Eating apples indicates envy, rivalry or jealousy between family members. Dreaming of an apple tree full of fruit is a sign of friendship and numerous companies.

…Empty glass – lost friendship. Full glass – happiness and abundance….

…To dream of quinces, is an excellent omen: if you imagine you are gathering quinces from trees full of fine-looking, yellow ones, it predicts that you will get just so much yellow gold, which will be a fortune. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 6….

…Ants always symbolize hard, intelligent and organized work, so they do warn the dreamer that he/she should act the same way, perhaps because he/she is being negligent with his/her responsibilities, what may lead him/her to many setbacks. To dream that your job if full of ants, and that you can also see them in your regular activities announces abundance, both for you and your family, thanks to your efforts and success in your work, projects, etc. To dream that a group of ants is moving chaotically, and worse if they are black, announces that soon you’ll experience inconvenience and concerns. To dream that ants walk over your body announces discomforts, setbacks and failures, but without serious consequences….

…dreamer. Dreaming of the dentist extracting the dreamer’s teeth symbolizes bad news and losses, for example, that the dreamer’s enemies await the opportunity to hurt him or her somehow. Dreaming that the dentist fixes the dreamer’s cavities suggests that soon the dreamer will recover affections or missing valuables. Dreaming of the dentist cleaning your own teeth and yet they remained dirty, and with cavities, etc., indicates that even if you think that your affairs are going well, they are actually not, and this misinterpretation represents a serious danger. Dreaming of dentures suggests that very soon, serious and difficult problems that cannot be ignored nor neglected will arrive. Dreaming of dog teeth is a symbol of sincerity, loyalty and good friendships, including love. Dreaming of lion or tiger teeth insinuates that the dreamer has full physical, mental and psychological self-control, allowing the dreamer to quickly achieve any goals in life….

Full and over the fire portends interesting news. Empty and unused indicates lack of security.

If you see the tank that is full of water, then it indicates your happiness at this time of your life. If you saw the tank as the vehicle, then it indicates the protection and security you are trying to find. Alternatively, the dream could show the fear of war you have.

Dreaming of closets indicates wealth. If it’s empty, it is a sign that you can get hurt in a fight. If the dreamer is a man and the closet is full, he should be suspicious of his wife.

If it is full of dirty water, then it indicates family problems and trouble. If the water is clean, then it announces family happiness.

…Dreaming of eating this appetizing nut, you will see one of your dearest plans come to full fruition, and seeming failure prove a prosperous source of gain. To see them growing among leaves, signifies a long, peaceful existence. Failure in love or business will follow in proportion as the pecan is decayed. If they are difficult to crack and the fruit is small, you will succeed after much trouble and expense, but returns will be meagre….

If you dream of an empty cup, it means illness and difficulties. A full cup means unexpected money and business success. A broken cup means illusions are collapsing and you will face incomplete plans.

If it is messy, we must organize and update our knowledge. An empty one indicates that we are not trained for a situation that we would like to face, due to lack of knowledge. If it is full and tidy, and the quality of the content is poor, we must update our knowledge. If the quality of the fabrics is good and if everything is white, we will suffer some illness or injury. If the clothing is colorful, it announces that we will get wealth and prosperity thanks to our knowledge.

To dream that you are walking through beautiful places such as fields, forests or tidy city, means that you will be lucky with your financial situation and personal relationships. If the road is full of obstacles, you will face some barriers in your life either. If you made through that path easily even with all of the obstacles, then you will overcome your enemies.

If we see ourselves smoking a pipe, then it reveals a peaceful life full of wellness.

Symbolize our unconscious. If it is clean and organized, then it indicates that our inner world is rich and organized. If it is dirty, messy and full of useless junk, then we will find our unconscious as well. If it is well-stocked, then it represents joy and gladness.

…The apple symbolizes all the earthly pleasures, knowledge and the need to choose. If we eat a ripe and tasty apple it means that we choose the enjoyment of material life. If we eat a green apple we also choose the material, although full of work and life difficulties. If it’s rotten apple, then it’s a threat of deceptions and disappointments. If we only see apples, then dream means that we choose another kind of purer, more lasting, deeper and more spiritual happiness….

