…(Retreat | Sanctuary) A hermitage in a dream represents a spiritual retreat, abstinence, good character, seclusion, ascetic detachment, controlling one’s desires and wants, divorcing one’s wife, abandoning one’s friends, or it could mean an illness. If a sick person sees himself in a hermitage in a dream, it may mean his death, or it could mean suppressing one’s sexual desires. Occupying a hermitage or building one in a dream means rising in station. A beautiful and a newly built hermitage in the dream represents a wife. A hermitage in a dream also could mean migration, bewilderment, severing a friendship, hiding, power, or it could represent one’s son. Whatever may affect a hermitage in the dream also could manifest in the life of one’s son. (Also see Retreat | Temple)…

(Dwellings | House) Sitting on the rooftop of a glass house in a dream means marriage to a beautiful woman from a noble family and who may die soon after her wedding. (Also see Dwellings)

In a dream, distilled water represents beautiful children or noble children. Seeing distilled water in a dream also may signify acquiring knowl- edge from learned people who practice what they teach. It also means learning wisdom from wise people. Smelling rose-water or orange-blossom water or distilled water from jonquil or from any species of the narcissus flower in a dream means joy, happiness, cheers, eulogies and prosperity. In a dream, distilled water also may represent bringing out confiscated or stolen merchan- dise or discovering hidden goods. As for distilled farm water or from water lily or distilled water from similar flowers in a dream, they represent medicinal remedies, profits, celebrations or weddings. (Also see Water)

…If you see in the dream a cageful of birds, denotes that you will be the happy possessor of immense wealth and many beautiful and charming children. To see only one bird, you will contract a desirable and wealthy marriage. No bird indicates a member of the family lost, either by elopement or death. To see wild animals caged, denotes that you will triumph over your enemies and misfortunes. If you are in the cage with them, it denotes harrowing scenes from accidents while traveling….

…(Espalier | Grapevine | Trellis | Woman) A vineyard in a dream represents honor and strength, and the same goes for all fruit trees. A vineyard in a dream is also interpreted to represent a wealthy woman. Cutting branches from a grapevine in a dream means receiving money from a noble woman. Thus, an espalier in a dream represents a generous woman. A grapevine in the wintertime in a dream represents a woman who has lost her wealth, though one still thinks that she is rich. Plucking a bunch of grapes from an espalier in a dream means spending one’s money on a woman. If one sees it but does not pluck any grapes from it in the dream, it means that he will be spared unnecessary expenses. A grapevine in a dream also represents marriage. A trellis for grapevines in a dream represents a beautiful, a noble and…

…(Acknowledgment | Announcement | Distinction | Luminary | Recognition | Renowned | Title) Fame in a dream represents a wedding that will be publicly announced, or it could mean rising in rank. If one earns a title of recognition, or if he becomes renowned, or if he is awarded a great prize for his work in a dream, it means that he will learn that his wife has given birth to a beautiful son. Such a son will follow his father’s footsteps, learn his trade or work at spreading his knowledge or tradition, or he may govern and lead his people after him….

A young face means prosperity and good news. An ugly face means fears and unfounded gossip. A beautiful face is a sign of confidence and optimism in overcoming difficulties.

…If it’s a beautiful building and cared for, then such dream about palace or mansion indicates that your aspirations will materialize unexpectedly….

Dreaming of a young face indicates prosperity and good news. If the face is ugly, then it means unfounded fears and gossip. Dream of a beautiful face indicates confidence and optimism.

Dreaming of being inside of a luxurious bedroom announces upcoming positive changes in life, such as trips to beautiful places, due to a stroke of luck that will provide money, favors or services. When a woman who is young and single dreams of a luxurious bed, it symbolizes that she desires to get married to a rich man, and that might happen when she meets a foreigner. Dreaming of a chambermaid at work, changing the bed linen and cleaning the room, suggests that soon there will be unpleasant changes in the dreamer’s life. If a man dreams of being in love with a chambermaid, it indicates that his actions and mentality are not honest and that this will bring various problems.

