When you dream of yourself being in a hermit, then such dream indicates the loneliness you are suffering. Consider the lifestyle of your waking life and how you are leading your life. Maybe there are things that have changed and you do not feel happy anymore. The misunderstanding from the others could also be the part of your bad existence. The hermit could also show that you put yourself aside from others on purpose. If you do not feel good after dreaming about the hermit, then you should make some changes in your waking life, because the subconscious mind is sending you a message that something is wrong. If you feel good after dreaming about hermit, then such dream shows that you should keep yourself away from others for a while. Maybe this is the time of your life, where you need to be alone.
Dream dictionary: hey stop sending me your rubbish staff dream meanings
…target in a dream, it means that he will reach his goal, or if he wishes to have a child, it means that he will bear a son. An arrow in a dream also represents a messenger, profits, a son, longevity or new clothing. If the arrows are made from reeds in one’s dream, they mean falsehood and prattle. If they have arrowheads in the dream, then they represent a talkative person who if he hits his target, it means that he does what he says. If the arrowhead breaks in the dream, it means that he speaks only to protect himself from others’ arrows. If the arrow is made from gold in the dream, it means that he is sending a message to a woman because of another woman. The arrowhead in a dream represents strength, power or disturbance. The arrows themselves in a dream also mean the fear…
To dream of something being big, means that there is a particular person or situation in your waking life that takes a big part in it. Your mind is sending you a message how important it is to you and what kind of life changing experience it will have on you.
If one sees the ruler or the governor throwing apples at him in a dream, it means that he is sending him his emissaries, and usually such a dream carries glad tidings. (Also see Cast 2 )
When the dreamer sees himself in hallucination while dreaming, then he should look deeper into his subconscious mind and try to understand what kind of message its sending. The hallucination could also signify the feelings you are hiding from those around you. The dream may suggest you to confront your feelings instead of running from them. The hallucination could also imply something you are trying to hide.
When you dream of the address you used to live, this symbolizes your past. Make sure you look at your past and if there were any inaccurate decisions you made, do not hesitate, but learn from them. If you dream of the new address, this is a sign that you have to make new alterations in your life. Maybe the change could be a new job, or new partner, or new lifestyle. If you writing an address on an envelope and sending it, it means that there are more opportunities you need to discover. When you make an important changes in your life, make sure you think twice before you will make the ultimate solution.
…(Message) Sending or receiving a letter in a dream represents a respectable person, a rank, or a word of authority when personally delivered. If one sends a letter addressed to someone known, exhorting him to do good and eschew evil in a dream, it means satisfying one’s needs and fulfilling one’s purpose. If one receives a letter containing glad tidings in a dream, it means appeasing his condition, and calming his fears, whether it is bearing a son, or getting married. If one repulses the messenger or letter carrier in a dream, it means renouncing one’s religion, or dropping one’s profession, or it could mean innovation, or that he maybe murdered. (Also see Book | Papers)…
The dream, in which you saw yourself signing the contract denotes to the preparation for some important decision in your waking life. Perhaps you are ready to take some commitment. Maybe there is a certain person you are ready to grow together or you are going to make an important project that will have magnificent changes in your life. If you saw yourself signing the contract that doesnt make you feel happy or have the gut about doing it wrong, then it means that unconscious mind of yours is sending a signal to think twice before making any commitments to the person or situation.
Dreaming about pain can be a warning sign that your body is sending to you and also a manifestation of the pressure that a situation of daily life is having on you and you do not dare to confront it.
Seeing a package in a dream represents energy, skills or creative feelings. Receiving a package indicates that you will recognize certain sensations or you will acquire new resources. Sending a package suggests that you will plan new projects or businesses.
…Dreaming that you receive a telegram, denotes that you will soon receive tidings of an unpleasant character. Some friend is likely to misrepresent matters which are of much concern to you. To send a telegram is a sign that you will be estranged from some one holding a place near you, or business will disappoint you. If you are the operator sending these messages, you will be affected by them only through the interest of others. To see or be in a telegraph office, foretells unfortunate engagements….
