(See Plumber | Tinsmith)

See Metals.

…There are unquestionably certain people who, in their dreams, witness events that are actually taking place at the time.A lady I knew, Mrs. P., who lived in Gloucester Place, W., dreamed one night she was in a big seaport town, where the streets were all numbered and laid out in blocks according to the American system, and where in one part of the city the tramlines descended over a series of plateaux. The houses were very lofty, and in one street a single hotel occupied an entire block. Shortly after her arrival, the entire town shook and heaved under the influence of a stupendous earthquake; houses collapsed like packs of cards, and, amidst the most appalling shrieks and groans, the whole city burst into a lurid sheet of fire. Everywhere was the wildest confusion and despair. People of all nationalities, from fair-skinned Europeans and yellow-visage Chinese — of which…

…it! Jim was a burglar, mister, a real top-sawyer in his profession, and there wasn’t his equal in London. I knew it when I first met him, and he knew all about me — that I was one of the cleverest filchers — pocket -pickers — in Whitechapel. Well, mister, we took to one another at first sight, and, after a few months courting, agreed that, if we were to marry and have a quiet time of it, we must give up our present line of business. Burglary is all very well for a single man, if he is ‘pinched’ no one misses him, but when it comes to seven years’ penal for a man with a wife and half a dozen children, it isn’t good enough. Jim and I were sensible enough to see that, mister, and we both came to the conclusion that, after one more haul, we…

(See Handcuff)

…The clock in dreams stands for the symbolism of the time that is passing by. Maybe there is some important event in your life and the unconscious mind of yours reminds of it. The dream could also indicate the worries you have about making things on time. Perhaps there is apparent time line that needs to be succeeded, therefore the dream suggests you to do things faster. On the other hand, the dreams about clock could indicate the end of something sometimes even death, but only if the clocked has stopped working. Those people who are suffering from the serious illness very often dream about the clock, because they know there is not much time left. If you see the clock, that is going backwards, then such dream indicates the important step you took back. Perhaps the dream suggests you to become braver and do things faster. Make sure…

Near marriage.

Jealous, furious and irreconcilable enemies. To bring one to home, success. To kill one, symbolizes complete triumph, excessively good fortune. To be surprised by one, signifies certain loss, if alone, considerable embarrassment if there are several of them in a company.

Pale or lead colored means speedy sickness of long duration.

To see someone knitting or to see a big amount of tissues portends prosperity, wealth and fertility. If the tissues are destroyed or damaged, then it signifies misfortune and loss of property. To dream that we want to knit and we can´t or we don´t know how to knit, reveals a creative incapacity or infertility.

Seeing tiles in good condition in your dream means that you’re protected against the hazards of daily life. It’s usually a sign that we’ll use our advantages to provide greater comfort to our home and that we’ll achieve happiness in our family. The dream acquires an opposite meaning if the tiles seem broken or damaged, and it depends on the seriousness of their condition. Generally, a roof symbolizes protection for your possessions and wealth, as well as safety for your family, and home relief.

Indicates unexpected money, prosperity and happiness.

To dream of a tide suggest an emotional and spiritual cleansing.

Our testimony will be required to clarify a confusing issue.

If you see the number, success. Otherwise, unless expenditure, prodigality.

(See Amber)

(Debts | Veins)

If you are tickled by someone in a dream, then it symbolizes the lack of positivity, joy and happiness in your life. Probably you are the very tough person.

The dream in which you are tiptoeing, indicates your ability to keep the balance and respect no matter the circumstances. The dream also foretells about your ability to notice the smallest things and make the most of it. On the negative aspect of the dream, the tiptoeing could reflect the childish attitude you have in some situations of your life.

Great depression of mind, brooding over unnecessary troubles.

You will receive money that you had borrowed or lost.

…Dreaming you’re being tickled indicates a need for humor and laughter in your life. Perhaps you take things too seriously….

(arb. Retreat | Seclusion) In a dream, it represents a spiritual retreat, prayers, hunger, fast, depression, humbling oneself, controlling one’s passions and desires. (Also see Retreat)…

We know we are doing something wrong.

