When a woman dreams of looking at earrings without touching them, it’s a sign for job or an important business in the future (and the more valuable and beautiful, the better). If you dream that you are wearing earrings, it indicates a serious risk of loss of prestige among friends, even if the dreamer doesn’t give reasons for this. This same dream for a married woman announces problems at home, with her husband or family, particularly his husband. For a woman, who dreams of looking at the beautiful earrings of another woman, it indicates that someone close is at risk of falling into several problems, including legal issues that will somehow affect the dreamer. For a woman or a man, who dreams of broken earrings, it indicates that he or she is at risk of falling into trouble, perhaps because of his or her recklessness.

…is desired, because the problems would be greater and impossible to solve. Such a dream implies that tactics should be changed as well as purposes and even reasons, so a general review of the dreamer’s affairs should be made, which usually requires time and patience. Dreaming about several paths that cross, indicates that there is no self-confidence and that will prevent the dreamer from seizing opportunities that are presented. Dreaming one or more paths, sidewalks, roads, etc., indicates upcoming trips. Dreaming of walking and observing one or more unknown paths indicates that the dreamer will soon have to address new issues and time will be lost with certain new actions. Dreaming about a fenced road with beautiful trees and flowers indicates that the dreamer is close to approaching success in what he or she has undertaken. Dreaming of a beautiful path in the company of several people indicates joy and…

(Silk brocade) Wearing a brocaded garment in a dream means attending a pilgrimage. Owning extensive yardage of silk brocade in a dream means piety, presiding over people, a marriage to a beautiful and a noble woman who is worthy of respect. Buying folded yardage of silk fabric in a dream means getting a housemaid. Wearing a silk brocaded garment in a dream means taking a beautiful and a virgin servant for a wife. If people of knowledge or religious leaders wear brocaded garment in a dream, it represents their love for the world, or misleading the people through innovation.

…If one sees a bride on her wedding day, dressed in her beautiful robe, looking beautiful and adorned with flower in a dream, it means wealth in this world. If one sees himself as a bridegroom and could not see his bride or recognize her in the dream, or if she is not named or attributed to him in the dream, it means his death or that he may commit a murder. If one recognizes his bride, looks at her, and if she is named in the dream, it means that he will marry the same woman. If one sees himself getting married in a dream, it means that he will gain power equal to the position of that woman, her role, danger, her family’s status, the meaning of her name, and her beauty. (Also see Star | Wedding)…

…they were your hair suggests problems and difficulties that disturb your mind, but when they occur, they won’t seem as severe as you thought. Dreaming of having beautiful hair, well maintained and groomed, announces next improvements in all your affairs. Dreaming that your hair turns grey in one night, although your face is still young, announces upcoming calamities, pains and several sufferings. When a woman dreams of this, it indicates a serious risk of losing her loved one mainly due to a sudden illness, which may have originated because of the woman’s indiscretions. If you are a young student, and you see gray or brown hair in your dream, either in your own or in another head, it indicates hesitation to choose a career or an occupation. When a woman dreams of comparing a grey hair with a black hair that was taken from her own head, it means that…

…from someone in authority, or that he could become an assistant to a strong man. If a griffin drops something to someone in a dream, it represents a divine blessing that will come at the hand of a ruler. If one sees himself riding a griffin in a dream, it means that he will rise in station and rank. If one hunts or kills a griffin in a dream, it means that he will deceive someone. If he sells a griffin in his dream, it means that he will oppress someone. If he captures it without a trick in his dream, it means that he is a courageous young man. Hugging a griffin in a dream means marrying a beautiful woman. A griffin in a dream also represents a beautiful woman, news from a distant land, distant travels, or idle talk about what is true and what is false….