…(Constellations | Firmaments | Heavens) Seeing oneself at the first celestial sphere in a dream means associating with a tyrant or a liar or befriending a mail carrier. The second celestial sphere represents the scribes of a king. The third celestial sphere represents a marriage to a woman from a noble lineage. The fourth celestial sphere represents leadership, prosperity and reverence. The fifth celestial sphere represents marriage to a most beautiful woman. Travelling in its orbit together with its stars in that galaxy in a dream means travelling to meet a ruler, a warrior, a pious man, or a perfect man. The sixth celestial sphere represents knowledge, blessings and steadfastness. The seventh celestial sphere represents the inner circles of a ruler. The eight celestial sphere represents the company of a great ruler. The ninth celestial sphere represents the company of a revered man. Seeing the tenth celestial sphere or…

If its appearance is beautiful, it foretells about prosperity and fortune. A mountain’s grassland symbolizes that you will have to overcome obstacles. If you see grassland with dry grass, then it means financial drawbacks.

…Dreaming of light fabrics for women’s clothing insinuates that the matters you’re handling will soon improve. Dreaming of people wearing high quality fabrics insinuates that you’ll receive economic benefits in the near future; for example, dividends, lotteries, inheritances, etc. This meaning is applicable to a greater extent if the dreamer sees himself/herself wearing fine fabrics. But if they look stained, dirty or damaged, then the meaning is the opposite. Generally, when fabrics are seen in a good condition and a beautiful color, we can expect good times with great success in the future. If, on the contrary, they seem dirty, damaged and are linked to unpleasant feelings, they’re an omen for a disappointing future in which our projects will fail. When you buy or sell fabrics in a dream, it predicts that your financial situation will improve quickly and unexpectedly. It’s a sign of happiness in life and great…

…Dreaming of gazing upon the portrait of some beautiful person, denotes that, while you enjoy pleasure, you can but feel the disquieting and treacherousness of such joys. Your general affairs will suffer loss after dreaming of portraits. See Pictures, Photographs, and Paintings….

…(Limb) One’s thighs in a dream represent his family or clan. Anything that affects them in the dream will manifest in his family or clan. If one sees his thighs missing something in a dream, it means that he is a foreigner, or that he does not know his lineage or ancestry. Experiencing pain in one’s thigh in a dream means doing harm to one’s own family or clan. If one sees that a piece of skin is crafted to his thigh in a dream, it means that someone will attribute a son to him, and it will turn to be a false allegation. Thighs in a dream also represent the pillars of one’s house, the head of a household, one’s wife, one’s husband, son, master, earnings, business, vehicle, or wealth. One’s thighs in their beautiful condition in a dream also represent the correctness of one’s prayers, or they…

…To dream of seeing these beautiful fishes playing in the water, denotes the death of some dear friend or relative. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 4….

To dream you see a pond with clear water in it, betokens great success in your undertakings to a man, it denotes his being beloved by a beautiful woman, to a maid, it shows the constancy and affection of her swain, and that they will have great prosperity after marriage. If small fish are seen playing about, it denotes a large family of children.

The beads are the minor beautiful things in your waking life that predicts comfortable and lavish lifestyle. If you see many of them, you might become rich surprisingly fast. The beads that are falling apart, or you see them running away, signifies the loss of extravagant life. Perhaps you should stop giving yourself the pressure.

It reveals that we like to escape from reality and enjoy the fantasy. If the picture is beautiful, then it symbolizes happiness. If it is sad, dull or blurred it indicates that live in unreality.

…(Castle | Chivalry | Generosity | Goodness | Merchant | Nobility | Partner | Son | Travels | Wife) Owning horses in a dream means prosperity, or victory over one’s enemy. Riding a horse in a dream means dignity, honor and wealth. Perhaps it could mean that one will befriend a noble person, or meet a good companion on the road. Owning a mare in a dream means begetting a beautiful son. If it is a nag or a workhorse in the dream, it means that he will live satisfied, or that he may marry a rich and a noble woman who will bear his children. Seeing a horse in a dream also may connote owning a good house. If it is a blond horse in the dream, it means knowledge, devotion, piety and fear of wrongdoing. A nag in a dream represents a wife or a husband. A…

…If we shave our beard, it indicates that it is time to start strong and direct action. If the one who shaves it is another person, the situation in which we are requires strong and resolute action. If we have a beard, it tells us to tone down our lust for power and money. If bearded people appear, it indicates that imagination and ingenuity should prevail in what we do to achieve our goals. The more beautiful and darker, the greater the chances of success. If it’s white, we will win prestige and dignity. If there is little or weak, our chance of success will be little. Dyeing it, we will be tempted to conceal. Washing it is a sign of anxiety. If a barber shows ups, it reveals collaboration and help from important people….

…To see anything ill formed, denotes disappointment. To have a beautiful form, denotes favorable conditions to health and business….

