To see a lemon, when you are dreaming, shows the way of your negative thinking about some aspect in your life. Are you feeling lower in rank, status, or quality within your society? You must change your mind, because this thinking is incorrect. Perhaps a situation or relationship has become unbearable. In the dream to eat or suck on a lemon, can have symbolic meaning of recovery. Or maybe you need to clean or heal your inner spiritual state. Dreaming that you are squeezing a lemon, suggest your need to be more realistic, practical or economical.

…To dream that you are searching indicates that the path to achieving your goals can be difficult. However, it is necessary for growth and progress. To dream that someone or something is looking for you indicates that you refuse to recognize certain viewpoint or idea. To dream of looking for someone suggests that they are denying your energy and influence. You need to regain your strength and focus your efforts on something else. Dreaming that you’re looking for something means the need to find something missing or needed in your life. You can also be searching for a solution to a problem….

Dreaming and seeing a hotel is explained as the dream with important symbolism for the dreamer. This dream means a new state of mind or a shift in personal identity. You need to move away from your old habits and old way of thinking. Or you feel the need to temporarily escape from your daily life.

In the dream to see a couch or dream that you are on a couch, has the symbolic importance of the need to have holidays. Couch in the dream means resistance to work. Couch also is symbol of rest and relaxation, laziness or boredom. It may also mean that you need to clear you head. Maybe you have too much ideas, thoughts and conceptions. Try to do everything step by step. You should have better direction toward goals. Sometimes couch is related with sexual stimulus. If in the dream you wasn’t alone on the couch, then such context represents sexual desires. But that depends on the person, which was with you. Is it possible that this person can have sexual connotations in your mind?…

In the dream you see that someone else is yawning, this indicates that you need a stimulus in your life. In your real life you feel exhausted and passive, this shows that you need a challenge to move yourself emotionally and physically.

If you dream about the cactus, then such dream signifies the lack of independency. You feel too much pressure and you need your own space. The dream may also be interpreted as the suggestion to be less ignorant and adapt to the circumstances you are surrounded by, because life is hard and sometimes we need to stay in different environment, even if we don’t like it.

Seeing a wheelchair suggests that you need to stop your activities. Maybe you feel helpless. On the other hand, this indicates that you let other people push you around. You need to start standing up for yourself. If someone is healthy in real life, but dreams he or she is in a wheelchair, this suggests that the dreamer needs help.

It will be very important to consider the subject of debate and the people with whom you keep the dialectic, but in any case, a debate shows your need to express yourself and make you understand. Your unconscious can be showing the need for greater communication to achieve projects you have in mind.

…Dreaming of oneself having difficulties getting dressed may mean that a person or unavoidable event is bothering you, preventing you from enjoying the fun or relaxation you seek. The impediment doesn’t need to be due to someone’s bad intentions, it could simply be beyond that person’s control. When you dream that you’re getting dressed and are late for a trip, it may mean that your neglect or carelessness for others is causing various problems and discomfort, which can also mean that you need to take care of yourself and attend to your own affairs. Dreaming of oneself wearing silk means that there are too many ambitions for money, power and business. It also reveals vanity and pride. If the silk clothing is dirty or stained, it means disappointment, sadness and failures. Dreaming about silkworms can mean that you’ll find a very advantageous work or business….

To wear stocking in your dream, represents your sense of understanding. You are well-grounded and have the support of those around you. To see some put on stockings, relates to some sexual situation. To see a Christmas stocking, symbolizes a need for recognition and acknowledgement. On the other hand you need to be more giving.

To dream of Mardi Gras, shows that you need to refresh your inner feelings. Maybe you need to release your feeling that makes self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way. Take a break and let yourself go.

To see goggles, when you are dreaming, suggest the need for emotional protection. If you are wearing goggles, then it shows your attempt to protect yourself from emotional damage. Maybe you need to confront some person or situation in your waking like that you know is hurting you.

