…Dreaming of gathering cowslips, portends unhappy ending of seemingly close and warm friendships | but seeing them growing, denotes a limited competency for lovers. This is a sinister dream. To see them in full bloom, denotes a crisis in your affairs. The breaking up of happy homes may follow this dream….

Dreaming that you are a farmer, symbolizes work that is in full speed progress. To be farmer in your dream is a symbol of your superior potential. Also, it shows growing productivity. Do you feel your completest potential? Alternatively, it may suggest that you need to work like a farmer. You need to put more efforts, to work harder in order to gain all benefits.

To dream of seeing or tasting a bagel represents something that is not completely fulfilled in your life. You do not feel full-fledged. The other meaning of this dream could also symbolize your sexual needs, maybe something you have not tried yet, but you wish you did or afraid to take a risk and try different things in your sexual life.

If you dream of seeing a bag, it symbolizes the duties you are facing in your life. If you see that the bag is broken, it is the sign that you are carrying too much stuff. If you see a bag full of rubbish, this is a sign that it is the time for you to get rid of all the negativity and move forward. In this dream you faced all the problems and questions you had which needs to be solved.

If the library is empty, it warns us that we still lack sufficient knowledge to undertake what we want. If it is full of books, it guarantees us success in our work.

Symbolize our knowledge, both acquired by study and those from our own experience. So we have to consider whether that if the library that appears in our dreams is full or empty. If we are working in an investigation this will indicate us the sufficiency of our capacity at this stage.

When we arrive at the beach from a boat, then it represents that we are saved from danger. If we come to the beach from the land and we see the sea being calm, then such dream indicates the nostalgia or need for a time of serenity and relaxation. If the beach is very crowded, then it means that we wish for a brilliant life in which we can shine. If the beach is full of pebbles, then it shows that if there is something we want to do, we have to overcome many difficulties.

…If they are mournful tunes, but merry ones are good, a full orchard tells you’ll have houses land and wood….

…For a man to dream his flesh is full of corns, shows he will grow rich proportionally to his corns. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70, 12….

Full and rosy ones means healthy life. Thin, sunken or blemished ones represents sudden adversity.

If the plate is full, then it indicates an economic relief. To fill it, means that your situation will evolve according to your aspirations. Empty or broken plate symbolizes financial difficulties.

An empty box means that someone will mess with your private life; a closed box means that you are very distrustful and don’t allow people to get to fully know you; a full box represents frankness and openness.

…When the water well is well constructed, uncovered and full of water, then it becomes a symbol of sincerity, honesty and happiness. If the well is poorly constructed, sealed or the water dries up, or the rope breaks, or the bucket is holed and the water cannot be retained the meaning is totally contrary. If in our dream we fall out the well it is one of the worst omens, unless someone get us out of the well. It symbolizes that we are immerse in the depths of the unconscious, unable to return to the conscious, which is equivalent to desperation, neurosis and madness….

To open a box in a dream represents an important information you will receive. Find a full box indicates conformity and modesty. See an empty box means money worries.

…If we see it full of animals it’s a happy omen of success. If it’s empty that indicates pain, sorrows and worries….

…Dreaming of having a full beard indicates that your affairs will be successful. Dreaming of a well-groomed beard and that you comb it or stroke it, is a clear sign of male vanity that annoys others, which causes negative effects. However, if you dream of trimming or shaving your beard, it is warning that you feel hurt and that your vanity has been wounded. Dreaming of someone with a beautiful long blonde beard, like the ones prophets have, suggests that the dreamer is not acting properly and must look for and accept advice. Dreaming that someone is shaving beard suggests that your health, of the health of someone close to you will deteriorate. If it’s a woman who is shaving a beard in the dream, it indicates that another person will get ill, there could even be a mourning period. If the woman is pregnant, this suggests that her…

…Dreaming of seeing a damask rosebush in full foliage and bloom, denotes that a wedding will soon take place in your family, and great hopes will be fulfilled. For a lover to place this rose in your hair, foretells that you will be deceived. If a woman receives a bouquet of damask roses in springtime, she will have a faithful lover | but if she received them in winter, she will cherish blasted hopes….

…To dream that you’re in a high level school, either as a visitor or as a student, suggests that you’ll soon reach your goals and will receive honors. To dream that you’re visiting the school where you studied as a child, suggests an intimate feeling of loss regarding your life and your current activities. To dream that you’ve just returned from visiting the school where you completed your studies indicates that you will accept propositions that you shouldn’t because you’re not prepared to perform them. To dream that you’re a student in any school suggests that you recognize your lack of preparation and that you’re not likely to succeed in life, mainly because you don’t put enough energy and willpower in your projects. To dream that you’re visiting a school full of children announces that you’ll experience problems with your children or close relatives, either your family or friends….

…(Dinner | Food) In a dream, hospitality means getting together for a charitable cause or to perform good deeds. If one invites people for a dinner and they eat to full satisfaction in the dream, it means that he will preside over them. Preparing a guest room in one’s house in a dream means the arrival of a long awaited traveller. (Also see Food | Guest | Invitation | Table)…

Dreaming of any kind of store indicates that you’re looking for self-improvement, even though you don’t know how to begin, as you lack support and advice. Dreaming of empty stores insinuates that you’ll suffer losses, failures and sadness soon. Dreaming of stores full of lively and nervous shoppers announces personal success and joy.