…of Aquarius in a dream means bad time for sending messages or engaging in any enterprise. Seeing the moon in the position of Pisces in a dream is good for contracts and receiving a leadership position. If one sees the sun, the moon and all the planets assembled before him, and together they all produced a radiant and a magnificent light in a dream, it means that one’s words are respected by people in authority. If the stars and the planets have no light in the dream, then they mean a calamity. In a dream, seeing a sun and a moon on one’s right side and the same on his left side, above him, in front of him and behind him means a calamity and a defeat that will force one to retreat or to escape but to no avail. (Also see Astrologer | Crescent | Eclipse | Night)…
Dreaming of receiving a gift indicates upcoming success in the dreamers affairs, business, in sentimental aspects and family relationships. Dreaming of sending a gift suggests that soon the dreamer will have bad luck in relationships or business. When a woman dreams of receiving a luxurious gift from her lover, it means that she wishes to formalize her relationships and marry a rich man.
…If you have a crush on someone in a dream, then such dream indicates the particular problem you are trying to solve or get rid of it. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours is sending the signal to you, which shows how much you are worrying. The dream, in which you have a crush on someone, could also indicate the special feelings you have towards someone in your waking life. Such dreams could also indicate the present status of your feelings towards someone in your life. If you are spending lots of time with this person in your daily life or thinking about him/her either, then dreaming about the crush is very normal, because your feelings are the same while you are sleeping. The dream, in which someone has rejected you and you had a crush on this person, shows your fear of being neglected. If there is someone…
To dream that youve been injured in some way, means that someone or some situation has made you feel very bad. The dream shows that emotionally you are very tired, therefore you feel like being injured. If someone has attacked you in the dream and injured, it means that you are afraid of being hurt. Sometimes the dreams about injury could indicate the health problems we havent noticed we had, but our bodies are sending us the signals. Make sure you check your health.
To dream that you are using the internet means that you are willing to find some answers to your questions. The internet is also a tool to communicate with people all around the world. If you are sending messages through the internet, then it means that you feel the lack of communication. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of email.
To dream that you receive a telegram represents an important message from your subconscious. The reception of a telegram indicates an indirect approach. Sending a telegram in a dream means you will try to find information about a subject without being too direct.
Dreaming of yourself receiving a telegram is an announcement of bad news, or that youll soon receive news that will demand an immediate and effective intervention. Dreaming of yourself sending a telegram is a sign of your own difficulties, that could be an illness or a bad financial streak, for which youll require urgent assistance. Dreaming of yourself in a telegraph office, either as a visitor or as an employee, insinuates that youre in danger of entering complicated and unpleasant matters.
To dream of imitation means that your brain is sending you are signal to be aware of false people you could be surrounded by. You should not trust anyone at this time of your life. If you are the one who imitates, you are not being honest with those who really care about you. Try to be a better person.
The vivid dreams are not very common ones, but usually if the dreamer is dreaming about it, then it means that you should pay the immediate attention to that dream. You should pay attention of what did you see in the dream and what you suppose to do? Try to understand what kind of message it is sending to you?
If you dream that you have lost your purse, then the subconscious mind of yours is sending you a signal that you should be more careful with your finances. The purse that is being stolen warns you to open your eyes, because there is someone in your waking life that is waiting to steal something from you.
…Dreaming of receiving a message, denotes that changes will take place in your affairs. Dreaming of sending a message, denotes that you will be placed in unpleasant situations….
To dream of sending the text messages, denotes to the communication you have with those around you. The message could also foretell about the upcoming love romance.
If you eat the grapes in a dream, then such dream shows your desire to give happiness and joy to others. The grapes are also the symbol of fertility, abundance and rewards. If you are eating the grapes in a dream, then such dream shows the wealthy and happy life you are going to have. If you are picking up the grapes in a dream, then it shows how your dreams and desires are becoming the truth. Because of the hard work you made you are being rewarded and subconscious mind of yours is sending you this message.
