…In a dream, hair represents money and longevity. If a rich person ties a strand of hair to a bun of his own in a dream, it means increase of his wealth and growth of his business based on a business loan or a mortgage. If a poor person sees that in a dream, it means that he will borrow money to pay for his debts and still borrow more money to pay for his daily expenses. If one sees his straight hair frizzed or curled in a dream, it means that he will be honored, and if he sees his frizzed hair straight in a dream, it means that he will suffer from humiliation or lose his rank. If one with a straight and lanky hair sees it longer than usual in a dream, it means that money belonging to someone for whom he works will be distributed,…

…(Abdomen | Anus | Aorta | Back | Bones | Brain | Breasts | Buttocks | Chest | Earlock | Ears | Eyes | Eyebrows | Face | Feet | Fingers | Fingernails | Forehead | Hand | Head | Heart | Heels | Intestines | Jugular vein | Kidney | Knee | Legs | Limb | Lip | Livers | Loins | Lungs | Marrow | Mouth | Nails | Navel | Neck | Nerves | Nose | Rear end | Ribs | Penis | Sexual organs | Shoulders | Skin | Spinal column | Spleen | Stomach | Temple | Testicles | Thighs | Throat | Tongue | Umbilicus | Veins) In a dream, the head and the brain represent man’s controller, strength, benefits, longevity, wisdom or power. One’s ears in a dream represent his wife, daughter, sister or aunt. The eyes represent one’s faith, religion or…

…If a woman dreams that she has beautiful hair and combs it, she will be careless in her personal affairs, and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application. For a man Dreaming that he is thinning his hair, foreshadows that he will become poor by his generosity, and suffer illness through mental worry. To see your hair turning gray, foretells death and contagion in the family of some relative or some friend. To see yourself covered with hair, omens indulgence in vices to such an extent as will debar you from the society of refined people. If a woman, she will resolve herself into a world of her own, claiming the right to act for her own pleasure regardless of moral codes If a man dreams that he has black, curling hair, he will deceive people through his pleasing address. He will very likely deceive the women who trust…

…Dreaming that some of your hair turns gray and falls, it indicates troubles and even health problems and diseases. Dreaming that you start getting gray hairs indicates joy, pleasure and even fortune for all of your future life. Dreaming that you see tangled, messy, uncombed hair, it indicates upcoming difficulties in your marriage or with family and friends. Dreaming that your own hair is weakening indicates the death of someone close to you; it can be a relative or a friend. Dreaming that your hair grows soft, nice and rich, announces significant success and happiness, but this shouldn’t be interpreted in a strictly economic sense. Dreaming that you get your hair cut really short, close to the scalp, indicates excessive generosity towards a friendship that can end up badly. Dreaming that someone cuts your hair indicates various problems and difficulties in the immediate future. Dreaming of flowers as if…

…(Color | Expose | Hair | Henna | Hide | Gray hair) Applying henna or a dye to one’s hair or hands in a dream represents a pharmacist, celebrations, glad tidings, tenderness, or it could mean compassion. Dyeing one’s hair in a dream also means veiling or protecting one’s personal life and that of others. To dye the gray hair of one’s beard in a dream means ostentatiousness and adorning one’s merchandise or deeds to make them look better than reality. Dyeing one’s hair in a dream also connotes a display of blessings and favors, or it could mean dictating one’s conditions to his enemy, if the person is in such position. However, if not, it means difficulties, aggravation, distress, debts or dropping off one’s ties with those who love him. Interpreting woman’s dyeing of her hair in a dream is the same as that of a man. To…

…For young people, gray hair in a dream means dignity and it could mean longevity, weakness or poverty. If gray hair grows in one’s beard and head in the dream, it means poverty. Seeing half gray hair mixed with one’s beard in a dream means strength, dignity and honor. If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he sees his hair turned gray in the dream, it means that she will beget a son. If one sees himself plucking out gray hair from his beard in a dream, it means that he respects the elderly people and honor religious scholars. If a woman sees her hair turned gray in a dream, it means the arrival of guests, or it could mean that her husband is having a mistress. If a rich person sees his body covered with gray hair in a dream, it means major business losses, while for a…