…To dream about water tanks of any type or size, for example laundry sinks, trays or basins where you can wash objects, suggests that problems or new interests that somehow affect the dreamer are close to come. To dream that you’re washing your hands and face with clean water suggests that you long to relate with new issues, business, etc. To dream that you’re washing your hands and face with dirty water, suggests that you want to have illicit and dangerous liaisons, either emotional or in your business. To dream that someone is washing suggests that something is now in its last stage and that you may be full of problems but will soon have new hopes and new motives. To dream about a laundress at work implies infidelity and illicit adventures, either yours or from someone else (partners, friends, family, etc.). When a woman dreams that she is…

This position of stars in the sky indicates that time comes to have full accomplishment.

…Dreaming that you see a mason plying his trade, denotes a rise in your circumstances and a more congenial social atmosphere will surround you. If you dream of seeing a band of the order of masons in full regalia, it denotes that you will have others beside yourself to protect and keep from the evils of life….

Dreaming of one or more barrels with wine is an announcement of spontaneous joy, but if they appear filled with water instead of wine, it indicates a lot of work before achieving what you want. If they are empty, it indicates you’re neglecting or not paying proper attention to the things you’re handling, which will result in losses, failures, etc. In general, seeing a full barrel in dreams is an announcement of prosperity, but if it’s empty, it’s an indicator of suffering financial difficulties.

…Water in language of dreams is very significant, it symbolizes life, feelings and the inner life of people. When the water is clear and clean, it announces such a long and happy life as our feelings. Mineral water symbolizes convalescence, health improvement. Holy water means physical and spiritual health. If the water is dirty or stuck, it usually presages disgrace and misfortunes of moral character. If water comes bitter, shady or yellowish, it predicts disease. Tainted means living with anger in your body. Reek, it means misappropriated goods. Stuck, it means loss of freedom. Blackish, it means unhappy marriage. Receiving water in a container indicates health. Receiving water without drinking it and store it indicates greed. If we bring water to another home and receive money, we are actually selling our honesty and purity. If we bring it without charge, it shows mercy and religiosity. Rainwater presages an abundant…

…Dreaming of pilgrims, denotes that you will go on an extended journey, leaving home and its dearest objects in the mistaken idea that it must be thus for their good. Dreaming that you are a pilgrim, portends struggles with poverty and unsympathetic companions. For a young woman Dreaming that a pilgrim approaches her, she will fall an easy dupe to deceit. If he leaves her, she will awaken to her weakness of character and strive to strengthen independent thought….

…To dream about nails on hands and feet, of your own or others, means too much work and effort compared to the reward that was obtained. The dream shows that there is an intimate discontent. To dream about defective and painful nails suggests that there will be health affections or failures in many subjects. To dream about nails being pulled means danger of serious illness that can even lead to death if precautions are not taken. Dreaming about white nails, of your own or others, suggests that there will be various problems soon, both at home and in business. To dream about getting your nails done suggests that you will start business and deals apparently honorable, but these may be unproductive. To dream about cutting your own nails means that you will have high interest rates debts and also will have certain drawbacks in the family environment, but if…

…water, with mud that you suppose is pestilent (and it’s worse if it’s moved by a storm), indicates dangers, sorrow, and risks. In short, you’re about to go through a rough patch. If that dirty water floods your home, it symbolizes that you are surrounded by more or less hidden enemies that will try to harm you. If the dreamer is trying to get the water out, but the level keeps increasing and covers your feet, it indicates diseases, a very near ruin, personal and relative’s misfortunes. In reality, this dream is a warning for you, so you are more careful in your work performance, business, or social life. Dreaming of sinking in dirty water or drinking it indicates that you are making serious mistakes and soon, you’ll begin to suffer the natural consequences of it. It will be worse if you dream of drowning in the dirty water….

If you’re taking a bath, it’s a sign of peace and tranquility at home. If someone else is taking the bath, it indicates emotional distress and displease.

…Spoon in dreams symbolizes marital happiness. If it is made of wood, then it indicates happiness despite poverty. If we lose a spoon, we will be innocent victims of suspicion. Knife in dreams is always associated with ideas of revenge. It reflects apprehension and fear. If it’s a table knife or kitchen knife, then it means that marital disputes can become violent. Fork in dreams indicates that envious people will try to challenge your feelings and put your home in a conflict situation….

