gentry, but I never should have believed that even a moderately well-to-do business man would have dressed like that. I was gazing at him in astonishment, when he suddenly approached the window, and, seeing me, threw up the sash. ‘Are you the policeman,’ he said,…

Seeing a tiger in your dream represents your energy and capacity to use it in certain situations. This dream can also indicate that you should take a bigger role in a certain direction. However this can also indicate intelligence, aggression, force and possibility to save things in difficult situations. It means you can overcome difficulties and achieve luxury and pleasure. To dream that a tiger attacks you symbolizes your repressed emotions and that you are scared. Seeing a caged tiger may mean that your repressed emotions that are on the border of emergency.

…To dream of a tiger signifies the advent of an illness, loss of money, accident, and disappointment in love. For my own part, I dreamed I was stalked and pounced upon by a white tiger, prior to being thrown from a bicycle; whilst a night or two before I was seized with appendicitis — i.e. in December 1906 — I dreamed a tiger got into the house through one of the lower windows, and after gorging itself on a dog, whose screams half frightened me out of my senses, came stealing up the stairs to attack me. The agonies I underwent, as I heard it drawing nearer and nearer, were such as one could only experience in sleep. I awoke as its hideous, striped head and malevolent, yellow eyes peeped gloatingly in at me through the door….

…Dreaming about a season symbolizes your emotional state of mind. Stormy or windy weather implies conflict and aggression. Rain and hail represent depression and sadness. Sun and rays represent hope and happiness. Dreaming about not having time to do things means stress, anxiety and fear. Dreaming about seasons may represent your fears of daily life. Dreaming about reading weather information can mean that you will change your place of residency and the current season. To dream that you don’t have time to do something may represent stress, anxiety and fear about resolving a difficult situation. Dreaming about time means you may feel discouraged and have difficulty with a business or person. This dream may also indicate doing something useless….

To dream of the tides, indicates the power and vitality. The higher the tides, the more energy you have. The lower the tides low vitality lies within you.

To dream that you tie a tie or a shoe, means that you like things to be perfect and neat. You are the person who likes everything perfect. The tie could also indicate the end of something.

…he saw,’ for what one sees in such a dream is the truth which resides in the realms of the unseen. In the second saying, when God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, said – “It is as if he has truly seen me,” it means that if one had seen him during the time of delivering God’s massage, the example will be the same. Thus, the first saying signifies what is real and true while the second saying implies the physical reality and its example. If one sees God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, coming toward him in a dream, it means blessings and benefits, and if one sees God’s prophet (uwbp) turning away from him in a dream, it means the opposite. Al-Qadi ‘Iyad, God bless his soul, in- terpreted the words of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his saying – “Has truly seen me,” to mean – “has truly…

Dreaming with high or low tides should be interpreted by taking into account all the meanings that were mentioned in the “sea” dream. Also if we see the tide rising then this needs to be understood as a warning to remain alert against possible difficulties in the near future. It will be the opposite if the tide in our dream gets low.

To dream that you see the graffiti indicates the creative aspects of your personality. To know more about your dream, make sure you pay attention to the picture of the graffiti what was painted there, only then you will be able to interpreter your dream better.

…Firewood in a dream means slander and backbiting. If one puts two or three logs to burn in the fire in a dream, it means that an argument will take place or that an exchange of rough words will grow beyond one’s control. If a religious person sees timber in his dream, it means that he will commits a major sin such as theft, murder, or adultery, he will then be caught and put to justice. If anyone kindles a fire in a dream, it means that he will report someone to the authorities. Carrying firewood in a dream means exchanging harsh words, slander, rebuke or calumniation. Seeing timber in one’s house also means profits, fulfilling needs, inheritance or endowments. If the timber needs cutting in the dream, it means earnings that involve great efforts, or earnings that bring about evil. If the timber is already cut for the…

To meet with yeti in the dream, symbolizes imbalance within yourself. Yeti stands as a signal for the lack of proportion and relation between your reasonable, rational side and your emotional, instinctual nature. You need to find balance in your personality.

…(Atonement | Penance) In a dream, a tithe collector represents someone who interferes in people’s business. Seeing the tithe collector in a dream also denotes adversities, calamities, heavy losses , disasters, or trials that befall a believer to direct him to repent, to wash his heart from impurities, and to free him from the burdens of his sins. (Also see Atonement)…

Tires or wheels because of its circular shape symbolizes what is perfect and gives us security and protection. For its movement it is the symbol of everything that revolves around a center. The radius of tires or wheels symbolizes our dependence on a motionless mystical center. To dream that we are in a vehicle and the wheel falls or breaks that makes us fear for a myriad of ills. Fate will play a bad move on us. If we fall under the wheels of a vehicle it represents the inevitability of fate. If the wheel turns smoothly and quietly it’s an omen of success and the good development of things. If the wheel squeaks that foretells obstacles and impediments but they will fail to stop us from achieving our goals….

