To drink sauce indicates happiness at home.

…To dream of an empty one is a sign you will soon leave home; a keg of small fish, or oysters, denotes the receipt of money; keg of spirits of any kind, promises poverty; a keg of powder foretells misfortune; a keg of paint predicts compliments to be paid you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14….

…beside the coffin. Dreaming of a coffin covered with flowers, especially if they are white, inside an illuminated temple, suggests that soon there will be a wedding in the family, but that marriage will fail. Dreaming of lying inside of a coffin, without knowing anything else indicates long life for the dreamer. Dreaming of a coffin moving by itself suggests a serious illness in the family or in the marriage if the dreamer happens to be married. In case you are about to marry, this dream can announce impediments for the wedding. Dreaming of using a coffin as a seat inside the carriage that transports it to the cemetery, it announces major disorders and disease for a relative or friend. Dreaming of watching how a coffin is put into a carriage is announcement of serious problems at home, as well as frequent fights in the marriage or in relationships….

Relief at home, money earnings.

Small problems and difficulties. Trouble at home.

…down, swirled round and round her face, though never near enough to touch her, and whilst they were still swirling, she awoke. A day or two afterwards, her favourite sister was drowned in Lake Lucerne. A Major Roper: writing to me some time ago from India, said: Here is an experience that may be useful to you in compiling your work on dreams. I have twice dreamed of bats, and on each occasion the dream has been followed by a calamity. In the first instance, I thought I was sitting in my bedroom in my old home in Bedford (I am an old B.G.S. boy), when six bats, one after the other, flew in at the window, and, after whizzing round the room, vanished in the marvellous fashion that seems so natural in a dream. The next day I had a cablegram from England to say my brother was drowned…

…certain she owed her downfall to the sinister influence of a dream.”I was in a shop in Oxford Street at the time,” she said, ” and beyond being rather fond of flirtations and dress, as most girls are, I had never done any serious wrong. One night, however, I dreamed I was at a ball and my partner was a bear. He danced divinely and I fell in love with him. He very politely asked permission to see me home, and, on arriving outside the shop, suddenly kissed me; and, with the moisture of his nasty wet mouth still on my lips, I awoke. Well, try how I would I could not banish that dream from my mind. I saw the bear always, no matter whether I was at work or taking my recreation, my thoughts were always of him; and the result was — I became thoroughly demoralised. I…

Peace and good emotional relationships at home.

…Dreaming that you can’t find your abode, you will completely lose faith in the integrity of others. If you have no abode in your dreams, you will be unfortunate in your affairs, and lose by speculation. To change your abode, signifies hurried tidings and that hasty journeys will be made by you. For a young woman Dreaming that she has left her abode, is significant of slander and falsehoods being perpetrated against her. See Home….

…Dreaming that we walk on a carpet indicates, according to many interpretations, that we’ll get to live comfortably thanks to our work. But if the carpet is not in the home, or is misplaced, it may be telling us that the means of achieving that welfare is not conventional or perhaps represent the risk of falling into illegal activities….

…(Fury | Indignation | Rage) Leaving one’s home angry in a dream means entering a prison. If one gets angry for material gains in a dream, it means that he has disdain and contempt toward God’s religion. However, should he get angry in his dream to defend God’s rights, then it means gaining strength and power. Becoming angry for someone else’s sake in a dream signifies a corrupt contract, a tainted agreement, a marriage consent with a hidden intent of a divorce to follow, fighting for unlawful earnings, or it could mean accumulating money from usury. In a dream, usury and anger mean falsehood in wakefulness. (See Foam | Frothing at the mouth | Sneezing | Suppressing one’s anger)…

Dreaming of strong drinks and worse if the dreamer drinks them, is a warning that time is being lost as well as opportunities and friendships due to bad behavior. Dreaming of being in a monastery or convent indicates that the dreamer is not comfortable in the environment in which he or she operates, whether at home, employment, business, or with the people who are around. When a woman dreams of being in a convent, it’s a warning that she needs to change her character and life or she’ll be ill or in a depressed state.

…Dreaming of a fiddle, foretells harmony in the home and many joyful occasions abroad. See Violin….

…Dreaming of pilgrims, denotes that you will go on an extended journey, leaving home and its dearest objects in the mistaken idea that it must be thus for their good. Dreaming that you are a pilgrim, portends struggles with poverty and unsympathetic companions. For a young woman Dreaming that a pilgrim approaches her, she will fall an easy dupe to deceit. If he leaves her, she will awaken to her weakness of character and strive to strengthen independent thought….