…(Candor | Eagle | Enemy | Evil | Imbecile | Thieves) A vulture in a dream represents a stupid, abominable and a lewd person. When seen during a daylight dream, it means a grievous illness. If one sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means sending help to assist someone in difficulty. Capturing a vulture in a dream means a fight or war. A flock of vultures descending upon a town in a dream represent an occupying army with merciless soldiers who will plunder such town. If a sick person sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means the approach of his death. As for a tanner and a potter, or the like craftsmen, seeing a vulture in a dream means profits or benefits. As for physicians or sick people, a vulture in their dream purports evil. In general, vultures in a dream…
The dream in which you feel over-full means that you should stop doing something in your life, because it is too much for you to cope with it.
This dream usually signals the arrival of bad news by an influential person that acts on behalf of a government agency. No need to stop expecting setbacks in the near future.
To dream that some kind of verdict is about to be heard in court, means that you are awaiting for very important news. The verdict could also indicate your fear of being judged because you did something not good. The conscience is being felt. The dream suggests to get over it and if it is needed say sorry for the people you did the damage and this nightmare will stop.
If you see yourself in a convict, then such dream indicates aspects in your waking life that brings limitations. Perhaps you do not feel free in order to achieve the success. Maybe there are some boundaries that dont let you move on. On the other hand, the dream about convict could show the suffering you have about the things you have done. Perhaps you feel ashamed of yourself. The dream suggests you to stop being so harsh on yourself and move on, because the life keeps going on.
Dreaming that you see the fork in the road signifies the necessity to stop and think about some serious question and make the final decision for it, because it will change your life completely, that is way you must think about it a lot with lots of attention. If seeing the fork in the road is very normal to you, then it shows minor problems that arent solved, however this will not make much of the stress.
Dreaming of tranquility indicates that you should stop and reflect about your life.
When you dream that you see an archbishop, it means that you will face lots of difficulties and discomfort while trying to achieve the proper results. Make sure you work hard and do not give up, because if you keep fighting for something you really want, you will be able to get anything you want and none of the barriers you will have will stop you.
When the dreamer sees herself as a boy, when actually is a girl, then the dream symbolizes the masculine aspects of your personality. The most common meaning of this dream foretells that you already met some boy and have feelings for him and/or he left significant impression to you. There are some people in our lives that we find it hard to forget them or stop thinking about them, so this could be a very good example of you wanting to meet that special boy once again. Being all grown up and dreaming of being a boy foretells about the innocent and childish side of yours. However, sometimes being childish is not a bad thing, only if it doesnt make a bad impact into your life. If you take the responsibility and duties youve got to do, the dream stands as a very good omen.
…Dream of laxative suggests that you need to stop doing emotional damage to yourself. It’s time to clean your body out of fear….
If you see that you are trying to walk the tightrope, it means that you are entering a very dangerous situation in your waking life. The subconscious mind of yours is giving you a warning to stop until its too late. If you fell of the tightrope, you will not succeed or you are afraid because of the risks to do something.
If you dream of feeling sick, then such dream suggests to stop being pity about yourself. The dream could also show that you need to start taking care of yourself, because there are wounds that must be healed. To find out more about your dream, please also check the meaning of Illness.
When you see the mildew in a dream, then such dream indicates the discarded emotions you are avoiding to confront. Perhaps you should stop rejecting those issues and sort them out.
A bankrupt is a bad dream; your business is in dangerous position, and without great care you will be forced to stop.
When you dream of the mulberries, then such dream indicates the sickness which will make you stop at doing certain things. Perhaps you will have to recover firstly if you witch to continue at the same project you were working on. If you ate mulberries, then it means you will suffer the failures.
The dream, in which you are bribed, shows the huge affection other people have on you. Probably you are one of those people who let others decide what you want and what you should do, even if you dont want to. The dream suggests you to look after yourself and dont let others to affect you that much. If you were the one who bribed someone, then such dream shows how much you expect from others. Perhaps you should stop giving others the pressure and expect less from them. In the dream in which you tried to bribe the civil servants such as policemen, indicates your dishonesty and desire to go against the law.