To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of sex.

…on the dreamer. Dreaming that the acrobats fail at any of their acrobatics suggests that there will be losses in the businesses you are managing. Dreaming of yourself performing and failing implies that you feel limited or unable to do your things due to constant interference of hidden and hypocritical enemies. Doing a perfect performance suggests a high probability of success in all your affairs. Dreaming of women performing acrobatics suggests that the name of the dreamer will be discredited by rumors, which will disturb your working or romantic life. If a young woman dreams of performing acrobats, it indicates that she is being or will be courted by men that are not serious and not even of her liking. A young woman who dreams of having sex with an acrobat indicates that want to experience flings, perhaps as a result of past disappointments or for no apparent reason….

To dream you are walking on a smooth, clean pathway, and another pathway soon appears parallel, and another person of another sex walks on that, and travels as you do, it shows that your sweetheart, who will make you happy, will soon become your husband or wife, if you see little paths opening from that you walk upon, you will have children who will add to your comfort.

…To dream that you’re visiting your stylist suggests that you’ll soon be disturbed by indiscretions concerning the opposite sex. When a woman dreams that she is tinting or has tinted her hair, it announces that she’ll experience distresses due to gossip in her social environment. If in the dream you manage your hair in a strikingly exotic way, it suggests that you’re frivolous and use dishonest means to make others obey you. To dream that your hands are covered with hair, like a monkey, it may suggest that you are slandering innocent people, what will finally win you enemies. To dream that you’re losing your hair suggests risk of experiencing serious damages, losses and failures….

…The house symbolizes our being and our personality. The bedroom – rest and sex….

…Dreaming of seeing your shoes ragged and soiled, denotes that you will make enemies by your unfeeling criticisms. To have them blacked in your dreams, foretells improvement in your affairs, and some important event will cause you satisfaction. New shoes, augur changes which will prove beneficial. If they pinch your feet, you will be uncomfortably exposed to the practical joking of the fun-loving companions of your sex. To find them untied, denotes losses, quarrels and ill-health. To lose them, is a sign of desertion and divorces. Dreaming that your shoes have been stolen during the night, but you have two pairs of hose, denotes you will have a loss, but will gain in some other pursuit. For a young woman Dreaming that her shoes are admired while on her feet, warns her to be cautious in allowing newly introduced people, and men of any kind, to approach her in…

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a exhibitionist, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism of frustrations in your sex life. You are denying your strong desires or impulses, that are relating to the instincts.

…Opening a door using a key announces that we will enter a new situation, good or bad according to the context of the dream. To own a large bunch of keys symbols the purchase of goods or knowledge proportional to the number of keys in the bunch. Having problems turning the key in the lock promises that we will find difficulties and obstacles in obtaining what we want. A broken or lost key is an omen of trouble and problems that stop us from realizing our desires. To open a door and walk into a room where there’s a person of the opposite sex announces marriage….

Hugging someone from the opposite sex within dreams is a sign of happiness and joy in love; to hug a kid indicates that you don’t want to let go of something or someone that brings you a huge amount of happiness. Hugging a stranger means that you’ll make a small trip.

Dreaming about a mermaid represents the feminine part of the dreamer that is mysterious and secret. A dream with mermaids can also symbolize a fear of sex. If a man dreams of a mermaid, it could mean that he is scared of determination about the feminine part of himself. If a woman dreams of a mermaid, it signifies that she have doubts about her femininity.

…Dreaming of a large mouth and big lips is a sure sign you will be kissed by some one of the opposite sex: to dream of a mouth out of shape, or with a hare lip, denotes to a woman that she will have a deformed child, and to a man that he will get into a difficulty by means of his intimacy with a woman: to dream of a small mouth and thin lips is a sign of loud and angry words, and that someone will give you a scolding. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 27, 6, 3….

