Restlessness, peevishness. 6.

Inconstancy, unfaithfulness. 124.

Not especially good. 36.

Feebleness, sickliness.

Riches, long life and prosperity. 252.

Denotes luck, health, riches. 80.

Loss of all kinds, several misfortunes.

Hearing about secrets. 126.

Profit and unexpected happiness.

Profit, harmonious family-life. 17.

Denotes good success in all undertakings.

Bad reputation.

For everybody good.

Being plagued, vexation. 22.

Being a favourite of females. 296.

Getting insulted by friends.

Gain, considerable bettering of -one’s circumstances….

Getting faithful friends. 179.

Getting out of all danger, safety.

False accusation.

Becoming happy by an unknown person. 15.

Getting wealth, honour and a good wife, receiving money unexpected. 37.

Honour and luck. 7.

Getting into comfortable circumstances.

Coming into danger of life, accidents, agitation, sad tidings. 39.

Welfare and health of distant friends and relatives.

Joy and happiness. 122.

Sadness, mourning.

Misery, misfortune and vexation. 5.

Defamation of character, especially from women. 233.

Luck, joy, escaping from danger.

Sickness of a relative. 244.

Being esteemed and honoured.

Persecution by friends, being dunned by creditors. 26.

Unsuitableness, reserved in manners.

Disappointment in hopes.

Getting into desired circumstances.

Gain, riches.

A soon and happy marriage, or a bond of friendship. 369.

Gain of honour.