…Water in language of dreams is very significant, it symbolizes life, feelings and the inner life of people. When the water is clear and clean, it announces such a long and happy life as our feelings. Mineral water symbolizes convalescence, health improvement. Holy water means physical and spiritual health. If the water is dirty or stuck, it usually presages disgrace and misfortunes of moral character. If water comes bitter, shady or yellowish, it predicts disease. Tainted means living with anger in your body. Reek, it means misappropriated goods. Stuck, it means loss of freedom. Blackish, it means unhappy marriage. Receiving water in a container indicates health. Receiving water without drinking it and store it indicates greed. If we bring water to another home and receive money, we are actually selling our honesty and purity. If we bring it without charge, it shows mercy and religiosity. Rainwater presages an abundant…

…To dream about nails on hands and feet, of your own or others, means too much work and effort compared to the reward that was obtained. The dream shows that there is an intimate discontent. To dream about defective and painful nails suggests that there will be health affections or failures in many subjects. To dream about nails being pulled means danger of serious illness that can even lead to death if precautions are not taken. Dreaming about white nails, of your own or others, suggests that there will be various problems soon, both at home and in business. To dream about getting your nails done suggests that you will start business and deals apparently honorable, but these may be unproductive. To dream about cutting your own nails means that you will have high interest rates debts and also will have certain drawbacks in the family environment, but if…

…If you dream of being annoyed at home by your relations, it is a sign that you will be the subject of much scandal: if, on the contrary, you imagine that your relatives visit you and give you great pleasure by their society, it foretells that you are talked about a good deal, but always with respect and veneration. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70….

…Dreaming of packing your clothes in a trunk hints that you will soon make a pleasant trip. Dreaming of a broken trunk with its content all scattered around indicates lack of order in one’s life or a forced trip that will cause discomfort. Dreaming of an empty trunk means unnecessary troubles at home. Dreaming of someone else’s trunk announces traveling mainly for business or studies, but having bad luck. Dreaming of trying to force a trunk to open implies that you want wealth, regardless of the means you have to use to achieve it. If a young woman dreams of this, it means she wants a rich husband….

Dreaming about wandering, whether in the countryside or in the city, indicates a state of depression, annoyance, sadness and perhaps nostalgia for past times which were better than the current ones. This dream in a young female suggests she seeks to establish her own home. Dreaming of wandering usually is a sign for poverty. Several wanderers in a dream is an unpleasant announcement for people who will be visiting you. Protecting wanderers suggests vanity and useless exhibitionism.

…Dreaming that your husband is leaving you, and you do not understand why, there will be bitterness between you, but an unexpected reconciliation will ensue. If he mistreats and upbraids you for unfaithfulness, you will hold his regard and confidence, but other worries will ensue and you are warned to be more discreet in receiving attention from men. If you see him dead, disappointment and sorrow will envelop you. To see him pale and careworn, sickness will tax you heavily, as some of the family will linger in bed for a time. To see him gay and handsome, your home will be filled with happiness and bright prospects will be yours. If he is sick, you will be mistreated by him and he will be unfaithful. Dreaming that he is in love with another woman, he will soon tire of his present surroundings and seek pleasure elsewhere. To be…

You are trying to overcome difficulties in your home environment, but also feel overwhelmed by household chores.

…it means that God Almighty will save him from his sorrows and strengthen him in this life. If one sees a ruler beheading his subjects in a dream, it means that he will issue a decree of amnesty for all prisoners. If one is beheaded as a result of a judgment or by robbers in a dream, it means that either one of his parents or a child of his may die shortly. If a condemned person on death row sees himself beheaded in a dream, it means that he will be released from prison and his judgment will be rectified. If an investor or a money exchanger sees that, then it means loss of his capital investment. If a traveler is beheaded in a dream, it represents his safe return home. If rivals see that in a dream, it means loss of their fight. (Also see Cutting off)…

…or social disputes. To dream that it’s raining and the clouds are very dark is a warning that in the near future you’re at risk of experiencing misunderstandings and mishaps in your affairs. Dreaming about a stormy rain is always a bad omen; it predicts foreshadowing problems in business, and fraternal and social relationships, etc. To dream that you hear the rain as it hits the roof of your house suggests happiness and well being at home and a future economic improvement. If you crave rain when you’re awake, and then fall asleep and dream that it is raining and you’re not getting wet, it suggests that the you have a potential fortune and will soon receive a substantial and unexpected income, otherwise the dreamer lacks true love. When a woman dreams that rain has got her wet and that it also stained her clothing, it indicates that she is…

Dreaming that you are hungry, is an unfortunate omen. You will not find comfort and satisfaction in your home, and to lovers it means an unhappy marriage.

Every dream of abdication is equivalent to recognize that we are exerting excessive authoritarianism on those who depend on us, whether at home or at work. The consequence that we need to take from this dream is to reduce this excessive dominance and give greater freedom to others, otherwise we will lose everything.

…suggests that you have hidden enemies and this can be dangerous, but at the same time it suggests that you can overcome those enemies thanks to your audacity and intelligence. To dream that you’re threatening someone with a club symbolizes that your affairs are going the wrong way and you want to solve your problems violently, and that will only worsen everything. To dream that you’re boarding a vehicle and are carrying a club in your hand suggests that in your next journeys you must take precautions because you’ll be at risk of experiencing discomfort and even losses. Dreaming about one or more mallets or clubs suggests that your family, friends or close people, most likely as a result of your poor economic or health condition, will humiliate you. It also suggests that you’re experiencing various disorders and problems at home, to which you haven’t found a favorable solution….

