…Dreaming of a fishing rod cork floating in the water indicates clean and quiet successes nearby. When the water is dirty and worse if it’s agitated, indicates that some unscrupulous people will produce different ailments and annoyance, perhaps through blackmail. Dreaming of corking bottles indicates that the dreamer is handling well all his or her affairs. A young woman who dreams of uncorking bottles of champagne, hints that she will soon be approached by a lover who has a good economic position, but will question the reputation of the dreamer. This dream is a warning. Dreaming of a corkscrew implies being dissatisfied with what is surrounding the dreamer, or that nothing pleases nor satisfies the dreamer, which is creating social or family problems. If the corkscrew gets broken when used, it is a warning for the dreamer to either change their way of being, or problems will get worse….

…(Injury | Wounds) In a dream, a scratch represents financial harm. If one sees another person scratching him in a dream, it means that he will cause him partial financial loss, or pain with respect to a family member, or perhaps he will accuse him of something, then compensate him for injuring his reputation. If the scratch gets infected, bleeds, or produces pus or purulence in the dream, it means that the assailant will slander him and cause a major collapse to his business. If the scratch is over one’s forehead in the dream, it means that he may die quickly. A scratch in a dream also represents a bad reputation, an acronym, or a nickname such as stingy, insolent, or apostate, etcetera. A scratch in a dream also means recanting one’s statement. (Also see Scratching)…

…to confess and apologize for his wrongdoing, though he does not like being caught. It could also mean paying damages, health problems, or it could mean a financial misfortune. Vomiting blood in one’s dream means repentance from sin, restraining oneself from indulging in what is forbidden, or it could mean satisfying one’s debts, or fulfillment of a vow. If one drinks wine, then vomits the same in his dream, it means that he has received some tainted or unlawful money that he will remit to its rightful owner and repent for his sin. If one gets drunk then throws up in his dream, it means that he is a stingy person who does not take good care of his own family. If one swallows a pearl then throws up honey in his dream, it means that he will render a correct interpretation of some Qur’anic verses. Drinking milk then vomiting…

…Dreaming of traveling through a dense fog, denotes much trouble and business worries. To emerge from it, foretells a weary journey, but profitable. For a young woman Dreaming of being in a fog, denotes that she will be mixed up in a salacious scandal, but if she gets out of the fog she will prove her innocence and regain her social standing….

…Dreaming that a police gets near in a threatening manner, while the dreamer knows he or she is innocent of any guilt, signifies that someone is betraying the dreamer, and putting his honor and property at risk. In case that the dreamer actually feels guilty of wrongdoing, then the dream is a warning or self-criticism due to the behavior that the dreamer has in daily life, which must be corrected. Dreaming of a policeman threatening to arrest you or that he hypocritically approaches you could mean that fake friends are trying to defraud the dreamer. It also indicates that the dreamer desires to improve, but hasn’t achieved it due to lack of preparation or necessary ability. Dreaming of calling a policeman insinuates insecurity in one-self. Dreaming of being watched by a policeman insinuates that there are mistakes being made that could become serious and dangerous. Dreaming of an energetic…

To dream you are buying raw meat, signifies that friends will step forward, and be of great assistance to you, if one insists on conveying it home, and partakes of a part of it, if married avoid him, he may hide himself under your bed. To dream you buy dressed meat, you may expect a legacy. If a maid dreams of raw meat, it denotes, if she gets it, she will speedily marry, if not, she will be disappointed.

To dream that you are reading something, means that you have a big will for knowledge. You are the person who gets as much information as he can about the subject you are interested in.

When you see the gorilla in a dream, then such dream shows your characteristics that others don’t enjoy. You are someone who becomes wild, especially when gets angry. On the other hand, the dream symbolizes your hidden anger, therefore it is expressed only when you are dreaming.