If you are taking a bath in the dream is a sign of enjoying a peace and quiet at home. If someone else is taking a bath means you´ll have concerns and dislikes.

…Dreaming of taking a Turkish bath, foretells that you will seek health far from your home and friends, but you will have much pleasurable enjoyment To see others take a Turkish bath, signifies that pleasant companions will occupy your attention….

…Dreaming of pirates, denotes that you will be exposed to the evil designs of false friends. Dreaming that you are a pirate, denotes that you will fall beneath the society of friends and former equals. For a young woman Dreaming that her lover is a pirate, is a sign of his unworthiness and deceitfulness. If she is captured by pirates, she will be induced to leave her home under false pretenses….

…A young woman who dreams of having an apron on indicates that the immediate future will be very uncertain. A female student who dreams of having an apron on hints that she will do very poorly in her studies if she doesn’t pay more attention and has more commitment. When a woman dreams of putting on a clean apron it hints that she will soon have assistants or servants at home. When a man or a woman dream of having a torn apron, and worse if it’s dirty, it indicates that soon they will receive bad news related to lack of honesty of someone who may even be the dreamer himself. The man who dreams wearing a female apron indicates that he lacks character and determination. When there is a male apron, like those used by workers, blacksmiths, etc., then it indicates that he should not expect major successes…

…When a woman dreams about her oven, which is turned on and is actually very hot, and that she is baking bread or cooking meat, it suggests that she enjoys the sincere affection of her family members and the sympathy of her friends. To dream that what you’re baking burns is a warning that soon you’ll experience problems at home. If the oven is broken or cracked, it indicates that soon you’ll be subject to humiliations, slander, etc….

…Fire is favorable to the dreamer if he does not get burned. It brings continued prosperity to seamen and voyagers, as well as to those on land. Dreaming of seeing your home burning, denotes a loving companion, obedient children, and careful servants. For a business man Dreaming that his store is burning, and he is looking on, foretells a great rush in business and profitable results. Dreaming that he is fighting fire and does not get burned, denotes that he will be much worked and worried as to the conduct of his business. To see the ruins of his store after a fire, forebodes ill luck. He will be almost ready to give up the effort of amassing a handsome fortune and a brilliant business record as useless, but some unforeseen good fortune will bear him up again. If you dream of kindling a fire, you may expect many…

…Dreaming of a shanty, denotes that you will leave home in the quest of health. This also warns you of decreasing prosperity….

…When you dream of seeing a bacon it signifies fundamental and basic matters in your life. The dream could also be a sign of the popular saying “bring home the bacon”, which means that there is work that needs to be done if you want to earn appropriate salary. If you see the bacon that is spoiled it symbolizes some situation that is taboo….

…Symbolizes our desire of family warmth and intimacy at home. Depending on whether you’re cooking something or not, and what is the food, we may have clues about an issue that needs our attention in the family….

…(Yarn) If a woman sees herself working on a spinning wheel and quickly trying to finish her work in a dream, it means that a traveller will soon come home, or that an expected visitor will arrive. If she sees herself taking her time in spinning her wool in a dream, it means that either she or her husband will undertake a journey. If the thread breaks inside the bobbin in her dream, it means cancellation of her plans to travel. If she sees herself in a dream spinning cotton threads, it means separation from her husband. During such a separation, she will cease asking her husband for her bridal dower, and later on she will return to him. If she sees herself spinning linen in a dream, it means that she will seek the company of righteous people to acquire wisdom and knowledge. If a man sees himself…

…Dreaming of a fiddle, foretells harmony in the home and many joyful occasions abroad. See Violin….

…To dream of an empty one is a sign you will soon leave home; a keg of small fish, or oysters, denotes the receipt of money; keg of spirits of any kind, promises poverty; a keg of powder foretells misfortune; a keg of paint predicts compliments to be paid you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14….

Dreaming of strong drinks and worse if the dreamer drinks them, is a warning that time is being lost as well as opportunities and friendships due to bad behavior. Dreaming of being in a monastery or convent indicates that the dreamer is not comfortable in the environment in which he or she operates, whether at home, employment, business, or with the people who are around. When a woman dreams of being in a convent, it’s a warning that she needs to change her character and life or she’ll be ill or in a depressed state.

Financial relief. Home comfort. Success in your personal life.