If you dreaming of abdomen, it means that you suppress your feelings and instincts. The abdomen might also mean that you have physiological problems and experiencing obstruction or diarrhea. The other symbol of seeing abdomen in your dream may mean, that there is something in your life you find hard to admit and can not accept it, and the meaning of it is that you want to get rid of it. If you see your abdomen is vulnerable, it signifies the abusiveness. The dream also can mean of you wanting, but being afraid to express the instincts you always had.
Dream dictionary: grey rabbit meaning dream meanings
If you are vomiting in the dream, then it shows the emotions you want to get rid of. There are certain situations you are no longer able to handle. Sometimes vomiting is dreamed by those who ate too much before their sleep. To get more detailed dream interpretation please see the meaning of being sick.
To dream you are making a casserole, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for new plans, ideas, schemes, or methods or a new phase in your life.
If you dreamed of the television, then such dream indicates the time you spend watching television, especially while relaxing. The dream could also show that the media has a huge influence to you and your thoughts. The news, entertainment and other different programs would give much more of a clue about the meaning of your dream, therefore pay attention of what you were watching.
…Dog-dreams, as may be supposed, are very general. There are probably few people who have not dreamed them. But as there are many kinds of dogs, and each species in dreamland conveys a separate meaning, I can only signal out a few for interpretation.Briefly, then:Boarhounds in dreams presage riding accidents or accidents at sea; bloodhounds, serious reverses; collies, the breaking of friendships through deceit and treachery; dachshunds, unexpected rencontres with friends; greyhounds; illnesses or deaths; foxhounds, tidings from unexpected quarters; mastiffs, danger from fire; Pomeranians, danger from robbers, burglars, and street ruffians; spaniels, the breaking off of engagements, and disappointments in general; terriers, petty successes or quarrels.Among the many dog dreams that have been narrated to me, the following are, perhaps, the most noteworthy. A lady I met some few years ago dreamed she was walking down Bond Street, when a greyhound suddenly leaped from off the roof of…
…To dream you are rich^ or that you have inherited a fortune, is a sign of poverty and bad luck; but if you imagine that someone pays you large sums of money enough to make you rich your dream will be realized so far that you will acquire property. If person dreams that a legacy is paid to him in money, it has an entirely different meaning from a dream that you are enriched from a legacy, but do not see the money. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 15, 3….
…The wake in dreams is interpreted as the celebration the dreamer is having. The wake that is seen in the dream could indicate something in the dreamers life that has come to an end. To get more detailed dream interpretation please also see the meaning of burial, it will give you more information about your dream and its meanings….
If you dream about your Backbone, please see the meaning of the Spine.
The jackal in dreams shows that you feel used by other people. You do not feel appreciated. The people who use you, they do it for their own goodness that is why you think it is not good when they do not respect you. The different meaning could be applied to those who really wants this kind of the dog as their pet, then such dream is only a reflection of your actual dreams.
Scabies in dreams usually have the connotation of a plague and therefore it kind of have similar meaning to measles, smallpox, cholera or the plague itself. It usually isnt a good omen and it generally refers to family, emotional difficulties, clashes, disputes, concerns and anxieties. Dreaming that youre sick always indicates that your affairs are not going well and that they will get worse, and this usually also refers to your health. If you feel itching caused by scabies and not an eternal factor during the dream, means that difficulties and sorrows are approaching because of debts. If the dreamer sees himself with scabies in their own body, then it usually means problems with the way youre living your life, or with members of your family or close friends.
…Dreaming of turkeys suggests that soon there will be good business made. Dreaming of turkeys ready to be sold is announcement of important earnings, but if they look sick, thin, or dead then it indicates the complete opposite. Dreaming of eating turkey in some kind of stew announces an upcoming joyful party. Dreaming of turkeys flying insinuates that the dreamer is on his or her way to ascend to a better economic and social positon. But if the dreamer is shooting the turkeys or trying to kill them, then it indicates unscrupulousness and desire of wealth that may not be easily achieved. Dreaming of a peacock precisely discovers the attitude and behavior of the dreamer, meaning that the dreamer is dominated by vanity and that he or she doesnt think much about work or self-improvement, the dreamer only thinks about luxury, fun, etc., which may be acceptable during his…
Dreaming of being abducted, represents you being commanded by other person in your life. If you dream seeing someone being abducted, it means that there is a possibility to unforeseen news in your life. Nevertheless, do not expect only for good news, as the meaning of the dream represents something unexpected, but not necessarily good, stay cautious and focused.