…Dreaming of a very friendly dog could mean that the dreamer has very good friends and that he or she will get new ones as well. If the dog is white and it gets near to the dreamer in a friendly way, it could signify that soon the dreamer will achieve the success that he or she is looking for, either in sentimental aspects, business, or at work. If a young woman has this dream it means that there are probabilities of future marriage. If the dog is black, then it suggests that there are hidden enemies that are trying to harm the dreamer. Dreaming of being the owner of a smart dog that knows how to do various tricks (this dream is like thinking about one-self), could signify that prosperity is approaching and that it could create an economic boom. Dreaming that a hunting dog or a hound…

…Dreaming of hearing the music of an accordion, denotes that you will engage in amusement which will win you from sadness and retrospection. You will by this means be enabled to take up your burden more cheerfully. For a young woman Dreaming that she is playing an accordion, portends that she will win her lover by some sad occurrence | but, notwithstanding which, the same will confer lasting happiness upon her union. If the accordion gets out of tune, she will be saddened by the illness or trouble of her lover….

…To dream that you fall into the mire, and you are covered with filth, if a servant, you will lose your character, through pilfering: if the dirt gets into your eyes, you will experience confinement, most likely be imprisoned, if you see clouds rapidly moving, beware of transportation. To run and fall, then rise, and run again, is a sign that you have a litigious temper that will ruin you. But, to dream you run without interruption, is a sign of diligence, and that you will accomplish your design. To dream that you fall from your horse when the hounds are in full cry, and that you see the game killed, denotes the death of a friend, and the funeral of a near relative. To fall from a hill, or any high place, and fancy you drop upon another, is a happy omen: it denotes that your merit will…

…(Fury | Indignation | Rage) Leaving one’s home angry in a dream means entering a prison. If one gets angry for material gains in a dream, it means that he has disdain and contempt toward God’s religion. However, should he get angry in his dream to defend God’s rights, then it means gaining strength and power. Becoming angry for someone else’s sake in a dream signifies a corrupt contract, a tainted agreement, a marriage consent with a hidden intent of a divorce to follow, fighting for unlawful earnings, or it could mean accumulating money from usury. In a dream, usury and anger mean falsehood in wakefulness. (See Foam | Frothing at the mouth | Sneezing | Suppressing one’s anger)…

The x-ray in dreams is interpreted as something you should pay more attention to. You should figure out which part of your life has to get more attention than it gets.

(Sycamore, bibl.) In a dream, a mulberry tree represents a person in a high position who has many children, who is big in size but ill mannered, who benefits no one, though he remains well respected. If one gets some of its fruits in his dream, it means that he will receive something from such a person. If he is hurt by its thorns in the dream, the same will take place in wakefulness. When maple trees, tamarisk trees and shrubs are mixed together in a dream, they mean victory and glad tidings for one who is contemplating a war or gearing for a fight. However, for the rest of people, these trees in a dream mean poverty and meekness.

The dream about possum shows that you are able to control almost all of the situations. You are a very sharp minded person that gets to receive the best out of some situations.

…To dream a candle burns bright and clear, denotes a pleasing letter from your sweetheart, but if the Candle’s blaze gets dull, you will be disappointed….

Usually planes are dreamed by those who are about to have some vacation. The plane could also indicate your desire to escape your life and be free from all of the responsibilities and duties. The plane is also known as the symbol of your smooth work that gets done very quickly. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of plane crash.

…restored later on, or he could through cheating, marry a rich woman. If the one who sees God’s prophet Solomon in a dream practices sorcery, witchcraft, black magic, or invoking jinn or evil spirits, it means that he will profit from his trade and become wealthy after having lost hope in attaining such benefits, or he could triumph over his enemy. Whoever sees God’s prophet Solomon (uwbp) in his dream will receive God’s favors, including clear visions, clarity of religious interpretations, the ability to learn many languages, or he could become a translator, or perhaps could master the Arabic language. Seeing Solomon in a dream also means that one will recover from an illness. If one gets hold of Solomon’s staff in a dream, it means that he will engage in slander or calumny, and if he is sick, it means his death. Seeing or finding Solomon’s ring in a…

…If we are fired from work this indicates a disagreement in our professional activity. If someone we know gets fired it’s a sign that we don’t like mixing friendship and business….