Dream of magnolias symbolizes beauty, grace and elegance. Dream of a magnolia tree indicates your need of care and to be noticed, you are confident in your abilities. On the other hand, it indicates your need to feel protected from the problems of life.

…To dream that you are using a dictionary signifies that you don’t trust yourself enough. Dreaming about book that lists the words of a language, also can shows that for you the opinions of others is very important. Also, it can mean that you need help to find the solutions in your troubles. Are you able to manage of your own affairs? Or do you need help from others?…

When this dream occurs is symbolizes the need to control our passions or more primary instincts, which can appear in the form of internal contradictions that frighten us. If in the dream there are accidents with wild animals that we are taming, it can be interpreted as a warning of the risk we are running and the need to be cautious and prudent.

If you dream of the spice, then such dream indicates the need of the changes in your life. Maybe you need to make various differences in your life to make it a bit spicier.

To see a submarine in your dream, indicates that you are cautiously exploring your emotions and examining your unconscious feelings. You still remain guarded about certain emotional issues. Alternatively, the submarine indicates that you need to adapt a different perspective and understanding. You may need to get down to the core of some situation or problem.

To see a mosaic in your dream represents the various aspects and components of your life. You need to consider things in a broader perspective. Things may seem insignificant and meaningless, but you need to stand back and consider the whole thing.

If you were layering the grout on something, then it means that there is a need to make crystallized some ideas and thoughts that you have. Perhaps you need to put together some aspects of your life.

Dreaming of a magnolia tree indicates need for attention and highlight. You do not trust your own abilities. Alternatively, it represents the need to feel protected and safe against life problems.

…To sharpen an object when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as the need of the flexibility of the dreamer’s mind. Sharpening of something in the dream is like sharpening of the mind in the life. It means that you need to be better in what you’re doing or thinking. Alternatively, the dream about sharpening represents the lack of the dreamer’s quality to adapt to the requests of others. Maybe you are a little bit to egoistic. You should consider of the overall picture of your dream. Think what will be best interest for you and for others, than just thinking about your needs….

…To see a stop sign in your dream, suggests that you need to stop what you are doing and think about the situation before moving forward. You need to proceed with care and caution. Alternatively, it signifies barriers and difficulties on our path. To dream that you run a stop sign, indicates that you do not consider the consequences of your action. It may refer to your reckless habits….

This dream is a warning about the need of introspection, reflection, and patience, before taking on projects that you want to develop. Other authors believe that the dream sends you to a family environment and the need of paying more attention to problems with your children or close family members.

To see the comedian in a dream, denotes to the need of becoming less serious in your waking life. Perhaps there are certain aspects that need to be looked more carefree way. Perhaps the dream suggests you to become funnier and lose at all aspects in your life.

…To dream of a sunny day, has deep meaning and stands as an omen of the feeling caused by agreeable stimuli. Sunny day denotes clarity, pleasure and enjoyment in your life. You are seeing everything clearly. Anything, persons and situation, is giving you every time more happiness. To dream of a gloomy or cloudy day, stands as a symbol and sign of depression. Cloudy day is an omen of sadness. If you dream of a particular day, then you may need to look closely at that day for any significance. Consider the number associated with that day. The date of the day could be a reminder of special anniversary, appointment or occasion. To dream of the passing of a day, is interpreted as suggestion that you need to manage your time better. The passage of the day in the dream signalize about disruption to plan your day properly. If…

If you dream of seeing your ankles it means that you are looking for help. It is a sign that you need a hand while moving on the right direction. First of all you need to find out where you going to and then try to find someone you can trust, who will help you to go on the right track and find yourself as happy as you can be.