Business going towards the drift.

Wearing it tells us to be less conformist with people we love. Taking it off indicates that our situation will suffer some disadvantages.

(See Headgear)

A delicate and risky situation.

Well-being of family.

Escaping danger by fire. 38.

Honors and great satisfaction.

Portends people with bad instincts lurking. Be more cautious when choosing your friends.

Symbolizes bravery, ferocity and the warrior skills. It also reflects to the aggressive and domineering aspects.

Sickness. 6.

…(Fettered | Marriage | Shackled | Tied-up) If one sees his hand tied to his neck in a dream, it means that he does not pay God’s rights upon what he earns. If one’s hand is tied around his neck in a dream, it also could mean that he will desist from wrongdoing. If both hands are tied-up in the dream, it denotes his stinginess. If one is captured and handcuffed by the authorities in a dream, it means that he will be thrown into jail or fall into difficulties. Seeing oneself handcuffed in a dream also means marriage, wrongdoing, or hypocrisy. (Also see Bond’ | Rancor)…

…for the town — for the theatre! Cannot we go there tonight?” ” Tonight!” I ejaculated; “say rather tomorrow!””No! Tonight” she answered, with a pout of her pretty lips;” you always try to disappoint me but I will have my way this time, you shall see! I will summon the horses!” She clapped her tiny, bejewelled hands together as she spoke. There was a loud clatter of hoofs, and the next instant two silver-grey, fiery-eyed horses trotted in at the front gates and galloped across the lawn. “Come!” she cried, seizing me by the arm, “let us be off at once!” Yielding to her wishes, I followed her out of the house and on to the lawn, where the steeds stood impatiently pawing the ground. Leaping nimbly on to one of them, she looked down at me with an artful smile on her bewitching lips, and crying out: “Through the…

…(Upon him be peace.) Seeing him in a dream and feelinghappy for his meeting brings glad tidings. If the archangel Gabriel in one’s dream speaks to him, advises him, or admonishes him in the dream, it means receiving a great honor, strength, victory in one’s life and glad tidings. If the person is oppressed, it means that he will triumph at the end. If he is sick, it means that he will recover from his illness. If he is in a state of depression or fear, it means that he will overcome it and he shall sail into success. If he had not yet performed his pilgrimage to Mecca, it means that he will fulfill it. Seeing the archangel Gabriel in a dream also means glad tidings of martyrdom, even if the person lives a long life. If one receives some food or fruits from him in the dream,…

…To dream of seeing or taking a bathtub denotes to your will of running away from the daily routine. You wish you could shake of all the problems you are having. Maybe you’ve been working too hard in the last weeks or months and now the subconscious mind of yours gives you the signal to stop and relax. The dream could also represent your interest of relaxation. Maybe you are one of those people who likes from time to time pamper themselves. To see you or someone being drowned in the bathtub foretells that it is not the time for you to confront your fears. It seems that you thought you are ready to move on and face your fears, but consider to hold on for the time when you actually will be prepared. Try to move on step by step instead of rushing into any occurrences….

When you are dreaming of acquaintance it represents your happy time. At this time of your life it is very appropiate time to make important desicions when it come to business. This dream means that changes to that wealthy matter, will be in very short period of time. If you see yourself fighting or arguing with an acquaintance, it is the sign, that you should be very careful as you might get yourself in very uncomfortable situacion.

…(Tithe) Paying the dues alms tax in a dream means increase in one’s income or prosperity. If a rich man sees himself paying the due tithe on his liquid assets in a dream, it means increase in his wealth, a spiritual growth and receiving the blessing of performing one’s obligatory prayers on time. Payment of one’s due tithe also represents protection from one’s enemies. Paying alms tax in a dream also means performing supererogatory prayers during the night, repayment of debts, absolution, or it could mean paying a fine. Alms tax in a dream also means the death of a dear person in the family, or it could mean losing a limb due to an illness or an accident, giving a charity for the benefit of a departed soul, or payment of one’s debts. Thus, paying alms tax in a dream may mean increase in one’s wealth, recovering from…