…To dream that your hands or your clothing are stained symbolizes a warning that quarrels, anger and misunderstandings will arise among the family, due to inconsequential reasons. To dream that others have their hands stained indicates that you’ll suffer unjustified accusations and insults. To dream that you’re washing your hands suggests that the dreamer wishes to join cheerful and festive groups, but does not know how. When a woman dreams that she is admiring her own hands, it symbolizes that she wants to attract the attention of a man. When a woman dreams that she’s admiring the hands of others, it symbolizes envy and also indicates that she will suffer the jealousy of a man. When a woman dreams that a man is squeezing her hand, it suggests that she is in risk of committing a wrongdoing or something illegal. If a woman dreams that other people are kissing…

…If you see beautiful hands in your dream, you will enjoy great distinction, and rise rapidly in your calling | but ugly and malformed hands point to disappointments and poverty. To see blood on them, denotes estrangement and unjust censure from members of your family. If you have an injured hand, some person will succeed to what you are striving most to obtain. To see a detached hand, indicates a solitary life, that is, people will fail to understand your views and feelings. To burn your hands, you will overreach the bounds of reason in your struggles for wealth and fame, and lose thereby. To see your hands covered with hair, denotes that you will not become a solid and leading factor in your circle. To see your hands enlarged, denotes a quick advancement in your affairs. To see them smaller, the reverse is predicted. To see your hands…

…To see hair in the dream is very fortunate symbol. In general, the dream about hair means sexual virility, seduction, sensuality, vanity, and health. It is indicative of your honourable attitudes. If your hair is knotted or tangled, then it has symbolic significance of uncertainty in a relationship or confusion in your life. Tangled or knotted hair also may indicate the inability to think clearly. Are you in current conditions of your life to think straight? Dreaming that you are cutting your hair, suggest that you are experiencing a loss in sexuality, vitality and strength. You may feel that someone is trying to limit you by blocking some important aspects of your personality. Alternatively, you may be reshaping your thinking or ambitions and eliminating unwanted thoughts. Maybe you also have some bad habit and you want to censor yourself from this behaviour. Dreaming that you are combing, stroking or…

…Dream of having a hand cut off, burned, or withered loss of a most valuable assets. If the dreamer has no important assets, then it foretells about misfortune and incapacity if he wish to continue his ordinary job. If the dreamer is a woman, loss of support from her husband. To have a hand hairy or shaggy, resentment and imprisonment of your own thoughts. To have a diminutive hand, means deliverance, disembarrassment. To wash the hands means toil and inquietude. To look at your own hands, infirmity. Swollen hands, riches and profit to others. Hands more beautiful and stronger than natural conclusion of an important affair, honorable as well as great, the affection of subordinates. Hands or fingers smaller than ordinarily, unfaithful people or abuse of confidence. Hands fresh and white, if the dreamer is rich, friendship and numerous companions, if he is poor, distress and few sympathizers. Have…

It is a symbol of power and strength. If hair in dreams matches our real hair, then such dream is meaningless. If we are with long silky hair indicates that we have good capabilities to succeed. With little hair we will have loss and misfortune. If we are losing hair or it was cut, then it means complete ruin of some situation. If we cut it voluntarily, spiritual elevation. Dreaming we are bald, and we have hair in real life, then it signifies loss of friends. Frizzy hair brings difficulties. Untidy hair indicates embezzlement. Cared hair shows superficiality. Black hair indicates great capacity for love. Blonde hair is an omen of friendship. Brown hair shows your sincerity. Ginger hair symbolizes jealousy. White hair represents dignity and wisdom.

