…If a young woman dreams that she is leaving her home or her family, or her job or business, then it symbolizes that she is in uncomfortable environment in which she lives, and wishes for a change. it also suggests to pay attention to various problems, including love life. to dream yourselves being abandoned indicates that there will be difficulties in planning a successful future, due to certain mistrust of others. When others dreamed of being abandoned, then it means that they are facing difficult conditions and limitations that needs an overcome. When you dreamed that you are leaving home, then it indicates that family or money problems will come on your way. You will suffer losses and disappointments due to involvement of bad people. When you dreamed of leaving your girlfriend, boyfriend or lover, then it indicates that you will face losses such as your friendships, relationships or…

The pigeon in dreams is the symbol of your safe place such as home. Many of people who dream of pigeon are about to return home after some vacation or simply visiting their childhood house. The dream about pigeon could also indicate some person you are waiting to meet in some time. This person should be someone who is very dear to you or you know him/her for a very long time.

…Dreaming of seeing a lantern going before you in the darkness, signifies unexpected affluence. If the lantern is suddenly lost to view, then your success will take an unfavorable turn. To carry a lantern in your dreams, denotes that your benevolence will win you many friends. If it goes out, you fail to gain the prominence you wish. If you stumble and break it, you will seek to aid others, and in so doing lose your own station, or be disappointed in some undertaking. To clean a lantern, signifies great possibilities are open to you. To lose a lantern, means business depression, and disquiet in the home. If you buy a lantern, it signifies fortunate deals. For a young woman Dreaming that she lights her lover’s lantern, foretells for her a worthy man, and a comfortable home. If she blows it out, by her own imprudence she will lose…

…If you dream that you see images, you will have poor success in business or love. To set up an image in your home, portends that you will be weak minded and easily led astray. Women should be careful of their reputation after a dream of this kind. If the images are ugly, you will have trouble in your home….

…Dreaming that you engage in a fight, denotes that you will have unpleasant encounters with your business opponents, and law suits threaten you. To see fighting, denotes that you are squandering your time and money. For women, this dream is a warning against slander and gossip. For a young woman to see her lover fighting, is a sign of his unworthiness. Dreaming that you are defeated in a fight, signifies that you will lose your right to property. To whip your assailant, denotes that you will, by courage and perseverance, win honor and wealth in spite of opposition. Dreaming that you see two men fighting with pistols, denotes many worries and perplexities, while no real loss is involved in the dream, yet but small profit is predicted and some unpleasantness is denoted. Dreaming that you are on your way home and negroes attack you with razors, you will be…

Superstitious people may dream of seeing this arch-enemy of mankind. If so, it foretells that they will go away from home to be absent some time. It also shows that they will be very fortunate in life. To a young girl it is a sign that she will either be well married or leave home, or leave for some other reason.

Joy at home, pleasure of being at home. Emotional intimacy.

(Home coming) The arrival home of a traveller in a dream signifies relief after sustaining depression and distress, or it could mean recovering from an illness, or regaining a stronghold. If one finds himself depressed and annoyed with the arrival of the traveller in the dream, then his dream may signify having to ask for something from someone, or needing others, or confronting the unavoidable.

Seeing tiles in good condition in your dream means that you’re protected against the hazards of daily life. It’s usually a sign that we’ll use our advantages to provide greater comfort to our home and that we’ll achieve happiness in our family. The dream acquires an opposite meaning if the tiles seem broken or damaged, and it depends on the seriousness of their condition. Generally, a roof symbolizes protection for your possessions and wealth, as well as safety for your family, and home relief.

…To dream about many large containers filled with milk suggests an upcoming good run and/or good business, beneficial partnerships, etc. But if the containers have little milk, and worse if they are empty, it indicates the opposite. To dream that you’re loading a container with milk suggests that you work serving others and you aren’t comfortable with it because you aspire something better. To dream that you’re drinking milk is a favorable dream as it announces abundance for your home, leisure, good businesses and positive social relationships. To dream that you negotiate with milk suggests that soon your business will improve. To dream that you throw away milk warns that you’re wasting opportunities. To dream about decomposed milk announces that serious problems are coming. To dream that you’re trying to drink milk but can’t do so is a warning that you’re at risk of experiencing a material or friend…

…orchard that’s infested with worms indicates problems and tribulations of all kinds. To dream that you’re caught inside an orchard indicates love or business jealousy, and selfishness of your rivals. It also suggests that there is or there will be problems at home and in your marriage. To dream that you contemplate a barren orchard, i.e., without fruit and with very little foliage, it suggests that the opportunities to obtain what you desire are becoming scarce. To dream that in midwinter the orchard is covered with foliage and greenery suggests that you’ll stop thinking about your future due to the pleasures and fun that you’re actually experiencing, and that will be a very difficult to resolve situation. To dream that high winds lash against plants and trees that are inside an orchard suggests that you’ll have an unpleasant visit or that you’ll be given an undesirable task to accomplish….

