…To dream that you see a person that is going to be beheaded, or if you see one beheaded, it is an excellent sign; in love you will be successful; An prison you will be released; and any trouble you have will soon vanish; it is also a sign you will soon meet a long absent friend who will be glad to see you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 74, 19, 10….

When you see a hallway in a dream, then such dream indicates the beginning of some journey you took while trying to find out who you are. The hallway is the symbol of the transition from one stage of your life to another one. Perhaps you are going to have magnificent changes in your waking life which will make you totally different person then you are now. The hallway is also the symbol of life and death and the way we have to get through while moving from one phase to another one.

Dreaming about doorbell is a subconscious creation to get attention from your conscious mind. Maybe there is something that you have overlooked. You need to open your eyes widely, if you want to see an opportunity. Try it and you will realize that a lucky chance is open to you. Alternatively, in the dream to hear or to ring a door bell is an indication of your curious nature, it indicates that you are seeking for new experiences. To dream that someone else is ringing doorbell, can be induced by external stimuli. Often we dream things that are actually going right now. Maybe someone has ringed your doorbell while you were asleep.

…(Affiliation | Alliance | Business association) In a dream, business partnership means happiness, or it could mean exaggeration in one’s devotion toward God Almighty, or it could mean going to extremes to attain business success and prosperity in the world. If a poor person sees himself involved in a business partnership with a rich person in a dream, it means that he will become wealthy. If he is hoping for an inheritance, then seeing this dream means that it will come through, and that he will find abusiness partner. If one sees himself in a business partnership with a known person in a dream, it means that they deal justly and equitably with one another. If one’s partner in the dream is an unknown old person, then he represents his grandfather and such a year will be a prosperous business year for him. If one’s partner in the dream…

…dry leaves like what happens in winter, indicates that your business or businesses are not prosperous and they won’t be in some time. Dreaming of being under the shade of a beautiful tree indicates that you’re extensively protected (by God) that won’t disappoint you, because it will eventually lead to success, even if it takes some time. Dreaming of being stuck in a tree is very good sign and such dream means that you’re achieving self-improvement and self-fulfillment, both material and spiritual. Dreaming of a tree with ripe fruit and some of them already being on the ground, where you can pick and eat them, suggests that you’ll receive significant benefits, including economic, business, and even in the lottery, etc. Dreaming of an isolated tree with small and green fruit indicates that your business and affairs are not going well. If you take one of these fruits in the dream,…

…The flying according to some dream interpreters foretells about our will to escape the reality, because there is a necessity for freedom. The flying could also show that we tend to think better about ourselves then the others, because we are above them while flying. The flying could also indicate our sexual wishes where we wish to reach the top of the pleasure. If you are flying really high where you see the earth and able to see the galaxy, it may show that you are not in touch with those around you. You feel very distant and have no idea what is going around you. If you have wings and flying like a bird, then it means you are incapable to agree that you are only human and limitations you’ve got since you were born. You are still in some kind of childish thinking, where you wish to…

…or stand in the way of completing his project. Writing with the left hand in a dream means indulging in loathsome actions, going astray, or perhaps having a son who is born from adultery, or it could mean that one may become a poet. Signing a deed, a check or a legal contract in a dream means failing to fulfill an agreement. If one sees someone he knows drafting a contract between them in a dream, it means that the other person will defraud him, mislead him in a business deal and drive him astray. If one finds himself illiterate and incapable of writing in a dream, it means that he is depressed, though God Almighty will show him a way out of his difficulties. If an illiterate person sees himself trying to learn how to write and read in a dream, it means that he will benefit from something…

To dream that you bathe in clear water, is a sign that you will enjoy good health; if muddy, the death of relatives or friends. To see a bath, anger; to take a warm bath denotes happiness; if you take one either too hot or too cold, domestic troubles. If you undress, without going into the water, you may expect trouble, but it will soon pass away; a sea bath is a sign of honour, and increase of fortune.

If you wore garment made of silk, then such dream promises you rich and prosperous life you are going to have. It is also the sign of luxury, clarity and purity, therefore the one who wears a silk, has all of the great features.

