To dream you see a ring on the finger of anyone, shows damage. To dream of plain gold rings, a wedding.

A door knocker in a dream represents the door attendant, the an- nouncer, a messenger, a warning guard, a security system or a guard dog. If the knocker is made of gold or silver in the dream, it represents honor and prosperity of the people of such a house. If one sees two door knockers at his door in a dream, it means a debt he owes to two people. If one pulls out the door knocker, and if it brakes in his hand in the dream, it means that he follows a path of innovation. (Also see Club)

To dream of large rings put in prison you shall be, small finger-rings denotes grandeur you will see. To lose a ring is sickness, to receive one strife. Gold rings bring great honour, silver rings a quiet life.

…(Animal’s heart, liver, lung and windpipe.) In a dream, animal’s pluck represent savings from solid gold bullions, or they could represent woman’s jewelry….

…target in a dream, it means that he will reach his goal, or if he wishes to have a child, it means that he will bear a son. An arrow in a dream also represents a messenger, profits, a son, longevity or new clothing. If the arrows are made from reeds in one’s dream, they mean falsehood and prattle. If they have arrowheads in the dream, then they represent a talkative person who if he hits his target, it means that he does what he says. If the arrowhead breaks in the dream, it means that he speaks only to protect himself from others’ arrows. If the arrow is made from gold in the dream, it means that he is sending a message to a woman because of another woman. The arrowhead in a dream represents strength, power or disturbance. The arrows themselves in a dream also mean the fear…

…To dream a golden crown is placed upon your head foretells that success and great honour await you; if the crown is silver, you will enjoy good health; if crowned with green leaves friends and fortune will forsake you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 52, 6, 13….

…age of puberty having a beard in a dream, it means the child’s death. If the child’s beard is just starting to grow in the dream, it means that he will grow to lead and command people. If one’s beard is shallow and if it makes him look fatuous in a dream, it means payment of one’s debts or easing of his trouble or dispelling of his distress. If one’s beard looks childish or completely immature in the dream, it means losing people’s respect. If the color of one’s beard is gold in the dream, it means that he will lose some respect and perhaps half of his wealth. Seeing one-half of one’s beard shaved in a dream means poverty. If an unknown young person shaves one’s beard in a dream, it means loss of dignity and injury caused by one’s enemy or competitor or someone who carries the same…

(bot.) In a dream, a narcissus flower represents a woman. A garland of narcissus in a dream represents a short lived marriage. If an unmarried woman sees herself carrying a coronet of narcissus in a dream, it means a short lived marriage that will end either in divorce or in the death of her husband. Blooming narcissus in a dream represents a son. A bouquet of narcissus in a dream means the death of a son. Seeing the narcissus flower in a dream also means happiness, money, gold, or silver. The narcissus flower in a dream also signifies longevity or gray hair. (Also see Distilled water)

(Casting metals | Glass | Gold | Mixing ores) In a dream, a founder represents a spendthrift, someone who cannot keep a secret, one who does not keep a promise, a minter, one who separates good from evil, a just judge who distinguishes between good and evil, an assiduous craftsman or a dream interpreter who distinguishes between true dreams and confused ones, a seer, a launderer or a garment bleacher. A founder in a dream also represents a person about whom people speak negatively, or a person who is appointed to lead a high ranking function.

…To dream of quinces, is an excellent omen: if you imagine you are gathering quinces from trees full of fine-looking, yellow ones, it predicts that you will get just so much yellow gold, which will be a fortune. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 6….

…Dreaming of eating pears, denotes poor success and debilitating health. To admire the golden fruit upon graceful trees, denotes that fortune will wear a more promising aspect than formerly. Dreaming of gathering them, denotes pleasant surprises will follow quickly upon disappointment. To preserve them, denotes that you will take reverses philosophically. Baking them, denotes insipid love and friendships….

It symbolizes overcoming and triumph. A crown of flowers indicates pleasure. A Crown of oranges represents blossom, engagement. Laurel, triumph. Vine leaf, popularity or sensual pleasure. Ivy crown means secure friendship. Gold crown will bring dignity. Crown made of oak is a sign of love for a country. Olive crown symbolizes sweetness of character. Thorns means suffering.

…Colors in dreams have the same symbolism and meaning than the one that is known in real life, and you should interpret them like that when you dream of clothes. Dreaming of hanging clean clothes on a clothes line, may mean that when it comes to intimate relationships, you are considered as a person that is responsible for his actions and that is not afraid of criticism. It also means prosperity, especially when the pieces of clothing are golden or yellow. Dreaming of hanging dirty pieces of clothing or handling those, means that you have fear of something bad happening, or at least being criticized for the things you have done; if it is dirty lingerie that you’re hanging, the meaning worsens. Dreaming of dirty and torn clothes means sadness, bad news, etc. When a woman dreams of holding her own clean clothes suggests that her immediate future is…

…To dream of having any yellow article presented to you, is a sign you will get gold: if a girl dreams that her lover gives her yellow flowers, it foretells that she will marry rich. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 60, 41….