…(Amputation | Beheading | Cutting | Decapitation | Scission | Chopping off | Severing) Cutting off one’s hand in a dream signifies failure to perform one’s obligatory prayers or being devoid of any need or an income that eliminates the need to ask others for anything, or it could mean repentance from sin. If one’s hand and heels are cut off in a dream, it means corruption in one’s religious life or forsaking the spiritual circles, or it could mean being barren or being freed from the duty to raise children. Cutting off one’s nose or ear in a dream means a punishment for a crime, or it could mean poverty or missing someone’s news. Cutting off one’s tongue in a dream means invalidating one’s argument or proof, or it could mean preventing him from asking for anything. If one sees himself dismembered in a dream, then it means…

…When you dream of animosity towards you it means that you need to pay the attention to the issues of your behaviour. Maybe there is someone that you offended, maybe there is something that you shouldn’t do or maybe there is something you should do, for the sake of the good reasons, for helping someone when they really need help….

…To dream about one or more hammers symbolizes some tension or nervousness due to your need for ensuring your material goods. This dream usually occurs when you are suffering health issues, and that is the main reason why you need to act firmly….

To dream that you collapse, is symbol of high requirements from yourself. Dream suggest that you are pushing yourself too hard. Maybe you need to rethink your abilities and skills. Have you lost sight of your goals? Try to remember what you need to accomplish. Perhaps you are having troubles in your own judgement and decisions. Do you trust yourself enough?

Dreaming of an empty tomb or well, announces that you are taking unnecessary risks in the things that you are planning or doing. Dreaming of falling into a grave or pit announces misfortunes. Dreaming of entering a grave, tomb, pit or hole in the floor means that you’re taking risks because you need to do it, even against your will. Dreaming of graves is always a bad sign since it announces bad luck and losses. Dreaming of a destroyed grave presages sorrows or diseases in your family. Reading the inscription of a grave means that you will have to do unpleasant tasks. If you visit a grave in a dream, then it means that an accident will happen soon, but it won’t be fatal. Dreaming of an acquaintance or a friend before a grave is an indication that this person may need us and we should help them.

To see the toilet in a dream could be related to the actual physical need to urinate in your waking life. Probably you are unable to urinate while sleeping, therefore you see a toilet in a dream. On the other hand, the toilet is the place where we get rid of the stuff that is no longer in need, therefore the dreamer is also getting rid of negative people, emotions or thoughts. If you cleaned the toilet in a dream, then it indicates The self respect you started to lose. If the toilet is overflowing, then it denotes to your overfull emotions.

Seeing stamps in a dream represents the need for communication with the world. On the other hand, it may indicate that you need to show more strength and encouragement. Seeing a collection of stamps in a dream means worries about money and security.

Dreaming that you are watching a horse race (horserace), has the symbolic significance of the power and drive you need to move forward in life. You need to believe that you are capable of succeeding in all your ambitions and aspirations. The dream also has deep meaning and stands as an omen for your sexual energy or competitive nature.

Symbolizes the need to feel surrounded by other beings of other species. If we live in the city it reveals the need to be part of a group, because you feel alone and helpless and you are afraid of a lonely future. If we live in the countryside, it is a dream of wealth that will be proportional to the dimensions of the herd.

Dreaming about an electrocution represents that the current direction of your actions may lead to troubles or disaster, even death. You need to take important decisions before it is not too late. Also you need to be more aware of your surroundings and those around you.

Dreaming about electricity signifies the need of life energy. You need to be revitalized. To dream that the electricity is out represents your lack of insight and perspective on a situation.

Dreaming about a talisman, represents the action of protecting someone or something, or the state of being protected. If you are wearing a talisman in the dream, then it indicate your requirement for protection. You need to put away your arrogance and ask for outside assistance. If some person is wearing a talisman, then it may symbolize that this person may need help.

…This dream will be valid if we do not have crutches in real life. Crutches represent moral support, and defects of the foot equal to defects of the soul. It is a sign of lack of confidence in our qualities unless we abandon the crutches during the dream, in which case it foreshadows the recovery of confidence and security in ourselves. If we see someone else using crutches when in reality they don’t need them, such dream indicates that we perceive their own insecurity and they need our advice and help….

Dreaming that we are waiting in an anteroom could be interpreted as a warning to arm ourselves with patience. We will need calm and perseverance to achieve our goals, and we need the virtue of patience to avoid the troubles that could bring us precipitation.