…friends could also show how you wish to integrate the features of these people into yourself. If you see the friend from your past or childhood, then such dream shows that you have missed this certain person or you wish to be less responsible in your waking life and live carelessly. Perhaps you wish to become the child again and live the life without any responsibilities and duties. There is also a possibility that you are acting very childish in some situation, therefore you dream about the friend from your childhood. Perhaps the dream suggests you to become more serious about your behavior. If you are dreaming about the death of your friend, then such dream shows the features in your personality that is going away. The dream shows that you are no longer the same person you used to be. Time goes by and you are changing either….

Dreaming about a camel with one hump is fortunate omen and means unpredicted achievements. Furthermore, to see a dromedary in dream indicates your hard working nature. This quality of yours is going to reward you with unexpected riches and increase your reputation. Alternatively, to dream about dromedary represents your caregiving personality. You are a generous person. You are always ready to lend a helping hand.

When the dreamer makes something brew, then such dream shows the endurance, stamina and tough work that will bring great results. Consider to keep going and makes sure you get rid of all of the obstacles while achieving the target.

If you see that you have got freckles on your face while dreaming, then such dream foretells about happiness, joyful time you are going to have.

Dreaming that you climb on something (a ladder or a rope) signifies that you aim to overcome a big fight or have already overcome some aspects of your life. It also means that your goals are achievable. Going down a cliff means you should consider your subconscious mind. You may experience difficulties when seeking to enter in your deepest feelings. Perhaps you feel depressed or exhausted.

…The tool way in dreams signifies going from one phase to another in your waking life. The dream can indicate the facts that already happened, the ones that happening at this time of your life or some situations that are waiting for you in the future. If you paid for the tool way in your dream it means that you will have to give something in order to receive something in your waking life. The dream shows that you always have to pay for what you get. If you are stuck on the line to the tool way in your dream, it means that you are unable to act now because of the barriers that were given to you. If you see yourself being on the tool way, but somehow took the wrong direction, it shows that you are either very smart for taking this action or silly, because…

…As internal stimuli, it can show illness in your psyche. As external stimuli, loud sound of dripping can represent actual drip of a leaking tap. If dripping was fast – the disturbance is going bigger or moving quickly towards you. As superstition, if drops in the dream have bad smell – expect something seriously unfortunate. To interpret colourful dream about soaking, please look into the meanings of particular color. If water was clean, then your dream represents losing spiritual enlightenment. If water was black or muddy, this symbol may refer to your health issues. Alternatively, if you sick right now, then such dream about slowly dripping or leaking black, dirty water, in specific circumstances, can represent healing process. Dreaming about dripping blood, means that something or someone is sucking out of you a lot of vital parts from your life: vitality and spirituality or money. If in the dream you…

Very often people who have a physical need to go to toilet during their sleep dream about the toilet, because they simply want it. The toilet could also be interpreted as the place you get rid of the negativities in your waking life. The toilet is the symbol of your patience that is going away. You are no longer able to cope with some things, but only if the toilet is overflowing. If you are unable to flush the toilet in your dream, this means that you are trying very hard to finish some part of your life, but the circumstances doesn’t let you to do it. If you dropped something in the toilet and it drowned, it means that due to your silliness you will lose important things or people in your life.

Clear and calm river is usually a lucky omen for every dreamer. Troubled river indicates personal problems. The dreamer should take the warning signs and do not indulge with his parents or employer, and pay no attention to threats that are used against him. To dream of a clear river entering into your apartment, indicates a visit from a person of distinction who will treat you liberally and to your advantage. If dreaming of the contrary, the water is troubled and soils the furniture, then dream means violence, quarrels and destruction on the part of evil to your house. The water that is going out of your chamber symbolizes outrages and danger to life and limb. To walk on the river means elevation.

Perhaps you sense that you’re going to have to carry someone else’s mistake and you are feeling overwhelmed, and there’s fear of being hurt by it.

The dream, in which you break something denotes to the various diversities that are about to happen in your life. Probably you are trying to take the different path of your life. On the other hand, the dream may suggest you to keep things going not so fast.