A tile maker in a dream represents distress, adversities, trouble, hoarding money for the benefit of others, or he could represent anyone who has no descendents or posterity. In a dream, a tile maker also represents wealth, a palace, the high society, beauty, unity and love. Laying tiles in a dream means preparing oneself for something important, or building a corridor or a pathway.

They are a symbol of sensuality and dreaming of putting them on is an omen of wellness. If they are ripped then it’s a warning of false promises and deceit and if we take them off during the dream, it predicts a change of activity within your everyday routine. Some authors emphasize the color of the tights, especially if we are observing them in the dream, black tights indicate possible temptations.

Wearing a buttoned and a tight shirt, a blouse, or other apparel in a dream means experiencing tight circumstances, or reuniting with a traveller returning home, or it could mean marriage for an unwed person. (Also see Clothing)

If you see the tires in a dream, then such dream indicates the tendency of yours to look behind your back and things that happened in the past. The dream about tires also shows the need of support that you are trying to get. The tire that is flat, denotes to frustration and tiredness. Perhaps the dreamer feels wrecked, therefore is unable to perform fully.

…Dreaming of a tiger advancing towards you, you will be tormented and persecuted by enemies. If it attacks you, failure will bury you in gloom. If you succeed in warding it off, or killing it, you will be extremely successful in all your undertakings. To see one running away from you, is a sign that you will overcome opposition, and rise to high positions. To see them in cages, foretells that you will foil your adversaries. To see rugs of tiger skins, denotes that you are in the way to enjoy luxurious ease and pleasure….

The ticket in dreams usually indicates your entitlement to do something. The dream in which you lost the ticket shows your fear of controlling important things in your life, you think you will lose the control of it.

Dreaming that you are tired, can be interpreted as symbolism that you are in an emotional state or reaction of stress. Do you feel emotionally drained? Dreams about being tired usually is the reflection on your waking state. These dreams show that you really need a relaxation and rest.

The tiger is the symbol of strength, power, fertility and grace. The dream in which the dreamer sees tiger means that the reamer is willing to achieve all he wants.

To dream of something being very little and tiny, means that there is some part of you which is very vulnerable. There is also a possibility that you lack of self-trust and confidence. Alternatively, you may think about yourself in very good way and you are arrogant, but only if you are surrounded by tiny things.

…Dreaming you see ticks crawling on your flesh, is a sign of impoverished circumstances and ill health. Hasty journeys to sick beds may be made. To mash a tick on you, denotes that you will be annoyed by treacherous enemies. To see in your dreams large ticks on stock, enemies are endeavoring to get possession of your property by foul means….

If you see that you are trying to walk the tightrope, it means that you are entering a very dangerous situation in your waking life. The subconscious mind of yours is giving you a warning to stop until it’s too late. If you fell of the tightrope, you will not succeed or you are afraid because of the risks to do something.

…To see timber in your dreams, is an augury of prosperous times and peaceful surroundings. If the timber appears dead, there are great disappointments for you. See Forest….

If you dreamed of the tie, then such dream indicates the connection and duty the dreamer is carrying. Consider to see what kind of the tie the dreamer was carrying, as for example the black color could symbolize funeral or business.

If you ate the spaghetti, then the dream shows your worries towards particular relationships you are in at the moment. Maybe the person you are in love with or have a very strong bond with him is not the one who he pretends to be. Make sure you pay attention to the words he says to you and generally the way he acts with you, as the spaghetti in a dream shows the dishonesty and falseness.

If you wearing tights, then the dream indicates the sexual factors of your personality and trust you have about yourself. Alternatively, the dream may indicate the distrust about yourself, therefore you are wearing tights.

If you are tipsy in a dream, then it indicates your free attitude about your future. If you see other people being tipsy, then such dream warns you to be aware of those you are in contact with.

…Dreaming that you are tipsy, denotes that you will cultivate a jovial disposition, and the cares of life will make no serious inroads into your conscience. To see others tipsy, shows that you are careless as to the demeanor of your associates….

In a dream, a tippler represents an alcoholic, a drunkard or an inebriate. (Also see Wine)

Dream of a tin can indicate economic losses, misfortunes and gossip.