…To dream of finding an empty purse, shadows forth disappointment; if the purse has plenty of money in it, your luck will be excellent — the more money, the better fortune: if it has in it large gold pieces, or large bills, you will become rich either by marriage or inheritance. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 78….

…Dreaming of being in a bank without tellers is a sign that your own businesses are not going well. Dreaming of a closed bank is a symbol of diseases, particularly in the nervous system; it also indicates that you have been neglecting your health, being careless with money, and in some cases loss of money or problems to recover it. Simply dreaming of being a spectator in a bank is a recommendation to take precautions about the business you make. It also indicates that there isn’t a complete control of your health or anxiety. Dreaming of being in a bank when employees are delivering gold coins is a symbol of carelessness; however, if they are getting them, it’s a sign of success in business. Dreaming of being in a bank where large amounts of silver coins are visible indicates that, in the immediate future you’ll be successful in your…

…In a dream, a calf represents a newborn son. A broiled calf meat in a dream means appeasement of one’s fears or glad tidings of a firstborn son, or it could mean distress, trouble and disobedience. If a woman sees a calf adorned with golden ornaments and jewelry in her dream, it means happiness, joy and celebrations. On the other hand, an adorned calf in a dream also could mean temptations and corruption. Eating calf meat in a dream means money gained from a man or a woman. If one sees himself carrying a calf into his house in a dream, it means distress, sorrow and dismay….

…neutralize half of the enemy’s power. Discovering a snake skin which is made from gold in a dream means that one will discover a hidden treasure. If a snake swallows someone in a dream, it means that he will reach a powerful position. If one sees a snake sitting over his head in a dream, it means that he will earn the respect of people in authority. A field which is covered with snakes in a dream represents a destructive rain. A snake with a horn in a dream represents a profitable business. Black snakes and pythons in a dream represent army generals. Water snakes in a dream represent money. If one sees his garden covered with snakes in a dream, it means that its trees will bear fruits and exceed the normal crop. A snake coming out of its hole in a dream represents a son. A snake leaving…

To have golden rings on your fingers, symbolizes dignity, honor, and power. To receive one as a gift, security. To give one away, loss. To lose one means profit.

…(Air blower | Blacksmith) If a bellows is made from wood in one’s dream, it means loss of dignity, demotion or loss of property. Owning a bellows in a dream means acquiring vast control and sovereignty if one qualifies for that. Otherwise, a bellows in a dream means benefits and blessings. Seeing a bellows blowing fire in a dream means completing a project, satisfying a need, reaching one’s goal or earning money. If the bellows are not in use, or if they are not blowing air into the fire, then they signify distress, adversities and trouble. Seeing bellows that are used by a goldsmith or a silversmith in a dream means sincerity in one’s faith, certitude and devoting one’s life to worshipping God Almighty. Seeing bellows that are used in blowing glass in a dream signify deceit and cunningness. Bellows in a dream also represent a woman who conceive…

…(See Gift) To dream of receiving a present, is usually sign of disappointment; but if a married woman dreams that she is presented with fruit, it shows that she will soon become pregnant: if a girl imagines she is presented by her lover with gold jewellery, it predicts that he covets the possession of her person rather than her heart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64, 21….

…Dreaming of gold, denotes great prosperity and much pleasure derived from sight-seeing and ocean voyages. Silver coin is unlucky Dreaming about. Dissensions will arise in the most orderly families. For a maiden Dreaming that her lover gives her a silver coin, signifies she will be jilted by him. Copper coins, denotes despair and physical burdens. Nickel coins, imply that work of the lowest nature will devolve upon you. If silver coins are your ideal of money, and they are bright and clean, or seen distinctly in your possession, the dream will be a propitious one….