…the dream, the greater your chances of success will be. To dream that you fall down while you’re trying to climb suggests setbacks and failures, the higher you fall, the more severe will those setbacks and failures be. To dream that you’re going down a slope suggests that if you don’t pay much attention to your business, it will worsen each day. To dream that you’re fleeing from danger through a slope suggests that the risks that you’re facing may be postponed and perhaps they’ll even disappear. To dream that you’re exhausted and feel like you’re choking because of the effort that you’ve done to climb a slope suggests that you’re accepting more work and responsibilities than the necessary or appropriate. Dreaming about a broken non-mechanical ladder indicates that you have no chance to succeed in what you are planning. To dream that you’re walking under a ladder indicates that…

To dream that you took the third place in some kind of competition, means that you are doing great and the results of your hard work already showing up. If you felt very unhappy, because you won the third place and not the second or first one, then such dream means that you are the person who like to be leader and first in whatever you do. The one who is happy because of accomplishing third place is the person that is happy for any achievement he does. Keep going that way, because you will succeed in your life later on because of your positive attitude towards the life.

To dream of the hummingbird means that you feel very relaxed at this time of your life. Sometimes hummingbird could indicate the laziness of the dreamer. Otherwise, the dream shows that even though you do not work too hard, the things are going according to plan.

Dreaming about drama can be interpreted as the reflection of your current state of being pessimistic and unrealistic. To dream that you are writing a drama represents that you’re going into questionable situation. This situation may invoke financial losses. Because of this, you may quickly find yourself flooded with stress. To see or to watch a drama in your dream symbolizes forgotten connections. Maybe you will be reunited with old friends.

…(Fire worshipper | Magi | Magus | Mazdaism | Sorcerer) Seeing an old man worshipping fire in a dream means facing a person who cares little about obliterating his enemy. Seeing oneself worshiping fire in a dream means apostasy, committing adultery, theft, murder, making a false oath, polytheism, or being an unjust person. Turning away from worshipping fire to embrace Judaism or Christianity in a dream means experiencing major changes in one’s life. Worshipping fire in a dream means desiring worldly pleasures. Worship- ping the fire in a dream also means desiring to work for the ruler or a king, or it could mean going astray. If the fire one is worshipping is not lit in the dream, it means that he is seeking unlawful earnings….

If you dream of seeing yourself going crazy, then such dream indicates the lost control and management of your life. Perhaps the emotions took the leadership, therefore you cannot think clearly. The dream could also show the certain situation you have no power to control or tired of trying to solve it. The dream, in which you feel crazy, could indicate the personality of yours that is very unique and different from others.

…To dream that you’re Insulting or outraging someone suggests that your affairs or businesses are going from bad to worse. To dream that you’re being insulted or outraged announces that soon you’ll experience bad times and some unpleasant surprises. When a woman dreams that she’s being insulted or outraged, it suggests that someone who does not sympathize with her will cause her a shameful situation….

To dream about a running generator or motor symbolizes a power and a success generating activity, but if you dream that the device is broken or disarmed, it suggests that your issues are going the same way, and it also suggests disorders and loss.

…Improper saddling of an animal for a ride in a dream means imposition upon oneself or others, or it could mean unnecessary and inadequate going out of one’s way….

Fire represents aggression, renewal and changes. When you see your house that is burning, it shows the help you will be asked for. The fire that burn you signifies misfortune. If you escape the fire and have no burns, you will avoid the misfortune. The fire is also a symbolism of new things that are going to happen to you. The fire that is not big foretells about some idea you’ve just got and should start realizing it soon. The fire in the fireplace foretells about coziness and security in your environment.

…waking life which you’ve lost. Perhaps you are unable to manage it anymore. The dream, in which you’ve lost the keys could also symbolize some unwanted changes in your waking life. If you gave your keys away to someone else, then such dream shows the lack of responsibilities. You do not want to be in charge of some things. If you found the keys in a dream, then it shows some pleasant unexpected news. The dream could also indicate the solution you’ve found for some problem to be solved. If the keys which you see in the dream are broken, then it denotes to broken relationships and friendships. Perhaps something has torn apart even if you do not want it. If you hear keys rattling, then such dream indicates your right path you’ve chosen in your waking life. The dream shows that you are going on the right direction….

When you dream of seeing an auger, it means that you will be working hard and will struggle in some aspects. This dream indicates that you keep going and working whatever the circumstances are.