…When a woman dreams that her husband beats her, it suggests that her family relationship will be affected by bad faith, intrigues, and slander. When a man dreams about his wife in her normal behavior, it indicates that he understands what life is about, what gives him peace and tranquility. To dream that you have the kindest and understandable wife suggests that you will soon have benefits in your job or business. If a man dreams that he’s arguing bitterly with his wife, it symbolizes misunderstandings at home, within his family or business. To dream that your wife is unfaithful suggests that soon you’ll experience difficulties at home, work or at your business. It is a warning so that you’d be able to avoid such problems on time. To dream that you’re leaving your wife or concubine suggests that you seek to obtain easy money (e.g. buried treasure or…

To dream that you receive some kind of the Oscar, means that you are feeling appreciated by others. You think that people are thankful to you or they respect you for whatever you are doing in your life. The dream in which you are watching the Oscars means that you are adoring some of those people or wish to have the qualities they have. If you watch the Oscars, the dream could also mean that you like chatting with others and being surrounded by the companies. The Oscars also show that you like the attention, especially if you receive one.

…The loneliness that is felt in the dream could be the reflection of your actual life where you feel lonely and misunderstood. You have no one to talk to and think that nobody cares about you. Sometimes the loneliness could mean the opposite, it shows that you are surrounded with big companies and sometimes wish to have some privacy….

Achievements in your companies. Excellent health.

If they work well it augurs excellent conditions to make a success out of our companies. Malfunctioning or broken indicates decline of business and loss of money.

Traveling by railway is harbinger of strength and will. Railway accidents mean of upcoming hazards. Be cautious with your companies.

Eating apples indicates envy, rivalry or jealousy between family members. Dreaming of an apple tree full of fruit is a sign of friendship and numerous companies.

…is full with water, means struggles and overwhelming emotions. Hearing the water run denotes meditation and reflection on your thoughts and emotions. Dreaming rough seas or rough waters means misfortune, anger and many afflictions. Dreaming of calm and crystal clear waters is a sign that you enjoy great peace of mind and your health is in very good condition. If a place where water is scarce appears in the dream means you are going through a difficult and uncertain time. Dreaming of stagnant, muddy and swampy water is a sign of upcoming illness or death. If in the dream you are spilling water, then it is a sign of loss or theft. Dreaming of walking on water is a sign of success in companies you intend to start. It also suggests that you have supreme and ultimate control over your emotions. It may also suggest that you must control your…

People that work in companies or business, that are professionals or technicians who plan to participate in a contest, if they dream that their projects or ideas are approved, it indicates that they have to check all their work carefully, because it is incomplete yet. This dream is like a warning, in the sense that there is still something that is not working properly.

…If they are of our same gender and age, then the stranger dream is a reflection of ourselves. Not as we are, but as we wish we could be. If the stranger is our same age and gender but they are violent that indicates obstacles and fights. If they are of the opposite gender and we are attracted to them that reflects unsatisfied sexual desires. If we don’t feel attraction it indicates that we will meet a person who will give us help and friendship. When the stranger is of an older age, whichever gender, it symbolizes help, along with protection and success in our companies….

Some difficulties while running your companies.

Announces success to your companies.

…Dreaming about grapes is a good sign. Eating grapes in a dream means that soon you will have many responsibilities which you will carry out successfully. Dreaming about grapes hanging from the plant suggests that the expected success will come soon. If you are eating the grapes but you think they can be harmful or poisonous, it means you’re doubtful about any important matter you’re involved, which will prevent or delay success. This fruit is a symbol of joy and lack of inhibition. It is also an omen of fertility and abundance. If grapes are big and juicy, then it indicates success in business and a good moment to start companies which will be useful for you. On the other hand, if grapes are in poor condition, they presage money worries and illness. Raisins mean adversities and emotional problems….

Good omen to continue your activities and have success in your companies.

An extension of your companies. Increase of your resources.

To use them indicates that you will lead your companies with great sagacity. To be observed with binoculars warn us that we are on risk to be bothered by jealous and miserly people.