…(Crown | Headgear | Tiara) In a dream, one’s turban represents his family tree, his paternal uncle, or his paternal aunt. In a dream, one’s turban also represents his crown, strength, integrity, state, or wife. If one’s turban is taken away from him in a dream, it means that he may lose his job, divorce his wife, or lose his wealth. The same interpretation is given for one who sees himself wearing a golden turban in a dream. If a prophet of God Almighty, or a ruler crowns someone with a turban in a dream, it means that he will receive an important appointment, or that he may marry a pious woman. Putting on a turban in a dream means increase in one’s strength, expansion of one’s control, growth in one’s business, or it could mean becoming wealthy. If the turban is made of wool in the dream, it…

…(Buttonhole | Fastener | Man) A button in a dream represents protection, guarding one’s honor, a just contract, money, or profits particularly if the button is made of silver or gold. A button and a buttonhole in a dream also represents a man and a woman. If an unwed person sees himself buttoning a shirt in a dream, it means that he will get married, or that he will play an important role in uniting two people, or to bring peace between two partners, or that he will revive an old and a forsaken project. Tying one’s buttons in a dream means getting married, or going through difficult financial circumstances. Wearing a buttoned shirt in a dream means experiencing tight circumstances, or reuniting with a traveller returning home, or marriage of an unmarried person. (Also see Clothing)…

…instrument for justice and judgment. His measuring pennies are his fights with people. A money exchanger in a dream also represents a religious doctor or a scholar who takes religious questions and interprets their definitions. He also could be a dream interpreter who measures everything he takes in and gives an appropriate answer. He takes a pearl necklace for a price and gives words in return, or he takes scattered words and gives a beautiful pearl necklace in exchange. If one who is experiencing difficulties in wakefulness changes some money in a dream, it means that his difficulties will diminish. If one buys gold coins and gives silver money in exchange in a dream, it means reparation, financial obligations or liability. Seeing a money exchanger in a dream also represents wealth, or quick richness from suspicious sources, or he could represent an accountant, a bookkeeper, or a ledger keeper….

When you receive a love-letter avowing a passion for you, lay it full open, then fold it into nine, fix it near or next your heart, wear it thus till you are going to bed, put it in the glove belonging to your left hand, and then them both under your head. If your dreams are of costly gems, such as diamonds, gold, etc., rest assured that your lover is true to you, and you may rely upon his promises and professions of love for you.

…(Ring | Bond | Door knocker) In a dream, a link represents the religion of Islam. Holding to the like of a chain in a dream means steadfastness in one’s religion. In general, a door knocker in a dream represents the door attendant, an announcer, a messenger, a warning post, or a guard dog. If the knocker is made of gold or silver in the dream, it means honor and prosperity of the people of the house. If one pulls off the door knocker, and if it brakes in the dream, it means that he follows a path of innovation….

…heart desires in both spiritual and material gains, and he will triumph over his enemy. Prostrating oneself in a dream also means repenting from sin, feeling regret, salvation, escaping from danger, or receiving pardon. Prostrating during a war in a dream means humiliation before one’s enemy, a fight, business losses, or it could mean standing helpless before closed doors. Prostrating oneself before God Almighty on top of a mountain in a dream means vanquishing a strong enemy, while prostrating on top of a hill means submission to a strong man. Prostration in a dream also means faith in God Almighty, joining the company of God’s messenger upon whom be peace, in paradise, longevity and improving one’s spiritual life. If one sees a piece of gold prostrating to a piece of silver in a dream, it means that a nobler person will submit to a lowly one. (Also see Prayers*)…

…to accomplish his goals. A rich person in that case may get sick, or it could mean longevity. Walking on three feet in a dream means either that one will grow to be old, or that through an ailment, he will not die until he uses a cane to help him walk. If a ruler or a judge sees himself having many legs in a dream, it means that he has many helpers. If one’s feet turn into iron in a dream, it means longevity and prosperity. If they turn into glass in a dream, it means that he will live a short life and suffer a debilitating illness. If they turn gold in the dream, it means that he will use them to seek a lost property or a desired wealth. If they turn silver in the dream, it means that he is a philanderer and he will live…

…(King | The Fourth heaven | Planet) In a dream, the sun represents a great king, the vice-regent, a father, a prince, a commander, gold, or a beautiful woman. If one sees himself turned into a sun in a dream, it means that he may receive a dominion that will stretch as far as the radiance one sees in his dream. If one sees himself holding the sun in a dream, it means that he will gain strength and wealth that will come about through someone in the government. If one receives the sun hanging as a necklace in a dream, it means that he will win a seat in the senate. If he goes near the sun or sits inside it in a dream, it means that he will acquire power, wealth and support. Should he qualify, the stretch of his power will extend between the two horizons…

…a business trip and reaping good benefits from one’s venture. A quince tree in a dream represents a prudent, discrete and a firm man from whom no one can benefit, or it could represent a vile person. A green quince in a dream is better than a yellow one. A quince in a dream also represents a beautiful and a noble woman. Many interpreters disliked the quince fruit because of its yellowish color, and they mostly qualify it to mean sickness because of the constipation it causes if eaten raw. However, its yellowish color also can be interpreted as the color of gold. Seeing or eating a quince in a dream also means travelling with good companions, though some of them may be of no benefit. However, in general a quince or a quince tree in a dream can still be interpreted in a positive sense under all circumstances….