…that one lives from the interest he earns from usury. If the hair of one’s beard is black in the dream, it means prosperity and satisfaction in one’s life. If its color is greenish-black in the dream, it means extended wealth, power and rulership, unless if one is a tyrant, for the color of Pharaoh’s beard was greenish-black. If the color of one’s beard yields to yellow in the dream, it means poverty and illness. If its color is blondish in the dream, it means a scare. If one grabs his own beard in the dream and if its hair falls into his hand, and if he keeps holding to the hair, it means incurring financial losses then recovering them, unless one discards the hair in the dream. Pulling someone’s from his beard in the dream means inheriting him. If one sees a young boy who has not reached the…

…(Laboring | Livelihood | Millstone | Travel) A hand mill in a dream means overcoming distress, pain, or satisfying one’s needs. It could also mean richness after poverty, marriage, a servant, or moving into a new house. If someone sees a hand mill in a house that is not accustomed to grinding its own grain or spices in a dream, it means adversities, defeat, or arguments. If one then grinds bread, or meat or honey with in the dream, it denotes a despicable character of the people of that house, their falsehood, affectation, lesbian or pervert nature. If one sees a hand mill grinding stones in a dream, it means that he will be seized by terror. If one grinds barley or grains for food in a dream, it means solving the family’s problems, prosperity, recovering from illness, or refurbishing one’s business. If one sees a huge hand mill…

…The hands in a dream represent your ability to connect with the outer world. The hands are also the part of communication, mostly used to express the emotions. The dream about hands could show the necessity to give a hand to those around you. It is known that the right hand is the symbol of manhood and the right one is a symbol of feminine factors of the dreamer. The dream, in which you were holding the hand of other person, indicates the strong bond, love and affection you have towards that particular person. The dream could also indicate the actual fear of being no longer in connection with that person. If you have abnormally large hands, then such dream symbolizes the proficiency in your life. If you hands were closed, then it might show you are hiding something or have made the acceptance about something. If your hands…

The hand symbolizes our means of action. The right hand corresponds to the rational, conscious, logical and virile side. The left hand means irrational, illogical, unconscious and passive part of character. Big, strong and well-structured hands indicate success and progress. Small, weak and ugly hands indicate recklessness, insecurity, dissatisfaction and failure. White and clean hands mean easy success. Blackened and hard hands mean drudgery and difficult success. (Unless we are black) Hairy hands indicate sordid imagination. Hands laced together show emotional stress. To look at your own hands foretells perplexity.

…(Hand) In a dream, the palm of one’s hand represents one’s fitness in wakefulness. Clapping one’s hands in a dream could either mean joy and happiness, or it could mean nothing in wakefulness. Carrying a glove in one’s hand in a dream means ceasing the course of wrongdoing. Slapping one’s own face with both hands means sorrow, sadness, or calamities. Hitting the top of one’s hand into the palm of the other hand means separation. In a dream, the palm of one’s hand also represents one’s strength. To stretch open one’s palm in a dream signifies wealth and prosperity. Holding a tight fist in a dream implies poverty, or tight living conditions. If one sees hair growing in the palm of his hand in a dream, it means depression, distress and debts. Growing hair on top of one’s hand in a dream indicates one’s strength or virility. Seeing one’s…

…(Icy rain) In a dream, hail means calamity, sufferings, hunger, loss of property, poverty, mass persecution, or torture. In nature, this element cools the earth and eliminates many harmful insects, worms or scorpions and limits the danger of snakes. Thus, seeing hail in its proper season in a dream means eliminating the source of one’s stress and overcoming one’s difficulties, enemies, or jealous competitors. Seeing hail in the summertime in a dream means business losses, but if it falls in the winter in a dream, it means success and prosperity. Heavy falling hail in a dream means destruction of businesses, interruption of communication and damage to roads and highways. In that sense, hail in a dream means obstruction of public interests. In a dream, hail also represents a strange type of business that will come from the direction of the wind carrying such a storm. If no harm occurs…