When you dream of doing backlifts it means that you are willing to do something and put extra effort into it to just to make someone happy. Maybe there is something that people did not notice in what you have done and now you feel underestimated. If you want to know more about your dream, please check the meaning of Cartwheels.
To see a catfish, when you are dreaming, has meaning of duplicity and deceitfulness. Catfish alerts you to be cautious, because of someone who may not appear to be who they are. Their true self may be hidden or not easily perceived and understood.
The grass that is green foretells about the growth of your finances or even luck in love affairs. The grass that is burnt doesnt have a good meaning, you will suffer. If you plant the grass, it means you have new ideas and projects on your mind, but it will give results if you will work hard.
Dreaming of being alone on a dock with boats, insinuates the desire to have a long trip, with probabilities of self-fulfillment. If in the dream the sun comes out bright, the trip thats desired will be productive and enjoyable. But if mist and darkness appear, then this indicates that trouble is coming, and if theres a storm threat then the problems are going to be more serious and difficult to resolve. Dreaming of being on a dock simply observing the sea or the boats means that the dreamer will have to work very hard to achieve success. Dreaming of trying to get to a dock, but without success to reach it, suggests that the dreamers aspirations are difficult to achieve. Also, it has the meaning that the dreamer is too ambitious.
The dreamer that watches cartoon is going through life easily with no stress or responsibilities. Perhaps the dream is telling you to look more seriously at life in general. If you see yourself being in a cartoon world, then it indicates your humorous view at life. The dream may also suggest you to look at things indulgently and how you are acting. To get a better interpretation about your dream, please also see the meaning of Cartoon Character.
(River | Sweet water) Drinking from the Euphrates river in a dream means blessings and grace, for the Euphrates is one of the rivers of paradise. Drinking from the Euphrates river in a dream also means being a pious, content and a religious person. If one sees the Euphrates river dry in a dream, it means the death of the governor, or the loss of a country, or perhaps the meaning could apply to the chief minister, or the personal secretary of the ruler. (Also see River)
Rats and mice are transmitters of anxieties and represent everything that gnaws inside us and worry us. The difference between dreaming with rats or mice is in the severity of its meaning, being higher in rats than in mice.
The color teal represents the air and the water. Please also see the meaning of colors.
If you see the nativity in a dream, then such dream shows the new features you have found in yourself you didnt know you have. The dream also shows the understanding of the real meaning of life where the most important things are the spiritual ones and definitely not the material ones.
The porpoise is a symbol of dirtiness, shame and unpleasant experiences. The dream suggests to keep yourself out of problem. Sometimes the porpoise have a pleasant meaning which brings domestic happiness, great wealth and health.
…Pleasant pursuits, honor and riches Dreaming of studying them. For an author Dreaming of his works going to press, is a dream of caution | he will have much trouble in placing them before the public. Dreaming of spending great study and time in solving some intricate subjects, and the hidden meaning of learned authors, is significant of honors well earned. To see children at their books, denotes harmony and good conduct of the young. Dreaming of old books, is a warning to shun evil in any form….
Doing something, like seeing, eating or any other action, with hot pepper, when you are dreaming, has meaning of passionate characteristics of your personality. Is your temper hot like these peppers? Alternatively, hot red pepper may represent an overheated debate or argument, which is becoming very hot. On the other hand, there can be third explanation, it can be interpreted as symbolism that your relationship must be more spicy. Try to add a little fire and spice into your relationship.
If you are recording something on the video camera, it shows your desire to keep the important memories, no matter if they are pleasant or not. If someone is using the camera to videotape you, you should be careful of the certain person, because they could use the evidence that was taken with that camera. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of camera dream.