…Dreaming of seeing your business partner with a basket of crockery on his back, and, letting it fall, gets it mixed with other crockery, denotes your business will sustain a loss through the indiscriminate dealings of your partner. If you reprimand him for it, you will, to some extent, recover the loss….

…To dream about a balloon that rises into the sky until it gets lost in the distance suggests that your wishes will be frustrated due to upcoming failures. To dream that you’re travelling in an air balloon suggests that you’re living among unfounded illusions, and that you’re standing with your feet off the ground, and if you make a trip it can be disastrous in many ways. When a woman dreams that she floats like a balloon, it announces that she yearns to be or is already pregnant, or it can also suggest that she may soon be pregnant. To dream about a crystal globe (ball) that is used for divination is a warning that soon you’ll doubt about love and perhaps experience disappointments. To dream that the world is floating like a balloon suggests that you lack of firmness or conduct in your actual affairs….

…For a farmer to dream that he is ploughing on smooth and even ground, denotes heavy crops, and good luck generally: if he plows up stones it is all the better, but if his plow gets hitched into a rock or stump, it denotes vexation and trouble with his good luck. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 41….

(Affinity | Concord | Likeness) Exchanging correspondence be- tween two friends in a dream means longevity, for it means joining two destinies and it means comfort and happiness each one gets from his friend.

…To dream a candle burns bright and clear, denotes a pleasing letter from your sweetheart; but if the candle’s blaze gets dull, you will be disappointed….

…Dreaming that you wear a veil, denotes that you will not be perfectly sincere with your lover, and you will be forced to use stratagem to retain him. To see others wearing veils, you will be maligned and defamed by apparent friends. An old, or torn veil, warns you that deceit is being thrown around you with sinister design. For a young woman Dreaming that she loses her veil, denotes that her lover sees through her deceitful ways and is likely to retaliate with the same. Dreaming of seeing a bridal veil, foretells that you will make a successful change in the immediate future, and much happiness in your position. For a young woman Dreaming that she wears a bridal veil, denotes that she will engage in some affair which will afford her lasting profit and enjoyment. If it gets loose, or any accident befalls it, she will be…

The mouse is the animal of curiosity. The dreamer who sees the mouse in his dream is a person who gets his nose into others business. The mouse could also indicate silly and minor problems the one will have to deal with. The mouse that scares you, means that you will be shocked by ridiculous things in your waking life. The mouse could also symbolize some individual in your life that is quite annoying and makes you feel bad.

Dreaming with high or low tides should be interpreted by taking into account all the meanings that were mentioned in the “sea” dream. Also if we see the tide rising then this needs to be understood as a warning to remain alert against possible difficulties in the near future. It will be the opposite if the tide in our dream gets low.

Dreaming about one or more cradles is always a promise of joy. If the crib is occupied by a beautiful baby, then it is announcement that success can be achieved through hard work. Dreaming of cradling a baby in a crib symbolizes work and happiness. This dream in a woman is a serious warning of what to expect when she gets married, so she should remain alert in her immediate future.

If someone has interrupted you in a dream, then such dream represents the current situation of your waking life. Anything you do gets complicated. Perhaps things don’t go as you’ve planed, therefore you dream of being interrupted.

…Zuhur prayers in a dream, it means that someone will pay his debt for him and gets him released from prison and he will then prosper. If one sees himself performing his Zuhur prayers in a clear day and feels happy about it in his dream, it means that he will engage in some work that will make him famous and that he will enjoy the fruits of his work as much as he did in that clear and beautiful day in his dream. If one performs his midday Zuhur prayers in a cloudy day in a dream, it means that his work will be distressful. As for the mid-afternoon prayers, known in Arabic as ‘Asr, performing it in a dream means taking a vow or making a promise. This prayer in a dream also represents one’s liability. If one sees himself performing the ‘Asr prayers in a dream, it…

Dreaming birds of prey of any kind, indicates risks of losses caused by a person that has ill intentions. Dreaming of killing a bird of prey suggests that a lot of effort will be required to obtain that intense and prolonged success you’re looking for. When a woman dreams of scaring away birds of prey in her backyard, it means that she’s eager to know about weird things, very different from the way she is, or that there are rivals who are trying to harm her. However, if in the dream she kills one of the birds, or at least gets to scare them away, it means she will get what she wants, no matter how weird it is. Dreaming of a dead bird of prey suggests that the enemies will be defeated and they no longer bother you anymore.