…drinking fresh and exquisite water is an announcement of the realization of your wishes and desires. Dreaming of drinking from a beautiful waterfall or a beautiful fountain that shoots water, indicates that you will soon receive a big and well deserved reward for your efforts, and you will have good health. When this water appears in some places in hectic streams, it indicates honors, social success, etc., especially when you work in the intellectual sphere. Dreaming of carrying clean water for domestic use indicates that your business will and you will soon reach new goals with success. Dreaming of happy people carrying clean water for domestic suggests that your affairs are on the right path, and you’ll soon have significant gains that will allow you to enjoy trips and other benefits you have been longing for. Dreaming of dirty water, with mud that you suppose is pestilent (and it’s worse…

…a woman when gathered as a bouquet of flowers, while it means a calamity if seen cut and placed inside a flower pot, a vase , or in an inappropriate place. A hyacinth flower in a dream also represents a beautiful woman or blessings, its fragrance represents one’s love for his wife, and its tenderness represents one’s concern and support for his family. Seeing branches of hyacinth spread inside a house in a dream means lauding or commending someone. If one is offered a hyacinth flower but find that it carries no fragrance in the dream, it means an adversity. If one throws a hyacinth flower to another person in a dream, it means that the receiver will experience sorrow at his hand and that their friendship will be hampered. If one sees another person sitting inside a mosque and surrounded with hyacinth in a dream, it means that the…

To dream of fields and pleasant places, shows to a man that lie will marry a discreet, chaste, and beautiful wife; and to women it betokens a loving and prudent husband, by whom she shall have beautiful and prudent children.

Dreaming of your own neck insinuates upcoming difficulties with family and friends because they interfere in the affairs and business of the dreamer. Dreaming about the neck of another person, especially if it is of a beautiful woman, announces family and emotional problems. A young woman who dreams of her own neck being fat and ugly, suggests that the dreamer knows that she is temperamental, which causes problems. A woman who dreams that she was given and put on a beautiful necklace, is the announcement of happy relationships that can lead to marriage, and if she is already married, then it announces a gift from the husband.

The dream in which you see very expensive, big, beautiful and amazing palace signifies your perspective progress that will be appreciated by others. If you are the one who owns this beautiful palace, then it means you will become very rich in very short period of times. The palace that is big, but is old, dirty and neglected, signifies the disappointments one is going to suffer.

…(Beads | Garden | Glass | Pearls | Ribs | Silver | World) A beautiful looking woman in a dream represents a year of comfort, peace and prosperity. A woman in a dream also represents a coffer, one’s store, or his hiding place. A woman in a dream also represents the earth, the world or a graveyard, for one returns to it after that he cames out of it. A woman in a dream also represents a prison, a confidant, a tree, a well, an inkwell, a house, or a partner who shares wealth and pleasure with the husband. Seeing a beautiful woman entering one’s house in a dream means joy and happiness, money that will not last, or the reversal of one’s condition from harsh to amiable. A fat woman in a dream represents a prosperous year. Seeing an unknown woman in a dream has better connotations than…

Dreaming of yourself walking on a rug indicates that everything’s going well and that you’ll soon see the good results. Dreaming of yourself shopping for rugs indicates that prosperity smiles at you, and that you must seize it for it to continue. Dreaming of yourself selling rugs indicates the desire of fun and traveling, but without having to abandon your business. When a woman dreams of beautiful rugs, it may mean that she longs for a good life in a beautiful and comfortable home. Dreaming of a dirty, broken rug indicates the immediate risk of suffering from a chronic disease that will only get worse, particularly a disease of the nervous system. If the dreamer sees himself/herself fixing or cleaning the rug, that’s a sign that a visit to the doctor must be made as soon as possible.

…In a dream, a peacock represents a vain and a strutting person. A peacock in a dream also could represent a beautiful and a wealthy woman, or cheerful looking people. If one sees himself owning apeacock and a pigeon in a dream, it means that he is a pimp. A female peacock in a dream represents a bride, children, or wealth. Owning a peacock in a dream also means wandering, heedlessness, pride, ostentatiousness, backbiting, deceit, lies, confiding into one’s enemy, loss of blessings, experiencing poverty after being rich and tightness after plenitude. Seeing a peacock in a dream also means jewelry, clothing, presidency, a beautiful wife, marriage and good children. Eating the flesh of a peacock in a dream means the death of one’s wife and inheriting her wealth. To hold the radiant rain-bow colored plumules of a peacock in a dream means profits earned earned through a woman….

…Dreaming of a cradle, with a beautiful infant occupying it, portends prosperity and the affections of beautiful children. To rock your own baby in a cradle, denotes the serious illness of one of the family. For a young woman Dreaming of rocking a cradle is portentous of her downfall. She should beware of gossiping….