To dream that you are recording some kind of video, means that you are very creative person. The dream could also indicate the fact that there is something going on in your waking life that you wish to remember, therefore in dream you are using the video recorder. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of video camera or camera.
When a mythological character appears in our dreams it has the meaning given to it by mythology. To dream Zeus or Jupiter announces fortune in business or employment. Venus predicts a happy love if she is in a good mood, or unhappy love, or even revenge if she is in an angry mood, and so on.
If you dream of necromancer, then such dream indicates the danger you will receive from your enemies. For e better explanation of the dream, please see the meaning of Hypnotist.
…Dreaming of a corset, denotes that you will be perplexed as to the meaning of attentions won by you. If a young woman is vexed over undoing or fastening her corset, she will be strongly inclined to quarrel with her friends under slight provocations….
In our dreams the tunic is the symbol of personality. To give meaning to a dream with tunics, we have to consider the context. A tunic by itself is a symbol of seriousness in business and all matters related to economy. Dreaming about ghosts with a white tunic and a happy attitude, or at least a nice one, announces upcoming success, which may include benefits and earnings. Sometimes this can be a symbol of luck that could be tested in gambling, but moderately.
If you dream of baboon, it means that you should become more open when it comesto your thoughts and feelings. Make sure you tell people what you thinking of and how you are feeling. The other meaning of this dream also explains that maybe you are expressing yourself in an unsuitable way.
The airport in dreams has a significant meaning which shows that you are lurking for some answers.
If you see the junkyard in the dream, it shows that you are dealing with unpleasant circumstances in your life. If you are picking up good stuff from the junk yard, it shows that you are not enjoying your life and trying very hard to find the positivity in all of this mess. Sometimes the junk yard indicates the life you are not happy with, because of the others damage that was made to you. The junk yard could have a positive meaning either, because it shows your ability to find the goodness in the bad things and take what is the best for you.
To dream of dogs, the meaning, in a great measure depends on the sex. To dream that they fawn upon you, your company will be caressed by all. If one bites you, a man or woman, you may fancy your dearest friend will become your inveterate enemy. If a man dreams that a black bitch follows him, he is loved by a sincere, good natured female. If he cannot force the dog away he will be married. A woman to dream of a black dog following her, denotes the same. To dream a dog howls, you will hear of a death if it is playing about, look for prosperity.
To dream that you are using the internet means that you are willing to find some answers to your questions. The internet is also a tool to communicate with people all around the world. If you are sending messages through the internet, then it means that you feel the lack of communication. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of email.
The computer is the symbol of your capability to control your own life. If the computer is easy to use, you are easily going through your life, if you have no idea what is going on while looking at it, you do not know what to do with your life. The computer that is broken has the same meaning. If you work a lot with the computer, it is simply a reflection of your daily job.
The same meaning as salt.
Dreaming about menopause, can have meaning that you are causing difficulty in breathing, especially for the people around you. You need to be less mutually dependent.
…(Magic practice | Medium | Prophecies) If a fortuneteller sees himself gathering white sand in his dream, it means profiting from his trade. A fortuneteller in a dream represents someone who can explain the meaning of things, a man of knowledge, an emissary, a dream interpreter, a treasurer or a supply controller. Seeing a fortuneteller in a dream also signifies stagnation of businesses, a recession and a slump. Coming before a fortuneteller to ask about some understanding in a dream denotes distress, burdens or dismay. If the fortuneteller replies with a truthful answer in the dream, one should accept his answer. If the fortuneteller maintains silence and declines to answer in the dream, it means abolition of one’s intent or dismissal of any benefits. (Also see Astrologer | Divination | Dream interpreter | Seer)…
If we beat other competitors, it promises material benefits and personal success. If our competitor in our race is an animal, it means victory, but we have to see the meaning of the animal to know about what we win. If we see a person is running, then it indicates unknown events. If it is about several people, then it represents disputes and quarrels. If they are armed, it announces insurrections, riots or wars.