…Dreaming of being at a soda fountain, denotes pleasure and profit after many exasperating experiences. To treat others to this and other delectable iced drinks | you will be rewarded in your efforts, though the outlook appears full of contradictions. Inharmonious environments, and desired results will be forthcoming….

…To dream of a sharp new moon with horns pointing up wares is a sign you will be rich: if the horns point sideways or downwards, it foretells poverty: seeing a full moon in your dream denotes a thrifty and happy marriage; a half moon shadows forth the loss of a wife or husband by death or desertion. Dreaming of seeing a half moon is fatal to the prospects of lovers. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 18….

Full and over the fire portends interesting news. Empty or unused indicates lack of security.

…To dream of being in a room full of smoke, foretells that you will engage in an angry controversy, and perhaps quarrel: lovers who dream of smoke, will nose out the fire when they next meet, and it will prove to be either one of anger or of lust. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 76, 5….

Symbol of material protection. Depending on how leafy and robust are the palms that we see, will indicate how big the protection is. If the palm trees are puny it is an indication that we are helpless. Full of flowers and fruits but out of season indicate sorrow. If this occurs on the right season, then it portends friendship and love. Dry palm trees indicate misfortune. Palm tree with broken branches represents illness. Green leaves symbolizes profits. When you are climbing one, you will get honors and fortune. Falling from palm tree means loss of favors with our superiors.

Dream in which you have a house means that your goals are well defined and are on track; also it indicates that your family life is full of satisfactions. Dream of building a house means that the promises will be carried out shortly.

If we dream of a factory in full operation, it ensures that our work will be profitable. If we dream of it being idle, it indicates that our job opportunities are in danger.

If it is full, it indicates security in the management of your business.

…(See Pitcher and Breast.) Dreaming of milk predicts to a man, the love of a lady. If a newly married lady dream; that he has a full breast of milk, it is a sign that she will be happily delighted of a fine child; to an old woman, it portends much money. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 45, 10….

…The flying-dream is, I believe, more common to people with the psychic faculty and artistic temperament than to others. I have sounded many artists and writers on the subject, and they tell me that they often dream they are flying, but seldom, if ever, with wings. I know the sensation well, for I frequently experience it in dreamland. Maybe, as I am walking along a road, I suddenly feel I can fly. I give a jump, and the next moment am moving through the air, a yard or so from the ground, with both feet close together. It is a most enjoyable sensation, and I am so entranced that I keep saying to myself: “It is real this time. I am not dreaming. I can fly at last.” I sometimes fancy I am in a room full of people, who naturally express the greatest incredulity when I tell them…

…To dream of ripe, fine looking melons, is an excellent omen, as it foretells good health, good luck, and much happiness. A watermelon full of black seeds denotes so much money to be paid to you. If a married woman dreams this, it promises her many children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46….

…To see a mouse-trap in dreams, signifies your need to be careful of character, as wary persons have designs upon you. To see it full of mice, you will likely fall into the hands of enemies. To set a trap, you will artfully devise means to overcome your opponents. See Mice….

If it is full, it announces a next rest. If it is empty, it augurs a disgrace.

…Dreaming of flour, denotes a frugal but happy life. For a young woman Dreaming that she sees flour on herself, denotes that she will be ruled by her husband, and that her life will be full of pleasant cares. Dreaming of dealing in flour, denotes hazardous speculations….

…To dream of a bird’s nest means safety, protection and comfort. It can also symbolize new possibilities and opportunities in your real life. Dreaming of a nest full of broken or rotted eggs symbolizes disappointment and failure….

…To see a cupboard in your dream, is significant of pleasure and comfort, or penury and distress, according as the cupboard is clean and full of shining ware, or empty and dirty. See Safe….

The basket that is full of goods foretells about goodness in your life. The fuller the basket, the more goodness you will receive. The empty one is an omen of loses you might experience.

…To dream about a clear water pond bodes well. To dream about a pond that its water is murky and still, it suggests that what you desire is hampered and will remain so for some time. To dream about a pond full of dirty water, and worse if it’s muddy, it suggests that your business will worsen, and that you have more enemies than friends. If the water escapes from the pond, you’ll notice that someone is abusing your trust. If you’re negotiating something at that time, then it may indicate that you are being robbed. To dream about an empty pond symbolizes failures or material and friend losses, which will produce you grief and anguish. To dream about a half-empty pond with a muddy bottom indicates that your affairs may be experiencing dirty and dangerous complications. To dream about dirty and muddy water is always a bad omen,…

…(See Oysters and Clams) To dream you find an empty shell is a sign you will meet with losses in business, but if, in your dream, you imagine the shell to be full, it foretells you will be successful in all your undertakings. If you dream you are opening any kind of shell fish for others to eat it foreshadows that you will have plenty of funds. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 53….

…(Pestilence) In a dream, a plague means itch, scabies, sycosis, or mange. To be inflicted with any type of such plagues in a dream means suffering from the same in wakefulness. If one sees a city struck with a plague in a dream, it means that he will witness the wrath of God Almighty befalling it. A plague in a dream also represents one’s grave, religious innovation, a journey that will take a full year, or a penalty imposed by the ruler. If one sees himself in a city which is struck by a plague in a dream, it means war. (Also see Epidemic disease)…