Dream of losing one or more keys indicates the possibility of losing your job. On the other hand it indicates clarification of confusing attitudes and projection of new goals. Dream of opening a door with a key means you will enter a new situation. You must pay attention to the context of the dream, if the situation is good or bad. Dream of opening a door and entering a room where there is a person of the opposite sex means upcoming marriage. Dream of having a lot of keys symbolize a purchase of goods or knowledge, proportional to the number of keys in hand. Dream of having difficulty in turning the key in a lock means you will have some difficulties and obstacles in good situations. Dream of a broken key portends trouble and problems that will block the realization of a wish.

It is considered to be a sex symbol and it’s often related to some kind of fear or feelings of jealousy. In relation to sadism or even the fear of being dominated by a possessive passion.

…It symbolizes our being and personality. The front of the house symbolizes the outside of the dreamer and the interior of the house, intimate life. Dining room and kitchen represent food and digestion. Bedroom indicates rest and sex. Bathroom – physical and moral cleanliness. Upper floors represent head and mind. Warehouse indicates the subconscious. Doors represent access to our soul. An old, dilapidated house symbolizes an antiquated condition of life and thought. A floor or ceiling that sinks symbolizes collapse of the ideals and principles….

…To dream of purchasing a pair of ear-rings is a good dream to the fair sex; to widows and maids they signify marriage; to those that have no children, that they shall have children; and to those that have husbands and children, purchases and riches; for as women are provided with these decking, so shall they be stored with husbands, children, and goods. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 32….

If you were dreaming of watching a baseball game, it indicates your calm and balanced peace of mind. The game is a symbol of smooth and carrying on place. Usually when the dreamer sees himself playing a game it shows that you do not see a purpose of your life. Sometimes it is difficult to know what do you want and set your aims knowing that they will fulfill your desires and wishes. In reality, people often compare baseball to sex, as the meaning of someone setting a goal to achieve the target. Consider, that your dream might indicate sexual desires you have and are not be able to express them.

Dreaming that you are viewing pornography indicates your issues with intimacy, power, control, and efficiency. You may have concerns about your sex life. Dreaming of a porno movie suggests your desire to be more sexual.

…To dream of broken promises on the part of a friend is a sign that he will confer a benefit on you: if a girl dreams that her lover has broken his promise to marry, it foreshadows a speedy performance of the ceremony. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3….

…To dream that you hear bells ringing merrily is a sign of a wedding, or else that you will soon hear some good news. If the bell tolls solemnly, it foretells a funeral or bad news. To a girl, the tolling of a bell predicts that someone will deceive her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 16….

…If you dream of lying in a gutter, or of seeing a man so reclining, it foretells that some honour awaits you, or someone in whose success you take an interest. If a girl dreams of a broken gutter, she should be careful of allowing her lover to be too familiar with her person, or some accident may happen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 27, 65….

…(See Sting) To dream of wasps denotes thrift and abundance, particularly to farmers and those who have fruit-trees. If a girl dreams that she is stung by a mud- wasp, it foretells that she will marry a gentleman who will love her dearly. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 62, 18….

…To dream of an abundance of this fruit is a sign of health, but yet you are liable to lose your life by an accident: if a girl dreams she is presented with plums, it foretells her early death. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 36, 14, 77….

…(Involved | Occupied) Seeing oneself busy in a dream means marriage to a virgin girl, interfering in others’ business, or changing one’s profession. If the new job is satisfactory in the dream, then it means prosperity, marriage, children, or worship….

An angel on the wing means death to the sick doth bring; To those in health much joy— man, woman, girl, or boy.

…To dream one’s belly is bigger and fuller than ordinary, shows his family and estate with increase; if one dreams his belly is grown lean and shrunk up, he will be joyfully delivered of some bad accident; if any one dreams that his belly is swelled, and yet not withstanding be empty, he will become poor; if a girl dreams of a big belly, it is a sign of marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24, 77….

…To dream that a beggar annoys you, is a sign of misfortune, or some piece of bad luck. To a young girl who has a suitor, it predicts that if she marries him she will be poor. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 26….

