…(Arrogance | Deception | Defeat | Death | Giant | Mocking | Slingshot) Goliath’s head in a dream represents a perfidious man who entices people to engage in treachery, deception and falsehood. If one sees himself nicknamed as Goliath’s head in a dream, it means that he will be accused of treachery, deceiving others or defaming them, though he maybe innocent of such allega- tions….
Dream dictionary: goliath’s head dream meanings
…Pounding one’s head, or smiting one’s forehead, or shaking one’s head in a dream means begetting a son at an advanced age….
…Shacking one’s head in a dream means begetting a son at an old age….
Overcoming misfortunes.
Being slandered.
Falseness and deceit from others.
Advantage, profit.
…(Blow | Pound | Shake | slap) In a dream, pounding one’s head, or smiting one’s face means begetting a son at an old age….
…Receiving a rose from a young man in a dream means receiving a promise that will not hold too. Seeing a crown of roses over one’s head in a dream means getting married. Roses on a tray in a dream signify the pleasure of youth that does not last, or they could denote the temporary joy of this world. Roses in a dream also signify praiseworthiness, or enjoying a good reputation. Rose oil or attar which is made from the petals of damask roses in a dream means intelligence, clarity of mind, a friendly and a gentle person. If a sick person sees himself laying on a bed of flowers in a dream, it means that he might die within forty days, because forty days represent the life span of a rose blossom. Cutting off a rosebush in a dream means distress. Harvesting roses in a dream means joy….