…Dreaming of a dark wine cellar, warns you that there are many doubts regarding your behavior, like lack of confidence, which is leading you to failures and that can lead you to a disaster. Dreaming about being in a wine cellar indicates that you’re getting involved in business and shameful and dirty practices that will bring you serious problems in the immediate future. If a woman dreams of wine cellar, it means that she should be very careful with the people that confess their love to her, since they might be dishonest. If young or single woman dreams of looking at a clean and well lit cellar filled with bottles and barrels with wine, it indicates that she wants and maybe could get married with someone very rich, someone with many companies, for example. If the dreamer is married, then this symbol implies prosperity, due to his own efforts…

Shooting a fusil means bad companies, complex business and difficulties.

When a table appears in the dream, it’s a sign that we can expect good conditions for the companies we initiate. If, during the dream, the dreamer himself/herself or another person cuts the table, it’s an omen for impediments and obstacles of all kinds. If, in the dream, we find ourselves adding a table to others, it shows that it’s time to partner up if we wish to find success in the business world, as we’d surely associate with people that will bring us benefits.

Full moon, bright and beautiful, means romance, joy and peace at the door. New, young moon means new projects or companies to perform. In a sober night is a sign of misfortune and loss.

To dream of the Christmas when it is actually not the time of the Christmas could mean that you miss your friends and family because it is the time of the year where the families meet and enjoy each other’s companies. Sometimes the Christmas dream could only be related to some situation that happened during this celebration, therefore it is very easy to remember what happened on the Christmas day. Some people who are very religious dream about Christmas very often, because it is the celebration of the Jesus.

It symbolizes problems and difficulties often created by ourselves and our behavior. If we see the pit in time it indicates that we are still able to avoid the looming danger. If we jump over we will be able to overcome all the difficulties. If we fall into it we will fail in our enterprises. If the grave is inscribed and the headstone has our name or our companies that indicates that we should give up the fight and take a new direction, changing our attitude which has so far been wrong.

…dream, means profits earned from deception. Finding oneself inside a hole in a dream means that one may divorce his wife. If one sees himself outside a hole, looking at it in a dream, it means an argument with her which will end in reconciliation. If a sick person sees himself coming out of a hole in a dream, it means recovering from illness or being set free from prison. If one sees himself digging the earth in a dream, it also means muddling in falsehood to earn nothing but wrath. Digging a cavity through a mountain in a dream represents a person who associates himself with a difficult but a beneficial person. Digging a well in a dream also represents a crafty and an artful deceiver. A person digging the ground in a dream also represents a jailer, or veiling abominable actions. (Also see Pickax | Construction worker)…

It symbolizes the sedentary and urban life. Maybe it indicates the desire to integrate, to settle down and go unnoticed. Or it may also reflect that we are related to the world of construction or want to build our own home.

A carpenter in a dream represents a teacher or an educator. Seeing a carpenter in a dream also means curbing off the intentions of hypocrites and obliging them to comply with what is correct. Constructing a canoe in a dream means travels. Building a water-wheel in a dream means profits from real estate, building a mill in a dream means disputes. Fixing a door latch in a dream means marriage or children. Building a plow in a dream means farming. (Also see Construction worker)

(Digging) A pickax in a dream represents strength, resoluteness, or contemplating good deeds. A pickax in a dream also may represent an opportu- nistic person who draws people to himself for selfish interests, interferes in everything, or craves wealth. (Also see Construction worker)

Anointing oneself with perfumed oil or with liniments in a dream means acclamation of praiseworthy deeds. Applying a liniment as a treatment to construction laborers, mail carrier or the like people in a dream means renewal of their strength, and increase in their income. (Also see Amber)

…To dream about stacked pieces of wood suggests nonconformity with your current job, which requires hard work and, according to your opinion, it’s badly remunerated. To dream about construction timber that is on fire due to carelessness and that it causes major losses suggests that the dreamer is living a careless and negligent life. To dream that you’re working with wood symbolizes that is useless to keep hoping for something that you really desire….

…Dreaming of sand for construction or sand coming from wreckages indicates that you’re making futile efforts to achieve something greater than one’s own merits due to a lack of natural ability. If you dream of sand or dirt, mud, or gravel, then the failure will be absolute with dramatic consequences. Dreaming that you wander thru sand, indicates that you will soon make a long journey; if the sand is hot because of the sun, you’ll come back from the trip with poor health….