If you eat a hamburger in a dream, then it denotes to things that are missing in your waking life. You are looking for fulfilment, therefore you are eating a hamburger. The hamburger could also represent the unhealthy lifestyle you have. Consider to start looking after yourself. The dream could also symbolize the past, experience you’ve had and the lessons that needs to be learned. Make sure you look at the dream from wider perspective, only then you will get a right interpretation of the dream.

When the dreamer sees a hammock in his dream, then such dream signifies the necessity for relaxation. Perhaps you’ve been working lately too hard and had too many responsibilities, therefore the subconscious mind of yours is giving you a message to take the break ant think about your health. If you are lying in a hammock, then such dream could show the way you are isolating and separating yourself from others. If you have fallen from the hammock, then such dream expresses your appreciation for the people you love. You are not afraid to fell, because you know there will always be someone to pick you up.

The handcuffs in dreams is known as the bad omen. If you dream that you are in hand cuffs, then such dream shows some situation or relationships you are out of control. Perhaps you feel that you do not manage your life anymore, because your hand are handcuffed. You feel that you have no power to make decisions and be in control. The handcuffs could also show the apprehension you are suffering from, because you are afraid that you will not succeed. If you see other people being in handcuffs, then it shows you are being egoistic and thinking only about yourself.

…If a head shaved person or a bald person sees himself having curly hair in a dream, it means following the leading example of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace. Havingcurly hair in a dream also means receivingfinancial compensation from a business, family, wife or husband, or it could mean wearing a new garment. Wrinkling one’s hair in a dream is interpreted here as a sign of beauty and liking to wear extra ornaments….

When the dreamer sees himself in hallucination while dreaming, then he should look deeper into his subconscious mind and try to understand what kind of message it’s sending. The hallucination could also signify the feelings you are hiding from those around you. The dream may suggest you to confront your feelings instead of running from them. The hallucination could also imply something you are trying to hide.

Hair is a sign of virility as long as it is in some parts of the body such as the chest, arms and legs and in due proportion. An excess of hair in women manifests an instinctive and sensual life. To be beardless is an indication that we are showing excessive weakness of character.

Traditionally in the symbolism of dreams, hair is a manifestation of energy controlled by the will and knowledge. And if it is body hair, then it symbolizes instinctive inner strength.

The dream in which you see the Buddha indicates the spiritual aspects of your personality. The dream could be a suggestion to look deeper into yourself and understand what is important to you, what features you like in yourself, what you would like to change and so on. The Buddha could also represent the fact that you are experiencing the awakening.

…To dream about hail symbolizes failure on your affairs, business, employment, etc. To dream that hail has started to fall when there is still a great sunlight, it suggests that your problems will soon pass. When a woman dreams this way, it suggests that she’ll experience complications in her love life, but she’ll end up succeeding. To dream that a hailstorm hits your house suggests that your problems and those arising in the near future will continue for a short time and then they’ll be resolved….

If you see a hawk in a dream, then such dream represents the positive anxiety you have. You can’t wait to start doing something. The hawk could also indicate your ability to see people clearly.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a geisha when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests beauty, charm, poise and grace. Dreaming that you are a geisha, is interpreted as suggestion that you are well-balanced in your personal, social, and professional life. You adjust well in various situations.

…Shortening one’s hair in a dream means appeasing one’s fears. (Also see Hair | Shaving)…

…(Adultery | Coitus | Fornication | Hugging | Instinct | Lesbian | Molesting | Sexual drive | Sleeping together, Sodomy | Tribadism) If a man sees himself having sexual intercourse with another man in a dream, it means that both of them have lost their moral dedication, that have become aimless, turned stingy toward their own dependents and generous toward others. It also means loss of one’s capital, or divorcing one’s wife. If a poor person sees such a dream, it means that he will fall sick, or attract an incurable disease. To have sexual intercourse with a male in a dream also means falling into sin, committing the unlawful, or engaging in sexual intercourse with a female member of one’s own family, a blood relation, or a consanguineous person whom one is forbidden to marry. Molesting a child in a dream means suffering from a great affliction. Fornication…

If you are shaking hands with someone, then such dream represents the respect you have towards that certain person. The handshake could also indicate the beginning or the end of some situation or relationships in your waking life. If someone was giving you a handshake, then such dream shows how this certain person respects you. The dream could also denote that there is something or someone new in your waking life you are going to meet.

…To see a haggard face in your dreams, denotes misfortune and defeat in love matters. To see your own face haggard and distressed, denotes trouble over female affairs, which may render you unable to meet business engagements in a healthy manner….

Eating or buying ham means deals with a wise woman. Ham also indicates disappointments, sorrows and afflictions.

…Dreaming of a hassock, forebodes the yielding of your power and fortune to another. If a woman dreams of a hassock, she should cultivate spirit and independence….

If we look at ourselves with beautiful, neat and clean hands, the dream will be a harbinger of success in our plans. If the hands appear dirty, calloused or scratched, it symbolizes that many sacrifices will have to be made, in order to achieve our objectives, and if success does come, it will be after putting in a lot of effort. Some authors also think that the right hand corresponds to the rational and logical issues and the left hand to the unconscious and irrational issues.

…Dreaming of distributing handbills over the country, is a sign of contentions and possible lawsuits. If you dream of printing handbills, you will hear unfavorable news….

…To find yourself handcuffed, you will be annoyed and vexed by enemies. To see others thus, you will subdue those oppressing you and rise above your associates. To see handcuffs, you will be menaced with sickness and danger. Dreaming of handcuffs, denotes formidable enemies are surrounding you with objectionable conditions. To break them, is a sign that you will escape toils planned by enemies….

