…When you dream of a baby, it represents purity, chastity and sincerity. Babies usually represents the warmth and good intentions you might have. Dreaming of a baby could also represent the side of you which is weak, fragile and vulnerable. If you dreamed of having a baby, but forgot it as a fact it symbolizes your fear of being recognized as fragile person. You don not want others to know that you are not a strong person, because this is not something you are proud of. If you see yourself on the way of having a baby it means that you wish someone would take care of you as long as it is possible, you like to be dependant on someone. You do not want to take responsibility of anyone neither yourself, neither the others. If in reality you are already expecting the baby, then this dream indicates your…
Dream dictionary: getting nice looking baby dream meanings
…Dreaming of a beautiful and clean baby is a sign of happiness in the soul and suggests that the dreamer is willing to give and receive affection from family and friends. Dreaming of clean and healthy babies always indicates joy in a near future. If in your dream you see a baby fall and get hurt, youll face some failures in your affairs. Dreaming of one or more babies crying insinuates that have youll have very unpleasant problems that will continue to appear for some time. Dreaming of a little baby boy walking alone, with no one around to protect him, suggests that the dreamer longs for independence. When a woman dreams that shes taking care of a sick baby it indicates that the people in whom she trusts will disappoint her, particularly the man with whom she has a warm relationship. Dreaming one or more sick babies with…
…A mirror in a dream means illusion, arrogance, pride, or a woman. If one looks into a mirror and sees his beard black in a dream, it means honor, respect and dignity. If one looks into a mirror and sees the reflections of someone who looks like him in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will look like his father and carry his trade. Looking into a mirror in a dream also means loss of one’s position, or getting married. If one is already married, then it means the return of his wife from a journey. Looking at the back of a mirror in a dream means loss of one’s crop, or entering one’s wife from the anus during sexual intercourse. It is said that a mirror in a dream also represents manhood, virtues and station, all of which are subject to the size…
When you dream of baby carriage it shows that you wish you had a baby. This dream could represent your lonileness. If you see the baby carriage without a baby in it, shows sorrow and melancholy or a failure of unfulfilled targets. Keep in mind, that you need to take care of your own requirements.
…To dream of a looking-glass, is a bad omen, and signifies that you will be surrounded with false friends, who will rob you until your property dwindles to a shadow. To dream you see your face in a looking-glass is a sign of sickness. To break a looking-glass portends death. If a girl dreams she sees her lover in a looking-glass, it is a sign he will desert or seduce her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 18, 61….
…(Fledgling | Nestling) A fledgling crow in a dream represents poverty, need, separation from one’s parents and segregation from one’s relatives or clan. If one is experiencing such adverse conditions in wakefulness, then seeing a fledgling crow in a dream means satisfaction of one’s needs and reunion with his family. When the egg hatches and the baby crow comes out of it, the parents shy away from their fledgling and remain distant from the nest. Then God Almighty will provide the nestling crow with various types of flies to eat from. Once the baby crow’s feathers grow, the parents will return to their nest and care for their baby until it commences to fly….
…Dreaming of crying babies, is indicative of ill health and disappointments. A bright, clean baby, denotes love requited, and many warm friends. Walking alone, it is a sure sign of independence and a total ignoring of smaller spirits. If a woman dream she is nursing a baby, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most. It is a bad sign Dreaming that you take your baby if sick with fever. You will have many sorrows of mind….
The baby in dreams could indicate your mother instincts if the dreamer is the mother. Many pregnant women dream about the babies and it is absolutely normal. The pretty and healthy baby may also represent the peacefulness of your mind and life. The dream may signify that you are dealing with some new project in your waking life, therefore in dreams it stands as the baby omen.
To dream of the baby could have several meanings depending on the feelings and circumstances of the dream. If you dream that you have a baby which in reality you dont it shows the need to look after yourself more than you do at the moment. The dream could also represent your hidden desire to become the mother. For pregnant women it is very normal to dream about the babied, because they are expecting at least one, therefore it reflects in their dreams. Sometimes the baby in dreams shows how caring you are towards the others.
Dreaming of an empty stroller, meaning no baby on it, suggests that a friendship will give the dreamer pleasant surprises. The dreamer will receive an even bigger surprise if there is a baby in the stroller.
To have a baby in the dream could mean the new ideas you have. If you are pregnant and have a baby in your dream, it shows that you are looking forward to give a birth or are afraid of it.
When you dream of baby clothes it means that you are showing yourself in more graceful and sophisticated way. You must be delicate and refined in various positions. Dreaming of baby clothes shows your past understanding of different things.