…Dreaming of oneself during a beautiful sunrise, when the sun starts to come out in the horizon, is a good dream that announces future success, wealth and prosperity. Dreaming of the sun at the zenith implies that we’re really close to the finish line regarding our goals, and that we only need to protect what’s already accomplished. Dreaming of the sun during a beautiful sunset announces prosperity and loose life, provided which we take care of our own behavior. Dreaming that the sun shines through the clouds implies that troubles which are about to come won’t disturb us and we’ll finally be able to solve them. Dreaming of the sun obscured by storming clouds announces serious problems in the immediate future. The sun in dreams implies that you’re a thoughtful person with a clear vision in everything you take on, which will produce success. Besides, dreaming of the sun…

…in doing something for other than God’s pleasure. Buying a new and a beautiful– looking mattress in a dream means marriage to a chaste and a beautiful woman. If the new mattress is torn or damaged in the dream, it means living with an impious woman. Changing the place of one’s bed in a dream means divorce. If one finds himself unable to sleep on his bed in a dream, it means that he cannot have marital relationship with his wife, or perhaps he could be suffering from impotence. If one tears his mattress in pieces in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery. If he sees his mattress placed in front of the city hall in a dream, it means that he may assume an important political appointment. An unknown mattress in an unknown place in a dream means buying, receiving, or inheriting a farmland. A mattress…

…(See Sting) To dream of wasps denotes thrift and abundance, particularly to farmers and those who have fruit-trees. If a girl dreams that she is stung by a mud- wasp, it foretells that she will marry a gentleman who will love her dearly. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 62, 18….

In dreams the eyes are the symbols of your view to word. The eyes that are beautiful and even sparkles, signifies the goodness. The ones that are closed foretells about the reality the dreamer tries to escape. If the eyes are crossed, then it foretells about some misunderstanding between your inner self. You do not find the solution to some problems. If your eyes were injured by someone, then it shows that those people are trying to get the financial goodness from you. It is the same explanation that is given if the eyes were covered with a hood. The dream in which you are wearing the blindfolded, foretells about certain situation that you are trying to avoid facing it. You tend to pretend that nothing is going on around you. The small eyes shows the secrets, but the large ones denotes to friendship, love purity and truth.

Dream of seeing a beautiful face means honor and long life. See the face of an ugly woman means a love intrigue.

When a mythological character appears in our dreams it has the meaning given to it by mythology. To dream Zeus or Jupiter announces fortune in business or employment. Venus predicts a happy love if she is in a good mood, or unhappy love, or even revenge if she is in an angry mood, and so on.

…his robe in the dream it means that he will be appointed as a judge, if he qualifies. If he does not qualify, it means that he will prosper, or that he will grow in piety and become righteous through much devotion, piety, sadness and crying in fear of his Lord and love for Him. Seeing the prophet David (uwbp) in a dream also means deputyship, trials with women, trouble caused by women, or it could mean recitation of the Qur’an or being in a state of constant remembrance of God Almighty, prayers, supererogatory prayers atnight, understanding the meaning of what one reads, repentance from sin, chanting songs of God’s love, returning to God’s path after heedlessness, manufacturing and processing minerals, or it could represent God’s acceptance of one’s repentance. Should one be in such a manufacturing or processing business, it means that great wealth will come to him, or…

Passion or frustrated love. Platonic love.

…Dreaming of loaves of bread, denotes frugality. If they be of cake, the dreamer has cause to rejoice over his good fortune, as love and wealth will wait obsequiously upon you. Broken loaves, bring discontent and bickerings between those who love. To see loaves multiply phenomenally, prognosticates great success. Lovers will be happy in their chosen ones….

…Dreaming of a torquoise,{sic} foretells you are soon to realize some desire which will greatly please your relatives. For a woman to have one stolen, foretells she will meet with crosses in love. If she comes by it dishonestly, she must suffer for yielding to hasty susceptibility in love….

Dream of apple is a symbol of fertility, growth and prosperity. If you eat an apple in a dream it means you’re enjoying life and you will have success in love or at work. On the other hand, according to the Bible means forbidden love, suppressed desires and sweet temptations.

…To dream you are crossing over a bridge, denotes prosperity and success in love; but to dream you are passing under the bridge indicates difficulties in life, both in love and business; if you meet with obstructions, either on or under the bridge, it forebodes illness. To dream a bridge breaks down with you, denotes sudden death….