A rainbow is a traditional sign of peace, love, and blessings coming from heaven, therefore it is good sign of health and prosperity for adults and the elderly. One of the many old legends relating to the rainbows says that the place in which the rainbow ends is found a lot of joy, the fountain of youth and great treasures with plenty of gold. All of this is usually symbolic in dreams. For many people, since the ancient times, the rainbow has been a symbol of peace and alliance of heaven and earth. Dreaming of a rainbow with all its colors is a sign of happiness that usually comes from success from the affairs that you’re managing. This dream between lovers announces marriage.

To dream of gold guineas is a good omen; it denotes success in your present undertakings, after experiencing difficulties.

Silver, gold, or very rich wife. 166.

…(Capture | Fingernails | Strength | Victory) Fingernails in a dream represent victory over one’s enemy. Having long fingernails for someone who needs them for his or her work in a dream means prosperity. Long fingernails in a dream also mean a trend that opposes what is common and practical. Long fingernails in a dream also mean strength, power and protection from one’s enemy. Long fingernails in a dream also denote shame. Losing one’s fingernails to a sickness in a dream means losing one’s wealth, or reaching a dead end. Clipping one’s fingernails in a dream means following the common norms, lending money, or collecting gold jewelry. White fingernails in a dream mean understanding, vigilance, or memorizing things. Fighting someone with nails in a dream represents a cunning person. Long and beautiful fingernails in a dream mean money, or business. If the length of one’s fingernails reaches near breaking…

…Breaking plates dream means that you will make some unexpected expenses, economic loss. Plate with food means wealth, opulence and wellness. Plates of gold or silver, presage disappointing or fights….

…If a person sees his hands tattooed with henna in a dream, it means that he cheats to earn his livelihood, or that he tricks others to get what he needs. Consequently, he will be exposed and his enemy will rejoice at his misfortune. If a woman sees her hands tattooed in a dream, it means that she will trick someone to repossess her rightfully owned jewelry. If the tattoo is made with gold in the dream, it means performing an old but a polite trick. If the tattoo is done with mud in the dream, it means praising God Almighty. If a woman sees the lines of her tattoo mixing together, or as though the dye has started to run in the dream, it means difficulties with her children. If a man sees his feet dyed and tattooed in a dream, it means that he will be tried…

…If anyone dream that he sees the moon shine, it shows that his wife loves him extremely well; it also implies the getting of silver; for, as the sun represents gold, so the moon doth silver. Dreaming you see the moon darkened, denotes the death or sickness of your wife, mother, sister, or daughter; loss of money, or danger in a voyage or journey, especially if it be by water; or else it denotes a distemper in the brain or eyes. To dream you see the moon darkened, and grow clear and bright again, implies gain to the woman that dreams, and to the man joy and prosperity; but to dream that you see the moon clear, and afterwards cloudy, presages the contrary. To dream you see the moon in the form of a full white face, implies to the virgin speedy marriage; to the married woman, that she…

To dream of losing money denotes losses in business. To find money, if gold, or large bank bills, is a good omen, and signifies success in all your undertakings; but to dream you find small silver or copper coin foretells a discovery made too late to be of any benefit to you. To dream you are melting or see money melted or bank bills burned, presages disappointment in some cherished design. To dream you throw money away foretells chagrin and want. To dream you change money foretells inconstancy in a lover or sweetheart. To dream you have money given or paid to you, implies success in love affairs, and much domestic happiness. To dream of counterfeit money is a bad omen, and foretells quarrels, sickness, and secret enemies; it also presages domestic unhappiness. To dream of money in bags or boxes, also denotes misfortune of some kind.

…In a dream, musk represents a private charity, pregnancy, a profitable business, a valuable property, a farm, fruit trees, olive trees, or advanced knowledge. When associated with a deceased person, musk in a dream may mean that he is in paradise. If musk is burned as incense in a dream, it means innovation, loss of money and respect, putting things in the wrong place, or serving a strong person for a fee. In a dream, musk also represents one’s beloved, his servant, his son or a beautiful woman. If a thief sees himself carrying musk in a dream, it means that he will cease robbing people, for a sweet fragrance points to its carrier and exposes what he hides. Musk in a dream also means money, gold, comfort, glad tidings, good news, or innocence. The same inter- pretation is given to carnation, clove, nutmeg and other dark seeds, all…