…Dreaming of keeping a ledger, you will have perplexities and disappointing conditions to combat. Dreaming that you make wrong entries on your ledger, you will have small disputes and a slight loss will befall you. To put a ledger into a safe, you will be able to protect your rights under adverse circumstances. To get your ledger misplaced, your interests will go awry through neglect of duty. Dreaming that your ledger gets destroyed by fire, you will suffer through the carelessness of friends. Dreaming that you have a woman to keep your ledger, you will lose money trying to combine pleasure with business. For a young woman Dreaming of ledgers, denotes she will have a solid business man to make her a proposal of marriage. Dreaming that your ledger has worthless accounts, denotes bad management and losses | but if the accounts are good, then your business will assume…

If you see a turkey in a dream, then such dream shows that you have been silly. Perhaps you are unable to see things vividly. The flying turkey in a dream denotes to misbalance. If the turkey is dead, then it shows that you will lose the respect. If you were hunting the turkey, then it foretells about the achievement you will get through unfair behavior. Consider that turkey is also a symbol of the celebration such as Thanksgiving, where everyone gets to meet each other.

…(Direction) To wend one’s way, or to take the road, or to go in the direction of the door in a dream means establishing the course of one’s life on the basis of righteousness, or finding the real cause of things, or it could mean success, depending on how close one gets to his goal in the dream. (Also see Road)…

…(Inebriety) Drunkenness in a dream represents unhappiness, stress, depression, worries, vanity, arrogance, wantonness and abuse of riches. Wine in a dream represents the king of drinks. If one gets drunk from wine, then tears off his shirt in the dream, it means that he has put his life in order and has it harmoniously organized. It also means that he has abused his privileges by indulging in vain pleasures of living to such a degree that he could not bear to live with such comfort or control his passions and wants. If one is seen drinking wine to inebriety in a dream, it means that he earns unlawful money. It also means that such earnings will seem to have power over him in the way of spending them. To become drunk in a dream without drinking alcohol means feeblemindedness or childishness of an old man. Drunkenness in a dream…

If it works well, it predicts success. If it gets stuck or malfunctions indicates that no matter how hard we try, it will be impossible to achieve what we wanted.

If you dream of the seal, then such dream signifies the fun, happy and positive side of yours. You have an ability to be playful, funny and confident at mostly of the situations. The seal is a symbol of prosperous life, wealthy and healthy attitude towards things. Consider that the dream could indicate the need to pay more attention to small details, as the seal is not the one who sees unfavorable things, because he gets to avoid them.

…water in a dream also means recovering from trachoma. The explosion of a water tank or a pipe in a dream means distress, trouble and adversities. Green colored water in a dream means a long illness or a wretched life. Drinking black colored water in a dream means becoming blind. Sucking water in a dream means tight circumstances. If unexpectedly one is showered with hot water in a dream, it means a fever, an illness or a scare from evil spirits, the intensity of which is relevant to how hot is the water. If one’s garment gets wet in a dream, it means changes in one’s travel plans, or it could mean delaying a project, or failure of one’s plans. If a poor person sees himself carrying a container of water in a dream, it means money. If a rich person sees that dream, it means marriage, or conceiving a…

…To dream about a printer that is working on a craft announces up coming problems, including economic ones. To dream that you’re in a print shop in front of a running printing machine suggests that you’ll have to work hard before achieving success. If a young woman dreams that she’s in love with a printer, it suggests that her real suitor cannot meet her economic needs, i.e., if the girl gets married, she’ll live with hardship….

If you dreamed of squeezing something, then such dream may indicate the pressure you feel from others and unable to move easily. On the other hand the dream could indicate the pressure and stress you put on others and do not let them act or perform normally. Probably you or somebody else gets this stress. Consider that the dream of squeezing may be a reflection of the relationships you are in, where you or somebody else is being squeezed.