To have eyebrows and eyelashes thicker and longer than usually people have, means happiness and public esteem, success in love, possible fortune. If the eyebrows fall off, then it means dishonor, betrayal in love matters or total ruin.

…Dreaming of a lock, denotes bewilderment. If the lock works at your command, or efforts, you will discover that some person is working you injury. If you are in love, you will find means to aid you in overcoming a rival | you will also make a prosperous journey. If the lock resists your efforts, you will be derided and scorned in love and perilous voyages will bring to you no benefit. To put a lock upon your fiance’e’s neck and arm, foretells that you are distrustful of her fidelity, but future episodes will disabuse your mind of doubt….

To dream of abuse you are using against someone, represents the pay back time. It means you will have to compensate for what you have done in the past to your family or your friends. You should start to behave the ones you love and show the love you have towards them. If you dream that you have been abused, it means that there is something in your life you should be careful of. Look after yourself, do not trust anyone, as there might be someone who wishes you unhappiness in your life.

Dreaming of using camphor can mean an improvement in your work, or social position; this is generally a good sign. Buying camphor can mean winning a heritage from a distant relative. Camphorated brandy is a sign of constant love or getting married for love.

…Omen of hope and love. If we see it blooming in its own plant the love will be true. If it’s a bunch of these flowers, that announces a minor affair….

…Ropes in dreams, signify perplexities and complications in affairs, and uncertain love making. If you climb one, you will overcome enemies who are working to injure you. To decend{sic} a rope, brings disappointment to your most sanguine moments. If you are tied with them, you are likely to yield to love contrary to your judgment. To break them, signifies your ability to overcome enmity and competition. To tie ropes, or horses, denotes that you will have power to control others as you may wish. To walk a rope, signifies that you will engage in some hazardous speculation, but will surprisingly succeed. To see others walking a rope, you will benefit by the fortunate ventures of others. To jump a rope, foretells that you will startle your associates with a thrilling escapade bordering upon the sensational. To jump rope with children, shows that you are selfish and overbearing | failing…

If you dream about the cracker, then such dream indicates the tendency of yours to look after the others more than yourself. The dream shows that you give lots of love and care to others instead of taking some time for yourself. The dream may be interpreted as the suggestion to start looking after yourself, because you must love not only the others, but yourself too.

The dream in which you see your partner that you love such as your wife or your husband, signifies some cause why you dreamed about it. Make sure you know what is happening in your waking life, therefore you can interpreter your dream better. The dream in which you see some person being your partner, but in reality he is not, means that you like this particular person or wish to see the qualities he has in your partner. The dream may also signify that you wish to be with someone special, especially if you are single. Sometimes people who are in relationships dream about their dreams. If you dream that your ex-boyfriend or husband is your partner again, then it means you are longing for love and affection or simply missed the person you’ve been with for some time.

The swans are seen as the good symbol of youth, love and grace. The one who dreamed of swans will have honorable future fulfilled with love and other positive feelings.

…Dreaming of engaging in combat, you will find yourself seeking to ingratiate your affections into the life and love of some one whom you know to be another’s, and you will run great risks of losing your good reputation in business. It denotes struggles to keep on firm ground. For a young woman Dreaming of seeing combatants, signifies that she will have choice between lovers, both of whom love her and would face death for her….

If you dream of seeing or using the heater in a dream, then such dream indicates the affection, love and comfort you are looking for. Perhaps you are ready to be in stable relationship where you are able to receive the domestic happiness and love from your significant other.

…Red currants announce a faithful and constant love. The white currants mean pure satisfactions of love. The black currants show loving carnal pleasures. If we dream of currants out of the season in which they mature it’s an omen of infidelity….

…The mule is a symbol of slavery in any kind of dream. Therefore, the dreamer subconsciously is considering himself or herself to be a slave due to undergoing situations, tasks or humiliating treatment. If a young woman dreams or riding a white mule, it indicates that marriage is near, but just for benefits and not for actual love. If the woman is already married, it indicates that the husband is achieving a comfortable economic position. When a young woman dreams of a herd of white mules running past her, and worse if they are frightened, it indicates that she will continue to have admirers and propositions of love affairs, but none of serious marriage. When a woman who is engaged to be married dreams of a dead mule, and worse if the mule is black, indicates that the engagement will end and there will be failure in other relationships…