…(Bun | Tuft | Wisp) If a pregnant woman sees a strand of hair in her dream, it means that she will beget a blessed son. A strand of hair hanging over one’s head in a dream means money. Carrying several tufts in a dream represents one’s neighbors. If a woman sees herself having a long strand of hair in a dream, it means that her son will become a leader. If she sees her hair thick in the dream, it means that she will do something that will make her famous. If people see her thick strand of hair, it means that she will be exposed for something wrong she has committed. Black hair represents a respected and a handsome looking husband. If the woman sees herself without a head cover in a dream, it means that her husband has left her and he will not return back…

Dream of having hair that are black, short and crispy, signifies sadness and misfortune. Hair that are well combed indicates friendship, and free time of troublesome matters. Hair that are messy means annoyances, sorrows, outrages and fights. Hair falling out loss of friends, ideas or your own identity. Dream of being unable to brush your own hair from knots, problems and long period of difficulties. Dream of having the hair as long as a woman, and in waking life you are a man, effeminacy and weakness will come on your way. Dream of having it longer and even blacker than usual, increase in honor and riches. Dream of having the hair thinner than usual, affliction and poverty. Dream of seeing it growing white an exhausted treasury, annihilation of fortune or wisdom. Seeing a woman all bald, poverty and sickness. Seeing a man without a hair, abundance, riches and health.

To forgive those you hate, deceit and hypocrisy. Maintain a hatred against former friends’ consolation, satisfaction. To make known hatred, triumph over parasites and sycophants.

Dreaming about hair is a symbol of sensuality and health. The state of the hair in your dreams is important to interpret the meaning. For example, if the hair has a lot of knots, it represents a certain doubt or confusion. Dreaming of a short hair may represent weakness and doubts. Dreaming about hair loss is related to your concerns of growing up, or it can also mean that you feel vulnerable and weak. Dreaming that your hair suddenly turns white can mean you have learned something very important. White hair symbolizes wisdom.

…Shaving one’s hair in a dream relates to one’s personal customs. If he is used to have short hair and sees himself shavinghis head in a dream, it means that he will pay a fine as an atonement. If he sees his head shaved in the summertime, and if he is used to doing so, it means benefits, comfort, or recovering from a migraine headache. If one sees his hair shaved during the winter in a dream, it means difficulties, adversities, penalties, or a sickness. Shaving one’s head in a dream also means paying one’s dues, appeasement of one’s fears, and success in one’s life. Shortening one’s hair in a dream also means appeasing his fears. If one is suffering from depression and he sees his head shaved in a dream, it means an end to his trouble, or payment of his debts. It also means abasement, disgrace, deception,…

…(Claw hammer | Mallet | Sledge | Stone hammer) A hammer in a dream represents the one who has the upper hand, advantage, or influence. Holding a hammer in a dream means receiving honor and great benefits. A hammer in a dream also represents one’s helper and it could mean money for one who uses it to earn a living. A hammer in a dream also connotes evildoing, or expressing oneself loud with clamor….

To dream about the hair could have several different meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream. Make sure you pay attention to the state of your hair as it will give you a lot of information about your dream. The mess hair indicates unorganized life. The beautiful and healthy hair shows how capable you are in dealing with yourself and issues. Different colors of the hair also have different meanings, therefore look at the colors meanings together with the hair explanations.

Cutting your hands forecast loss and disease. Thick and strong hands indicate increase in the number of the family or expansion in the circle of friends. Hairy hands are a sign of small problems. If you dream of losing your hands portends possibility of job loss or death of someone known. Quarrelling with against another person with your hands means struggle or conflict with a powerful person. Fresh and beautiful hands are a sign of happiness and family harmony.