If you are pregnant and dream of the baby, then this dream shows the excitement and joy you have. If you are not pregnant and have a baby in the dream, you wish to have one, or you care about others a lot.
If you are nursing a baby in a dream, it denotes sorrow and misfortune. If you see in a dream a baby that is sick, it means that somebody among your relatives will die.
Dreaming of baby bottle means you´ll have news regarding the birth of a baby that will fill you with happiness.
…a journalist in search of suitable material for my pen. It is wretchedly wet and cold out here; let us go to the nearest restaurant and have some- thing nice and warm, and perhaps you will then tell me all about him.”Him! She cried, with such a fierceness in her voice that I quailed. “Him! What do you know about him? He would have made two of such as you! But ” and the scorn in her tones died away ” I see you mean it kindly. Perhaps you are unlike the rest. Yes, I will trust you!Take me to some shop where I can thaw, and I will tell you about Mm.”I dreamed we crossed the park and, taking a taxi to Victoria, found a restaurant where, for a moderate sum, I was able to procure her a solid meal a meal that was…
To dream that you are getting married means that you are looking forward being committed to someone. The dream could also mean that you are suffering from the lack of attention, therefore you think while you have a wedding everyone will notice you. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of marriage, wedding and bride.
…When you dream of baby shower symbolizes that you are going to have a new start. This is the period of time when you have a choice doing things in a new way. This dream represents the new start of your life, when you start going to the direction, which you chose. You must understand that this is a new opportunity for you to be whatever you want and do things you never thought of doing, as they looked to hard to handle before….
News of the birth of a baby.
Dreaming of a baby carriage, denotes that you will have a congenial friend who will devise many pleasurable surprises for you.
Getting into good circumstances. 33.
To dream about looking at something suggests that you must get closer to a situation and analyze it well.
…(Sexual organs | Vagina) Lustfully looking at the vagina of one’s wife or that of another woman, or touching it in a dream means engaging in a rotten business. Seeing a naked woman without her knowledge in a dream represents common pitfalls and mistakes one makes in his life….
For a woman Dreaming of a looking-glass, denotes that she is soon to be confronted with shocking deceitfulness and discrepancies, which may result in tragic scenes or separations. See Mirror.
Losing courage and steadiness; also, getting released from great trouble. 363.
To dream that someone has caught you while doing something bad means that you feel guilty about something you have done. You think you will be punished. Sometimes the dream about getting caught could simply denote to the fact that you are very nosy and mind the business that is not yours. Make sure you do not intrude other peoples privacy.
It is a sign of happiness at home. If we are babies, it indicates that the dreamer felt very loved and cared.
Unless you have in mind the desire to have children and you worry so much about the idea, that the desire appears in your dream, if you dreamed with babies is because your creativity is on the way. It might be that you will start a new business very soon, or that your skills will be recognized.
Happiness in conjugal life.
The newborn child symbolizes the beginning, the genesis or birth. Dreaming of a newborn child reveals a spiritual or mental metamorphosis happening. If this dream we have in the childbearing age it usually refers to the desired motherhood. The child as a symbol of childhood is a dream of regression, of running away to the past, to a world without worries and with home protection. The dreams in which we see ourselves as adults but in the landscape of our childhood will give us information we had forgotten and will facilitate the understanding of tensions and latent complexes. This dream may indicate a victory over complexity and anxiety. It is a step in the conquest of inner peace and confidence in ourselves.
Luck in love matters. 24.
Great honour, loss and harm to our calumniators. 45.
Receiving presents in a short time.
Contented life.
Luck, concord in matrimonial life. 103.
Realization of hopes. 14.
Being a favourite of females. 296.
…a dream, it means loss of power or money. If one sees himself in a dream knocking his fingernails against his teeth in a dream, it means committing a despicable and a loathsome act. As for seeing one’s chest in a dream, if one sees himself having a broad and a nice looking chest (See Chest), it means repentance of a sinner, or being eager and willing to follow the truth and to comply with it, or to make easy what was earlier difficult. One’s breasts in a dream (See Breast) represent his daughter. Man’s breast in a dream means a woman, and woman’s breasts in a dream represents a man. Breasts in a dream mean five things – a little boy, a little girl, a servant, a friend, or a brother. One’s abdomen in a dream means money, children, relatives or prosperity. If one sees his abdomen being cut…
For healthy persons, happiness and honour; for sick persons, frailty, and feebleness. 79.