…For a girl to dream of having a plaster on her person is a sign that someone win offer her an insult, or perhaps make an attempt upon her chastity: if a man dreams this, the same will probably happen to his wife or sweetheart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 8….

…(See Worm.) To dream of clean-looking, white fat grubs, is a sign of good crops to farmers, but to dream of black or dirty looking grubs is the reverse. For a girl to dream of grubs is a bad sign, as it puts her in peril of losing her virtue; but to a married woman it is a good sign, for the reason that she will soon be in the family way. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 70, 65….

…To dream of hearing hissing noises, such as steam makes, or of geese hissing, is a sign of shame. If a girl dreams this it foretells that she will do something she is ashamed of: to a man it is a sign he will do an undignified act, or one that will injure his prospects. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 47….

…A deer in a dream represents women and children. Capturing a deer in a dream or receiving one as a gift means prosperity, an inheritance, marriage, having children or overcoming one’s adversary. Slaughtering a deer in a dream means deflowering a young girl. Bringing a deer inside one’s house means finding a bride for one’s son. If one kills and skins a deer in a dream, it means that he will rape a noble woman. A deer jumping at someone in a dream represents a disobedient wife. Owning a deer in a dream means marriage to a noble woman or it could represent wealth which is earned from lawful sources. (Also see Gazelle)…

…(Padlock) In a dream, a lock represents a trustworthy person or a virgin girl. Opening a padlock in a dream means escaping from jail, or release from prison. If one who is suffering from depression sees himself unlocking a padlock in a dream, it means that his sorrows or sadness will be dispelled. A lock in a dream also represents a proof, a strong point or a tool. Unlocking a padlock in a dream also means divorce. Locking a door in a dream means seeking a cosigner for a loan or a guarantor. If one who is seeking to get married sees a lock in his dream, it means that he will meet with a trustworthy and a caring woman. A padlock for a traveller in a dream means safety. A metal lock in a dream means dignity, safety, piety, deciphering a language, symbols, or acquiring knowledge. Wooden locks…

…If any respectable person dreams of being arrested by police officers, it is a sign that some distinguished honour will be conferred on him: if a young girl should dream that policemen took her lover into custody, she will hear of his advancement in the world. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46, 30….

…For a young man to dream of associating with prostitutes, is a sign of poverty ‘and disgrace: if he dreams of seeing these girls anywhere, it foretells misfortune or bad luck: for a girl to dream of them, is a sign that her chastity is in danger. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 35, 9….

…Dreaming of elderly people without being old may indicate that you live in an inappropriate and uncomfortable environment, in which you work and complete your duties just because it’s mandatory. Dreaming of elder people means the innocence of a girl. Dreaming that you’re old while you’re young in waking life means respect and consideration. If you see an old man in your dream, you should accept and follow the advice which he can give you….

…For a girl to dream of picking these whortleberries in abundance, is a sign she will marry very young and very good husband, though not a rich one: to dream of eating whortleberries, denotes health. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 69, 30….

…(See Fingers.) To dream of bleeding at the nose signifies loss of goods, and decay of riches; to a young girl it foretells the loss of her lover. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 75, 19, 5….

…To dream that you hate any particular person is a sign that he or she has been talking bad about you. If a girl should ever be so silly as to dream such a dream about her lover, it shows that he meditates an attack upon her chastity; on the contrary, if she dreams that he hates her, it is a sign that she possesses his whole heart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 44….

…If a girl dreams that she is a widow, it foretells that she will have many lovers: such a dream to a married woman, denotes that some man beside her husband is in love with her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 38, 60….

…(See Jail.) To dream you are put in prison, foretells that honour awaits you: but this omen does not apply to rogues or dishonest people, though such a dream by them favours their desires: if a girl dreams that her lover has gone to prison, she will soon hear of his advancement. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46….

…(Occupied) Seeing oneself involved or busy in a dream means a marriage to a virgin girl, or interfering in others’ business, or it could mean changing one’s profession. If the new job is satisfactory in the dream, then it means prosperity, marriage, children, or worship….