…Dreaming of handkerchiefs, especially when dealing with younger people, could mean that the person who is moving the handkerchief is trying to flirt. Losing a handkerchief suggests that there will be setbacks, particularly in matters concerning love. Dreaming of one or more torn and dirty handkerchiefs indicates that conflicts in love will be difficult to overcome. Dreaming of one or more dirty and stained handkerchiefs, could signify that the dreamer is running the risk of entering into a partnership or disadvantageous relationships. If a young and single woman dreams of clean, white handkerchiefs, it could mean that someone, who is false, is trying to approach her for illegal profits, even in sentimental aspects. Dreaming of several handkerchiefs of different colors, means that the dreamer’s image could lose prestige if his or her behavior is not moral or appropriate, and the dreamer should also be careful of not being na?ve…

…If you dream of combing your hair, it means that you are going to solve a problem that worries you in a very smooth way. If the hair you dream of is blonde and nice, it means new projects to be undertaken; if the hair is black it’s a sign of trouble and sorrow; dreaming of gray hair is a premonition of disregard and anguish. If you dream of a sign of losing your hair, it means loss or abandonment of loved ones. On the other, dreaming about a bald man represents unusual joys; bald woman expresses lack of support from your peers. Dreaming of washing your hair means purity of feelings….

…Sex dreams, when they are frequent, mean that some of your real needs are not being met. Dreaming of having sex is generally an indication that you have unmet and repressed desires, or that at least you want to get adventures to please your sexual needs. Dreaming of other people having sex usually means that someone will soon propose something indecent to you, though it may not be sex related. When a woman dreams of having sex with an unknown man, then it indicates desire for having an illicit relationship, perhaps as a result of frequently inappropriate friendships. A married woman who dreams of having sex with a person outside her family suggests that she wants to have sex outside of marriage. If a woman dreams of having sex with an ugly man, then it indicates disease, if on the other hand, the man is handsome, it indicates disappointments….

…If you dream about seeing someone cutting your hair, then such dream represents new opportunities, chances in fresh start. If you are the hairdresser in a dream, then such dream indicates your view towards other people. On the other hand, being a hairdresser in a dream, could show the necessity to build your image in better way. The hairdresser in dreams could also be the symbol of your sexuality, especially if you dream about long, shiny and healthy hair. If you are the hairdresser and cutting your own hair in a dream, then it shows how you are looking after yourself mentally and physically. Being the hairdresser could also point to your desire to change something about yourself or those around you. If you dream that you see other person being at hairdressers, then it denotes to your opinions about that certain person. Overall, the dream about hairdresser is…

The hair are the symbol of your mind, femininity and thoughts. The hair that are grey signifies knowledge. The dream in which you find the hair signifies the unexpected things you will find out. If you are combing your hair, then such dream indicates some journey you will have to take. The longer the hair, the longer the journey. If you see yourself getting bold, then such dream foretells about the things you wish to get rid of, or you are afraid of losing yourself, because many people need your attention. If the woman dreams of two different colors of her hair where one part of it is dark and another bright, then she will have to choose something between two.

A hand bell in a dream represents a jobber, a broker, a wife and her children, or the muezzin of a mosque. A hand bell in a dream also means a scandal. Ringing a hand held bell in a dream means propagating falsehood. Holding a hand bell in a dream also means associating with a useless person, or it could represent a liar. Ringing a hand bell in a marketplace in a dream means making a false oath.

When a man or a woman dream that they lost their hat, then it implies that they’ll feel dissatisfaction soon and that they’ll have losses, including in their businesses. If a man dreams that he’s wearing a new hat, then it implies that changes will come to the businesses he’s managing, with the possibility of improvement. Dreaming that the wind takes your hat off, implies that soon you’ll trip and suffer losses. It’s said that a man treats his wife just like he treats his hat. When a woman dreams that she’s wearing a new, beautiful hat, it implies that she’ll soon have economic facilities and even social privileges.

…If you dream of mowing hay, you will find much good in life, and if a farmer your crops will yield abundantly. To see fields of newly cut hay, is a sign of unusual prosperity. If you are hauling and putting hay into barns, your fortune is assured, and you will realize great profit from some enterprise. To see loads of hay passing through the street, you will meet influential strangers who will add much to your pleasure. To feed hay to stock, indicates that you will offer aid to some one who will return the favor with love and advancement to higher states….

