…In a dream, gold is a disliked element which cause damages, anxiety and losses. Wearing a golden bracelet in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Wearing a golden ornament in a dream means marriage to an incompatible person. Any wedding gift one receives from such a person means trouble. Receiving a golden bar in a dream means losing money or business. If one sees himself melting a bar of gold in a dream, it means that he will be persecuted for committing a loathsome act and he will become the talk of the town. Seeing broken chips of gold or a whole coin of gold in a dream means meeting with the ruler of the country or with the governor of town. Minting gold in a dream represents evil, death or destruction. Seeing one’s house turning gold in a dream means that a fire will consume his house. If…

…The one of many common beings have been detected in the adventures of the dreams always is the serpent. Dreaming about gold and snake is tangled because these mystical characters of the dreams are able to indicate two explanations: negative and positive. In order to apprehend meaning of the golden snake in a dream, it is important to reason about your own individual knowledge and emotion about gold snake and how it is seen in your cultural customs. For example, when you like to keep the snakes as the domestic pets, on this occasion this dream will have contrary interpretation for you than anyone who feels intense dislike for snakes and is frightened by them. The snake as a symbol of the Spirit World is very powerful in cultures, that being so your cultural knowledge should be very necessary component in how your snake dream is deciphered. Mostly, if…

Gold symbolizes everything superior, light, knowledge, wealth, perfection and irradiation. Also, gold indicates the permanent and unchanging value of the goods and the supreme spiritual enlightenment. To dream we seek gold by digging in the ground tells us that our desires will not become reality. If we look for gold in the sands of a river it is that we are not sure of the goodness of our feelings. To dream that we manufacture gold indicates that in life we are wasting time in false utopias and ambitions instead of using it for useful things. Spend or lose gold announces that we will be cheated or robbed of our goods. The gold is a good omen if we find it, especially if it is in the form of a treasure.

…If you handle gold in your dream, you will be unusually successful in all enterprises. For a woman Dreaming that she receives presents of gold, either money or ornaments, she will marry a wealthy but mercenary man. To find gold, indicates that your superior abilities will place you easily ahead in the race for honors and wealth. If you lose gold, you will miss the grandest opportunity of your life through negligence. Dreaming of finding a gold vein, denotes that some uneasy honor will be thrust upon you. If you dream that you contemplate working a gold mine, you will endeavor to usurp the rights of others, and should beware of domestic scandals….

Dreaming of being in a mine or somewhere else and working with gold could mean that there is an ambition for something that doesn’t belong to the dreamer, which will cause serious problems. Dreaming of handling gold, even if it’s not yours, suggests that the dreamer is on the right path to achieve success in certain activities. Dreaming of losing gold, especially in the form of coins could mean that, by the dreamer’s own fault, he or she is at risk of significant losses. Dreaming of finding gold of any kind suggests big chances of success in whatever is desired. When a woman dreams of receiving gifts of gold, it suggests that in reality she desires to get married to a rich man, regardless of background or reputation.

(Jeweler) In a dream, a goldsmith represents celebrations, joy, happiness or perhaps mixing truth with falsehood. A goldsmith in a dream also could represent falsehood, lies, cheating, forging, defrauding, or he could represent a poet, knowledge, guidance or children. A goldsmith in a dream also represents an evil person, for he molds words from fire and in smoke. If one is seen heating gold or silver in a dream, it means lies and deception. If one is seen placing gems on a ring in a dream, it means that he will bring unity between people and deal with a subject matter that begins with evil and ends in goodness, (Also see Gold | Jeweler)

The gold represents the qualities in life you feel are important to you. If you lost the gold in a dream, then such dream foretells about the things that have significant meaning and you are no longer able to have them. You’ve lost something very important to you. The dream about the gold could tell you that you shouldn’t make the first impression on the way people look and what they wear, because you never know how nice they are. The dishes or jewelry that is made of gold signifies the rich life for those who dream about it, but only if you are very careful otherwise you will lose your goods.

Make gold, loss of time. Handle it in some way, excitement and enthusiasm. To find it, prosperity. Sell it, bitter sorrow. To amass gold and silver, deceptions and loss. Hide them, spite and rigor. False gold, false riches and false friends.

The golden coins in dreams are the reflection of valuable things in your waking life such as money, jewelry or real estate. Sometimes the golden coins indicate the features such as your mental goodness, financial situation or emotional state. The golden coins can also be a reflection of the investments you have made in your waking life and are seen in the form of coins.