…Dreaming of making sausage, denotes that you will be successful in many undertakings. To eat them, you will have a humble, but pleasant home….

…If you dream that you’re crying, it suggests transitory joys that will eventually turn into sadness as a result of bad business decisions and problems at home. To dream that a friend or family member is crying suggests that soon someone will ask for your help. To see many people crying in your dream is a warning that a great misfortune will occur and it can somehow affect you. To dream that a few people are crying and wiping their tears suggests that the sufferings of the people that surround you somehow affect you, but this will soon pass….

…Dreaming that you use a hand-saw, indicates an energetic and busy time, and cheerful home life. To see big saws in machinery, foretells that you will superintend a big enterprise, and the same will yield fair returns. For a woman, this dream denotes that she will be esteemed, and her counsels will be heeded. Dreaming of rusty or broken saws, denotes failure and accidents. To lose a saw, you will engage in affairs which will culminate in disaster. To hear the buzz of a saw, indicates thrift and prosperity. To find a rusty saw, denotes that you will probably restore your fortune. To carry a saw on your back, foretells that you will carry large, but profitable, responsibilities….

Dream of seeing or hearing the rain symbolizes forgiveness and tolerance. The rain means purification of feelings and desire to reach your highest form, goodness. Rain or storm indicates a clean life and the clearance of difficult situations. Dream of being wet from rain symbolizes fertility and renewal of your strengths and vitality. Dream of watching the rain from a window indicates that ideas and spiritual insights will bring you knowledge. It may also symbolize fortune and love. Hearing the rain hit the roof means that spiritual ideas and blessings are coming to you. On the other hand, it indicates you will receive much joy in your home life.

Dreaming of sawdust, signifies that grievous mistakes will cause you distress and quarreling in your home.

…about books always suggests intense work. To dream that you’re studying a book insinuates that soon you’ll be greatly satisfied and will eventually receive money. When an author dreams that his work is about to be printed, it suggests that he/she will review the book before delivering it, because the author is doubtful as to whether his book will be accepted by the reading public or not. To dream that, with great effort, you’re studying a book, to then be able to answer questions and difficult problems, suggests that eventually you’ll be compensated with honors and awards. To dream that old, mistreated and neglected books surround you, suggests that you’re surrounded by lies and evil. However, if the books are in good condition and well placed, it indicates that the dreamer will have a long and peaceful life. To dream of children studying with books suggests happiness at home….

…Dreaming of using blotting paper, signifies you will be deceived into the betrayal of secrets which will seriously involve a friend. To see worn blotting paper, denotes continued disagreements in the home or among friends….

…Dreaming of a penitentiary, denotes you will have engagements which will, unfortunately, result in your loss. To be an inmate of one, foretells discontent in the home and failing business. To escape from one, you will overcome difficult obstacles….

To hear harmonious and soothing music in your dream is a good omen of prosperity, pleasure and expression of your emotions in a positive way. Music heals the soul. Hearing discordant music during your dream suggests unhappiness and problems at home.

…Frying meat or eggs or fish, etcetera in a dream means separation or turning away from someone or something. It also means satisfying one’s needs, attaining one’s goal or identifying it. Frying in a dream represents the skill of cultivating one’s personal entitlements, or it could mean the home returning of a long awaited traveller or the release of a prisoner. Frying something with sugar in a dream represents a profitable business partnership. (Also see Deep frying)…

When the dreamer is seeing yokes in his dreams, then it is usually a sign of happy marriage and an abundance of health and wellbeing at home, as long as the spouses stay faithful to one another and help each other out.

…To dream of traveling by railroad, foretells to people who keep house that they will break up their establishment: to young persons it indicates the loss of their home: to lovers it is a sign that if they marry they will not keep house long, if at all. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 11, 33….

…Dreaming of hearing hymns sung, denotes contentment in the home and average prospects in business affairs. See Singing….

…(Car racing | Competition | Contest | Horse race | Pigeon racing) Racing on foot in a dream means activities, actions, accomplishments, workout, amuse- ment, playfulness, idling, a vacation, or travelling without a purpose. If a sick person sees himself racing in a dream, it means his death. If a poor person sees himself racing in a dream, it means financial gains. If a traveller sees himself racing in a dream, it means returning to his home. Horse racing in a dream means indulging in what is forbidden, arrogance, self-deceit, or guaranteeing the success of what has no prospect of succeeding. Horse racing in a dream also could mean engaging in a dangerous adventure that could lead to one’s death, corruption and divisiveness. Pigeon racing in a dream means sodomy. Car racing in a dream means exceeding the boundaries of safety, or crossing into the boundaries of danger….