…Necklaces usually indicate slander and gossip about women. When a woman dreams of necklaces, one or more, in the hands of another person, it indicates that someone is trying to falsely impress her with dishonest intentions. When a woman dreams about wearing a beautiful necklace it insinuates that soon she’ll receive praise and attention and perhaps even honors, but all of it surrounded by hypocrisy, since in any society where this occurs she would hardly be able to shine by herself, meaning that the praises are directed to the gem and not to who is wearing it. A young woman who dreams about necklaces hints that she will have admirers, but not sincere ones, these will only be attracted by the jewels, indicating false promises. This same dream coming from a single woman, and worse if she’s older, means that she’ll remain single for a long time, regardless of…

…(Capture | Fingernails | Strength | Victory) Fingernails in a dream represent victory over one’s enemy. Having long fingernails for someone who needs them for his or her work in a dream means prosperity. Long fingernails in a dream also mean a trend that opposes what is common and practical. Long fingernails in a dream also mean strength, power and protection from one’s enemy. Long fingernails in a dream also denote shame. Losing one’s fingernails to a sickness in a dream means losing one’s wealth, or reaching a dead end. Clipping one’s fingernails in a dream means following the common norms, lending money, or collecting gold jewelry. White fingernails in a dream mean understanding, vigilance, or memorizing things. Fighting someone with nails in a dream represents a cunning person. Long and beautiful fingernails in a dream mean money, or business. If the length of one’s fingernails reaches near breaking…

…harvest unless it soaks the earth and disappear quickly, then it indicates loss of property and humiliations. If there are leaks in a house without rain, it announces mourning in that house. If it is just a leak, it means suffering and danger for the dreamer. If water runs through the walls, it indicates mourning relatives or friends. Seeing water flows inside a property of the dreamer, it announces great material prosperity accompanied by good feelings. Walking on water tells us we are going through a dangerous period. If we sink, we are in great danger. Seeing a lot of water stirred by strong waves indicates sorrows, if it reflects ourselves, it clearly indicates that we will achieve wealth, and if it reflects us more beautiful than we really are, it means we will find love in others. Drinking cold water presages health; and cold, disease. Taking a cold water…

The puma is the symbol of some mystical, fierce, gracious and beautiful. Perhaps someone in your waking life stands for this animal. Pay attention how the puma has treated you, because if it was dangerous to you, you will not succeed. Someone won’t let you. Beware of that.

…(Decoration | Medal | Pendant) In a dream, woman’s necklace or earrings if they are made of pearls represent a gift from her husband. If they are made of silver in the dream, they mean a physical ailment, and if they are made from beads in the dream, they mean being let down by one’s friends. A necklace in a dream also represents women’s adornment. If a man wears a necklace that is incrusted with gold, precious gems or sapphire in a dream, it represents a high ranking appointment, carrying a great responsibility, or fulfilling an important duty. If one’s decoration also carries some silver coins in the dream, it means marriage to a beautiful woman. Wearing a decoration necklace that is made from silver and adorned with precious gems in a dream represents a political appointment which will be coupled with honor and wealth. If the necklace is…

Dreaming of a beautiful and ingenuous countenance, you may safely look for some pleasure to fall to your lot in the near future | but to behold an ugly and scowling visage, portends unfavorable transactions.

…In a dream, musk represents a private charity, pregnancy, a profitable business, a valuable property, a farm, fruit trees, olive trees, or advanced knowledge. When associated with a deceased person, musk in a dream may mean that he is in paradise. If musk is burned as incense in a dream, it means innovation, loss of money and respect, putting things in the wrong place, or serving a strong person for a fee. In a dream, musk also represents one’s beloved, his servant, his son or a beautiful woman. If a thief sees himself carrying musk in a dream, it means that he will cease robbing people, for a sweet fragrance points to its carrier and exposes what he hides. Musk in a dream also means money, gold, comfort, glad tidings, good news, or innocence. The same inter- pretation is given to carnation, clove, nutmeg and other dark seeds, all…

To dream of seeing beautiful and soft kitten, means that you have a childish personality. Alternatively, you have very strong motherhood instincts and willing to take care of someone.