If you dream about the goldfish, then such dream symbolizes rich life and successful future. Alternatively, the golden fish may indicate some hidden talents, especially if the fish is in the bowl.

…(See Metals also Money.) To dream of receiving gold, is a very good omen: it denotes success in your present undertakings, after experiencing some little difficulties. If you pay gold, it betokens increase of friends and business. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 7….

When you dream of watching the game of golf, then such dream symbolizes exciting discoveries. If you are playing the golf in the dream, then it shows your ability to control things in life. Alternatively, the dream may indicate the laziness you are suffering from.

To be playing golf or watching the game, denotes that pleasant and successive wishing will be indulged in by you. To see any unpleasantness connected with golf, you will be humiliated by some thoughtless person.

…(Arrogance | Deception | Defeat | Death | Giant | Mocking | Slingshot) Goliath’s head in a dream represents a perfidious man who entices people to engage in treachery, deception and falsehood. If one sees himself nicknamed as Goliath’s head in a dream, it means that he will be accused of treachery, deceiving others or defaming them, though he maybe innocent of such allega- tions….

If you see the gold in a dream, then such dream represents something special you have found in yourself. This could be something you never knew about yourself such as special talent or new unknown abilities. If you are burying the gold in a dream, then such dream shows the qualities you try to hide from the others.

Play golf, labor and trouble to indicate wealth. Disputes over golf contests will bring injuries.

If you see golden leaves in a dream, then such dream promises rich and happy future you have ahead.

To dream that you see something being in gold color signifies the fact that you like luxurious lifestyle. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of yellow.

To dream of gold will bring luck, is a sign always plain.

The goldfinch indicates the happiness and joy the one is sharing with those he is surrounded by. Please see the meaning of colors.

Dreaming of gold leaves, signifies a flattering future is before you.

…Dreaming of goldfish, is a prognostic of many successful and pleasant adventures. For a young woman, this dream is indicative of a wealthy union with a pleasing man. If the fish are sick or dead, heavy disappointments will fall upon her….

Gold is the sign of ambition and avarice.

…In a dream, a golf bag represents the keeper of one’s secrets, or it could represent one’s mistress. If any of its contents are exposed, or if they peak from its opening end in the dream, it means divulging one’s secrets. A gulf bag in a dream also represents the carrier who turns against his employer or betrays him….

Seeing a golden calf in a dream means pursuing the path of greed, or disobedience or celebrating falsehood.

Finding gold is signal of wealth, fortune in business and a good presage. Buying it or selling it means confidence and security.

Misfortune. 24.

Denotes wealth.

(See Marriage)

(See Oriole)

Important affairs. 12.

(See Ball)

Good luck. 7.

Sign of falsehood and hypocrisy in your circle of friends.

To dream of these beautiful fish is a sign of good fortune generally: if you dream of catching a large one, it foretells that you will soon get a large sum of money: any kind of a dream, about these fish is lucky. 20, 6….

…For a Muslim, a crown in a dream represents the Holy Qur’an, knowledge, prosperity or marriage to a wealthy woman. Wearing a crown in a dream means begetting a son, moving into a new city or forcing an enemy to retreat. If a woman sees herself wearing a crown in a dream, it means marriage to a noble and a high ranking person. If she is married and pregnant, it means she will beget a son. If a prisoner sees himself wearing a crown in a dream, it means that he will be released from jail and regain his dignity. Wearing a crown studded or inlaid with gems in a dream is better than wearing a plain golden crown. Wearing a golden crown in a dream is also a bad omen. If a widow sees herself wearing a crown studded with gems in a dream, it means marriage to…

…In a dream, a ring represents peace, tranquility, authority, a wife, a child, or a job, the reward of which will equal the value and size of the gemstone which is placed on it. If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he sees himself wearing a golden ring in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a son. The king’s ring in a dream represents his kingdom. Cutting off a tight ring with a pair of pliers in a dream means the end to one’s authority. Any incrustations on one’s ring in a dream represent his goals. If the gemstone of one’s ring falls in a dream, it may mean the death of his child, or the loss of his business. A broken ring in a dream means divorce. Wearing a ring made of iron in a dream means that one will receive benefits though with…

Gain, considerable bettering of -one’s circumstances….

Inconsistency with friends, vexation; trouble.

Being faithfully loved and getting soon married. 223.