Usually the gardens are the symbols of great joy and happiness. If the garden is not created by human, but made by nature, then it shows that you will struggle at some situations, however if the garden is beautiful, the universe will help you solving the situation. The garden that is full of flowers signifies joy and happiness in love affairs if the flowers are fresh. The garden that is filled with vegetables represents fertility, financial luck in your deals. The garden that is old and messy with no beauty in it, signifies the losses the dreamer will suffer and the unhappiness he will face.

…Dreaming of salmon, denotes that much good luck and pleasant duties will employ your time. For a young woman to eat salmon in a dream, foretells that she will marry a cheerful man, with means to keep her comfortable….

Dream of the stars symbolizes the high ideals, growth, success and luck. It also means your desire to be famous and have fortune. Dream of starfish suggests a healing period and responsible decisions.

Luck, riches, unexpected meeting with long absent friends. 48.

To be in wood yard, happy change of fortune; it you own one, good luck and abundance.

If presented to you, and you settle it, good luck, if you cannot pay, it signifies that you will be slandered.

As in real life, a clover in dreams is a symbol of luck and is always auspicious. Usually clovers represent prospects for happiness and success, as long as the clover is in good condition. It is a sign that your aspirations will be confirmed.

…(See Thick.) If a housewife dreams of making round cakes, it predicts that her husband will have a good store of luck and will make her a present. To dream of eating cakes, is also favourable dream. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 18, 78….

Of silk, poor circumstances; of linen or cotton, doubtful luck.

…To dream of a calf, is a sign of good luck. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14, 7….

It is considered a symbol of the Trinity and therefore is always a beneficial symbol. If it is a four-leaf clover, then it symbolizes a good luck.

Luck, joy fullness.

Returning luck.

(Getting lost) If a man of knowledge sees himself lost in a dream, it means that he will benefit people with his knowledge, that his teachings will spread widely and that he will be remembered for a long time after he dies. Getting lost in a dream also means bad luck. If one loses a garment or a house in a dream, it means extra expenses, repairs, or taxes he will pay for his property. If one is stripped of his entire wardrobe in a dream, it means that he will avoid an evil and a costly incident. (Also see Wandering)

Luck, sudden marriage.

To escape from a danger means luck. The kind of danger we escape from will indicate that which we will run away from in reality.

Joy, health, happiness and contentedness, luck in marriage, success in every undertaking.

Dreaming of yourself on a terrace looking around suggests vanity, pride and a desire for greatness. Maybe it’s a superiority complex. This same dream tends to announce bad news. If someone who’s in love dreams that he/she says goodbye to a loved one in the middle of a storm, it implies that soon there’ll be trouble, fights, and reproaches that will only lead to a final separation. Dreaming of an old and destructed terrace is a sign that the time of good luck is passing through, and that you only have hard work ahead of you in order to avoid complications.

Luck, good fortune.

Dreaming of receiving a gift indicates upcoming success in the dreamer’s affairs, business, in sentimental aspects and family relationships. Dreaming of sending a gift suggests that soon the dreamer will have bad luck in relationships or business. When a woman dreams of receiving a luxurious gift from her lover, it means that she wishes to formalize her relationships and marry a rich man.

To dream about an imaginary being resembling a small man of unpleasant appearance, usually evil or mischievous, means affective luck and sentimental success.

Poverty and bad luck.

…or it could mean miracles. Seeing Jesus upon whom be peace in a dream also means glad tidings, for he was the last of God’s prophets who gave the glad tidings and spoke of God’s Messenger Muhammad, upon whom be peace, as the praiseworthy comforter. (Poclete | Proclytos. See John 14-15/18, 25/26, 29/30) Seeing Jesus upon whom be peace in a dream also means answering one’s prayers, or wrath against people from the upper social class, or against those who challenged him to bring down a table of food from the heavens then had doubt about God’s power again. Seeing him in a dream also represents bounty, good luck, or having good friends. If a child sees Jesus in a dream, it could mean that he will grow up as an orphan, or be reared by his mother and live as a scholar and a righteous person, or he may…

…Dreaming that you find treasures, denotes that you will be greatly aided in your pursuit of fortune by some unexpected generosity. If you lose treasures, bad luck in business and the inconstancy of friends is foretold….