…To dream that you’re in a maze that has endless hallways and confusing roads, caves or tunnels that cross each other suggests mental confusion; it means that at the beginning, your affairs, business, affections, etc., are very complex. When you dream this way it is often means that your wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend, or your family are the people who mentally confuse you, and this often causes illness or break ups. When the maze is very dark it announces serious illness, either of the dreamer or of the people who appear in the dream. If the maze somehow relates to any means of transport, it suggests that you think about or desire to die. When the maze is inside a beautiful forest and better if it’s in an orchard of fruit trees, whether they’re flowering or already have fruit hanging from them, it announces unexpected joys and prosperity. To dream that…

…Bees in dreams foretell good fortune, very often in love affairs, work, or money. Prior to inheriting an unexpected fortune, I have known instances where people have dreamed of swarms of bees buzzing around them; and I well recollect, before my engagement, dreaming I saw myriads of bees trying to get in at my bedroom window. It was a beautiful sight, for their wings and the yellow markings of their bodies sparkled and flashed in the rays of a typical dreamland sun….

…Dreaming of being in a beautiful and fertile country, where abound rich fields of grain and running streams of pure water, denotes the very acme of good times is at hand. Wealth will pile in upon you, and you will be able to reign in state in any country. If the country be dry and bare, you will see and hear of troublous times. Famine and sickness will be in the land….

…Dreaming of seeing your fingers soiled or scratched, with the blood exuding, denotes much trouble and suffering. You will despair of making your way through life. To see beautiful hands, with white fingers, denotes that your love will be requited and that you will become renowned for your benevolence. Dreaming that your fingers are cut clean off, you will lose wealth and a legacy by the intervention of enemies….

…(Antelope | Deer | Woman) In a dream, a female gazelle represents a beautiful woman. Capturing a female gazelle in adream means taking advantage of a woman, or it could mean marriage. Throwing a stone at a gazelle in a dream means raping a woman, or committing a sin, or divorcing one’s wife or being violent with her. Hunting a gazelle in a dream means profits. Shooting a gazelle with arrows in a dream means slandering a woman. Slaughtering a gazelle in a dream means deflowering a female servant. If one sees himself turned into a deer in a dream, it means that he lives solely to satisfy his pleasures, lust and sensual desires in this world. If one receives the gift of a gazelle in a dream, it means that he will receive an inheritance and become wealthy. A gazelle in a dream also represents a child. If…

See one means infirmity. Many of them, mortifications. Hear woman without seeing her, change of location. See a brunette, dangerous illness. With long locks means honor and profit. A white one represents deliverance. A pregnant one symbolizes agreeable news. See woman with a beautiful figure, signifies joy, satisfaction, and health, when the dreamer is a man. Jealousy, quarrels, scandals, when it is a woman. Hear a woman quarrel, anxiety.

…excreting in a dream, it means spending money with a clear intent of benefiting from it. Seeing the anus of an unknown woman in a dream means material losses, or it could mean difficulties in ac- quiring the necessary money for one’s livelihood. Seeing worms coming from one’s anus means departing from one’s children or loss of one’s children. If a cloth comes out of one’s anus in a dream, it means severing relations with strangers who took advantage of one’s children and abused their rights. Having sexual intercourse with a woman through the anus in a dream means asking for something in the wrong way. If one sees a peacock coming out of his anus in a dream, it means that he will beget a beautiful daughter. If he sees a fish coming out of his anus in a dream, it means that his wife will beget an ugly…

In a dream, geese represent beautiful women, handsome men or money. Honking gees in a dream represent death, drowning, crying or women in mourning. Herding geese in a dream means becoming a leader or presiding over people, earning their respect and becoming wealthy through them. A goose in a dream represents a man under stress. Geese in a dream also represents survivability and control of life in water and on land. Wild geese in a dream represents travels, business, property, moving into a new neighborhood. Geese eggs in a dream represent wealth.

They are an extension of ourselves, so if you dream about long, hard and beautiful nails it portends health, money and love.

…To dream of beautiful flower bouquets usually symbolizes global joy and satisfaction. This meaning may vary depending on the flower’s condition. To dream that you receive one or more bouquets suggests that soon you’ll receive a gift, an important proposition, or have a stroke of luck associated with the lottery or an inheritance. When young people dream this way it usually suggests celebrations and joys. To dream that you receive a bouquet of wilted flowers announces that a friend or family member will suffer a disease. If those flowers have become black, it announces the death of someone very dear. To dream about one or more red rose bouquets usually announces an upcoming marriage; the dreamer, a friend or relative will get married. To dream that you’re putting a rose in the hair of your beloved one may suggest that soon you’ll experience troubles and disappointments….