…To dream that you’re eating ham suggests a desire for pleasant walks, parties and a comfortable life. When a woman dreams that she’s cooking ham, it symbolizes a happy, calm, problem free and pleasant home, and that she’ll have good social relationships. To dream about abundance of hams, and worse if they are in their rotting process, it suggests that someone is trying to scam you. To dream that you’re cutting slices of ham suggests that you’ll finally have control over all resistance and obstacles that you’re facing. To dream that you’re preparing a ham to start serving it to your guests suggests that you’ll receive attention from others. To dream that you’re trading or selling hams suggests upcoming prosperity and good health for you and your family. To dream about a ham’s roasting aroma suggests that soon you’ll be rewarded due to the intervention of others….

…To dream of a hail-storm, is a sign that you will make a good bargain,, or will be lucky in some undertaking, provided the hail is white or in crystals; black hail, denotes sorrow and death, therefore you should never dream of that kind of hail if you can help it or dream of seeing white hail lying on the ground intimates that you’ll soon get plenty of cash in some transaction. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 72….

…For a young woman Dreaming that she shakes hands with some prominent ruler, foretells she will be surrounded with pleasures and distinction from strangers. If she avails herself of the opportunity, she will stand in high favor with friends. If she finds she must reach up to shake hands, she will find rivalry and opposition. If she has on gloves, she will overcome these obstacles. To shake hands with those beneath you, denotes you will be loved and honored for your kindness and benevolence. If you think you or they have soiled hands, you will find enemies among seeming friends. For a young woman Dreaming of shaking hands with a decrepit old man, foretells she will find trouble where amusement was sought….

Ever since the case of dreaming with a hat as a male sex symbol, to dream with its power or the preventive means of pregnancy. Excepting this case, the hat generally refers to a sign of distinction of social character linked with ideas or behaviors of whom we dreamed of. If we wear a ridiculous hat, then it reveals that inside us exists a ridiculous attitude that everyone knows except ourselves. To see ourselves with a military hat reveals an authoritarian sense out of place. A cup hat is a sign of an inordinate conceit and pretensions.

When you dream about your hands and you see them being clenched, then such dream shows the suppressed anger you are suffering from. The hands that are not clenched, but opened ones represents the friendly side of your personality. If your hands are covered in blood, then such dream foretells about some situation you will feel bad about, because of your own fault. If someone has injured your hands, it means you should protect yourself from others, because you never know where your enemy is. If you have at least one hand that is not yours or is wooden one, then you do not feel yourself completely, therefore you have some parts on your body that is not yours. If your hands are tied, then it means you are not feeling free enough, there is a lack of freedom in your life.

…The hawk symbolizes rising in all planes of existence: physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual. Small hawk in a dream indicates victory and superiority. If in our dreams we see a hawk tearing a hare that announces the victory over the lustful desires. If the hawk is flying from left to right that symbolizes an idea, a high-flying project that can transform our lives. If it’s flying from right to left can that mean a setback in our situation and even the end of a high position. If we are people with spiritual ambitious, and we see the hooded hawk in our dreams that symbolizes the long-awaited desire to receive the light of enlightenment….

To see hay in your dream embodies the hard work. Maybe you are working hard right now. Alternatively, hay announces the necessity of hard work. You should know that nothing in life comes easy. Third meaning is about being the desperation. Maybe you are feeling hopeless about a situation. This is why you need to do a lot of work. Your worries will go away after job will become done. On the other hand, hay shows the need to develop your maternal instincts. If you are man, then maybe you need to increase your masculine energy. Also, hay may be the symbol of your sexual impulses. Instead of various interpretations, dreaming about hay might be induced by your subconscious mind, which is trying to send you a message. Your mind may be trying to call your attention to something.