…Dreaming of handkerchiefs, denotes flirtations and contingent affairs. To lose one, omens a broken engagement through no fault of yours. To see torn ones, foretells that lovers’ quarrels will reach such straits that reconciliation will be improbable if not impossible. To see them soiled, foretells that you will be corrupted by indiscriminate associations. To see pure white ones in large lots, foretells that you will resist the insistent flattery of unscrupulous and evil-minded persons, and thus gain entrance into high relations with love and matrimony. To see them colored, denotes that while your engagements may not be strictly moral, you will manage them with such ingenuity that they will elude opprobrium. If you see silk handkerchiefs, it denotes that your pleasing and magnetic personality will shed its radiating cheerfulness upon others, making for yourself a fortunate existence. For a young woman to wave adieu or a recognition with her…

…To see yourself handsome-looking in your dreams, you will prove yourself an ingenious flatterer. To see others appearing handsome, denotes that you will enjoy the confidence of fast people….

Arrive to harbor indicates the happy ending of a journey, the closure of a stage of life and the stabilization of a situation. –If we depart in a journey the dream will indicate from where we started and under what conditions we do it. –If we dream with harbor without starting any journey it reflects a desire to escape but without deciding to do so.

…Dreaming you are eating hash, many sorrows and vexations are foretold. You will probably be troubled with various little jealousies and contentions over mere trifles, and your health will be menaced through worry. For a woman Dreaming that she cooks hash, denotes that she will be jealous of her husband, and children will be a stumbling block to her wantonness….

The hamster is the animal that is known for its ability to look into places where it shouldn’t be looking or being too nosey. The person who dreams of master is minding the business that is not his own. The master could also mean that you are worrying more about the problems of the others but nor your own. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours is telling you to start minding your own problems and care more about yourself than others. The hamster could indicate the other person in your life.

To dream that you are hang gliding means that you wish to be less responsible and freer in the way you are living. Perhaps you have too many issues and troubles that are quite difficult to solve, therefore you dream about hang gliding.

Dreaming of harlequins or satyrs suggests malice and mischiefs. If the dreamer is dressed as a harlequin may indicate disappointments. Seeing one or more harlequins in a dream is a sign of suffering or sorrow. Fortunately, they will fade very soon. If you see someone dressed like a harlequin in your dream, is a warning that this person is not good for you and that you should try to move away from him and not accept the advice he gives you since he’s only looking to hurt you.

When you see a haggard face in a dream, then it shows the tiredness you are suffering from. Perhaps there is some situation or person in your life, which takes all of your energy. If you are the one who has the haggard face, then such dream suggests you to look after you health, because some illness is occurring you.

If you wore a hairpiece in a dream, then such dream warns you to be aware of the cheaters. Perhaps there is someone in your life that is willing to take the advantage from you. The dream could also show the opinions which are shown as not yours, but understood as ideas of yours. If you lost the hairpiece in a dream, then it shows the confusion you are at the moment. Perhaps you are losing your mind and do not know how to act in a certain situation.

If you dream of seeing yourself in hail storm, then such dream represents emotional stress you are suffering from. Perhaps there is some situation in your waking life that you are unable to control, therefore you put yourself aside from others, in order to avoid stress. If you hear hail beating down on your roof, then such dream indicates the hard times you are going through.

If you saw a hanging in a dream, then it indicates your thoughts of anxiety. Perhaps you do not feel protected. The dream could also represent things you started to do, but didn’t finish until the end. The dream, in which you were hanging some things, denotes to the consciousness of the small things that were happening in your life. Finally you are able to put them together and see the whole image of it.

Dream of wearing a soiled or torn hat ruins and dishonor. Wear a new one, gain and pleasure. To see a hat maker at work, excitement of some matter.

…If you dream that your right hand is injured, or anything is the matter with it, it shows that you will soon be called upon to assist a friend in distress; if it is your left hand, assistance will be solicited from you for an unfortunate stranger. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 22, 78….

If you dye your hair in the dream, then it shows that you are trying to change your identity or at least to create the new image that others see. Sometimes the dreamer who dyes his hair is trying to escape the present life.

It symbolizes something related to the ideas or behavior of the dreamer. Seeing hats but not wearing them, announces that you need to take some precautions. Wearing a hat, without wanting to take it off, means that you’re trying to keep a secret that you don’t want to share. Dreaming of wearing a ridiculous hat, could be a warning of some personal attitude that others see as ridiculous but we do not realize that we have it.

Dreaming about a hammer is interpreted as a symbol of personal development. This dream means power, strength, virility, and masculine attitudes. It also symbolizes growth and construction. Dreaming that you are using a hammer signifies successful accomplishment in a task at hand. Alternatively, it suggests that you may be dealing with old demons and inner battles.

To feel hatred towards certain person is a sign that you will have to be a little more humble, accept your mistakes and apologize when you should. Be more honest with yourself and realize that deep down hatred has a lot to do with envy.

If you see yourself being handicap, then it shows how worthless and fragile you are. Perhaps you must pull yourself together and make the most of your potentiality. Make sure you pay attention to which part of your body was handicapped, as it would give much more information about the dream. On the other hand, the dream about being handicap, denotes to the pride and very good opinion you have about yourself. The dream suggests you to be simpler.

Hatred against a person indicates failure in business. Hatred against you indicates that you should fear plots and maneuvers by your rivals.

If you see a handle in a dream, then it shows your ability to manage your own life. The dream shows that the main decision maker in your life is you. On the negative note, the dream could show the lost control o your life, but only if the handle is broken. Make sure you fix it.