To dream of lemons denotes the dreamer will have good luck.

General ill-luck. 75.

Receive a letter in a dream means you have very pleasant news related to your work or personal life. Writing a letter means you will have good luck and prosperity in your business.

Dreaming that you receive it means good news about your work or your personal life. Writing it means good luck and a prosperous business.

In our dreams the tunic is the symbol of personality. To give meaning to a dream with tunics, we have to consider the context. A tunic by itself is a symbol of seriousness in business and all matters related to economy. Dreaming about ghosts with a white tunic and a happy attitude, or at least a nice one, announces upcoming success, which may include benefits and earnings. Sometimes this can be a symbol of luck that could be tested in gambling, but moderately.

When you see yourself walking in the desert, then such dream indicates the deprivation and bad luck. Perhaps you are experiencing the loneliness and feelings of helplessness.

Brimstone shows bad luck and a wretched condition. Glittering things are sure signs of ruin and perdition.

…If you dream of wantonly killing any animal, or insect, it predicts bad luck and poverty; but if the killing be done by accident, it shows that, though you may have a misfortune in consequence, it will not materially affect your interest. For butchers or farmers to dream of killing fat and healthy animals for food, is a sign of thrift and abundance; but if they dream of killing a hog that does not squeal, it shadows forth a death in the family. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 41….

…(‘Uthman bin ‘Affan, God be pleased with him. The third of the four righteous califs) Seeing him in a dream means celebrating knowledge, being a godly person, friendship and love for others, lowering one’s wings before God Almighty and to the believers among His creation, and he represents a trust- worthy leadership. Seeing ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan in a dream also could mean facing the aggression of one’s enemy and losing to them by winning martyrdom. It also means having a great luck, prosperity, kinship with noble people, or being a pious and a religious person. One who sees ‘Uthman, God be pleased with him, in a dream will become a scholar. If one sees him doing business in a dream, it means that one is seeking worldly profits, though he likes to adorn himself with a religious garb and titles but lacks true piety. If one sees him besieged…

Denotes luck, health, riches. 80.

Moral and affective loneliness. Bad luck in your activities.

If you are paying wages to somebody, it means that you will have to pay for the favour that has been done to you. If you receive the wage it means that good luck is on your way. You will have a great life. If you lost your wage or didn’t receive the amount you supposed to receive, then it means that people around you are not honest with you.

…Dreaming of seeing new petticoats, denotes that pride in your belongings will make you an object of raillery among your acquaintances. To see them soiled or torn, portends that your reputation will be in great danger. If a young woman dream that she wears silken, or clean, petticoats, it denotes that she will have a doting, but manly husband. If she suddenly perceives that she has left off her petticoat in dressing, it portends much ill luck and disappointment. To see her petticoat falling from its place while she is at some gathering, or while walking, she will have trouble in retaining her lover, and other disappointments may follow….

If you dream you were chased by a bull and run away from him, it is a sign that someone will offer you a present, or propose to benefit you in some way, and that you will either decline, or from some action of your own will not receive the present or the benefit. If you do not run away from the bull, but stand your ground and dodge him, you will then have a piece of good luck of some kind.

…If you see a hyena in your dreams, you will meet much disappointment and much ill luck in your undertakings, and your companions will be very uncongenial. If lovers have this dream, they will often be involved in quarrels. If one attacks you, your reputation will be set upon by busybodies….

…Dreaming that you cultivate raisins indicates growth and luck. You should consider some situations and aspects, break off your old habits to refresh and develop your life. Dreaming that you’re eating raisins means that you’re discouraged by negative forces and few comments, when they seem about to be realized….